September 10, 192t> WILMETTE LIFE 1 :a 1 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE G Inclusive whose Rates- names appear in the telephone directory or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a linF- In one Jlaper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. 30 cents a lin~ In an three papers. ~IINUIUltl CHABGE, 60 cents. Av~rage or five words to thP. 1ine. No black face type used: 10% discount on an cush with order advertisements ~vhen brought to our oftlce at 122! Central Au., Wilmette, or 664 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. METTE LIFE or ah three papers ; Thursday 5 p. m. for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS al N f CJasslOed advertisements wm be charged only to ener 0 ICes- residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe BEAU'riFUL HOIVrE · advertisements will be acc~pted Deadl'·ne for Jnsertl·ons- Classified up to Wednesday 5 p. m. for the "\V.IL- J 1 REAL EST A 'I'E 1 RE.'-L EST ..~'l'E FOR S.ALE NEAR GLENBUSINESS VA CANT ~:. E. Stults Realtv Co. coe-Several sn1all tracts 4f.O 'Vinnt-tka BARGAIN ~Winn. 1800 Aw. 1LTN50-ltc of .high, heavjly \vooded 0\VNER vVILL S 1~ L L t ' acres bet\veen Illinois Golf FOR S.AL-.( E OR f{ E ~Nl best business vacant corClub and Sunset Ridge 'vE HAVE FIVE HOUSES, ALL WELLncr, approxitnately 135x located, r ent $85.00 to $175.00 per Country Club, 100 foot month ; salf' nrice $12,000 to $22,000. 125 111 old established S. h ow any time. road bejng o p e n e d. suburb East of tracks Other itnprovetnents as~ orth S h o r e, opposite Tel. Wil. 225 sured. Priced fron1 $2~000 121:1 \\.ilmette An. North,\·estern R. R. station 1LTN50-ltc to $2,900 per acre. "l'racts on Sheridan Road. Suitrange fi·on1 3 to 28 acres. ~\ B.ARGAIN able for bank, general ,.,.TRY A RAEMER OWXER HAS LEFT VILLAGE AND HE .. \ .. · l ~ \. I offers r eally fine 8 rm. bri ck home in store. or real estate office, II ohlfelcler I .o~< ane Glencoe X '\\' . 'Vinn.: 4 bedrms., 2 bath~, extra 7 1 laY., slet·p. rm., sun rm., lge. ltv. rm ., etc. Positively first choice "fe1 Glencoe 860 1 fireplace, ~ooded rot 85xl7~. 11 eat ed · I for garage. Pnce rt>duced to $23,;;00. Open l> u s i n e s s I o c a t i o n 1LTN50-ltc inspect ion Sunday p. m. !185 Vine 1LTN50-1tc 111 t0\\'11. Price $48,000. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - St. Phone '\Vinn. 1801 Plain 'J'a1ks to \\T ihnet.te , - - - - - - - - - - - - t)ne-third cash balance, 1IX E:\S'f \VILl\tiE'r'rE ~eighbors ROOl\1 STUCCO; 2 BATHS; 2 E~ 2-3 years. 0\Yner P. 0. " · h at, of importance, is taking place in 8 closed pchs. ; water ht.; garage; 50 the Yillageft. woodf'd lot; (·om·eniPnt to ~:whool anJ T1ox 501, I~cnilvvorth, Il- .Just thi s- A df'Yf'lopmE'nt .of territory transp. $19,500. Terms. kn own as "Pin('crest" ~ uhdivisi o n ln i ois. 