Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1926, p. 33

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September 10, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE Plan Farm Development McGuire and Orr Near Chosen, Florida Reports Sales in Leslie E. Thatcher, of 119 Clyde aveWinnetka ().fjice nue, Evanston, left T uesday fo r McGuire and Orr's Winnetka office Chosen, F la., near Lake Okeechobee report the following sales in that vil- and about fo rty miles west of Palm Beach, where, wit h six or seven assolage: : Mrs. Ernest White's home, 391 Haw- ciates he will develop, agricultur ally, thorne lane, lot 120xl 65 feet, has been a number of ten-ac re tracts. ·Donald V. Ferguson and son, who were forsold to Louis E. Rodgers. E. R. Uhl has purchased the south- merly engaged in the real estate bus ieast corner of Birch street and Alles' ness in Rogers Park, are among those road, size lOOxlSO feet, from Donald with whom Mr. Thatcher is going south. They are motoring, and expect C. Brook. The · home of Dr. \Villiam H. And- to be joined by the ir families later. rews at 255 Myrtle street, has been Mr. Thatcher was formerly engaged in the real estate business there, and it sold to Charles W. Fisher. 1103 Spruce street, the home of Fred is said that not only himself but his \V. Gillette, has been conveyed to associates haYe been convinced of the great agricultura l possibilities of FloriGeorge H. Buffington. · The new home of Spanish type con- cla. after personal experience and other sisting of eight rooms, three baths and extensive investigation. h\·o-car garage, lot 100x137 feet, at 132 Chestnut street. ncar Hill road, TAKE WILMETTE RESIDENCE has been sold bv Gustav Lindahl to Henry C. Gordon, manager of MailCharles F. Rohe;ts. T11e Yacant corner on Hill road and lards, with headquarters in the Strauss Linden. of about one acre, being a part building-. Chicago, through the North of Indian Hill subdivision. has been Shore Real Estate company of 418 sold for P. \Y. Bradstreet to I. K. Linden avenue, Wilmette, has leased the Richardson house at 722 GreenStoYer. leaf a ,·enue, \Vilmette, \vhich they wilt The northeast cor!1er of Hill road and Chestnut. wit h. f ron tagc of 216 occupy October 1. The Cordons refeet on Hill road and 220 feet on cently came west from Columbus, Chestnut, has heen purchased by Ingoe Ohio. The ).fisses Gordon. who have A. F.sch of I. A. Esch company, itwcst- heen attending Eastern colleges. will mcnt bankers. from Dr. Frank E. take up their studies at Kew Trier and Ko.rthwestern. Brawle,·. The same affice also reports a Kenil'"orth sale at $200 per foot. on Raleigh LEASE WILMETTE HOME road. the lot being 100x17R feet. D \'T \x~·1l· ·I 1 ,. h Of the sales mentioned. totaling . ., . ·v' tams, throug 1 t 1C ~'ort about $225.000. four are in the Indian ~ Sl.10re Real Esta~e company, 418 Tlill neighborhood, ~·hich section has Lmden avenue, \Vt lmette, has .leased been Yen· actiYe in the last few weeks. and ha~ already taken possessiOn of · the rcstdence at 1018 Oakwood aveBUY BRAASCH HOME nue, \Vilmette, which was recently Fred Borgfcldt and his mother haYe purchased by John Kelley, who does purchased thrl"'ugh F. H. Gathercoal not plan to occupy the property for (If 1213 \Vilmcttc a\'enuc. \Vilmette, another year. thr Henry ]. Braasch residence at ----~~~~~~~~~--1215 . Greg-on· a,·enue . of \\'hirh theY haYe taken ·posse:-sion. ).fr. Braasch ~/ ~ ha:-; mO\·ed to BeYerh· II ills· in order ~ to he nearer his husilicss. Franken Brothers Deerfield, Illinois WE HAVE AT OUR NURSERY A large display of numerous varieties of Hardy Phlox which are the pride of the garden the entire month of August. We cordially invite you to visit us during their blooming season. Telephone Deerfield 241. Catalogue on ~;equest. · ,) .. · Know\et\ge ).f rs. Arthur F.. Lamker of 720 Linden ayenue. is now reco\·eringfrom a recen_ t illness. tJ.at\ die To l Wit_ h an ex penenc ~ that constitu tes an ex haustive fund of information on every phase of real estate problems- representing .1 material saving in timr and money for all who desire to avail themselves of it. SM!R?-,-~£ uo~;~~vj it·~NKS ~ AND successfully hanthe details of buying or selling Xorth Shore homes of the better type requires a trained real ~.·state organization. It is imperative that your representatives be exceptionally well Y<>rsed ·in the legal, technical, and pE:.rsonal history of the property involved in order to make an honorable and satisfactory sale. . Wit h a reputation based on the implicit confidence of all clients, Hokanson & Jenks solicit your custom. Correspondence or in- I ! Better Coal you' ll never find , For Better C oal was ne ver m ined. IT coal. isn ' t such a wonderful en- gineering feat to heat yout house if you buy the proper INC. 1564 Sherman Avenue Evanston Nortlt Short Propertw . Telephone Creenlcaf 1617 SOO Davis Strc:ct EVAN STON It isn ' t such a rr1agical financial trick to save money-· buy coal now while the price is down . Phone Winnetka 450 W e,ll do the rest. · M®Iml ~(O)R IHr~ 000 Builders of Better Homes WILMETTE. ILL. Chicago Office - First National Bank Bldg. · Phones Wilmette 1417 - Randolph 14l8 For All Your Needs in Lumber and Building Material Phone Winnetka 451 or 452

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