September 10, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE line exhibit and will act as host at the two luncheons. A large staff of North Shore line representatives is assisting him in the big task of managing Dresses-Hats-Suits Many famous men made hazardous this record-breaking exhibit of the and eventful journeys in this pioneer .. Road of Serv,ice." . and Coats coach. Bandits and Indians were the art constantly arriving tor you · usual source of danger. "Hank" Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Roche, 801 insptction. Pricu art more than Brown, one of the best known stage Central avenue, have returned after reasonable. coach drivers, lost his life on this spending the past week-end at Nippercoach during an attack by bandits in sink Lodge in Wi_ sconsin. 1873. The co'ach, which is the property -oof the Essanay Film Manufacturing B. COPLAN. Prop. Mrs. Paul L. Roche will entertain company, Chicago, was loaned to the 1 1 2 6 Central Avenue hvelve Chicago friends at luncheon North Shore Line especially for exPb6ne Wil. 2·03 and bridge next Friday at her home, hibition at the Wisconsin State fair. 801 Central avenue. .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. Jt is being used in filming historical motion pictures. Another feature of the North Shore line exhibit is a large booth occupying space in the Manufacturers' building immediately adjoining the bandstand, where the North Shore line band will present a program Thursday afternoon. . The booth, in addition to its decorative features, provides chairs where visitors mav rest. Thousands of paper shopping ·bays are being distributed daily at this booth. On \Vednesday, ··Governor's Day" at the State fair, Governor John J . Blaine an.d his staff and other gubernatorial candidates in the coming election will be guests of the North Shore Line at luncheon, to be served at 12 :15 o'clock in the dining car of the exhibition train in the fairgrounds. Thursday, "Milwaukee Day," Mayor Daniel Hoan and other Milwaukee city officials will be guests at luncheon to be served at the same hour in the dining car. Samuel Insull, chairman of the board of the North Shore line, President Britton · I. Budd and vicepreside'nts Bernard J. Fallon and Hal M. Lytle are expected to attend the In the hours that she formerly spen{in overfair on that day as guests of secretary seeing the laundry work, she is now free foe of Agriculture ]. D. Jones. other, pleasanter . duties. She has time to Bert W. Arnold, assistant general reJd-to visit- to do charitablt work. And manager of the North Shore line, is in general supervision of the North~ j she is glad that she has time for these things, furnishes an' interesting comparison NORTH SHORE LIN~ TO between early travel and modern transp<;>rtation by- -high-speed electricHAVE COSTLY EXHIBIT any operated trains. .M ORE Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Haa $150,000 Exhibt at Milwaukee Expo What is said to be a new record in extent and costliness of exhibits at the \Visconsin State fair has been established by the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee railroad-the North Shore Line-with its $155,000 exhibit at the 1926 exposition now under way at Milwaukee. A five-car all-steel train, including three regulation passenger coaches, a dining car · a nd a parlor-observation car, is the feature of the North Shore line exhibit. The train-one of the regular limiteds operating daily between Milwaukee and Chicago over the new Skokie Valley route-stands on a temporary track to the left and just · inside the main entrance to the fair grounas. The train is complete in every detail, even to the presence of trainmen and dining and parlor-observation car attendants. The coaches are open for inspection and each day throngs of visitors are passing through the train. Runways to the car steps at the front and rear coaches facilitate entrance and exit. Persons wishing to rest have the privilege of doing so in the heavily-upholster~d green-plush seats which are a feature of North Shore Line comfort. An interesting historical note is added to the exhibit by an aged stage coach, mounted on a platform at the head o·f the train. This stage coach harks back to the early days of the "Golden \Vest," having been in actual use as early as 1862 in transporting mail and passengers between Cheyenne, \Vyo., and Dea~\\'ood. S. D. It UNIQUE STYLE SHOP I To this · W oman "Washday" now means -a day for living and thankful that we are helping her, so that she can help others. A few words on the telephone or to Bill the Washington Laundry Man and "Washday" would be a thing of the past for you, too. .. Advance Showing of Early . Fall Footwear THE FAN-TAN Featured in black calf with black alligator trim, or tan calf with · tan aliigator trimming. this ....., service is popular ....., Prim Prest Service. All clothes finished, ready to wear and use . · Minium bundle 1 o lb., for $2.25. H ;mdkerchiefs 2 cents extra. o· CALL IN · BILL TODAYHE'S IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY-AND EVERY DAY 20% Discount on work brought in and called for fi .,. RCH PREsERVED SHOE '1SHOP INC. Greenleaf 231 630 Chur~h St. ..