'Vilm rt t f', <'nmprising 20 a~rPs, di\'ided F. Colen1an Burroug-hs 1LT~50-ltp IN EAST KENILWORTH, BRICK Dutch Col. design with 4 master bedrooms, 2 baths, maids rm. and bath on 1st floor, very large liv. rm., open por. att. gar., beautiful trees on lot 100x175. Open for inspection, 306 WANTED FROM OWNER EVANSTON or North Shore, October 1st possession. Cumberland Ave., or call · modern 6 or 7 room home or bungalow. Stults Realty Co. Prefer 2 baths. Not over $25,000. Can pay cash. Address Winnetka Talk OWNERS AGTS. B-27. 1LTN50-ltc 4GO \Yinnetka Ave. Winn. 1800 1LTN50-ltc FOR SALE - NEW BRICK HOME IN Glen Oak Acres, 2-car, garage. Bargain. Phone Wilmette 1582. 1L50-1tc ,\.lXX. HEIGHTS LOT 75x187 AT $125 per foot. Bf'autifully wooded Jot 1 00x200 on priv- FOR SALE - 7 RM. STUCCO, 1 YEAR old, H. V't-. ht., 2-car garage. Terms. ate East Glencoe St., 3 blks. to sta., 1 Phone Wilmette 765-J. 1L50-tfc blk. to lake. $12,500. East 'Vinn. lot 53x137-a really fine lo2 F.OR RENT-HOUSES cation, $7,950. FOR SALE RESIDENCE, 7 RMS.. h. w. heat; 4-car garage; lot 100x166; shrubs, · elm, maple, fruit trees ; 1 blk. Briergate club; 2 blocks (lepot .. $11,000. Phone Deerfield 115-M. Hindahl. 1LTN48-3tp E. E. FOR RENT -- FURN. HOUSE, OCT. 1 Apr. or May. 4 bedrms.; bath; 2 liv rms. ; din. rm. and kitchen ; oil burner· large yard. 731 1 Tenth St., Tel. Wll 992-J. 2LTN 49-2tp FOR RENT - UNFURNISHED 12-RM house in Winnetka, 3 baths, 2 lav.; H W. Heat. 2 blocks froi'J}. station. 2 car garage. Tel. Winn. 276.5. 2LTN50-tfc FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURN ished modern 6-room house. Rent '$135 per month. Immediate possession to May 1. Phone Wilmette 3792 morn 2LT50-ltc . ings. FOR RENT 5 ROOM BUNGALOW Sun porch, sleeping porch, open porch. Big rooms. Tel. Winn. 1472. 937 Spruce street, Winn. 2LTN50-ltc FOR RENT G ROOM STUCCO house 2 porches, 2-car garage. $135 per month. Phone Wilmette 1582. 2L50-ltc 3 - - - - - - - = - -- FOR RENT~APARTMENTS FOR RENT MODERN 4 ROOM apartment, near transportation. H. W. h'at. Also garage. 353 Adams street, Glencoe. 3LTN50-ltc \\rill Y ott Listen to Reason? ])(I YOl· RP.LTJ<~\T~ SEEIXI: IS BEliP\·ing-? ~orth ShorP propPrty is going to r epC'at what it hal' done in the past, -:!\fAKE DOLLARS. ~omC' out and RC'!· for yours<'lf this Sunday at NORTHBROOK HEIGHTS. We are opening a tract with one-half and thrc> -quarter acre lot~ . Prices far below actual value, Full-grown, high trt>es, woods, golf course, rapid tran~ portation, schools, and a H(·alth-'\Vater Spring m·er one hundred and fifty fe et clt ·~·Jl, :tllll g·in·s f'l(·:u. <'Old. h ealthful wat e r a 11 the YN\r round, and located right in the village limits, not miles out in th e <'Otmtry. No big advertising campaign to pay for. ·we want to Sf>ll this property and have priced it ~o you <'an compare it with any property on thC' North Shore for invPstment and home sites. Driv' out this ~unday and he convinced. This is a r-hanc<> you have long looked and hoped for. At ~OR1'HBROOK turn right off Waukegan roa~ on Shf'rmer avt~nuc, drive east two blocks ; or Dundef' road and turn at Illinois Golf grounds on Dundee road toward \\~aukegan road on Shermer a venue. Paul Schroeder & Co. 407 Linden Ave. '\Vilmette 698 1L'l.'N50-ltc BUSINESS WI1'H ACRES ~-\PPROXIM~L\ TELY TWO Thousand Business Frontage, cor. Waukegan and County Line road, total 20 acres. i\ pick-up at one hundred· thousand dollars, 1/ 3 cash hal. 1, 2, 3, years. 