WILMETTE LIFE September 10, 1926 laabeUe Richardson Molter This Music Conservatory Has Recital Season Booked Has Own Booking Agency Now is the Time to Plant Peonies Those who demand the best, whc admire fine things-\\~ill appreci, ate Northbrook Peonies. The exceptional soil conditions and scientific cultivation give them that extra touch of beauty that makes them the aristocrats of all Peonies. Choose your garden from our "Master List of Peonies" or rely on our choice and buy the easier and more econotnical \vay from our Quality Groups. Here's one chosen f.or its representative display, a get-acquainted offer to North Shore people. North Shore Special Quality Group The Lucky Seven aU Prize Winners KELWAY'S GLORIOL"S Mid Season White . ...... . . . $20.00 9.1 FRANCES WILLARD Late White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 50 8.9 PLEAS' JUBILEE Early White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 9.0 LA FRANCE Late Dark Pink . . . . . . . . . . 7.0U 8.8 PHOEBE CAREY Late Light Pink .. .. .. .. .. .. . 7.50 8.8 RICHARD CARVEL Early Red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 8.2 1\IAD. GAUDICHAU Mid S eason Red .. . .. . .. . .. . . 8.00 ) 9.8 Isabella Richardson Molter and her The Hinshaw Conservatory has husband, Harold Molter, have a busy · added a fifty and a twenty-five dollar season booked. Their first recital pro- enrollment· credit applicable to any b' f th L course of music or dramatic art inUMan" was the su JeCt 0 e esgram will be given in Chicago Septem- eluded in the curriculum of that insti- son-Sermon in all Churclies of Christ, her 21, opening the Artists' Series at tution of which those interested may Scientist, Sunday, September 5. the new First Congregational Church, . avail themselves through a scholarship The Golden Text was from Psalms followed by a program for the competition staged by Goodwin's ba.r- tOO :3, 14 Know ye that the Lord he is r , her shop and beauty parlor, 1159 WJl .. God·: it is he that hath made us, and \\oman s club, Iowa Falls, Iowa, mette avenue, it was announced this not we ourselves; we are his people, September 30; on October 3 the first week. and the sheep of his pasture." program of the Artists' Course at KenThe Hinshaw is said to 'be the only Among the citations which comosha, Wis. (retur!l en.gageme!lt), and ' conservatory of music in Chicago con- prised the Lesson-Sermon was the a New York recttal m Aeohan hall, ducting a regularly licensed booking following from the Bible: "And God October 10. . . agency through which all students, said, Let us make man in our image, Isabelle R1chardson Molter ~ttl play when competent, are secured good en- after our likeness: and let them have the ro.le of a busy team captau~ next gagements in church, concert, lyceum dominion over the fish of the sea, and Monday, . September 13, which lS the and chautauqua or the theatrical field. over the fowl of the air, and over the firs.t offictal tag day of t.h~ season for 1 _ cattle, and over all the earth, and over Chtcago Federated Chanttes. . . Dr. Stephen A. ·Lloyd every creeping thing that creepeth T M At' d E 1 J 1 T upon the earth. And God saw everyhe isses . tee an ve yn mHome from East our thing that he had made, and, behold, son of 1303 Htll street, were hostesses at a misc~llaneous shower Tuesday Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd, minister of it was very good" (Genesis 1 :26,31). evening of last week given in honor of the First Congregational church, who The Lesson-Sermon also included Miss Evelyn L. Port of Wilmette, returned this week from his vacation, the following passage from the Chriswhose marriage to Gayly George Kat- during yvhich he toured New England 1tian Science textbook, "Science and and northeastern Canada, will con- Health with Key to the Scriptures," seim will take place September 11. duct the services at the church Sun- hv Mary Baker Edcly: "If the ma-lay morning, September 12. His ser.. t~rial body is man, he is a portion of mon topic will be, "The Beauty of the matter or dust. Ov. the contrary, man Lord's House." is the image and likeness of Spirit : 6 ROOMS-$3,900 and the belief that there is Soul in with tile bath, hdwd. floors, fursense or Life in matter obtains in Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thayer of nace, built-in features, good plaster, plumbing, foundation, 522 Central avenue, and Miss Marian mortals, alias mortal mind, to which lights, etc. Terms. Thayer returned to Wilmette Wed- the apostle refers when he says that Phone CENTRAL !903 nesdav from Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. we must 'put off the old man'" (p. 172). Thayer went to Detroit to join .there ········a···············R daughter who had been there a fortVISIT WESTERN COUNTRY & WITHOUT tMr. and Mrs. H. A. Pope, of 910 night. ~R COMMISSION Lake avenue, returned Monday from -oUa Delllrahle Bomea aad. ApartJaent Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Callie. 1115 a delightful month's travel through the Dutld.la·· Elmwood avenue, are again in Wil- western states and Canada, visitin g John Hancock Mutual Life !naur- mette after a motor trip in the East. variou s places in Callfornia, also Portance CompaDJ' They were accompanied by th eir son land, Seattle, Victoria, VancouYer, "· D. LANGWORTHY. Loaa A·eat and daughter-in-law, Dr. and ~~ rs. Lake Loui se and returning via St. ll2 W. Adams St.. Chlea·o . Donald M. Gallie, Jr. Paul. Christian Science Churches · '/ ° l I BUILD ..,. . Lo US ------------------------- $56.00 Early Frost Predicted HAVE YOU O·R DERED YOUR FUEL? Special Price $40.00 To be limited to SO collections. Orders tnust be received previous to October 9th. Right in your neighborho.od is located one of the finest Peony Gardens in the country-just 5 miles west of Glencoe on the Dundee Road. Drive out and make your purchases in the "Gardens." Write us for your copy of (jENUINE The Master List It merits its name of "America's Blue Book of Fine Peonies." It lists all the better varieties of Peonies-a kind for each tasteprices to fit every purse. You may n1ake your choice and we will mail them to you p.ostage prepaid. Come and visit us or write · "Clean as the Sun's Heal" Is the Standard of ~ality MORE HEAT-;-LESS COST Clean-Free from soot and ~moke Phone us today and be sure of ')OUr supply. Northbrook Gardens Box]. G. Glencoe, Ill. KUTTEN BROTHERS MEYER COAL~ MATERIAL CO. ~ .I E.DINGER SONS '