September 10, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 37 Mrs. Henrietta Panushka will. entertain the members of the Travel club at luncheon at her nome, 1046 Greenwood avenue. This will be the first meeting of the season. Teleplaoae Wll·ette 334'1 St. John's LutheJan Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette. Herman W. Meyer, M. A., pastor. 406 Prairie avenue. '.felephne 1396. Church telephone 3111. SJ<:RVICES English Lutheran 15th 9 :30 a. m. classes. !! :45 a. m. 11 :00 a. m. Sunday after Trinity Sunday school and Bible F'irs.t service and sermon. Second service and sermon. )JEt:'fiNGS Tuesday at 7:45 p. m. Voting members meeting. Friday, Sept. 17: .Junior Walther league. A very important meeting of the voters of · the congregation will be held Tuesday t·vening, Septemlwr 14, at 7 :45 o'clock. All members are urg-ed to be pr~sent. Greenleaf and Seventh The annual Rally day of the parish William Guise, Pastor ·of St. John's Lutheran church will be "Winning the Race," will be the theme observed Sunday morning, September of the messag~ at the . service of wor· 19, with special services in both the s hip. This theme, which will be appro- Sunday school and at the regular rrlate for the renewed activities of the . church services. autumn season, is based on that beautit'ul passage, Hehrews 12 :1-2-"Let us run with patience the race that is set Mrs. Claude Fitch and her daughter, lwforf' u~. looking unto Jesus, the author and finish(' r of our faitn." The pastor Miss Rebecca, ~033 Elmwood avenue, will he in <:barge of the service which returne,d to W 1lmette Tuesday after will begin at 11 o'clock. motoring fo South Haven, Mich., to Biblt> !o;Chool at , :45. Th e ad ult class join Miss Lillian Fitch, who had been \'·ill stud~· an int eresting lesson-"'l'he a counselor at Camp Kiwanis Ne-waTent of :\l1'eting," from Exodus 33. The k\\·a, and to return with her. stwdal musie for Rally day will be practiced aftPr the lesson period. Our Rally day s<·rvice will he held Septt>mhl: r lft. Tlwre will be one big program al 10 ::10 with spedal music by the· Hiblt- sd10(·J. Th<· :\I issionary society and Lutlwr leagul" will also tak~:: part in th<· program. · l ' PLAN RALLY DAY DR. FRANK B. ERWIN VETERINARIAN hpeelallslas Ia ··· treataeat of )'OUr bellt frleadll tlae "Dus sad Cat" All eall· reeehe ·7 peraoaal ntteatlon 111011 Kldert Ave. Wilmette, Ill. On Sunday afternoon and evening·, St: ptembtr 26, the regular quarter1y meeting of the Xorth Shore Zone of the Waltht-r Leag·ue will lw he ld. A SJ>(·cia! effort is 1wing made for an unusually Our basehall team has had a good attracti\'e and hen~ft('ial program. The l'>t..Ssions will be at Bethleht> m Lutheran 1 ··<·ord. Onl~· nne !{am~:- remains to be Parish House, Lak<> and Ashland av<'- plaYt.:d. X ext :\fonday e vening our t ea rr will plar tlw St. John's team. nues, Evanston, beginning at 3 ::JO p. m. Tlw ath·ntion of Lutherans in particular i~ ralled to a l .. utheran Exposition whic·h is to he:- gin·n October !J-10 at the l'herman hotPI. This exhibition is til e fin;t of its lcind t: ver given !orally aud will emhra<:e e\'t>ry phase of church work, Yisualizing these hy pictures, charts ami SJH·<:ial fea.ture t:xhihits. ' '!'he project is ht:ing finan ced hy voluntary gifts o[ Lu· tlwrans who an· inter~sted. The public is irt\'itf'd to \'it·\\" this (·xhibition. tht · Marmon New Models Now on Display 4 Wheel Brakes and Other Improvements Methodist Church Hr·. Stall!o;l'lJ will h r in hiR pulJ>it Sunday morni n!{. Th f' st·rvi<'t· will h e well !o;upport1·d hr t hte chc·ir und er nt-w leadership. Tlw SundaY fwhr·ol will eo nn' JW in atl dt·tmrtnwnt~ ·at !I :::o o'c·lock. :\Irs. Stan~w\1 will t ea<"h :\1n;. 'Vt·st"s daRs during t1w month :\1r. and :\Trs. 'VI'st are in London. Tlr . S1wrnwrhorn will resume 6015 Broadway, Longbeach 6428 Call F. C. Heaney for a dem-on .. stration in this new Marmon Marmon North Shore· Tht· annual Festi\'al al tlH' gTound ot his :\Ten's Bihit> class. Lutlwran orphanagt· at "\ddision takt·s plact.· n£-xt Sunday. Trains lea\·e ::\fiss .-\nig, dirl"t·tor of rt·ligious <'ducatht- Randolph St. I. ( '. station e\'('ry 41J . Lion· for· tlw narish, is layin~· th t>" foundaminutt·s bt.·ginning- at 8 o'l'lock. Lions f(Jr a fim· n·ar·'s work. H(.·r oftkt· is in lht · Young· J; t·npl"'s houst.·, 1024 Lak t· Tlw ~unday sdwr>l t ea c lwrs and ofti- an·nue. f't·r:-; will nwl't ag·ain a.t th · :-:lu:~rl:·. Y :-:dH1ol rooms on Thursday t·n·ning-, .3t·pHOLD CHURCH EXPO. t..rnlu·r 16, at 7 :4?i n'dodc All ar1· ('X· :\[ember:of St. John's Lutheran JH·<·t t·d t<J h · thert· . church are interested in a Lutheran Th·· annual Rally day at tlw Sundr~v exposition being held at the Sherman :-:(' hon l will lh" lwld on Huntlar morning. hotel in Chicago. This exposition de~··Pt··ml·er 1!1, with · appropriatt' sen·i(·fs in tlw Sunday sdiOol as \n·ll as in th t picts c\·c ry phase of the \York of this chunh. dcnomina tion. FRED. E RICK E. LEWIS Resident !{orth Shore Funeral Director ,. Golfers Know the Value of Milk A good player needs good health, a clear eye and steady nerves. Start yout· 11ext game with Bowman's Milk and see how: much better. you will !eel. It's creamy richness creates quick energy to offset fatigue-it gives {OU ..pep" to carry thru the long. hot day. ..... . Twen t\·-t wo years of successful profe;sional service in this field. Personally recommended by Chas. A. Stevens of Chicago and a host of others whon1 · we have served on the north shore·. \Ve personally attend all calls, rendering the tnost careful, courteous and con-· scientious service. 11rs. Lewis attends to all ladies' and children's calls. Phone Wilmette 55 Bowman'~ Milk is whole milk -just as rich in cream as when taken from the cow. Perfect pasteurization and rapid deliv~ry assure its freshness and purtty. Start drinking it today. Private De Luxe Ambulance Service The growing den1and for prompt and reasonable ambulance service has made it neccessan· for us to add to our Limot~~·ine Equip1ncnt) an Invalid Coach which is the last .word in Ambulance S cr'vice Located in \ Vilmette. Our Display Rooms Are Complete Otir ~lotto : "Golden Rule" DAIR.V.COMPAN/ .lVIRS. F. E. LEWIS Lady Attendant Residence Phone Wilmette 3 55 2 FREDERICK E. LE\VIS Parlor Phone Wilmene 3552 --FOR Mill\. YEARS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY