WILMETTE LIFE Septembes:_ 17, 1926 - - - - - - - - - - -.....---~----. Our F~tball Boys Will Have Some Nifty Unies Chinese Student Sees Education as Chicago Comes to Evanston ,~ ' ' Several important Chicago Business Houses· ~have recognized the desirability Evanston as a "Shopping Center." of It's now over a year ago since we opened our Evanston Store.and the results have been most gratifying. Evan.stonians and residents in the other North Shore Suburbs have ·sho__wti' that they appreciate the convenience ~f a local store-a store .where ttThe Occasional Gift" can be selected ·from worth while merchandise reasonably priced. Spaulding~·-and Company have long Wilmette's new football team, flying the colors of the recently established Wilmette Athletic association, came in According to Richard M. Sia, for a big boost at the hands of t~e a Chinese student from the Fukien Chamber of Commerce lll(.lllb ershtp Christian university, Foochow, China, Tuesday evening of this week wh~n education and Christianity will do as that organization voted $150 to as.stst much toward settling chaotic condlin financin~ the athletic venture, JUSt tions in his native land ~s any other as it had backed the haseball team civilizing influence. He arrived this this summer. week at Northwestern university and But, the hi~gest thrill came :w hen is desirous of enrolling in the senior David Nelson of the Nelson Laundry class. He met Dean Raymond A. Kent company, arose at the meeting an.d and is now well on the way toward bevolunteered an additional $100 from hts coming a regular student at North· own purse to make sure the boys ap- western. peared in the nattiest uniforms buyable. "I was one oi the sixty-four Tsmg In addition to the Athletic associa- Hwa students who have just come to tion squad . . the Chamber of Commerce· the United States from government has named a committee of three, schools in China," he explained. "Becomprised of Emil Nord. Dr. Charles sides this group, there were . ninetyB. Blake and· Jack Budinger to cof operate with Plavground Director six self-supporting students ~o.m go~Daniel Davis in organizing a football ernm~nt schools als? arn~mg m league with teams repre senting the I Amenca. I have a little capt tal and various grade schools as competitors. the ·first semester at Northwester~ I hope to be able to make my way wtthout working for a living but next Mrs. E. ]. Emmons, mother of Mrs. semester I plan to do some extra work W. W. DeBerard of 802 Elmwood ave- to earn needed money. Many of my nue, left for the East last week to fellow student' have gone on to Bosjoin her daughter, Mrs. K. C. Parrish ton university, to Cornell and other of South America, who has just eastern universities. We are not a entered her children in school in New part, however, of the · Y. M. C. A. York. group that also has just reached this -oMr. and Mrs. George Beaudin and country. "Chinese conditions, as we all know, their son, George, Jr., 726 Elmwood avenue, have returned to their home are not peaceful and much now dein Wilmette after spending a month pends upon · the education of the in Canada. Mrs. Beaudin's sister, masses. I intend to try to do my Mrs. Fred Robertson, left last week share and shall major in psychology for her home in Perth, Canada, after and education at Northwestern and then return to China as a teacher. a visit in Wilmette. With this process of enlightening edu-aStanley Culver of 910 Elmwood ave- cation going on in China, we have high nue and Austin Zimmerman are kav- hopes of some day seeing order esing Wilmette. Mond~y · evening for tablished and our dear country out of 'lper Military academy at Boone- the meshes of civil war and brigandage." ville, Mo. china's Salvation enjoyed an enviable reputation in Jewelry, Silverware, Watches, and other lines ·of merchandise sold by high class jewelry stores and this reputation is just as jealously guarded in Evanston as in Chicago or Paris. So we invite you to this store of ours in E tJanston. You will find the same courtesy, intelligent: sertJice and · reasonablt prices which make it a pleasure to uSbop at Spaulding,s.,, ... .... !' I PRESENTING RITA A Smart One-Strap Featured in PAT.ENT LEATHER BL.t\CK·KID and · BROWN KID At a· surprisingly low price! ·. . ..... ... . ~ ~ .. SPAULDING&Co. t· .... $'10.00 THa ":'Jewelers & ·$ilversmiths 21 Rue de Ia Paix, Paris · 1636 Orrington Ave. Evanston Micbiaan at Van Buren, Chicago fiRCH- ~U~ERVEJl SHOP 630 Church St. INC. Greenleaf 231 ....