Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1926, p. 34

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WILMETTE LIFE September 17, 1926 'NEW BOOKS Here is a fascinating group of new book:.; which should have you.· · attention. Madame Recamier Edotutd Hattiot Translattd by Alys Hallard Boni t1 Liveright :1 vols. $7.50 The classic biography of one of France's most brilliant women. DID YOU KNOWThat 11 Fraternity Row," a book of short stories, tells of life on the ca· mpus of Illinois r That the oumers of a boat with the name, ((Cotton Blossom/' have brought suit for $25,000 damages against the "Woman's Home Com· panioJJ" because Edna Ferber call· ed the show boat by that name in her book which was published serially in this magazine? That Edgar Lee Masters will bring ottl his ne~ dramatic poem, {(Lee," in October f · That the ex-Kaiser of Germa1~y will publish in November an autob.iography of his life up to the year that he ascended to the throne! JR®Wll®W~ @~ Wnllmm®tttt~ ILnlblf~IfJ NEW BOOKS FOR THE VERY LITTLE ONES Short Stories for Short People Aspinwa.l l .Peter Pan Picture Book . . . . . . . . Barr1e Jane Joseph and John . . ... Bergengren Hey 'Diddle Diddle Picture Book Caldecott Poppy Seed Cakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark Mother Goose. Illtts. by Kate G,·ecnaway summer at Cloverfield Farm . . . . Orton Snowland Folk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peary Roly-poly Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P_otter Little Lucia and Her Puppy . . Robmson Arabella and Araminta Stories . . Smith Chicken World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smith FOR THOSE SOMEWHAT OLDER Sto~y of Little Jane and Me .. Blatchford Brothers and Sisters . .. . . . . . . . . . Brown Fri('!nds and Cousins . . . . . . . . . . . Brown. Uncle Zeb and His Friends . . . . . . Frentz Santa Claus on a. Lark . . . . . . . Gladden Jan and Betje .............. . .... llall Shadow Man ............. . ...... Kay Six Little Ducklings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pyle Happy Tales for Story 'l'ime . . . Skim~er Holland Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smtth Story of Pocahontas and Captain . John Smith ...... : . . . . . . . . . Smtt1r History of the Robins . . ...... T,·i~mcr Curly-haired Hen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vtmar BOOKS FOR c;IRLS Abbott Fran('onia Stories A shmmt Marian Frear's Su'mmer Brown Little Miss Phoebe Gay Brown Whistling Rock Campbell Little Great Lady Oobb Anita Cuttino Heart of Lynn Ewing Flatiron for a Farthing Gaines Treasure Flower or Old Japan Hook er Little J!ouse on the Desert Jackson Ramona Knapp Boy and the Baron Knipe Diantha's Quest Knip e Now and Then Molesworth Edmee Pi en on Three Little Millers JMchards Quicksilver Sue Watkins .Jane Lends a Hand Wiggin Summc·r in a Canon Wiggin Summer In a Canyon IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII R N®w Iffi©@Ik~ "LABE:LS"-A. Hamilton Gibbs. (Author of "Soundings.") In Major Gibbs' latest story, "Labels," published this month, he has contributed a plot, strong, interesting, illuminating. It is strong because il has a logical sequence of events, . dealing with the most fundamental problems of post-war psychology. It. is interesting because it is told in the usual clear cut, straightforwarc.4 style of its author. Why it is illuminating can only be learned by careful reading of the book,-its aims, its purpose, its deductions. ·T he scenes of the story are laid in both England and America; its interest centering mostly about two brothers, one a Conscientious 'Objector, the other a captain in the Eng·lish Army arid winner of a "D. S. 0." Woven into the story are many of the deepest passions of life-hatred, despair,, misunderstandings, love, and ultimate happiness. "Labels" has a charm and interest for an ages; but for the thoughtful reader, who concentrates on and ponders over what he reads, it has a value, a fascination, seldom found in hooks of fiction. BE:ssr~ vv. BAt.LARn 11 11 1111 111111111111111111 11 11111111 11111 11 1111 1111111111 East WiAd Amy LoweH Houghton MiHlin $:1.:1 5 Out This Week "Trail Makers of the Middle Border" -Hamlin Garland Here is a book of which every American may well be proud. 1111111111 At the time of her death Amy Lowell left for publication three volumes of poems, this being the second, and containing a group of thirteen poems of New England life and character. "Tampico"-Joseph Hergcsheimer. 