Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1926, p. 42

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WILMETTE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE LIFE September 10, 1926 eluding labor and materials EARL E. ORNER 686.0~ JOHN CLARK BAKER, at $49.00 each .............. . NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRAC'f 4 ten (10) inch cast iron gate ELMER D. BECKER WILFORD W. DeBERARD, valves, installed in place, inCLARENCE E. DRAYER cluding labor and materials, For the improvement of the central 280.0(1 PAUL A. HOFFMAN at $70.00 each ............. . eighteen (18) feet of the first alley south.JOHN F. WIEDLIN west of Main Street, extending from the 9 twelve (12) inch cast iron Board of Local Improvements of the Applications for Seats Coming gate valves installed in place, south Une of Lake A venue to the north"V'ilhige of Wilmette. including labor and materials, erly line of Wilmette Avenue by grading 792.00 LSO-ltc in Early as Fans Order at $88.00 ................... . and paving with concrete and otherwise 122 six (6) inch cast iron fire improving the same. Tiekets by Mail ST.-<\TEJIEN'f OF THE FINANCES OF hydrants each fitted with a (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 173) 'fOWNSHIP 4!, RANGE IS IN six (6) inch auxiliary gate ·omce of the Board of Local ImproveCOOK COTJNTY, ILLINOIS. valve and shut off box, and ments, Wilmette, Illinois, September From July lst, l9!l) to June SOth, 19!6 About 40,000 application blanks and with two (2), two and one8th, 1926. half (21h) Inch hose nozzles, NOTICE is hereby given to all persons Pt>rntanent Fund instruction leaflets for the benefit of RECEIPTS and connected to the main by Interested that the bids for the improveCash on hand July 1st, 1925 .. $ 16.99 football fans who want to order tickets a. six (6) inch internal diamment of the central eighteen (18) feet Bonds on hand July 1st, 1925 800.0G for the University of Illinois games are eter cast Iron water supply of the first . alley southwest of :Main pipe, weighing thirty-three Street, extending from the south line of -9 being mailed out. The Illini schedule Total ...................- $ - -. 816 9 and 3/10 (33.3) pounds per Lake Avenue to the northerly line of EXPENDITURES . is as follows : lineal foot, including labor Wilmette Avenue by grading and paving and materials, at $130.00 each 15,860.00 Cash on ·hand June 30th, 1926.$ 16. 99 October 2-Coe at Illinois (Scout with concrete and otherwise Improving Bonds on hand June 30th, 1926 800 00 the same, all in the VIllage of Wilmette . 8 Connections to existing mnins, - - - - - Day) no reserved seats. including labor and materials, Cook County, Illinois were opened on the 400.011 at $50.00 each .............. . 7th day of September, 1926 and W. H. Total · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · $ 816.99 October 9-Butler at Illinois, no rel.H!Otrlhotlvt> Fond Goelitz being the lowest responsible bid- 9 Brick valve chambers, cylRECEIPTS served seats. indrical in shape forty-two der, the contract was awarded to ·him on Balance on hand July 1st October 16-Iowa at Illinois (Home( 42) inches in internal diamthe 7th day of September, 1926. Said bid eter, and six and ont·-half 1926 ....................... .'t 2,138.66 coming). Is for the work as a whole and is as Income of Township Fund.... 123 23 (6%) feet deep with walls ·ronows: From County Superintendent 35,646:01 October 23-Michigan at Ann Arbor. eight (8) inches thick and 1050 Cubk yards of excavation at with a cast iron cover and lid $0.75 per sq. yd. . ............... $787.50 Octol1er 30-Pennsylvania at Illinois Total ................. $ weighing four hundred seven- · 3150 ~';quare yards of concrete 37,907.90 (Dad's day.) ty (470) pounds, constructed DISBURSTliENTS pavement seven (7) inches thick, November 6-Chicago at Chicago. Incidental expense!J of Trusin place, including labor and mixed in the proportion one (1) 720 . 