1' h e business frontage alone \vorth the price. Call o~rner-I(enilworth 1251. 1L.TN50-ltp MODERN 5 ROOM HOUSE FOR ·RENT, furnished or unfurn·ish'd, for six months. Call between 6 and 7 in the evening. 1449 Wilmette Ave., Tel. ·wnmette 2::>67. 1L50-ltp FOR RENT 3 ROOM APARTM~NT into honws it E> lots 50xl32 feet, under .. 1157 Wilmette Ave. over garage; H. W. heat. 555 Sher1dan PhonE> \\Til. 640 gr11und improYt-ment~ to ht! in place road. Tel. '\Vinnetka 1308. 1LTNf.i0-ltc 3LTN50-ltc this fall. \Vhat then happensAt present pri cf's an opportunity to CENTRA T.. HOTEL - LIGHT OUTSIDE For Sale-t room house with ~-car 1mrchasc> tlwsr lots, which obviously rooms for transients and residents. 629 guragt>. terms. will incrE>ase in value, hc>nce the think"I·,in street. Phone Wilmette 1080. ·'" 4LT50-tfc ing fc>llow for an in\'C'stm<·nt. An op1st and 2nd Mortgages portunity for thE' ownership of a home~it<> comparable with any of the North 1 FOR RENT - 4 ROOM APARTMENT, Charles Bretho.ld Shore propPrti C's now b e ing offer ed. It heated, in-a-dor bed. 625 11th street. INSURANCE Phone Wilmette 2399. 3L50tfc is history that few realize "OpportunTel. 65 545 l\ St.. Wilmette ity," and that many acknowledge what 1L50-tf·.: ! 4 FOR RENT-ROOMS could have been done and profited. This property is now offerNl for your FOR RENT- LARGE COMroRTABLE insprction and selection. Phone Wilfront room, lav. in closet, 4 windows, mPtt(· 333G for appointment. FOR SA.LE couch, writing desk. Best location, 11..50-ltc SPLF.XDID 10 R!\I. STCCCO IN N. E. convenient to "L" and North Shore. ----------------\\·inn ., 5 bedrms., 3 baths, sleep pch., Private family. Tel. 721-M. \"'OUR OPPORTUNT'rY large open pch., extra lav., bkfs. rm ., 4L50-ltc · , butl<>rs J)antry, oil h'at, 2-car garage, A REAl TIFT L EAST SIDE HO!\TE lot -5x187 large oaks imme diate pos wi~h la~ge w f' ll_lan<lscaped !ot at a ~arpric~ · re d~ce d to $30,000. \Vinnetk~ FOR RENT- FRON:r CORNER ROO.M, newly decorated, adJacent to bath, wtth g-am prH". Th1s should smt a parttcu1 LTN50-ltc 1802 tar homf:'sePk er. _ _ instant hot watf'r. Conv. to all transp. Also. sevf'ral Jow~pricer~l home~ in choi<" , FOR SA.Lh _ 82 5 LAKE AVE., WILand business. Phene Wit. 204. neighborhoods m \'\ tlm'tte and North m ette, 8 rm. mod. brick frame, large 1 4L50-1tp Evanston. . . porches, newly dec., 2-car gar., fruit Lt>t u:s J?rest=>~t for Y?Ur mspcctwn seyand berry orchard, 107%x213, mam- LARGE ROOM NEWLY DECORATED Hal DJ<'t? Pi f'ces of mcome _property I_D moth oaks and elms. Sell house with for two gentlemen or employed couple, Evanston and the north Sidf' of Chiall or J)art of lot. Cream of N. Shore dinners optional. Garage. Tel. Wil?119!1 4L49-tfc 1 cago. for .beaut~.. location, value. . Ow~er 1 _m_e _t.... te __ ~_ _·------:-:-:-::-:-'""':"":~ ~1L . ail ~MT (('\) lT C2S\ n<l).