Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1926, p. 30

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W ILM-ETTE LIFE Miss Catherine Smith of Wauwatosa, Wis., '!ho has spent the entire summer with her sister, Mrs. E. A. Claar, of 933 Elmwood avenue, has returned to her home. Dwight Chapman, Jr., 800 Elmwood L~cal Clergy to Attend avenue, traveling abroad, is sailing Rock Rt·ver Conference morrow for Boston, and upon his arrival will go directly to Harvard uni· Methodist clergy of the north shore ver~ity. who .are members of tJ"te Rock 1\.ivet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ conference will attend ~s annual ses····················································· sions to be held in Freeport, Ill.; Sep· tember 28 and 29. Features of the meeting will inc..lude a trip to Galena to visit the Metnodi:;t church which Gen. U. S. Grant att~nd ed, and a journey to the "Garden of One-fourth interest in Heinsen ~ Krolt Inc., operating real Eden" at Baileyville, Ill., where the estate offices in Evanston~ Wilmette~ Winnetk~ and HighRev. Charles K. Carpenter has gatherland Park. · ed one of the greatest bird collections in the United States. For information phone ·-- -- ·- -· Bishop W. 0. Shephe.rd, a iormer member of the conference, now resiJohn M. Bryant, Attorney for Mr. Kroll dent bishop of Portland, Oregon, will preside at the sessions. Bishop Edwin Randolph 4 24 2 H. Hughes of the Chicago area, whose home is in Wilmette, will speak \Vednesday evening, September 29, at a meeting in the interest of Wesley hospital. George W. Dixon, president of the hospital board, will preside. 'September 17, 1926 to- Fire Prevention Week Is Set for October 3 to 9 The week of October 3-9 has been set aside by proclamat~o11 by Governor Small as Fire PreventiOn Week. Several weeks ago Village Trustee ~lar ence E. Drayer suggested to the Vtllage board that special observance of the week be made in the Village. · Fire last year destroyed resources worth $570 000 000 in the United States, reads Gov~rn~r Sma1l's procl_ an~ation. Illinois, he continues, contrtbuted $28,500,000 of that amount. The startling. fact is, he declares, that losses have been increasing each year. The toll in · human lives is approximately 15,000 each year. . . · Suggestions for the effective observance of Fire Prevention Week are given as follows : For Sale-~~-· ············----------------------------------------- WALTHER LEAGUERS MEET Members of .tl1e North Shore zone of the Walther league will meet in Bethlehem Lutheran church, Evanston, Sunday afternoon and evening, September 26. The afternoon will be ·devoted to busines· s discussions while the eve-ning meeting witl be of an inspirational character. ~ . i CLOSING CARD PARTY Wilmette Golf club announces its last card party of the scasolil ·to take place riext Saturday afternoon at the clubhouse. M? and Mrs. ~- S. Dingee and their dau~ter, of Wausau, Wis., ~rrived in \'Vilmette Monday to spend a few days at the home ot.Mrs. ' S. M. Dingee, 926 Lake avenue. , · . : ·· : -o. . for "C:orreCtly CJitted" Shcks ...Little ~nder feet. with easily 'hurt bones and unfonntd arc.he8. Can any effort be too great to insure perfectly formed feet at maturtty? ' The ·'1\._esponsibility ·~ ·-··· Francis Neir .of. Wilmette~ Allason Clark ofh Evan~n. and · Douglas Dav~o~, oi GJen View, New Trier Winfield Taylor, 849 Michigan aveHigh school alLmni·, are leaving Mon- ; nue, is re$uming his .wot~ at Dartda~ ·· l? attend Br<;>wn universit:y. . nio_~ college this yea'r: ··systt>m<~tic' inspt>('tlon of prope rty by proper local officials will control · fire lutzards in any community. Careful inspections should be made during thl~ week and continued throughout the year. "School offi~iais should see that schools rtre safe from fire, that ample t>xits are rrovided and that frequent fire drills are held. " . "Similar· precautions should be taken by those having custody of churches, thea(<>rs· ; hospitals, public halls, hote)s and other · bulldings where fire would jpopardize lives. "Instructiv<> talks and programs should be given t"n schools and before Chambers I){ Comme·r<:.e and civlc organizations. "~~.:W citizen should rid his home of fire ~tds. R1,1bblsh should be clean ed up. ,Flies and heating plants should b e eleanf!d, . out and Tepaired. Defective wiring -~r gas...connacUons should be remedied . "~fl samt> · su_ ggeitions apply to. factnries and plaN'S (}f·"bmdnf'SS. fn addttion, fire extinguishers and otlwr fire prot<>ction equipment should be examined and put in good condition "All should cultivate habits of carefulness in all things where dangt'·r of fin· is involved. "Press and pulpit can help grPatly in carrying out th t> purpose for whkh Fin· Prevention Week Is set asidP. Th t· ir ~o~~era!ion is earnestly invited .·.:_ ,_~w £England ,. . Shelf "7here'sacorrect · CJoster Sho~ far e"Very age ·of the growing child.,. How rela~vely unimportant are "WEARJ) and ~'STYLE' and even r'PRICE'. comnared to the rrCOR:RECT FITTING' of· Chtldren.s Shoes, and yet, in CJostc1 Shoef fo' Chzldren you· get every essenttaJ of a really good s{lt>e at consis.~ently fair _pnc~. · "' ... r . q/!ql 1lanjo Clock8 uChildrtn who grow-up;. in Fo.rte, Shoes art assured of propeTl'J fomzed feet. " ... (~:·.... ) i PP & >._~ ___ '" . . ; H - cob . urn c o~ '. - - .Jewelers and Silversmiths fht l)fak· H.,.,.. O:.t~{p Orrington ~~~~ 1\t Chw~h St.:cet AND .IN . Kf\N. SAS CJT" . . ; t. : : ' ... :· ·. 9~s Mar·~haJi F"i~ld An~ex a~· itding Main Fl~or~ . yv rigley Building .· . . Telephone (both·. ;tores).: Rand~lph 2542 7 Chicago ··

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