111111111 Tampico Joseph Hetgesheimet Knopf "Tin Wedding"-Margaret Leech. An absorbing tale of personal pertinence. S:t.oo 1111111111 Although it is laid in tropical Mexico the story is not of the effect of the tropics · on a man, but of the power of an individual over even the jungle. Hot Saturday Harry Fergusson Knopf S:z.so A girl in a southwestern town devoid of eligible young menthe appearance on the scene of a wealthy young Easterner. You can imagine the situation for yourself. The Red Haired Girl Carolyn Wells Lippincott r · S:t.Ov ~ new "Fleming Stoneu detec- tive story. .. White Water ~tilly "Ann Lee's and Other Stories" "MAsTER oF THE MrcROBE"-Robcrt -Elisabeth Bowen. Excellent Short Stories by an Eng- S erz·ict?. A nw sten· "thriller" in lin e for far lishv.roman. greater- mer;ti on. It has to do primarily 1111111111 with the theme of pursuer and pursued 11 Kindling and Ashes" with its fair . 11lotment of wholesale -Gtorge Barr McCutcheon. murders. Harley Quin. nov el idea that while inclined to be fickle and not ex~ 1111111111 actly an impress ionable· haracter, "Crewe Train"-Rose Macaulay. leaves noth ing to be ~le s ired in advenPublishers consider it an outstanding turou s spirit. even to the point of foolbook. hardines s. A~ mvsterv that is indeed a mystery and not to J ;e read in so litude 1111111111 after the sun ha s gone dmYn. "The Chinese Parrot" 1111111111111111111111111 -Earl Derr Biggers. By the author of "Seven Keys to · "Almo:-;t Pagan .. _ J. D. Berisford. A distinctly English novel dealing Bal'dpate." with the typical family setting and the 1111111111 age-old matrimonial pf'overh of "mar"Sea Fog"- J. S. Fletcher. ry in hast e: repent at leisure ." It A mystery story. reads with as comparative ea:;e as an ·ftllllllll English novel may, and all in all, while anything but · a work of exceptional "The Bad Samaritan"-J~stin Smith. comment, is worth one's reading . The Stan· hour at the \Vilm<:tt c Public Lihrary will be res umed September 25th, at half-pa: t ten o'clock. Although this is intended primarily for children from the fir st grade to th e sixth, older children are very cordiall y invitad to attend, also. · The pr ogram for the morning will be stories, poe ms and music of autumn. 1 ntll lllllllllll llll llllllllllllllllll!lllllllll'llll!l Just Parc:tgraphs Venice i:-- pro\'ing :'O c(lngenial a spot to Orrick J olm:-; , tl1e JHlet. that he ma'v not rt'tttnl to this rc) tttltn· l>tilli'C: Christmas. I lc write:-. "f atn .fini:--hing roman ce here and find it a la·an :n ior \\'ork !" · a 11 11111 11 · -------- Hamlin Garland. \\'h o~c :-;ton oi boYhood on the· ir(lntier ' ("A· ~on the ~fiddle Border") has become American classic. la te h· received deg-ree of Doctor of L ~ tt ers frnm Cniversity of \Visron sin. 111111111 hi.- · oi an the the Robtrt E. Pinkerton .8 Lee $ :1. o o WEST WIND By Crosbie Garatin A stirring tale of love and adventure. STOKES $2.00 Riding a sixteen foot log through the white water of Bad River, Larry Vail shoots into the story. From that time on his career is never free from white waters-hidden rocks treacherous rapids, white wate; in business plots-white water in love. One of Farnot'1 Best N oueZ. The Left Lady Margaret Turnbull Reilly 8 Lee $:1.00 THE HIGH ADVENTURE .By JEFFERY FARNOL A roman tic tale of lusty adventure by the famous author Anzia Yesier ska in · the "'!\atiClnal "MY KEw YoRK"-Mablc Osgood Bnok Rrview" write s an entlm:-;ias tic review of !'Ghettn Gutters" l>:v a young H' right. She says '" Dadd Plotkin , your Not for a long time have we enjoved Jew. poetry is the thing." · · a book of reminiscences as much as- we 111111111 have Mable Osgood Wright's picture Two prize~; are hcin~ offered .: t this of New York in the last half of the tim e : $10.000 h~· "C'o1lc!Je Humor' ' in ninctee1t1th century as she knew it. conjunction with First !\ational Pictures, Inc.. for the short storv or novel best adapted for magazine- and motion picture production, and the Tohn D;~\' Comoanv and the "\Voman's Home Companion" are off Pring $25.000 each to a man and woman for the hcst has 'Written novek · 11111111111111111111111m . James Oliver CUR WOOD e Best Sellers in 8 years THIS YEAR IT IS I llllllllllll l lllllllllllllllllllllllll ll lll lllllllllllil Hamlin Garland was horn at '.\'est \Mtsconsin. and educated at Cedar Valley Srminarv, Osage, IO\";a. HP. ta~~ht school in Tllinois. took up a ~la·m m Dakota. and then mortgaged tt for two hundred dollars. went · to B 0 ston, .an1 began to write stori('s. After wtnnmg r('rognition there he rPturn~d to. the West and mad~ his ~ome m Chtcago, whPre he married a ~u~hter ?f L~rado Taft. tht> sculptor. He now hves tn New York City. Sal~"'m. Emmietta Weston realizes she is a "left lady." . A suddenly inherited fortune . spells freedom I No longer is Emmietta the ugly duckling. Cinderella shall become a princess. How she works out her belated happiness is told by Margaret Turnbull with humor, suspense and the sure skill of a gifted story-teller. fJDe Mr. r.fl~land BLACK BUNTER Hi1 PiNI Historic11t Not~tl of "T h e B r o a d Highway." S 2. o o at all Bookaelletl Price $2.00 Cosmopolitan Book Corporation New York LITrLE, BROWN & CO. Pablilbtn. Boatoa

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