Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1926, p. 16

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IS WILMETTE LIFE September 17, 1926 St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenue, Wilmette. ·Herman W. Meyer, M. A. pastor. 406 Prairie avenue, Telephone 1396. Church telephone 3111. 16th Sunday after Trinity. 9 :30 a. m. Sunday school cla~ses. I SERVICES and Bible RALLY DAY IN THE SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 : 45 a. m. 'First service and sermon. 11 a. m. Second service and sermon. "What the Church owes the Child." l\IEETINGS Friday, SeptembE:r 17: Junior Walther league. the Time to Plant Peonies Now .The peony is the flower of the north. Here on our own north shore are found the ideal soil and climatic conditions that produce peonies in their greatest glory. You yourselves can have a glorious garden of the · IS Sunday, September 19, is RALLY DAY IN THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. There will be a special service at Sunday school in which all those who have been members during the past year are expected to t~ke part. Now is the time to enroll new pu- I Our Sunday school and morning church service have been continued regularly throughout the summer with fine attendance. W"e are, however, anticipating the after-vacation attendance to be much larger. . Our complete schedule of Sun, The North Shore Zone of the 'Walther day and week day activities will be r eleague meets Sunday afternoon and evening, September 26, at the parish house sumt.·d this week. of Bethlehem Lutheran church at EvThe present daY sltuauon In our bu sianston. The ·afternoon will be given over, as usual to the discussion of busi- ness, social and religious life Is a chalness matters, and in the evening there lenge to every thinkin~ man and woman. will be an inspirational meeting. T~ere Some ' t)eople arf· guessmg as to the outwill also be a trip to the nf'wly acqmred <'ome in thC' next few years. Of course Walther Jeague Hospital, 202!) Ridge ave- thf're is a wi(Je difff'rence of opinion. ·what do you think? Dr. 1\IagiJJ's _se rm~n nue, Evanston. subjN't for n<·xt ~unday 1110rnmg 1s Classes for the Christian education of "~fC'eting tlw Present Day Challenge." children will be formally open eo at St. The mu!'lical program for the 11 o'C'Io<'k John's on Friday afternoon, October 1, . at 4 oc'lock, and will be given ewry <'hur<"h s(·r\'ire next Sunday is as folMonday and Friday afternoon thereaftt>r lows: . ,, during the course of the school year Any Org-an Preludt'-"Tntermt-zzo (suite for organ) . . . . . . . . . . . . Rogen; child 7 years of age or above mn)· t-nAnthf'm- "Sl·nd Out Thy Light" . Gounod roll. There is tuition charge. Antlwm- "f'hristjan, tht-- :\Torn Br<>aks Sw~->(·tly 0'~->r Thf-e" . : . ....... SlH.'ll(·y Organ Offl·rtory-"Tlw Tiir<l's Song-' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soderbf'rg Dt~~ · t-"Co n:-;idt · r tlH· Lilies" ...... Topliff ~rrs . nannon and ~rr. ~fillH Org-an Pn!'tlude-"Fanfart," ...... Duboi!'l )fnh!'ll{' Ht·aJ)!', soprano: Ro~f' Lutig<·r Gannon, rontralto: Jnhn U. )fill~r, TPn; or: C'lwstt·r Lnwrt·n('t'. b:.tss: l<.rma L. Rounds, org·a nist and director. plls for the classes. Parents are urged to send their children the coming Sunday they may be duly enrolled. There will also be a special service a~ 11 o'clock to which all parents are parttcularly invited. Presbyterian Church as World's Finest Varieties They will make your June gardt:n a spot to be proud of-a riot of color ranging from delicate shell pink to rich, dark reds-a range of chojce in shapes and form-singles, J aps, semidoubles and doubles. Choose your garden wisely. A careful selection from our Master List will furnish blooms from early through to late season-or rely on our judgment and experience and purchase Quality Groups. Here's one that will do especially . well in north shore gardens. Everyone will grow into a prize winner for you. North Shore Special Quality Group Our sorial :·ncl n ·crt·ntionnl ncti\·iti Ps for the fa 11 n nd wint t--r \Vi II bt> und<·r t hf> supen·h;ion of Kf·nn C'OY Dodd~>', r('cently of Dl·n\·P r, Colo. )lr. Dorlds was f or some tim(' assistant to tht· a thl <>tic eonch at Df·nYer uniw·rsity and also supen·lsor of playg-rounds in om· of thl' distrirtfl '.·f th e riYi<' playground plan of D(·nYrr. '\\ e ('onsidE-r our~-;e1V£'S Yt.