24 WILMETTE LIFE September 10, 1926 . ' jullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllll,llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ' Women Voters Arrange for Conference ' l'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 11111111111 ·111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1 111 1111 1 11111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ' ~~ /" National Board of Women Voters Will Meet in Winnetka By MARGERY WINDES Social times, dinners, teas and bridge parties have been omitted . almost entirely from the program of the seven day session of the national b.o ard of the League of Women Voters, which will meet in the home of Mrs. William Gold Hibbard, 840 Willow road, Winnetka, during the W(' t k of September 13 to September 20. This energetic and internationally known group of women are planning an agendum brimming with organization plans, policies and the year's work ahead. Manv of the members will travel from Europe, California, South .Carolina and New York to attend this regular board meeting generally held in Washington, D. C. Everv minute from 9 o'clock in the morning until well into the evening will be taken up. The sessions will be held in the squash court south of Mrs. Hibbard's home, with one side removed giving a charming view of the gardens. lndividuaJJv these women who will meet in \Vinnetka, who have travele~ from the two coasts, are doing most interesting things between meetings. Miss Belle Sherwin, national president, led the delegation of the National League of Women Voters to the International Suffrage association in Paris, France, this summer. The league was the only organization represented from this country. Since this trip abroad, Miss Sherwin has been horseback riding through Glacier Nationa} Park. Miss Ruth Morgan, third vice president, New York City, is unable to attend the meetings. She is in Geneva, Switzerland, attending the League of Nations sessions. Miss Morgan is vice president of the International Suffrage organization, and is chairman of the committee to formulate a program for promoting friendly international feel111 . ~he first two davs of the session will he devoted to the ·questions. of organi· zatJOn an d WI·11 b e for t h e outsl·d er t h e 1 t · eas m t eres t.mg. These two days are ·t 1 t o th e 1 VI a ea g ue a 11 d are the neces sary part of every hoard meeting. Miss Sherwin, the president, regional directors and secretaries will be present these first two days. On Wednesday, it is expected that aiJ the directors wilt arrive and the meeting be in full swing. Mrs. Ftank Hixon, Sheridan road, Lake Forest, b acting for Mrs. Hibbard, and will entertain Miss Sherwin, president, Mis~ Katherine Lundington, treas~rer, Miss J utia Lathrop, counselor, Mrs. Caspar Whit.ney, director of the second region, and Miss Gladvs Harrison, executive secretary. at her home during the· seven days. Several board members w11l stay at Mrs. Hibbard's home. and othen will be cared for in \Vinnetka and Lake Forest homes. Those attending- the conference expect to take their evening dinner at the Indian Hill Golf club, where they will gather after a strenuous day, and rest before the evening meeting.. We on the north shore are already familiar with many of the officers in the National League, while others are (C'!ntinued on Page 26) .. Set Day of Lloyd-Clore Girls Entering College Wedding as September 25 Guests at Evanston· Tea The home of Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch, 2236 Or.rington avenue, Evanston, will be opened September 11 for a tea, to the girls in Chicago and the nearby suburbs who will enter Rockford college this fall. The North Shore branch of the Chicago Rockford college association will assist Mrs. McCulloch. Former students and alumnae are also invited to this annual tea which marks the opening of the ~chool season as well as the alumnae functions which will be held during the winter and spring. Mrs. McCulloch will have as her assistants, Miss Katherine Gray Oberlin, president of the Chicago association. Hammond, Ind.: Elizabeth Shedd Michaels, Chicago, Mrs. Charles V. Herrick, Chicago, Miss Lydia Robinson, former president of the association, Margery B. Windes, Professor Lorena M. Church, registrar of Rockford college: Mrs. Robert Stowers, Mrs.