Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1926, p. 44

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·:r44 (Continued from Page 43) FOR RENT-ROOKS WILMETTE LIFE t: HELP W AN'I'ED--FEIIA.LE 1'1 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS September 10, 1926 ·1 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS II'OR RENT NICELy FURNISHED room sUitable for couple. Kftchen PriYlleges If desired. Protestant. Glencoe 916. 4LTN50-ltc FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM with kitchenette: also furnished room for business man or woman. Phone 'Wilmett~ 992-M. 4LT50-ltc FO R RENT-STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT STORE AND SHOPS. Telephone Winnetka 62. 5LTN47-tfc · .. , ·· A..-T ..'l) TO E 0 .",, ~.. .... R NT-GARAGES 'W ANTED TO HENT GARAGE IN vicinity of Chestnut and Tenth St. Tel. '\\rilnwtte · 1822. 6AL50-ltc It HELP \\-ANTED-MALE WANTED V\rHITE, LICENSED chauffeur, living in \Vilmette, to drive car and do chores around the house. F . W. Peterson, 223 17th St., vV'ilmette. 11L50-ltp 1:.= HELP WANTED-FEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATING - IS A DEsirable occupation for young women: the work is permanent, interesting, and near home. Our operators are well paid ; they like their work and associates ; vacations with pay are given (>ach year ; a liberal benefit plan is provided. Come to the Telephone Office and talk it over with the Chief Operator, Wilmette, Ill. 12L50-tfc HELP WANTBD- GIRL, 'VHITE, EXperienced, housework. No objections children. Small house, Hubbard Woods. No laundry. $18.00 a week. Give phone number in reply. Address Wilmette Life B-31. 12LTN50-ltc WANTED 2 APPR~NTICES TO learn millinery and plain sewing. Apply in person to the N. A. Hanna Co., 1168 'Wilmette Ave., Wilmette. 12 - - - - - - - - - - - - LTNSO-ltc - - - - DRESSMAKINGr AND ALTERING DO".'T··' ..... ~ at home. Wilmette 3206. 15LTuO-ltc WANTED - A COMPETENT NURSEmaid for baby 17 months old and boy WORK BY THE DAY. of 5. Swedish or Norwegian preferred. WANTED Winnetka 1920. 15LT~50-ltc Prot. $18.00. Phone Winnetka 1687. 12LT50-1tc 16 ~ITrATION WANTF.D-JIAI,l: AND FEl\IALE HELP WANTED- WHITE GIRL FOR general housework. 2 in family. EXPERIENCED Young, experienced. Best wages. No HELP WANTED couple for housework. No laundry. washing. Phone · w inn. 320. 946 Oak Private family. References. Phone St., Winnetka. 12LTN50-ltc Winn. 2343. 16LTN50-ltc ---~ HELP WANTED COMPETENT -·white girl for general housework. No 17 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS laundry. Small house. Good wages. 548 Orchard lane. Tel. Winn. 680. ANTIQUES 12LTN50-ltc 18TH CENTURY CURLEY :\IAPLE -------------slant top desk, mahogany Empire sec'\rANTE~ REL1ABLE WHITE GIRL retary desk, Sheridan Secretary in or woman for general work. Stay walnut, high 4 post maple bed, original nights. Phone 'VIlrnette 3484. canopy; pair fireside 2 drawer sewing 12LTN50-ltc tables; set of 6 spindle back chairs, arm chairs and several odd and pairs of unusual chairs : large . collection or WANTED EXPERIENCED WHITE rare, colored sandwich glass, hooked nurse for twin boys 3 years old. Referrugs, rosewood Melodian, tilt top and ences required. Mrs. C. B. Ketcham. sewing tables, 6 gate leg cherry dining Kenilworth 1889. 