38 ADDRESSES WINNETKANS Dr. M. C. Hecht! of Wilmette and a member of the Wtlmette Rotary club spoke on 41 Psychology and Rotary': before the Rotary club of Winnetka, last week. WILMETTE LIFE· September 10, 1926~ of greatest danger frqm tyJ?floid fetyp~otd I ON RECTORY JOB · The Wilmette Window Shade and . . · Pamt Works are workmg on the new rectory of the church of the Holy IComforter, at Kenilworth. ver. Carriers of the .germs TYPHOID FEVER TAlES 'JUMP JN JLLJNOJS and ambulatory patients wath ~Id at· BIG State Director of Health Declares September Ia Moat Dangerous Month for Disease With typb9.id fever twice as preval~nt ~ow as 1t was. a month ago a~d s1x ttmes more w1desprea? than m May, D.r. Isaac .D . . Ra'":hngs, sta~e ~ealth dt~ect~r, pomts out m a b~lletm 1ssued thts week that September lS the most dan~ero.us sea~on of the year so far .as thts d1sease 1.s concerned. Infectto~ co~tracted . 111 September atmost mvanably ra1se the numb.er of October case reports to th~ h1ghest annual peak. Last week s1xty-three cases were reported, the highest weekly incidence so far this year. "Slightly more than 200 cases of typhoid fever were reported in August against 106 in July" said Dr. Rawlings. "These fig:ues contrast sharply with thirty-four for May and sixty-five for 1une. Each new case that develops increases the possibility of spreading the disease a hundred fold. "September is distinctly the month - .SE-E- THIS LIST No doubt there are at least a few names on our list of customers that you will recognize. Why not consult them as to the advisability of buying your Used Car here? The list is at your disposal any time. tacks have traveled far and Wide dur' ing the summer that has j.ust past .. Infected matter has found 1ts way mto water and ptilk supplies at various points., The germs are more wid~ ly distributed than at any other time of year and therefore offer more opportunities for infection. "Community gatherings are usually more frequent in September than they ' have been during the hotter months. If food is served on these occasions, the typhoid carrier, usually ignorant of his or her condition, who participates in preparing or serving the food gets in his deadly work. One community supper last year was followed by twenty-five cases of typhoid fever because a careless carrier prepared the salad." C. M. McDONALD 1011 Davia Street Woman's Work Authority Addresses Guild Today Mrs. Dan S. Brummitt, a director of woman's work of national reputation, will be the speaker at the first autumn meeting of the Woman's Guild of the First Congregational church, at which time her subject will be, "Our Templed Hills." This meeting will also be the occasion of a formal welcome to the new officers of the Guild. - .·. A USED CAR IS ONLY AS DE-PE-NDABLe AS THE- DE-ALE-R WHO SE-LLS IT North Shore Walther League in Conference The North Shore zone of the Walther league will hold its quarterly meeting Sunday afternoon and evening, September 26, at Bethlehem Lutheran church, at Lake street and Ashland avenue, Evanston. Members of St. John's church chapter of the league expect to attend. Dr. and Mrs. John L. Hively. 424 Lake avenue, have lea. ed their home to Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Doering of St. Louis and are taking- an apartment near Jackson park. ·1'- Wholesome food in variety that assures something you are particular! y fond of for each meal. Snow white tables, pure food skillfully prepared and tastily served - all these p 1 u s exceedingly moderate prices and convenient 'location invite yQu to dine at the Plaza. C o m e for breakfast, Iuncheon or dinner. Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful Rather, it's the glow which radiates from them. Ui""" less Kept always clean and healthy, EYES ladqthis alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par.. tides o.nd keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. « Otw il&utTawd 'boob on .,Eye CoN" "E~ Be.a.&," care \<'REB on...,....._ UBRARY PLAZA CAII.I ITIIRIA Orrington Avenue south of Church Street in The Library Plaza Hotel Building. 'lbe Murine Company J)ept. 33, aua..o Hoyburn Theatre tickets given away all this week tlfllllJ!J~.L jJ· EYEs~