>rY fortunate In securing this young man as director f_lf our social and r eer t-at ional work thls coming year. Hf> is an (·X JlPri f' nced and trained ~coutmastE-r and has already started thf' work with our boys. Beginning this Friday afternoon at 3 :30 o'<'lo<'k he will dewlop an organlz~tl~~ rall(·d "Th<> Boy Rane-E'r!:l of Amenca, an organization similar to the Scouts but for boys from 9 to 12 years in age, or un der Scout age. Each Thursday and Friday nights he will ha\'e other programs for older bOY!'l and girls. 'I'uesrlay nights will be for th P nwn and olMr boys, bowlIng and bask<·tball t eams ar<> being organized. 11le Lucky Seven all Prize Winnen 9.8 KELWAY'S GLORIOUS 9.1 Mid Season White .......... $20.00 FRANCES WILLARD Late White . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. 2.50 8.9 PLEAS' JUBILEE Early White .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. 6.00 9.0 LA FRANCE I ..ate Dark Pink .. . .. .. .. .. . 7.00 8.8 PHOEBE CAREY Late Light Pink .. .. .. .. . .. . . 7.50 8.8 RICHARD CARVEL Early Red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . 5.00 8.2 MAD. GAUDICHAU Mid Season Red . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 $56.00 Fall Modes in Velvet, Felt and Satin All the versatility one could wish for, from small collapsible shapes in berets and turbans to mushroom and sailor shapes with wide and narrow brims. The large hat continues its popularity in velvet, . moire and felt, simplv trimmed. All have high crowns, drapes and vivid colorings, all are the last word in mil· linery charm and correctness. Th(' Presbytc·ri:l n church is locatE>d at the corner of Xinth strePt and f:rN·nl<>af aYC'nut'. Sunday school at 9 :30 a. m. Church S(lr \'i<'e at 11 a. m. A corrlla I W( · ) comt- is Pxt<,nded to all. Congregational Church )finist(·rs: Rt (·plwn .A. Lloyd " 'i lli am E . -:\fc·('ormack The· fac·ultr CJf tlw Chun·h S<"hool will hnld th(·ir ftrf;t mHting- of thC' )'<'ar thiS Friday nig-ht at 8 o'('}f)('k. A r<'<'f'tHion will bf· lwld fc,r the n!:'w teaclwrs anfl officprf; and in honor of )fr. anfl '!\fr~. H. K. 'Yt-'hl who h::tYf' mo\'Nl t0 \Vinn<·tkn . A program has bPen plannPd by )frs. 0. L. nnck, and refrPshnwnts will be SE'l'\'Hl. On Saturrlay (·\'enine at 7 o'(')O('k tlw Junior choir ;\'ill gathf'l' at tlw ehurdt for a Thin Dime party and r ('h f'a rsal. E~ch d t->n~ rt m~'nt of thP C'hur<'h s(·honl will 011en it!l s ... n·ic{·s r>t 11) o'rlnck Runday morning- with a spl-'rial nrogram. ·Special Price $40.00 To be ·limited to 50 collections. Orders must be received previous to October 9th. Northbrook Peonies are grown under scientific cultivation. Here in your own neighborhood you have one of the finest peony gardens to be tound any place-five miles west of Glencce on the Dundee Road. Drive out and choose your own roots. If you would rather have the roots delivered to you we can mail them by parcel post prepaid. Choose your spring garden now. Send for YQ.Ur copy of The Master List, America's Blue Book of Fine Peonies. R.o~-~D?ers·'s Davis Street Down Town · Evanston velour in a high crowned shape has a natrow brim and a grosgrain ribbon band. satin fashions the This ~nmhv mornin<r is Promotion day. Tt is estlf'£'ia11y gf't asidC' to celf'brat<> thf' promntion of th<> hnys ::tnd g-irls from onf' (')ass to anothf'r. and thE> sf'n·ir ~> i~ h Pld at th r- r f'g-U lflr "10rnlng- wor!"hip nerio(l . ::lt 11 o'dM·k. Th~> gr::lclttatP~ nf thP difff>rent (}Ppartnwnt~ will lw nrf'l'if'ntf'rl with flinlom::e~ nnrl :\fic::s F.~th~"r Dunshee . gt'ner::el sunr·rint<>ndPnt of thP f'hnrC'11 S('hool, will rodf'lrPc::R th f' gr.,dU'1tPo; hriefly. An imprf'ss i\'e pRrt of this Rf'rvke lR the inRtalhtion of Hw t~>::echPrs ::lnd offkPrfl by :\Tr. Lloyd and :\Ir. McCormack. On Tuf'sda v a fternr>on th~> N ('iJrh horhoorl clrclf' will mPf't ::lt thf' ho·ne of )Ire::. L. M. DrakP, 93~ Lak~> avP·Ht". f"r ::tn afternoon of s<>win~. )lr~. R T.. Schf'idenhelm, rhairman. llrg"C'!'l ev~>ryonf' to come at 1 :30 o'clOC'l{ in ord"r thnt tl)('re m:.ly be a long aftf'rnoon in which to work. RooRevelt troop ~o. 2 mef'tR Tuf'sday evening at 7 :l fi T>. m., at headouarters. Dr. Charles B. Blake, scoutmaster. on the firRt rehearRal of the year which will be held in the form of a party. 'rhc> Yonn~ Pf>onle'R C'hoir mef'ts Thur~day f'Vf"ling- :>t 7:15 o'clock for draped c r o w n of the large hat above with the wide brim of velvet. Northbrook Gardens Box J. G. Gleacoe, Ill. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MuQ&W~~~l~OLakeaftnu~ Thtu modth will be ·hown in th· Anncud Fall Styl· Show Saturday at J:oo P.M. and 7:45 P.M. . I Mrs. I. L. Baker has returned to her ~orne in Lawrence, Kan., after spendmg the summer with her daughter,

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