Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1926, p. 18

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us WILMETTE LifE September 17, 1926 Promotion Sunday will be observed at the First Congregational church W "fE LTF£. First Lieut. E. L. Young, formerly ·septem · b er 19. Tl1ere Wl"11 b e t 1 ILME'I ' · · B. A le gra d - : Edttor . . . ' uri of \Vilmcttc and F"Irst I_.teut. uation ·of the various classes and at J The value of adverttsmg 111 ?0 Schroeder of \Vilmette, were the two the regular 11 o'clock service the! north shore papers fully proved It self ~Hicers of the 317th Ca,~alry. to qualif) Church school and congregation will on Sunday ancl ~Ionday, September 5 as ."expert pistol shot, ':htch IS th~ be addressed by Miss Esther Dunshee, and 6. highest' rating ohtainable 111 thG U. S general superintendent of the school. As vou recall I purchased a full page . Armv for proficiency with the regula . Formal installation o.f new teachers ad ineach of your publications announc- tion -Colt automatic 45 pistol. B. COPLAN, Prop. and school officers wtll be conducted ing the reopening of Ye Oleic. HayI icutenant Young made the highe!st 1126 Central Avenue by Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd and the Rev. lofte. "fo tht's I attribute our domg the ' · · t f 90 3 k · · f f pcrccn tage 111 t 1 le regtmen o .. Phone Wil. 2403 William E. McCormac , numsters 0 large st busjness _in food since the Lo. t and Schroeder was a close second .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. the church. has been 111 extstcnce. Although \\C \\' hen finng the bobbing target s, 011 had a complete supply of lood 011 hand, Young made fifteen hits and Schroeder we v;ere sold out at 7 o·clock on Sun- fourteen out of a possible fifteen . In dav, and wr.re compelled to turn away rapid fire at fifteen yarck where fiv e between 100 and 150 patrons. shots arc fired in eleven seconds. Aft<>r re stoc king again for ~[onclay. Schroeder made two scores of fortyit was again necessary to close our nine out of fifty. or an average of 9R doors for lack of food at 7 · o'clock. per cent \\'hich was the hest score at having fed over 1.000 people on each that range. Both officer~ arc graduatl's dav.. of the Cnivcrsity of Tllinois;. you can find space in your valuT~ 1 c J17th Cavalry Rc.t.dment i..; part able column s of this \reck's issue, T nf the o5th Cn·;dn· division of the Orwould deem it a great favor if you ganized Resenc Corps .. and ha s j_ust would apologize tn your readers for heen rclieYeci from acttH' dut~· alter our inahilit,- tu take cart.: of all of it s annual fifteen da~· c;unp at Fort them. Sheridan . The Reg-iment is made up As the onh- announcing of my open- almost cntireh· of Conk county men ing r did was through the press it only and is und er .COtlllllancl of Col. T. A. goes to sho" - the pO\\·er of new spaper Siqueland. ad \·c rtisin g. \\'ith all good wishes believe me \·cr y truh· vour~. To Give Recital in - Frint Ge.orgc Memory of Beethoven I , · I Jersey Dresses $9.75· to $16'.75 P arty D res s e s 75 d U $ 16.. an p UN.JQUE STYJ.E SHOP I Con~:!:n;:~:tion Day II PUBLIC FORUM I · I :! Wilmette A.rmy M~n Given Htgh Rattng in Target Contest l l If This Woman has turned .her. b ·ack on: "W · as hd ay " -now she enjoys a new day a ' week 'I . . ·. I · I I i \\"alter ~pry. of the Columbia ~chool of ~I u ir. stands in the front rank ni Chicago pian ists and piano i11strurtor--. For sen ral years a rr~icll:nt oi F,\'all-.ton, his annual appearances in recital..; arc looked for\\'ard to hy the mu.;iral -opublic with pleasure . Dr. and Mrs. George F. Eisenbrat1d, Among the program Ill' " ·ill gi\·e thi., 2537Yi Prairie aYCnue, EYanston, have season is one dc\·oted <.·ntirl'ly tn thl' gone on a week's motor trip through works (lf Bcethnn~n. "· ho~e centennial northern \i'/isconsin. will he ce lebrate d the world O\'er. and ~rr~. F. T. Xt'\\'l'\. and their daughters, -13() Lak~ :1.\'L'lltl~·. returned to their home l a~t w-eek aiter a month's trip to California. The-y \\'Cnt hy " ·ay oi British (..\)lttmbia. l. akl.! Louise and \ .a llCOtl\'Cr. ~fr. --------- In the hours that she formerly spent in overseeing the laundry, she is· now free for an occasional ga·me of golf- a bridge party- or a theatre party. And she is glad that she can enjoy these pleasures, and thankful that we can give her more time for pleasanter duties. A few words on the telephone or to Bill the Washington Laundry Man, and "Washday" would be removed from your calendar-your mind- and your home. Summer Prices Prevail! An Extension for Those Just Home from Vacation \ Ve arc continuing our Summer Sale Prices for a while longer. in order to allow those just hom e from vacations a chance to know Okean Values. The smartest of style s-t he finest of pelts. Let Us Estimate Remodeling Perhaps all your old coat need s is a little · skillful matchin g of ski ns. a glazing, cleaning or relining to he perfectly like ne\\'. Let us estimate your remodelin g at no cost to you. o· CALL IN BILL TODAYHE'S IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY-AND EVERY DAY Or Take Your Old Fur in Trade Another good way to make the old fur coat worth something is to bring it here. \Ve will take it in trade, as a part of .the cost. on a new coat. Fire and Burglar Proof Vault To better protect fur~ entrusted with us, we have installed a large FIRE, BURGLAR and MOTH PROOF Vault. Free storage on all remodeling orders. Furs stored and insured at 3%. 20% Dircount on work brought .in and called for We Have a Special Department . /or Regular Ladies' Tailoring OKEAN FURRIERS Established Since I 9I I 561 Lineoln Avenue, Winnetka Phone ~inaetka 2152.

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