· L. T. McMenemy, Lake Forest, Mrs. John H. Milne, Evanston, Miss Carolii1e M urrev, Mrs. Edwin L. Waug-h, Miss Cordelia Lyons, Wheaton, 111., Miss Ruth Rayee, Miss Franres Brown, Wilmette, Mis s· Ruth Dunscomb, Waukegan, Miss Louise Blymeyer, Evanston, and Miss Marian Jay, Evanston. 111111 ~11111111111111111111111111111111 111111 JJ'J: rrin Ch · h· ampJons tps September undoubtedly will find as keen interest displayed in · women's golf matches at the local clubs as have the previous months, although in most instances the climax of the season at t>ach club came with the deciding of the woman's championship for the summer of 1926. At this time of writing-, ho\vever, the title· holders at Sun- North Shore Women to set Ridge and Indian Hill clubs were Be Hostesses at Reception to he settled this week. Mrs. John Arends has taken the The two hundred or more girl s who title at the Wilmette Golf club, with are entering the University of Illinois Mrs. Clair Graham runner-up. At this fall are being entertained SaturNorth Shore, Mrs. H. H. Harrison was rlav, September 11. <~t the home of Mrs. winner of the woman's golf champion- Charles Dennis, 1225 Michigan avenue, !'hip, "'"ith hnet Bvrnes, runner-up. Evanston, bv the Chicago alumnae Mrs. and Ed. White holdsLen«en the class B ass . oct·att.Otl of the universit _ v. The aartitle, Mrs. Fred that of ,.., F den tea ,~· ill he held from 3 to 6 and the d~ss C. Miss Eva Mav Tohnson of · · " Winnetka is woman's o-olf champion host"'sses ' ""t.ll l)e Mrs. Charles Dennis at Skokie. ,., of Ev<~nston. :lnd Mrs. C. Howard RPnt. Mrs. 'R. E. Stults and Mrs. Fritz 1 1 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111tn 11111 Vvagner of Winnetka. The following are the officers of the "Alarry Tomorrow allianct>: Mrs. f'h~rles Denni", presiTwo Wilmette J.!irls wilt be brides of clent: M '"" · C. Howard Bent. vice-presSaturday, September 11. Miss Anl!ela irl,nt: Miss MarrYaret Herdman of Renew Club Bridge Doris Koenig will wed Seward F. Me- ('hicaP"o. corresponrling secretary: Mrs. The re-av.·akeninr season of social Kenney of \Vinnetka at tO in the morn- Fritz 'V::1rrner. rPcordinl! secretary: and activitv hints at a husv winter and ing at St. Francis Xavier church. A Mrs. A. F. Robinson, Oak Park, treas~ C!Utumn. One pha'e o{ the events arwedding breakfast and reception for urPr. ran{TPd f1t tl1t> Guilmette Countrv club members of the families will take place 'fhe te::t is being l'!iven under the di- is the Monday hriclge. After a· short at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. rprtion nf a committee of which Mrs. period of quiescence this form of Mooand Mrs. Joseph A. Koenig, 825 Gre- Robert Knox is chairman. d~y afternoon pleasure re-commences O'Orv avenue. fotlowinothe ceremonv. Septei11her 13. Afternoon tra will be t-. ,.., .l IIIII 1111111111111111111111111111111111 .1" ' 1 The v.:edding of Miss Ethyl G. Bara ~ner=~t feat11rf' phnned hv the chairrett, daug-hter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Mr~ . Frank OelPric-h, nresid,nt of man, · Mrs. \Villiam Holmes, and the Barrett, 822 Lincoln avenue, and Rob- thP \Voman's Catholic Club of Wit- 111t>mhers of hrr committee. Mrs. A. t>rt Kenneth Newhall of Chicago. will mt>ttf'. will he hostess at a reception .W. Allen will he hostess for these ht> an evenin{T affair. The Rev. H. F. f()r thP fortv-one new members of the events throughout the current month. Branch of Oak Park will read the ser- rh~h ¥- hn h:we 1oined durin'-! the vears 1 vice at 8 o~clock, at the Barrett home. 1Q2~ and 1926. The affair ,~ill be given .1111 41111111111111111111111111111111 .1 " 111 ~riclav aftt>rnoon. September 17, at A Bill Ten pre-reg-istration dance 111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 1 . I'm Mrs. Oelerich's residence. 1201 Green- will be given at the Drake hotel SaturThe qualifying round for the Sep- wood avenue. M em hers of the boarrl day evening, September 11, from 9 tember trophv for its women members. of n1ana!!ers of the c:htb will assist the until 1. Music will be furni.,hed bv was played off at the Wilmette Golf h()stt>~::s in receiving the g-uests during M?r_rie Blumenthal and his "Fighting. club Tuesday of this week. the _~e.a.. h~ur~_:__.-·.- .... _ -·--- ---.--.. -- __ _ ... .:·. .gJtm" orchestra. · . . -·· __ . :. The marriage of Miss Catherine deWolf Lloyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Eager Lloyd·, 192 Glenwood avenue, Glencoe, to William Ward Clore, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Clore, 654 Cherry street, Winnetka, will take place on Saturday, Septem-( ber 25, at 8 :30 o'clock at Christ church, Winnetka. The Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard will perform the ceremony. Miss Lloyd will be attended by her sister, Mrs. Theodore Cox of Atlanta, Ga., as matron of honor. Her bridesmaids will be Miss Elizabeth Clore, sister oi the groom, Miss Elizabeth Pond of Evanston, a~d Mrs. Martin Below of Evanston. Mr. Clore will have Clayton Seagears of New York, as best man. T~e ushers will be Raymond Roth of Wtlmette, Charles Shearer of Bay City, Mich., Donald McCabe of Bay City, Mich., Lauren Stokesberry of Indianapolis, Robert Seymour of Chicago, Alex Goetz of Chicago, Martin Below, Evanston, and the groom's brother, ·wallace Clore, of Evanston. Immediately following the wedding a small reception for the families and intimate friends will be held at the home of Mrs. George Forrest, Glen wood street, Glencoe. Miss Llm·d and Mr. Clore are hoth gradu::~tes New Trier High school. Mr. Clore attended the University of ~1ichigan, and was a member of Delta l:pisilon fraternity. They plan to make their future home in Northbrook, Ill. 1 !1 111 11111111111111111111111 11111111111 !1111 Wilmette Gives Its Generous Support to Flower, Fruit Guild The five davs beginning Monday,August 30, comprised Wilmette week ~t the Chicago Plant, Fl<'Jwer and Frmt guild's booth at the North v~ estern station. 'Members of the . W1.lmette Garden club under the dtrectton of Mrs. C. D. Ewer, were in charge of the booth throughout the week. Members of all of the north sh<?re villages are responding g~nerou sly ,\,. tth their surplus flowers, frmts, vegetables and jellies. Small bouquet s are as gratefully received as la.rge on.e s. . Atmost everv morning tram commg mto the station since August 9, when the booth was opened, ha s brought several person s carrying an armful of flowers or a box of apples or of vegetables for Many mornings Henr.y the booth. Beach has taken the flowers into Chtcago that were left on th e table for the guild at the Wilmette depot. The co-operation of all who are interested in se nding flowers to those who need t hem. is making the guild the power for good in Chicago that it is in other cities. Th e Girl Scout s are among those giving actin help to it. Dnrin JI \Vilmette week. on ~fonday , wl1 Pn ~f r s. C. D. Ewer ·and ~f rs. Charles· Bixin: were in charg-e, the flower s were sent to Em er son House : on Tuesda,·, \vhen ~frs . C. B. Berg flir Pc-trd th e hooth. to thr Howell !\" P;ghhnrhoNl Ho11"~': nn \Vednesday, with ~f rs A lhcrt F.. ~rhcrt in commanrl. t n Fello,,·sl1in H ottsf': 'fhur s da~· . 111Hit> r the "unen·i:;ion of ~1 rs. Robert Tavlor, to Henrv -Booth House: Friday, !' 111; ,.. rvi ~ er1 !"· ~f rs. \ Valter Gnre ~it chell. to the Jewish People's Institute. r,, ::!rlciitlon tn th\.t s distributing the flowrr5. a nttmh er of hottC]uets were f'lrr::nwrd at the hooth for special case s th:1t h~d come to the attention of the committee. O( th e manv contributions coming in fr())ll ~11 part s of Chicago anci it s vicinitv. the records in the hook of the P"ttild ~how that \Vilmettr. during those five davs, sent in twentv-four bouquets. fifteen - glasses of jelt'y, one box of vegrtahles and seven baskets of apples. The committee urges each resident nf the village to send all of the flowers he or she can spare. szarden flowers, or even wild flowers. "Send vour flowers now, while you have them,;' is the plea. 111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111 l"lllr of