Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1926, p. 22

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22 WILMETTE . LIFE S_ eptember 10, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE ISSUED FBJDA.T OF BACH WBBK by LLOYD BOLLISTBB, INC. 1!22 Central Ave., Wllmette, Ill. Chicago of!lce : G N. Michigan Ave. 'rei. State 6326 l'elephone ..........··....·...·.·..··..·. Wilmette litO ttUBSCBJPTION PRICE ......···.·.·. tJ.OO A TBA.B All communications must be accompanied by the the earth round the sun, still we've got so used to it that it would be most ~npleasant to live on the planet Neptune, which takes several terrestrial years to run once around the sun. Make something of your opportunity to b~gin again. In these cool and wind,· wet daYs. when the going of su mmer is b~ing anno.unced by skY and land and sea, it will console manY to think of the coming of . Spicewood spri ng. So ,,.e print here a . very short poen1 by Lizette \Noodworth Reese teiling a very little about the "Young Year." We don't know " ·hat spicewo.od is, "A thing so honey-colored and so tall." \Ve suppose that it is a southern shrub or \Yeed. 1\Iiss Reese being a native of 1\Iaryland. Will some Southern reader enlighten us? Here are the delightful lines: The spice\\·ood burns along the grey. spent sky, In moist unchitnneyed places, in a wind. That whips it all before, and all behind, Into one thick. rude flame. no\Y low. no\\· high. It is the first, the .hom eliest thing· of allAt sight of it, that lad that by it fares. \\/his~l es afresh his foolish, to\\·n-cangbt a1rs. \ thing· so honey-colored and so tall! It is as tlvJtto·h the ·Youno· year. ere he 1)ass 0 To the white riot of' the cheery tree, \Vould fain accustom us, here. or there, To his ne\\. .sudden ways with hough and grass. So starts with \Yhat is humble, plain to see. ..-\.nd all familiar as a cup, a chair. I") · SHORE LI.NES +..o_u_o_~..--·-------·) LITTLE FIRES I sit by little fires, Content to never go Out visiting beyond Their little sober glow. The kindly smile of love Is sufficient light For all my little fancies Through a little night. -WICKIE na.me and address of the writer. Articles for pub· !icatlon must reach the editor by Wednesday noon to .nsure avpearance in current issue. 'Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary, notices of entertainments or other a.tralra where an R.dmlttance charge fs published, wlll be charged at regu1ar advertising rates. Entere·d at the post office at Wllmette, Illinois, as mall matter of the second class, · under the act or M~trch Not a Shingle One! If you're cut 11p because your long contributions didn't ride our rails, it's 'cause we're not licensed to bob 'em. 3, 1879. THIS SHOULD BE A BEST SELLER If vou want to feel a important as a nen·ous angle.worm talking to an absent-minded amoeba. read, or rather wrestle with Spengler's book on the downfall of our western civilization. It is a masterly piece of · work, and well worth three · months' study. You can't read a chapter before going to sleep, but you must promise not to go to sleep while reading a chapter. When you're through, you will have something upsetting to ponder, as you dash about in this declining world. as one of the declining specimens inhab iting- it. -0SC.\R The north shore suburbs are beautiful. \\"e have the ·reputation of being rather proud of our good looks, and . our pride . is not ungrounded. Others have told us we are Let's rather . con~ely. In fact we Keep· Them should not. have grown so rapidly and real estate prices would not have risen so high, had our natural and n~an-made surroundings not been notablY attractive . It is our duty to keep .our towns attracti\·e. \\' e ought to allow nothing to detract from this attractiveness. We ought to take signs off our trees. Our lots. especially lots that don't seem to belong to anybody in particular, ought to be kept free from cans and other rubbish. Our bridges and buildings must be kept good lookino-. Such signs as have appeared on the Willo~v road viaduct in Winnetka .ought to be painted out. V\Te are grateful to the North Shore road for having retnoved their painted announcetnent. Perhaps the North \Vestern road has already done likewise. ~ SHORE LINES PARADISE: ~o punning allmHd . Fables for ladies, bandying room for gcnh. Have You a Little Corn Flake in Your Home? (From the Gulf Port, "Daily Gazette.") September 1 : Gulf Port is glad to welcome an honored guc~t, ~lr.- -------------- , journali:-.t, of \\' ilmette. Ill. ~Ir. --------------- said in an interview with one of our best-looking reporters, that Gulf Port was a lovely city. "To me, Gulf Port has that so me-thing so necessan· to a beautiful city. It has charm. It has vitality. Tt ha pep. It has street cars. automobiles and even electric lights. In fact, it is a loYely city," said the famous hut austere ).fr. -- ------------- in hi_ s quaint way. "I am con sidering giYing up my international!\· known attitude tm\·ard matrimonv Gtdf P ort ha·=captivatcd me so." ·' Mr. ----~---------- wore a ~uit. chic hat oi French pattern. spats (it is rumored) . He drm·e an in· teresting car. l.~·dia: Peg-Leg said dat('n )'On'l/ fo<-·e OIICC more." Let'~ keep our natural beauties unitn- paired. Sunday morning beside a relatiYely small lake in northern Michigan is like any ,o ther morning, except for the ringSunday ing of church bells in the town across the lake. The Morning sun shines as hotly as on any other day. The birds sin g their usual songs. The fish bite as infrequentlY as on Monday. In short. nature does n.ot kno\\' the Sabhath day. In general the ·resorter makes as little discritnination as nature. Had . he no calendar he would have no means, except the sound of the bells, of knowing that the first day had come round again. The Sabbath calm, spoken of in hyn1ns and serm,ons, does not exist either in nature or in the average summer cottage. We know that there are resorters who go to church on Sunday, people who put aside t~eir ever!day tasks and participate in pubhe worshtp; who return to their cottages with the feeling of satisfaction that. attends the discharge of duty. Truly, the Sabbath was tnade for man and not man for the Sabbath. If an individual man believes that his observance of Sunday as a special day of rest and worship does him a good that he could not otherwise achieve, then he ought certainly go to church on Sunday, whether he is on a vacation in the country ,or at home engaged in his regular occupation. If he does not so believe, what is his duty on Sunday n1orning? begins agatn tn April. Human beings hegin in September. Isn't there something alarming in this difference between the n1ethods of Beginning · nature and n1an? In the fall nature is harve st ing Again her various fruits. All na. ture, \Yith notable exceptwns, matures in the fall. The leaves, the flower s, all come to an· end in the autumn. But man then begins a new year. . The outstanding event of tnan's new year ts the reopening of the ~c hocls. 'fitne was when the children looked forward t,o the fall_ ~essio_n with reluctance, not to say posttlve dtstaste. But now things are different. The normal child is glad to return to school. The reopening of the scho,ol doors is a happy occasion. Bus.iness tnen after the cotuparative slackness of the sutnmer months tighten up their belts a bit and plan to n1ake the new year outstrip the old. What was lacking in the · previous year will be supplied in the coming year. Local Chambers of Commerce issue self-in1posed ,orders to their tnembers to beat the record during the coming months. It is well that both nature and man should begin over again every twelve months. Although everybody knows that this annual cycle is due to a revolution of ~ature CUPID'S CORNER of the Sla7.'C, "at /)o \'()1/ t/zin/( he ~l:ill '! _Honest L3·dia, I'm in lo't'C zt;itfz him C'l'£'11 JJcar tf he zs a 'WO IIIOII -ftaler a11d a n11ic. .·Is/,· him if I hai'C a clta11cr will )'Olt? 1'11; {Jasltful. -E~DrY. OH. Poetry, in thy name·---------.1! y Dearest Shore Li11es: lVon't 3'illl Nl·as<' _ql'f this in before the Big Slave returns? To a Clinging Line Si11g olt! Ye pliers and know not wlzy tlze tiger sllnsets. }[a)"t'th it not be the elect rolls seeing on? Tics, rails, poles and trolley, such alas mak'th th e gragg)'* lin es. *Chaucer. -MYKE AXD LYKJ·:. THE SILVER SPOON Galsworthy's "The Silver Spoon" left us feeling ~orry for Fleur, who was horn with a silver spoon 111 h~r mouth and thought she could do what she It ked ; sorry for her father, old Soames, who always had to do the unpleasant things and who coulclr:t't remember when anyone hacJ' come to se~ htm except to ask for something; sorry for Mtchael, w_ho was too much in love with Fleur, and who tned t~o. earnestly to wake up Parliment; sorry for Maqone Ferrar; who was too petted and too modern for her own happiness· sorry for !he three · miserable war victims, who c~uldn't adJUSt themselves whe!l they had their chance; sorry for England, who ltved. on past prosperity, England who was. born w1th a silver spoon in her mouth and still clutched it, although she was toothless. B_ut, strangely, we were also sorry when we fimshed the book! -TH~ THIRT~ENTH BuccANEER ,. The Slave has put a silver spoon in our mouthand we hate to give it up! · JAN~ 2\RNT AND LYDIA.

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