0~1 tees .... , ................... $ materials, at $80.00 each .... part of Portland Cement, two 430.32 November 20-0hio at Illinois. Compensation of Treasurer .. 62 Cast iron valve boxes, six (2) parts of clean sharp sand 1,800.00 These blanks are being mailed to (6) long and weighing two Distributed to Districts ..... . and three (3) parts of crushed 33,418.21 hundred twenty-eight (228) BalanC'e June 30th, 1926 ..... . limestone or gravel from % 2,259.37 stadium subscribers and other alumni. pounds eat:h, at ~8.00 eaeh, inch to 11,2 inches In size and to banks and newspapers and to thou496.00 (installed in place) ....... . with % inch asphaltic felt exTotal · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .$ 37,9.07.90 sands of "general public" fans who 41 Cubic yards of crushed limepansion joint Ret nor.mal to the 1Jistrlet Fond. . RECEIPTS have no university affiliation but are stone laid in place for centet line of the pavement at hydrant foundations, includthirty (30) foot intervals at ga ltanibce .Jul;\· 1st, 1926 ...... $ 975,209.~3 anxious to see the big games at Illi1s r utwn of Trustees . . . . i'ng ·labor and materials at $2.95 per square yard . . . . . . . . 9,292.50 33,418.21 · · Bl k d · -. '11 h an s an mstructtons wt e 123.00 !<"'rom District Taxes ........ 1,137, 44 1. 67 not~. $3.~00 per cubic yard ....... . Tuition paid by pupils . . . . . . 6,043.oa mat led to any person who sends a reTotal ....................... $10,080".00 Total ..·................... $153,526.00 sa;;t or rent of school propThe owners of .· a majority of the frontquest to the FootbaJI Ticket office, 'CrThe owners of a majority of the frontage of the lots and lands upon said 10 ·909 · 14 bana. Thousands of fans already have streets wherein said work is to be done age of the lots and lands upon said Sale ~f · s~h:~~~ ·B~~·d~ · · · · · · ·· · 2 may, within ten days .from the date streets wherein said work is to be dont ~vkte su~<'riptions :::::::: ~:~~~:~~ asked to be put on this mailing list. hereof, as provided by law, elect to take may, within: ten days from the date n Interest. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . 22,705.50 Just as soon as application blanks said work and enter intd a written con- hereof, as provided by law, eleC't to take , I nsur!'lnce adJustments . . . . 697.98 · d 1 f 11 1 or a 10me tl'act to do said work at Ten (10) per said work and enter Into a written con- Antictpation :, ·warrants . . . . . . 238 , 50 0.0< . are receiVe , · on ers games may be sent to the office. There centum less than the price at which tract to do said work at ten (10) · per Nort-High Sc)wol .Board of centum less than the prl~e at:. whkh same 'has been awarded. Ed\l<'ation · · · · ·.... . ....... 4,600.00 is no limit on the number of tickets same has been awarded. EARL E. ORNER EARL E. ORNER , JOHN CLARK BAKER, Total ........ · .......... $2,462 244.8~ one person may order for the home JOHN . CLARK BA.I~ER. ELMER D. BECKER ~ames. For the Michigan game at DISBURSEMENTS ' ELMER D. BECKER ,· WILFORD W. DeBERARD, School Board & Business Ann Arbor tickets are restricted to WILFORD W. DeBERARD, CLARENCE R DRAYER Offices · ............... ..... $ 50,292.97 two to a person and the supply of CLARENCE E. DRAYER PAUL A. HOFFMAN <:;omp:ulsory attendance . . . . . . 160 01) PAUL A. HOFFMAN JOHN F. WIEDLIN Salar~es of Principles . . . . . . . . 25,831. 6\l seats for the Chicago game at Chicago JOHN F. WI-EDLIN Board of Local Improvements of the Salar1es of Teachers . . . . . . . . 566 237.54 will be so limited that only paid-toBoard of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. \eachers' Pen,sion Fund . . . . 2:051:oo ~mage of Wilmette. L50~1tc 'l ext Books & Stationery . . . . 