Sepfex.p ber 10, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE LANDT CO. ITUREEvanston, Illinois Our Time Payment Purchase Plan Our merchandi se · is all marked in plain figures, at cash price s. For the convenience of those who cann o t pay all cash our tern1s are as follows: No carrying charge for ninety days; over ninety day s to o ne year six per cent is added to the unpaid balance at time of purcha se . OPENIN·G SEPT. Le 1n a · I 9TH Gateleg Table om Group ation ·of fine American lost of the exposed sur ow n, and high lighted. Chair (each ) .. $14.95 na Cabinet ...... $59.00 r er r not shown). $36.00 1 Months of time and thought have been spent on this event. The selection on our floors is varied and the i price appeal is exceptiollally great. Many of the articles \ in this advertisement are specials and of course the quantity is limited. Shop early and take advantage of the complete selection. No mail or phone orders. Open Thursday and Saturday E v'enings ------------------------------ $14.95 36x48 inches and finished in \valnut or mahogany. L~rge enough for breakfast table yet small enough for living room piece. ,.., Solid ·Mahogany You cannut secure better uphul- Martha Washington Sewing Cabinet furniture stercd than this. regard Ir--s of price. The frame i~ hand carn:d. sulid mahogany, the cushions are n ·\·e rsible and it can lJc had in a choice of tine nwhai rs, ta pe :s t rics or $14.75 Regulation full sized cabinet and nicely finished. Can also be had in solid walnut. e ·· I friezes . 1111 !-(' t \ Louis XVI Bedroom Group I . T oilet Table ... . ........ $69.50 Bed (full ur ~i: 1 gl·· 1 ······ 79.50 Chair .............. . .... 21.50 l~cncl1 ........... ....... 21.50 ith I 1.fust be seen tu be appreciated. Exquisite ly hand dec()ratcd and· -;tippled i:1 g-rey lacquer. Dresser .... .... ... . .... $9750 Magazine Basket ra~ n \' cly . $3.95 ( Chest ............ .. ...... 59 . !;~ Lacquered red or greP.n with rlainty hand decorations. Has 4 pockets. \ ' End Table $3.75 Well built, with a book trough, in mahogany finish.