~================================================~, . -------------------------1 LEGION SAYS THANKS What the PattY Shoppe Meatis to the ·Housewife A high grade bakery where everything good for the table can be sec~red. P. ]. Huerter Post of the American Legion has requested WILM~TT~ LIF~ to express its appreciation of the co-operation of the villagers in contributing to the great success of Old Settlers' Day, observed under direction of the post on Labor Day. The Cozy Corner circle of the First Presbyterian church ";ill hold an allday meeting Thursday, September 16. Mrs. A. E. Klunder and her associate s desire to make this first meeting at the church · a real home-coming after the vacation season, and ask that every member makes a special effort to at. tend. Mrs. Warren Darst will have charge of the luncheon . Sufficient sewing will be provided, it is announced. Mrs. W. N. Waidner, 1046 Greenwood avenue, entertained a few of the boys, camp workers at the Wilmette camp, at dinner at her home Tuesday evening: Chandler's Book Store at Fountain Square, Evanstqn, Enlarges Quarters Distinction and beauty characterize the new addition to Chandler's st<;>re at Fountain Square, Ev~nstot~, whtch was opened to the pu))ltc thts week. The new quarters whtch add nearlv 1,600 square feet to .the floor space of this already commodH;>Us store, are OCcupied by the book, gtft and stationery departments. l\o expens e h:1s been spared to make the new room a ce!lter <;>f beal:ltv. The entire interior ts fimshed. m i~orv tone enamel " ·ith walnut tnmmings. The floor is constructed of moulstone, adding much to the attractivene ss of the room .. Entrancr to the addition can he made from Sherman aYenue where three large sho"· ,,·indows, containing pleasing displays, attract the attention of thr passers-by. The book department which was formerlv located in another ro om of thf' store now occupies a much larger ancl better lighted quarters in the new adclition . Books of poetry, drama. travel and fiction mav all h.c found on tl1e nttmero.us new shelYes that have been installed. Where dainty cookies, cakes and tasty rolls for Iuncheons and dinners are the best. Where you can be assured that the sweet rolls and coffee cakes so desirable for brtakfast are rich in flavor and contain the best of ingredients. Where the manager, Mrs. John Woodhead, takes personal interest in every way to give you dependable service, and is always gl~d to consult with you on special orders. . ...... Special Announcement from the Woman In Charge Mrs. Helen H utchin~:; who se knO\\·ledge of best sellers and books o! qualitv has won her a large followmg on tl;e north shore. has complete <;harge of the department. Book lover s are invited to in spect the \Yide assortment of literature that is contained on the shelve:'. The PATTY SHOPPE opposite Village Theatre 115 3 Wilmette Avenue Phone 57 5 Hinshaw Conservatory Owing to the interest manifested in the Contest for a musical education now being conducted bv the Goodwin Beaut\' Parlors the HINSHAW CONSERVATORY has decided to add two more prizes to the already valuab le first prize, in the way of a second and third ·prizeof a fifty and twenty-five dollar enrollment credit applicable to anv course of Music or Dramatic A~t included in the curriculum of this institution. The only Conservatory of Music in <;hicago conducting a regularly licensed Booking Agency, through which all Students, when competent,. are s·ecured good engagements 111 Church, Concert, Lyceum ' and Chautauqua or the Theatrical Field. Whether or not you win this contest. take ad,,antage of the opportumty open to all Students of talent to become members of our Radio Broadcasting Opera Company. The Hinshaw Artists Bureau is condl!cting rehearsals at the present time for the broadcasting of a complete performance of Opera over WMAQ and \VLS to herrin O~toher 22nd. Local performan~es astde from broadcasting will be given, wherein the Students will he paid for their services. ~s Directors of this big organization for the broadcasting of Opera, we have engaged Mr. Pierre De Reeder, formerly Musical Conductor of the Student Prince Opera Company, and Mr. Charles Jones Stage Director for Henry W. Sav~ , age Productions, of New York and Chicago for many years. Never before in the History of Musical Education has such an opportunity been open to talented music studepts. Orders of one dollar or more delivered free John M. McGill Killed by North Western Flyer I MOTORS SERVICE Incorporaeetl EVER.VTHING AUTOMOBILE ~t!Je SPORTLIGHT The ·Best Funeral · sc n ·icrs \Yill he held SundaY afternoon at 2 o'clock for John y( ~f cG ill, 1425 Hill street. who was instantly killed \\' ednesday afternoon when struck by a Chicago-houncl flyer at the Oakwood aYcnue cross ing of the Chicago and Xorth \\'estern railway. :Mr. ~[cGill, who was 79 Years old and partially deaf, was ·saicf to have passed around the 10\Hred gates. It · was thought that he had seen the approac-hing train hut mi sjudged its speed. Mr . ~f cGill was formerly associated with John V. Farwell and company, hut h a d been retired for about 15 years. H e is surviYcd hy. his ' widow, who is 75 years old; a son. John H. McGill, of 216 Broadway. and a daughter, Mrs. Lyons, of Florida. Following sen·ices at the home of the son, burial v.-ill take place at Memorial Park. NEVER. CLQSED Inside Control SPOTLIGHT LINDEN -CREST Ladies' Tailor & Furrier SPECIALIZING IN &20.oo ,~1 MAIN s · T REET Witmette . ~hone WJlmettebQOot ·1J J.C.S(own ,o Avail Yourlfelf of This Extraordinary Opportunity. Remodeling and Repairing of all garments of either cloth or fur according to the latest styles at moderate prices. PHONE WILMETTE 62 430 Linden Avenue Corner of 5th' St. GOODWIN'S A.B. VanDeusen Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor 1159 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 723