@ leavmg. ' ' tll rent. Phone 1~~JN5~~l~ I FOR RENT-FrRNISHED ROOM, ALL il illl'-9 ll~Jl.l~l.L:d(QJ.ilil\9 o.w conveniences, near transportation. ReasonahlE> 62!l Park Ave. Tel. Wil. 2345. FOR SALE 803 LAKE AVE., WIL(We Know R eal Estate Values.) · 4L50-ltc m et t e~ 10-rooms, 2 baths, hot water 4th St. Tel. Wil. 2818 :J2i) heat, both gas and coal heaters. Lot 1LTN50-1tc FURNISHED ROOM 1071,1! wide, 213 deep on corner. For FOR RENT suitablP for two. JtK~ar transportation. price and t erms apply to owner on Board 011tionn.l. Call Wilmette 3730. ])remises from 6 to 9 p. m. Saturdays RECOMMEND 913 13th St. 4L50-ltc 3 to 9 p. m. Sundays all day. Phone 'I'HE~E BR.A~D NE\V CHARl\1TNG "·ilmett e 3G5 or Harrison 8250. (·olonials: a whit e crf:'am ·w ith 3 hf>drms.; I.. . ARGE WELL-LIGHT1LTN49-2tc FOR RENT 2 baths; htd. sun and slp, pchs.; h. w. ed front room in private family. CQnh t. : gar. ; on 7 0 foot caRt front lot, wnient to station. Winn. 415. \VOODLAND wb~rf' ther"s always a breeze. Re- FORC'BD TO SELL 4LTN50-ltc PARK, DEERFIELD. Lot 2-Sec. !l, dtwNl from $22,500 to $19,500. E'ast front on Stratford road. 67%x :\ rf'(l brick with 4 bcdrms. and 2 baths; FOR RENT WELl.. FURNISHED toi-laY. 1st floor; sun rm. h. w. ht.; · 176% ; sewers, streets and water in, room near transportation. Gentlemen and all due taxes and assessments 2-car g-nr.: hPaut . south front lot. Reprf'ferrf'd, Wilmette 1805. 4LT50-ltp paid. :\Just sell at once, $2,000 cash, cluct'd from $27,500 to $26,000. or easy terms to suit. Addr'ss WilHI~IKSEN KROT~I ~, INC. mette Life A-907. 1LTN48-tfp FOR RENT -- 2 DESTR..£\ BLE FRONT roomR, single or suite. East side. Tel. EXCLPSIVE AGENTS Wilmette 1!140. 4LT50-ltc 720 :Elm St. 'Vinnetka, 111. '\Vinn. 254 FOR SALE OR RENT - A REAL home in beautiful WilmettC'. 8 rooms JLTN50-ltc and sun porch, large lot with fruit and FOR RENT - LA~GE FRONT ROOM. shade tn'es, 2-car g-arage, near transNear transportatiOn. Phone Winn. H.\ VF. ('(-STO:\TER FOR A ATX HOOl\I J)Ortation and ~chools, ideal for family, 1 1325. 4LTN50-ltc house in N. S. Suhurb. Pric0 not exeasy terms. Apply owner, 1 no ForS E ceNling $20,000. Must be new. est Ave. phone Wilmette 875-M. FOR RENT-PLEASAN! FURNI H D ' 1L50-ltc room nC'ar tram;;portatwn. Tel. Wi~n. Ridg·e Realty Con1pany 155!1. 836 Oak St., - winn. 4LTN50-1tc 7103 Ridge Blwl. Rog-ers Park 7417 1L50-ltc FOR SALE-IN ·wiJ. . l\IETTF., J... OTS ON FOR R~NT LIGHT FRONT ROOM Chestnut, Ashland, 7th avenue and ,... Sheridan road with riparian rights and suitable for two. 1105 Greenleaf Ave. FOR RENT - C'HARM. 7 ROOM ENG. piers; cash or time. John P. Gage, T~l. Wilmette 1200. 4L50-ltc brick; 2 baths; att. g-ar.; choicest east se<'.; $225 unfurn., $250 furn. Winn. 602 Maple avenue, Wilmette, Ill. NT ADS ON PAGE .... ) 1L50-ttc (MORE WA .. 124t. 1L'J'N50-ltc H. CC/(Jo \i\TE' I & I