12LTN50-ltc tables. Pewter and Brass. Jenny WANTED - ·YOUNG LADY FOR GENLind and a number of choice beds to eral otftce work. Apply A. W. Zengeler, select from. French, sporting, and fashion prints. 899 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods. Winnetka 144. 12LTN50-ltc 808 WASHINGTON ST. SALE PORCH FURNITURE, FOl~ SALE - ENGLISH BABY BUGGY HELP WANTED- TYPIST FOR OCin fair condition, $5.00. Tel. Wilmette breakfast set, mahogany bedroom se~, casional work in mornings, to take 1925, . 531 Washington St . . velour portieres, army cots, and a varldictation on machine. Phone Winn. · 21LT50-ltc ety of other household goods. Tel Wil1159. 12LT60-ltc mette 1951. 17LTN50-ltp FOR SALE- NEW LAID EGGS WILL WANTED _ EXPERIENCED WHITE be delivered to your door weekly If DARK BROWN WILlaundress, two days a week. Tel. Wil. FOR SALE you will send a card to Paul, Beem's ton velvet runner 18lh feet long, 3 1158. 12LT50-ltp Poultry farm, Zion, Ill. 21LT50-4tp feet wide. Also 11 ft. 3 x 15 ft. rug ·u SITUA 1'ION WANTED-..... ALE in same shade. Price $50.00. Phone .1u Wilmette 2127. 17L50-ltc FOR SALE - MAHOGANY SECTIONal bookcase with desk and 2 drawers. SITUA'l.'ION WTD. BY YOUNG Excel1ent condition. Phone Winnetka white man, chauffeur and gardener. ON 'l'liURSDAY, SEPT. 16TH, THE 1767. 21LTN50-ltc Willing to do housework. Address WilfurnishJngs of the W. P. Little resimette Life B-32. 14LTN50-ltp dence at 932 Forest Ave., Wilmette, will be placed on sale. 17LTN50-2tc FOR SALE - FOUR GRAVE LOT IN :\IE:'morial C'enwtery, Mason's section. SITUATION WTD. _ (COLORED) 1ST class cook and houseman. Best N. S. FOR SALE _ CHIPPENDALE WAL- . Terms. Call. ·wilmette 7G5-W. 21LTN50-1 tp references. Or day work. Tel. Victor'"· nut library table. Very reasonable. " UT'l t 3431 . 17LTN50 - lt P 0452. 14LTN50-ltp n I met e FO.H. SALE GAS RADIANT FIRE heater, fine condition. Large size. Tel. HOUSECLEANING, WINDOW WASH- lS W .\.N1'ED-HOUSEHOLD GOODS Winnetka 2488. 21LTN50-ltc ing, floor wiping, and odd jobs. Tel. Wilmette 3428. 14LTN50-tfc WANTED TO BUY- SECOND HAND }'JX A ~('IAL furniture and other household goods. 2~ SITUATION WTD. - COLORED .M:AN, Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -E'Xperienced cleaner, day or hour work. niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., EY- "'ANTED TO BORRO'V $:5,000 0~ Winn. Ref. Atlantic 02 53. 14LT50-ltp anston, III. Phone Univ. 189. first mortgage from prh·att~ party for 18LTN50-tfc fi\'e years at 6 per cent on my Wil·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - nwtte home, worth $1G,OOO. Addres~ SITUATION WTD. (COLORED) ·wumettr Life B-28. 22LTN50-ltp chauffeur and houseman. Univ. 3308J. WINNETKk FURNITURE STORE 14LTN50-ltc Buy-Sell-Exchange-New-Used LOS'I' AND FOUND Open daily, Tues., Thurs., Sat., 8 p. m. 24 SITUATION WTD. MASON CO~- 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tractor. County Line. Tel. Highland 18LTN50-tf~ LOST -NEAR nRO\'E & LINCOLN I~ Park 899-Y-4. 14LTN50-tfc Glencoe, small brown and whit<> longhaired female, partly fox. Heward. lV ANTED-1\IISCELLANEOUS 19 15 SITUATION WANTED-F'KUALI·! Tel. l:ninrsity 960. C DuprE:'. 24N35-1 tp WANTED TO BUY - MEN'S CLOTHYOUNG MARRIED WOMAN WITH ing and shoes. Also fancy dresses. Pay car would like connection with V\'ilbetter prices than any dealer on the FOl'XD - .ATG. 21), CHILDS SCOOTEn m ette or Evanston Real Estate firm. North . Shore line. Call Kessel, Wilbicycle, apparently stolt· n. Owner may Address ·wilmette Life B-22. mette 62. 19LT~49-4tp haYe same by proving property, and 15L50-ltc paying for ad. Phone 'Vilm(·tte 128 8. _ _ _ _ _ _......;.._________ WANTED TO BUY BOOKS 24L5·0-ltc w· ANTED - BY SWEDISH WOMAN, libraries. Write Minerva Bo.ok Servwashing, ironing, and cleaning by the ice. 5310 University Ave., Chicago, Ill. LOST - HOR::-.IED RIMMED OLAS~I·~~ day. '¥ilmette 2486. 1:lL50-1tp 19LTN50-3tJJ betwct-n· Sheridan road and Fifth and Lake and Central. Reward. Tel. \Vii. SITUATION WTD. COOKING and \VANTED · OLD AUTOMOBILES, 24L50-1to 2395. serving by the hour. Experienced. trucks, and electrics. '.rei. University Phone Winn. 1330. 15LTN50-ltc 1986. 1!JLTN50-2tp LOST - BAR PIN \VITH Jg·w J·~L FLY R eward. Phone 'Vinnetka 2450. 24LTN50-1 tp HlTUATION WTD. EXPERIENCED WANTED TRICYCLE IX GOOD nurse to take care of children. Phone condition, 6 year size. HofE'ld. \Vin'Vinn. 106. 15LTN50-ltc netka 214!\. 1!lLTN50-ltc :!:, CO~TRAC'fORS A~D JOHBEUS A~D FOR ------------· WANTED- YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with general housework. Adults only. Home nights. Apply 518 Greenleaf Ave., Wilmette. 12L60-ltc ,,.ANTED - YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO assist wlth housework. No experience needed. Good home. Wilmette 3561 12L50-ltc WANTED MOTHER'S HELPER, school girl or other. Small family Stay nights. Tel. Glencoe 835. 12LT50-ltc WANTED COMPETENT WHITE girl, general housework. Good cook No laundry. References r(>quired Phone Wilmette 2254. 12LT50-ltc WANTED NEAT COMPETENT white girl; general housework. New home. 3 in family. Call Glencoe 1282 12LTN50-ltc WANTED AN EXPERIENCED waitress · for tea room. Phone Wilmette 553. 12L50-ltc WANTED- WHITE MAID FOR GENeral housework, no ·experience needed Call Glencoe. U31. 12LTN60-ltc HELP WANTED WOMAN FOR cleaning and Ironing. Tuesday and Jl'rfday. Wilmette 1615. 12L50-ltc : 'WANTED A GIRL TO WORK IN grocery store. Apply by mall only 345 Park Ave., Glencoe. 12LTN50-ltc Hff:HEST PRICE PAID FOR ::\lEX'S C.\RPENTER GENERAL CONclothing and shoes. Tel. ·wil. 1351. tractor and repairs; r e modeling a SJ>P 19LTX 45-·Hp cialty. Hugh Taylor, 321 Hamlin St. ~~~~~~~-~~~~~--~~ r;reenleaf 1032. 25L49-4tp !0 AUTOl\IOBILES 2!1 PAIXTTXG AXn DECORATING FOR SALE - CHRYSLER 70 COACH; car used in demonstrating serviee; run only 3,000 miles; in n ew car condition; only two months old; cost nE'w, PAINTER AND DECORATOR $1,600.00, for immediate sale, will Estimates given upon application. sacrifice. Ask for Mr. Good's car. F.\·- 1422 'Yilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 2718 anston Motor Sales, 1840 Ridge Axe., 29L50-tfc Evanston. Wilmette 2277. THEODORE HLOFTA 20LTN50-ltc PAINTER AND DECORATOR FOR SALE - USED DETROIT . ELEC- Specializing In antique work. 2715 S. tric automobile and Rectifier for $300. Central Park Ave. Call Rockwell 3460. The car is in good running order. The 29LTN49-2tp present price for a new car is $3,800 TUTORING and for the Rectifier $380. Car may It be inspected at 205 Chestnut St., 'Vin- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - netka. Phone 27 for appointment. 