32 529 97 date stadium subscribers will be eligL50-1tc IJ1terest on Anticipation war' . ible to apply. . rants VILLAGE OF WILliETTE 6,864.26 For the three. big home games at Sal~ries ·~i · 'j~~it~r~ · ·. & ' · E~: VILLAGE OF WIL~IE1"fE Illinois-Iowa, Penn and Ohio state the NOTICE OF AWARD OF · CONTRAUT 68,183.94. .SOTICE OF A W ARU 0}' t'O"STRAU'.l' F;~~er;~ht,· W~t~~ '&' S~ppit~s 53,564.69 Illini expect to have tickets for 25,000 For the <'Onstruction of a system of Repairs, Replacements, Insur"general public" fans. as well as take cast iron main water 'supply pipe with For the construction ot a sanitary L.~~nc~ ....................... . 55,116.96 care of Alumni, and students. The all nece$sary cro~ses, valves, hydrants, sewer system of vitrified pipe sewers 1 ar1es ................... . 13,456.0 Iowa game is expected to attract the fittings and connections in Kenilworth with brick manholes to be laid in Han- Promotion of Health · 10,363.81 Drive north and other streets and ave- cock A venue and other streets and alleys Anticipation Warrants· P~id · · 290,500.00 usual 44 homecoming" crowd and Pennnues in the Village of Wilmette, Cook in the Village of Wilmette, C'ook County, Gr<?unds, Building & Altera·-· sylvania promises to he a big drawing Illinois. County, Illlnols. t1ons ................... . 286,913.56 card. Although the great Grange · has (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 174) (Wilmette Snecial Assessment No. 175) New Equipment 31,396.1;{ Office of tht> B~rd of Local Imt>rove- . Office of the Board of LoC'al Improve- Principal of Bond~··· · · · · · · · · passed off the scene, the Tllini look to 50,000.01) ments, Wilmette, Illinois, September 111('nts. 'Vilmette, fllinois, September Interest on Bonds · · · · · · · · · · 55,385.00 no decrease in interest. judg-ing from h, 1926. Balance on hand. J~·~~ · ·3·0·th 8th, 1926. the numerous requests for ticket inNOTICE Is herel>Y given to. all persons 1U26 ' t. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the bitls for the construe-· 863·391.27 formation v,rhich has poured in all _.int(-'rested that the bids for the construction of a system of cast iron main wat~r Total . . ~ ·............... $2,462,244.82 summer. supply · pipE) with all necessary crosses, tion of a sanitary st:>wer system of vitriF RA::"J'"K A. ANDREW fit>d pipe sewers with hl'ick manholf's to With practically a \'ctrran line from valves, hydtants, fittings and connections Township Treasur~r. in Kenilworth Drive North and other l·e lat(i in Hanco<·k A venue and other end to end and a soohomorc hack LfiO-ltc field of promise, the Illini prospects streets and avenues in the Village of streets and alleys in the Village of WilWilmette, Cook County, TJlinois were mt·tte, Cook County, Illinois were opened right now would indicate a chance for · opened on the 7th day of September, 1926, on the 7th day of S E-ptember, 1926 and and Chas . .M. Porter Co. being the low· F. oy S. Spalding being the low£'st re'spona hetter team than last vcar. ~ince est responsible bidder, the contract · wa-; sil>le bidder, the contract waR awarded to Illinois bumoed off Pennsylvania, Chihim on the 7th day of September 1926. awarded to sa.id <'ompany on the 7th d~y cago and Ohio and held the Michigan of September, 1926. Said bid is for th<! !-;aid bid is for the work as a whoie anu is as follows : . champions to one field goal last seawork as a whole and is as follows : 920 feet of 30-inch vitrified pipe 40,250 lineal feet of six (6) inch son. this prediction mt>ans something. internal ~iameter, cast iron World's records in road building have sewer, at $12.00 per ft. ...... $11,040.00 Illinois is spending $75,000 on pavemain Wnter supply pipe 780 feet of 24-inch vitrified pipe been broken three times in Illinois hy ments and sidewalks at the stadium weighing 133 3/10 pounds per sewer, at $9.00 per ft......... 7,020.00 the completion of more than 6 ()()(} miles for the comfort of snectators. lineal f-qbt, <'onstructed in a,300 feet of 21-inch vitrified A place, . mduding labor and Pil) sewer, at $5.50 per ft. . . 18,150.00 ?f "hard road." The state r~nks first $10,000 rubber "raincoat" is ready to material*.' at $1.70 per foot.. $68,425.00 1,400 ft·et of 18-inch vitrifiC'd m number of miles of permanent con- protect the field in case of rain: A pipe sewer, at $4.50 per ft. . . 6,300.00 crete roads. 14,000 llntat feet of eight (8) ::,:>80 fed of 15-inch vitrified inch lJlternal diameter cast "loudspeaker" which will announce iron mttln. water supply pipe, niJ)e St>wer, at $3.40 per ft. . . 11,492.00 . Out~ut o.f ~lectric generating sta- details of the game to the crowd is weighing 47% pounds per 5,fi60 feet of 12-inch vitrified tiOns 111 Illmots during June was 12 another innovation. lineal foot, constructed in J)ipe sewt>r, at $2.:~0 per ft. . . 12,788.00 per cent greater than the output durplace, . induding labor and l 2,!HO feet of 10-inch vitrified materials' at $2.00 per lineal pipe sewer, at $2.00 per ft. . . 25,820.00 mg June, 1925, according to the United The biggest transportation feat in foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,000.00 34,900 feet of 8-inch vitrifi-t:d States Geological Survey. 2,350 lineal feet of ten (10) inch Jlipe sewer, at $1.50 per ft. . . 52,350.00 the history of railroading was accomEdwardsville, . in 1812, wa·s the seat olished by the Chicago, North Shore internal diamete(, cast iron 24~ bri~k manholes complete, main water supply . pipe mcludmg cast iron cover at of governmet'.! of a district which inweighina' 63 8/10 pounds per · $fl_ 5.00 each ............. .'.... 22,895.00 cluded seven-eighths of Illinois all of and Milwaukee railroad-an electricailineal · foot, constructed .In .. 775 cubk yards of concrete for lv operated · r;lilroad known as the Wisconsin, a part of Minnesot~· and a cradles, at $12.00 per cubic place, f"i,lcluding. labor and · North Shore line-durinQ' the recent materials at $2.70 per lineal yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,300.00 part of upper Michigan. · Eucharistic Congress in Chicago, when foot . · . . . . · .... .. .. . · .. .. . . .. . 6~345.00 Hancock county is unique in that at8,550 lineal . teet of twelve (12) Total ...................... $177,155.00 t f 230.000 persons were tran'sported t~ The foregoing items include all neces- mos every young armer in it has had ~ytcl from Mundelein in a single day, a inch internal diameter, cast iron main water supply pipe ,. sary excavation, pipe laying, filling of college training. . dtstance of approximately fortv miles. weighing 82_. 1 : pounds per .. . joints with mortar, branches and slants Tl1e 1 · f h II disc stoppers, backfilling and all labor an~ annua convention o t e lilineal t-oot, constructed in Illinois has the largest, best ~Quipped rnaterials. n0is State Telephone Association will place, Including labor .and and most comprehensive art school in materials, at $3.50 per lineal The owners of a majority of the front- be held in the Hotel Abraham Lincoln toot , · . . . · · . . · . . . . . · · . · . . . . 29,926.0(; · age of the lots and lands upon said Springfield, November 10 and tt. ' the country in the Art Institute, Chi.; cago. 44 six cast lron gate ~treets wherein said work is to be done irori valve may,. withia ten days from the date Decatut:' was one of the first cities in -o. ln place, here~f, as provided by law, elect to take the country to formulate "zoning Mr. and Mrs . Clarence M. Puhlrria'n and m~terials said :WQrk and enter into a written con· plans" It is known as th · "D t 1,474.00 tract ~· do ..said work at ..'l'.en .(10-).. ..~. ,j , d._ . "· .,.. . .. ~ - . '· eca ur of 623 Washington avenue returned to 1 ~~~:~,~=£.i~:t;;~¥=-,~~~~;·' . .:.v:-l't.>:o·,.fce.J;t~u~. l~s tha~F t~ ·price .at,.rwhicb .L .a. t1, ..~~-' Prn_t:J~ ~ . .. t. r. ~ c _Jty ~f 150,- Wibnette Friday of last .w'eek after an v: ";),~~~ . eame ~ been .-.wardid. ".· . '~ ':. 000'-'p~r.C'<»ri 'ilf 1 . ;·: ~-~~~: ·.' ·. <~~ .! ·. ' . . -~··· ~ ·i ·· .:,~. automobile ttip ·to Eagle Riv~r, Wis. · .... t I Itt BEGIN TICKET SALE FOR ILLINI FOOTBALL t ··· t t ·· OOt .. t t Know Illinois .. ..-n., .

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