.., I · WILMETTE LIFE ~ September 10, 1926 \. . . .- - - - - - - . Robert Kingery, ' W. W. DeBerard, Sdtool Sut·vey Highway Builders in Sand I Books & Supplies New and Second-hand Books 5% Discount if purchased today or tomorrow. Wilmette Stationery and Gift Shop 1 1 55 WILMETTE AVENUE Opposite Village Theatre M. Portenhauser Painting Decorating Estimates given without obligation · Phon~ Wilmette 2764 1 One of the largest and finest coach- through years oi active participation ing staffs that ever tutored North- both a s coache s and players, will be Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Julian and famiWILMET1'E western university gridiron candidates able to give the Purple griddcr s ex ly, 1613 Highland avenue. have returned from their summer home at will greet the more-than-a-hundrccll pert instruction in the tvpe of pta,. rc Purple prospects when thev trot out . . . . · . . · Portage Lake. Mich. upon the practice field for the first qtllrc~l m lng .umc competttton . . time September 1 '5. TlHstleth\\'atte and Ryan wt!l he 'four clothea washed Led bv Head Coach Glenn F. president and vice-president, re :; pecfrte if you VacuumEledrid rins us Thistleth\vaite, " ·ho enters his fifth tively, of the hoard of directors. Ryan vcar with the \Vilclcats, the staff will is rcgardnl as one of the keenest foot Electrical Repairing Include Jack Ryan, former chief coach hall ~trategists developed in the \\'C~t Radio Sets and Suppliet at the University of '.Visconsin: Her- in ~· cars. Steger " ·ill again ha\'c tlw ~ Eveready "B" Batteries hcrt Steger, brilliant half back ancl managership of the backfield departMusic Master Loud Speaker~ ~Ujjf~ Base Plugs Installed captain of the Michigan eleven in 1924; mcnt. This is the former \Yoln~ rinc\ Fine Lin" of Lighting Fixtures Jerome A. Kent (Duke) Dunne, for- second year \\'ith the Purple hacks. He mer all-conference lineman from ~1ich- was one of the best hacks in the cnn igan: Maurice A. Kent, head cage ference two years ago and hrott!-!hl .5 ~I Fourth Street Phone Wilmette 104\i coach, who will again have charge of \\'ith him a ,,·ealth of ad\'ice and inthe freshmen candidates; and Orion struction. r···················································~ Stuteville, L. \V. Rusnes~ .and Timothy Cpon Duke Dunne, who ha.; hel'n Established 18 54 G. Lowry, all new addttlons to the coaching Xortln\'est<'rn linemen ior four vrars now 1 will again fall thr huge task ·hipping the fonyard wall into ~vfiss Helen ~Vatson, Highland Park, shape. Dunne's greatest problem will graduate of American Conservatory O'f be to find a capable center to fill the ~1 ttsic and pupil of Louise Robyn and Funeral Directors for 72 Yean gap left open hv the graduation of Adolf \Veidig, wishes to · announce Capt. "Fighting Tim" Lowry, all-cnn~hat she will have charge of Miss MarJordan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost of funerals garet Tufts' piano students. Classes 'errncc (Cnter last year. Lmny, himconsiderably \\·ill start September 15. Appointments selL no\\' that he is a member of the on be made by calling Highland Park coachin~ squad. will probably he 6 1 ~ Davis Sr. Phone Umversity 44 9 556. r LTNSO-ltp drafted from the frosh division for a Wilmette Office Phone Wilmette 3 3 54 time to tutor his successor to the pi\'ot CHICAGO post. 't.Oo E. Erie St. · Phones Suptrior 7700-7710 Maury Kent will he the field general of the yearlings. The joh will he a little lighter this year, it js expected, hrcausc of the addition of t\\'o new as sistants. ~tuteville. Oklahoma Ag-gie star last Year. has been called to Ev1 anston as the head wrestling coach here, and during the football season. will aid Kent. L. \V. · Rusncss is another ne\\' addition. Rusne . s comes from the Cniversit,· of North Dakota. C('WS. Previouslv he coached at Central high school of Fargo, N. D., where he in Overnight Bags, $7.50 to $30.01 ~aps. structed V\7aldo Fisher and Bohhv Hat Box Specials, Rusch, who now are Purple stars of $3.75, $5.00, $9.50 the first order. \ Vardrobe Trunk Specials, Alexus Finch "King" Brady, mon$44.00 and $56.00 arch of training rooms, will again rule over the red oil and trainers who ruh away the kinks and aches of the tired athletes' muscles. lie ·er A squad of over 100 is expected to The cream taken from this milk will whip. ltEW YORK · EST. 1859 CHICAGO I answer the call for first practice on ~··········--······_.,, · - - - - - - - - - - - - - · September IS. 1030 Greenleaf A··· Robert Kingery, 809 Pine ·street, Winnetka, and "vV. W. DeBerard, 802 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, who are secretary and chief engineer, respectively, of the Chicago Regional Planning association, were among those who recently completed a physical stu-vey of Chicago's proposed 200-foot boulevard link with Milwaukee. The preliminary survey was for the purpose of locating the important rightof-way which will provide two fortyfoot highway pavements between the two cities. The survey will he submitted to the county and state highway departments for approval In Wisconsin the country boulevard will follow clo~ely the . line of Wisconsin State Highway 57-the inner route now paved parallel to Sheridan road. In Illinois, the locaters wilt submit a proposal to bring the wide road south from the Wisconsin line to by-pass the city of Chicago to the west, entering Du Page county near the Cook county line and running east to the IndianaIllinois state line Plans for the building .of the new belt boulevard an:d wide road to the north will be formulated bv all of the building agencies interested as soon as the proposed location lines are approved, i' is exr'ained. With Mr. Kingery and . Mr. DeBerard in this work were officials of the Milwaukee Planning association and county highway officials of Cook, Du Page and Lake counties in Illinois, and Racine, Milwaukee and Kenosha counties in Wisconsin. ., Several youthful ctttzens of. O.!Jr village disregarded the biblical caution against building upon sand and last week constructed many notable. \vo:ks of art in a sand modeling contest at the beach conducted under the dtrectton of the Wilmette Recreation board. A model of Wilmette's Village hall v... a s one of the achievement's of the day. N. U. GRIDDERS READY mentcir department this year, \\'ho \\'ill as:;i !;t Kent in teaching the irosh grid .... Purple Squad to Start Practice Sep- t;icks. tember IS Under Fine Coaching Staff The . e men, the majority oi thtm Headed by Glenn Tbiatletbwaite familiar with . con fercncc foot hall '-" EAS .1 . WA511ER Adams Electric Shop I C. H. JORDAN & CO. of ,. "-----------.;.._--+ Vacation Luggage --------···························-··············-- . N:c:::r:~ ,, ,, Comes from Tuburcular· tested Sanitary hood sealed Ask Our Drivers - Or Phone Wilmette 3029Greenleq.f 820. ... .. ........... ···1'1 ~ l -