September 10, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 13 TUSSOCK EATS TREES Physicians Head· List of "N" Men Graduates Thomas J Lynch, Tree Surgeon, Says Of 200 "N" letter men who have Moths and Spiders Infest Elm and been graduated from Northwestern Asb Trees on North Shore university, a recent questionaire disThe tussock moth, the avowed en- closed that the 'youngest "N" man is en.1y of shade trees, the elm and ash now earning- $1,800 a · year and that particularly, is on the north shore in several of the older graduates, who large numbers this fall, and if he is have been athletes at Northwestern n ot treated roughly now, will do seri- have incomes of $50,000 a year or more. o us damage to the se tree s next vear. Sidney B. Meyer, historian of the "N" The red sp iders t oo, have made ·their club of Northwestern , sent out the inappearance in some place s, on the quirie s and the respo nse was most gratifying, he declares. Among the evergreens. · Thoma s ]. Lyn ch, th r tree surgeon former athletes there were shown to and village fo re ter of \Vinnetka savs he, he reports, 24 physicians, 21 salesthi s. is th e fir st tim e in the pas't fi~ e men, lG lawyers , 15 dentists, 13 bankor S IX years that the tussock moth has l'rs and 11 in structors in universities. bee n noticahle on trees in this vicinitv. On the otlier hand ·there was one Th e pe sts a re lodged mo tlv on the ho rticulturi st, 1 public utility officer, elms, Mr. Ly 11cl1., says, but, due to the 1 superintendent of schools and 1 fart that th e re \\'ill soon be fro . t. he athletic director, 2 ne\\' spaper pubdoe s not adv ocate sp raying except li shers, 1 hotel O\\'ner, 1 farmer, 2 where 'the \\·orm s are found in large planters, 2 public officials, 4 mini sters numbers. Arsenate of lea d. which is and 4 merchant s, not to mention many a ~tomac h poi so n, sho uld he used as ot he r trad es or professions. the t~1 ssoc k in o t.h do es it s da mage by rhewmg the foliage: The spiders Fern Germer of ::\e\\' York City is sho uld he sprayed \\'ith nicotine sul- spe nding t\~· o or three weeks at the phate. one level tea _poonful to a gal- home of his father and mother, Mr. lon of water; and Mrs. Lea J. Orr, 1002 Greenleaf Th.e tussock moth mav he detected h~· the cocoo n s " ·hich found o n the a nnue. t r u n k s , or h r a n c h e s o f t he trees . The a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;.;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. \\'nt'm, or caterpillar itse lf. is easily 1 recogni zed, du e to the large amount of dam ag-e it does to the foliage . \\' here\'Cr the tussock moth cocoo n s are found the~· sho uld be rell10\'ed and burned and the trees spra,·e d earh· next spring. says ~fr. L y n ch." · c:=:::z~r=roc:=::::~cs Appetizing Our chef has made her business into an art. It is the flavor of the food that really makes it appetizing. Every dish we serve is_ savory. n g 0 Tempting Service MAC'S 0 Bowling Lunch ·· 11 A. M. to lS P.M. I I 0 I 1 0C::::::IO' 'OC:::D 59 Wilmette Avenue 0 Eat FISH Telephone your orders-Wilmette 649 No Toll We Deliver ~JtiJ ft'.MBIJIA CDatlP...UN 15 57 SHERMAN AVENUE arc Evanston 1 Summer Sale! Combining Low Prices with O'Kean Quality WEDS IN NOVEMBER Saturday. Xovemher o. has been cbo . ..,e n b~· ~fi ss Edna ~[aric Gauger as the time nf her marriage to C'he;ter C(Jllld nf Evanston, son of ~f r. and ~fr. . ~1. