26 WILMETTE LIFE hibiting health posters, suggesting health habits, food, and exercise. "Service to Others" is work which may be done in the school classes in art, sewing and pottery, in making useful articles for ex-service men or children in hosJ>itals, gloom chasers play an important part of the Junior program in making the hospitalized n~en happy, these gloom chasers are bnght colorful tissue paper flowers, dolls, nut cups, holders for cigarettes and many other articles to attract attention. The lap boards, flower vases, tuck-in pillows and ash trays are also ·part of this service. "The around the World service" is one which the school children give through interschool correspondence with about fifty-eight countries of foreign lands, the exchange of portfolios , dolls dressed in the costumes of the country from which they are sent, the exchange of hand work and ideas, all give the children a clear view of vfhat the young people of our country as well as of the foreign countries are accomplishing,, which is an exchange of education and custom which brings about the international as well as national membership to the Junior Red Cross. The . Chicago Chapter Junior Red. Cross mcludes Du Page count_Y, Cook countv and Lake. county, wtth 532 schooh enrolled m J umor membership. September 10, 1926 Junior Red Cross Renews Activity at School Opening To carry on the greatest service to all mankind, is the aim of the 456,833 school boys and girls enrolled in Chicago area Chapter Junior Red Cross. Tl1e work of these people is carried on through their school work and a large part of the Junior program is divided into three parts, "Fitness for service" includes the making and ex- National Board of Women Voters Will . 1~1 eet in JVinnetka (Continued from Page 24) to us hut names we read of and persons we have admired at a distance . . The national president, Miss Belle Sher\\'in of Washington, D. C., is planning to be present. Mrs. James W. Morrisson first vice president of the league, at;d president of the Illinois league will return from K ew York in time to attend the conference. Three other vice presidents, who will play a vital part in the seven r{ays' work are the ~ecoml. fourth and fifth Yice presidents; Miss Adele Clark. Richmond. Va., Miss Elizabeth J. Hauser, department of efficienc,· in government, Girard. Ohio, and. ~fiss Mollie Ray Carroll. departmrnt of puhlic \\'t>lfare in gm·ernment. \Vashington, D. C. ~fis:-; Katherine Lunrlington, chairman of finance committee, t\c,,· York C'ih·, treasurer of the LeaQ'ue. and Mi:-s Tulia Lathron. connected '"ith Public \\'elfare in Go,·ernmrnt of Rockford, 111.. arc also t>xpcctcrl to he present. ~fi..;s Lathrop is \\'rll knn\\'n to north c;hnrc pcoplr, and to a large group · of fnrmrr student:.: and ;1!umnae of Rock ford college. The regional dirrctnrs range through man~· states. and includl' thr follmYing: ~frs. Tanws E. ChPrsman. first region. from .Prcwidrnce. R. T.: \frs. C~spar \ \'hitnr,· . ..;econd region. I n·inl!ton-onHud-:on·. '!\. Y.: ~fi~ .;; ~fan· 0. Co\\·nrr, third region, Durl1alll, '\'. C'.; ~fi ~s \f ar!!unitP ~f. \\T rll". fifth rrg-ion. \finncapnlis. ~finn . : ~fr s. Rosrnc An drr:'on. sixth region. St. Louis, \f o.: and ~f rs. Ernest ]. \f ott. seventh region. San Francisco, Cal. ~fan~· regional srcrrtaries and mcm hrrs of the national staff will attend: ~fiss ~fargucrite 0\\'en, sccretar\' of lcgislatinn: ~fi -; ;-; L nuist' (',riffeth: a;;" i"t;111 t t rt'asurer: ~f i;-;s Ruth \facT ntosh. 't' Crrtary sixth region, St .. r.ouis. \fn : ~f rs. Tnhn ·R. Parkrs. secrrtan· fifth reg-ion."LrRm·. ~finn.: ~fiss ~fa; garctta \Villiamso;1, sc rretan· third re gion, Durham. S. C.: \f rs. Elias Tharp, s~'cretarY seYrnth regi on. San Franci-;co. Cal.: \fi:; . Catherine ~f c Re,-nolck mrmher of tiH' national staff ·at \Yashington: and ~fiss Florencr Jbr rison. :-;ecretar~· fourth region. \\"ith headquarters in · \Vinnetka . thPir daughter< ~fiss Florence ancl \fi-;s Dorcas. returned last " ·rek aftrr a summer spent in ( ;difornia. The\· are .;topping at thr Orrington hotrl until S('ptcmher 1~. whrn the\' will r~gain occupy their home at 817 Central ~r r. ~···-------------~~------------~~~ LOOP STORE WEST TOWN 131 S. State Street Roosevelt and Kedzie F. B. GEORGE CO. 4800 Sheridan Rd., Cor. Lawrence Ave. TVith Paris Influences tp to Period Effects Chiffon "Dane? Colors with Black Sequin Designs Basque Effects Straightlines 1+E~·-------------~----~--~~~,~LOOP STORE WEST TOWN I 3 I S. State Street Roosevelt and Kedzie F. B. GEORGE CO. 4800 Sheridan Rd., Cor. Lawrence Ave. ;mel \f r s. Fmt.rr Branson and . .. Paris Replicas of FALL~OGI(S Featuring Draped Skirts, Ruffied Tiers, Vionnet $leeves lnfan ts' First Walking Shoes TO GIVE small feet full freedom of development. Broad. straight lasts; soft, pliable soles; flat spring heels. Smooth inside -no nails. Sizes 5 to 8. White Washable Elk, Pony Hide and Tan .... -------------- ---- - - W-hatever Paris has decreed to be fashionable this seasonF. B. George Co. has here. $3.95 Telephone Univenity 97 J .--· ~ pecial Sale!--· J£)0 New Satin Dresses ·INC· CHILDAeN·s SHOE 1608 Chicago Avenue PmL cr PIPER SPECIALISTS Evanston, .,.