September 10, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE their experimentatio~.· Undergraduate students do not the demonstra· tion school, but have the opportunity of observing the most approved methods and materials used by expert teachers under controlled conditions. Parents whose children are in the demonstration school are also given the opportunity for observation and for individual and group conf~rence concerning the children, their needs and capacities. . 17 MAKE READING EASIER Eight new Windsor chairs have been added to the Wilmette Public library for the reading and reference rooms. It is also announced that ch~nges are being ·made in the reference room · to make it more usable. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Keller and their family have returned to their home at 820 Greenwood avenue, after a three weeks' fishing trip to Port Arthur. will direct the Junior kindergarten. The CHILDREN'S SCHOOL senior kindergarten will be directed by Miss Margaret Farrar and Miss W,illENROUMENT LARGER mina Townes, and the primary classes will be taught by Miss NeUie Ball, Miss Violet Rush, Miss Virginia Solbery and Miss Clara Belle Baker, who is director of the school. · · School an lnaparataon The Children's · school of the college The enrollment in the Children's is used for the inspiration and infor· school of the National Kindergarten rnation of the students, but not for and Elementary college has gone on apace during the summer months, to such an extent in fact, with the children under four that it has been necessary to equip an additional unit to accommodate them. The school for the coming year which opens in Harrison hall Monday: September 20, will include a nursery school for children 2 and 3 years of age, a, junior kindergarten for those of four, a senior kindergarten for the five-year-olds, a lower primary for six-year.-olds, and an upper primary for those 7 and 8 years of age. Standard requirements for the first, second and third grades will be met by the primary classes, and in addition to this the children will have an unusual opportunity for the study of natural science, social science and for constructive activitv along various lines. Scho~l for Normal Children 'The subject matter and curriculum thr.o ughout the demonstration srhool is planned to insure the all-around development of normal, healthy children, and as vet no equipment has been provided f~r the care of defective children. Educational tests \viii be given upon entrance by Miss Laura Hooper and !\Iiss Anna "Markt of the psychology department. and physical examinations bY Dr. Mary Pope. The college proY~des a · clinic for the examination of defective children and gives advice as to suitable treatment, schools, etc., but does not at present accept such cases for enrollment in the school. Appoint Instructors .. The college has heen fortunate m securing for the Children's school, Miss Edith Maddox and ~1iss Miriam Brubaker, ·who for the past year conducteel the demonstration nursery school at the child welfare research bureau of Teachers college. Columbia university. The opening of experimental nursery ·schools in many of the leading ·universities has created a distinct shortage of trained v.·orkers for the nursery school. and National is particularly fortunate in securing Miss Maddox a.nd ¥iss Brubaker. Miss Maddox wttl dtrect the nurserv school, co-operating with Miss Florence Rice who directed the very successful summer session of the Nursery school. and Miss Brubaker National Kindergarten and Elementary College Equips Additional Unit for Children I Your Full Measure of Clothes Value! Fall fashions .fill the airchoose yours with care. ,i Plan to visit .Royal's Style Headquarters immediately. Here are materials and patterns arrayed in·quan.. tity beyond belief; blues, greys, overplaids, diamond~weaves, cheviots- all.-wool, all new- the best of what's best in men's Fall suitings and coatings. .. Yes, sir! We have this very large English Overplaid and many more, in the most unusual deli.. cate soft shades, sprinkled with blending color threads. Telephone Winnetka 613 Royal fabrics, style, fit, are GUARANTEED. You pay us $30 and save $20! Take a tip and see how · well you will fair with a RoyalSuit or 0'Coat . ·=· § Mabelle A. Higgins Pianist -Teacher $3 0 Ufwory Pa.... S..ilcl"'f Specially Priced ... .. Also Vehona Celebrated Specialty Fabrics .. $3S .. $40,. $45· ORDER DIRECT AT OUR WHOLESALE BRANCH STGRE Fall Term Begins September I 3 1641 Orrington Ave., .Evanston Opea Tu-y, Thunday lftd Saturday Eveniap 7 Day Ddiwry Schedule-No Dilappointmmts I I 6 2 Scott Avenue Hubbard Woods, Ill. LOQK FOR .T HE ROYAL TIGER SIGN IN YOUR OWN HOME TOWN! :