Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1926, p. 29

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September 10, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE a ~hrone. She played the role with ha1r cut short like a man's and so thoroughly duplicated male mannerisms that the illusion is positively uncanny. The latest two reel Ou.r Gang comedy and Pathe News wilt be shown. Stage and Screen News and Reviews VILLAGE THEATRE NEW -------- EVANSTON ~ I "THE BIG PIC"JPRES FIRST" NORSHORE THEATRE In "Fine Manners," Gloria SwanThe greatest pantomimic opportunities of her career are said to be offered son.'s latest production for Para.m ount, Colleen Moore by her latest screen wh1ch comes to the Norshore Sunday vehicle, "Ella Cinders," a John Mc- t~e. star is supported by th~ world'; Cormick picturization of the n_ews- t1mest actors. This is no reflection on paper comic strip, which will be pre- ~he size of Eugene O'Brien, her leadsented at the Village theatre next mg man, or \Vatter Goss one of the Monday and Tuesday under First Na- junior stars, who plays 'her brother. Both are proud of their six feet. tional auspices . The miniature entertainers are a Humor is promised as one of the most pervading ingredients of the new circus of trained fleas \vhich Miss prorluction, with the thrill of novelty Swanson and O'Brien attend in the as added measure, for "Ella Cinders" cours~ of the storv, hr James A. Creelis a chronicle of a country girl's efforts man and Frank . Vreeland. As the flea circus posters have it: to get a foothold in the movies and the play is said to teem with so-c~lled off- "C nhelievablf'? See and be convinced!" Douglas MacLean in "Hold That stage glimpses of studio life. Surrounding Miss Moore is a cast Lion" is now playing-, and it is anheaded by Lloyd Hughes, who has often "!'>m~ced that there will he stage spe<'JaltJes also and that prices are rebeen seen as her leading man. duced. "Excess Baggage," a two reel Educational comedy and Pathe News will THE HOYBURN also be shown. Norman Kerry has a colorful uniA land rush with 12,000 men, women formed role in "The Love Thief" which and ~hildren particio<l:ting. is one of ·will play at the Village theater on the. h1g scenes of "Wild West," fea\yednes~ay. Greta Nissen, popular tunng Jack ~[ulhall and Helen FerNorwegian actress plays opposite. The. guson, now on the screen at the Hoycast includes Mar~ MacDermott Oscar bur~ theater. \Vith ~[onday's chan~e J3ergi, Carrie Daumery, Augustino of h1!1 t,~c sh~wing will he "The \Valtz Borgato, Nigel Barrie, Charles Puffv Dream, ~ V1ennese feature produced Alphonse Martell and Clarence Thomp~ hy a fore1gn cast starrin~ Xenia Desni. sen. ~ Percy ~brmont in Sinclair Lewis' The latest Our Gang comeclv "I 1~ story of "Mantrap" wilt come to the Det·p" and Pathc Review he i;1 clucl- 'scref'n Thur sday. Clara Ro"· and Erned in the program. est Torrence are also members of the Romantic castles in Europe: devi- cast. ous intrigues in a European court: the THE NEW EVANSTON romance of royal loves and barterKen ~faynard in '·Senior Daredevil," ing for kingdoms: these all come to life in the filmization of George Barr the first of his se ries of uper-west~[cCutchcon's famous novel. "Bev- ern ,· is on the screen now at the Ke\\' erly o.f Graustark." pre sented hy Cos- Evanston theater. Dangerous stunts mopolitan as Marion Davies' latest feature the tJ,riller-stunts which ha\·e s~?rring vehicle. and playing at the made him famous in circus and thea\ ' JI!age theater Thursday, Friday and ter. The first showing of a Rudolph Valentino film since the late star's Saturday. September 16, 17 and 18. de<!-th, will he on the .screen starting ~f iss Da ,·ies pian a dual role one of the most difficult ever attempted, for Monday when "The Son of the Sheik" a s the heroine. she is required to mas- comes to the screen. Vilma Bank\·, querade as a crown prince and be the Agnes Ayres, ~1ontague Love. George central figure in the coronation to save Fawcett and others appear in the cast. NOW SHOWING KBII MAYIIARD-DOROTBY DEVORE ··senor Dare Devil" STARTING MONDAY in His LAST imd GREATEST Production RUDOLPH VALENTINO "The Son ol the Shiek" with VILMA BANKY T H ~N E~T2.!.~.~ R N FRIDAY and SATURDAY ~ACK MULHALL ··Wild West" ___ S _t_ o-= ry =--of Circus and Covered Wagon Days MONDAYandTUESDAY--~------ MADY CHBISTIAMS in the New U·. F. A. Production ,,ill ··The Waltz Dream·· WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ERNEST TORRENCE ··Mantrap~' BALAB.t\11 & KATZ MBWEST TBBATBB HOWARD 6YI. IETW!EN"L" ANO t:U.AK STR The Theatre for the Great North Shore HO ~·-a_a_a_a_ .. n -~~ Village Theatre #"NEWS '-'AMPU f'onflnuou111 from 1 :SO to 11 P. M. -Starting Sunday, Sept. 12- Toflay-Sntnrday Gloria Swanson· IN Your Home Theatre J. B. Koppel, Managing Dlreetor EYeulngs ;:SO·t; )lat. Tues., 3:80 "THE RUNAWAY EXPRESS" f'miu·dy Fnhlt>s - 811orts Jl on., 'ftu·s., Sept.., 13 and U ··FiDe Manners" -NOW PLAYING- lion., Tues., Sept. 13 and U . f'OLLEE~ 1\lOORE ""Ella Cinde·s" Also "·;xN·ss Baggage" ! reel comedy nnd Pathe News. ""BIGGER TRAM BABMUMS" ,\ GREAT {'IRf'l"S PH'TI:RF. Unltlh Lewis - ('omc>cly - \"loin Ilana ~ .. " .s Toples Douglas We4i'lll'Sfllly, St>Jit. 1;; Uy POJlUiar Deman·l Wed. Only, Sept. 11) NORl\IAN KERRY "The Love Thiel' Also "In Deep" latest Cameo comedy and Pat he News. RUDOLPH VALEMTIMO In MacLean 1n FROM NewYork to darkest Africa - at twosmiles-a-m i n u t e. Guaranteed to kill the blues. Come early and · get the lion's share of the fun. · "·BLOOD and SAND" 'fhurs., Fri., Sept. HI and 17 Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sept. 18, H, 1\IARION DAVIES 1~ "HOLD THAT LION" "·Beve·ly ol ..Also · L~test ! reel "Our Gang" comedy . and Patbe News Sat. Mats., t and 4 p. m. G·aus-..k" Olin Borden and a Big Show THlT RSDA Y NIGHT, 9:00 P. M:. '·FIG LEAVES" Gl'o. O'Brien - STAGE SPECIALTIES ALL TIMES REDUCED PRICES NOW BATHING BEAUTY CONTEST ,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'""--·-·........ - ·· Mi.

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