20LTN50-ltp Corner Greenleaf and Hazel Aves. FOR SALE STUDEBAKER TOURGlencoe. ing car, 5 pass. in good condition, good tires. $125. Call Wilmette 991-R. ·o It Opening its sixth year Monday, Septem201~~ - P ber 13th. --------------------------------------------FOR SALE: FIVE-PASSEXGER BriCK Sedan in good runnin'!' C()ndition: good Kindergarten and Elementary grades !or paint joh; five good tirE's ; baro-ain at boys and girls. 1 -----~-------1-7L_T_N_a_·o_-_ _t c $275. Tel. Wilmette 3086 20L50-tfc Superior and experienced teachers in BOUGHT 4 MONTHS AGO; WORTH FOR SALE - 1924 FORD RUNABOUT. each department. $3,000. Will take $550 for all or will Call Wilmette 2230. 20L50-ltc Morning session (afternoon hours opseparate beautiful furnishings for 4 tional). rm. apt. ; 3-ptece silk mohair parlor 21 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOt:S suite ; 8-plece walnut dining set : 4 piece walnut bedroom set ; two 9x12 LADIES-YOU CAN DO YO'C'R NEW Strong fundamental work required. Wilton rugs ; library table : floor and York shopping in the Famous Monasilk Art, music, nature study, French, dally table lamt>s ; 5-piece breakfast set, and Dresses. Dainty Underwear and the gymnasium work included. silverware. Will take $550.M for all. Dream Figure-mold corselette, not so 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Road heavy as corsette, more control than Bus service, if desired. . Chicago. Tel Sunnyside 6190. Will ordinary corselette, at my home or by arrange for delivery. 17L'.rN47-3tp appointment at your home. Address Mrs. Gertrude P. Amhler SUSAN DICKINSON STONE, Principal FOR SALE - DAVENPORT, LIBRARY 315 Green Bay Road table, and chair, suitable for doctor's Phone Glencoe 934. 21L'rN48-t!c Phone Glencoe 165. office. China cabinet, brass bed with spring and hair mattress. Peco bird FOR SALE - PAIR OF MATED RABIOLTN50-tfc bath, gas stove, with 2 ovens, 2 pairs bits, $5.50, white male, Belgian haired brass andlrons, 1 fire screen, in good female. Also Blue baby buggy, good FRENCH TAUGHT BY PARISIAN, condition. Reasonable. Phone ·wn cond'itlon, $8.50. Tel. Winnetka, 2149. evenings only. B. Borie, 635 Linden mette 286. 17LTN50-ltc 21LTN50-ltc Avenue, Kenilworth, Ill. Tel. 826-RX. 30L50-tfc FOR SALE - RELIABLE GAS STOVE, FOR SALE - FUR JACKET. BROADWllson kitchen cabinet, refrigerator, tail trimmed with Fox, beautifully CHARLES E. SHERROW odd chairs, mah. floor lamp, white en lined. Size 36 or 38. Reasonable. Call Instruction, Piano and Harmony. amel bed, good condition. Cheap Wilmette 364, Miss Nelson. Tel. Wilmette 518. 30LT50-1tp Owner moving. 1531 Spencer Ave 21LTN50-ltc Tel. Wil. 394. 17L50-ltp KENNELS FOR SALE 4 BURNER HIGH FOR SALE--GRAY ENAMEL BREAK stove, $15.00. Tel. Wilmette 928-W. CHOW PUPPIES FOR SALE fast set, $15.00, library table, $5 21LTN50-ltc 2 females $50 each; 1 male $75. Reds. gas stove, telephone table and chair - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Call Wilmette 3347. 32LTN50-ltc kitchen table, dresser, and chairs. Tel FOR SALE- WHITE ENAMEL BABY Glencoe 143. 17.LTN50-1tc bed. Cheap. Tel. Wilmette 3108. 2 lLTSO-ltp FOR SALE BRUNSWICK PHONO Mrs. William A. Durgin of 627 graph, 1 oak rocker and one oak odd O_R_S_A_L_E ___ B_O_O_K_S_O_F __ A_L_L--D-E--~ Forest avetlue returned Monday to her chair. Tel. Wilmette 1513. scription. Telephone Wilmette 1951. home after a six weeks' visit in the 17LTN50-ltc Z1LTN50-ltc East. I l\. P. HILLS · HAWTHORN SCHOOL IF __

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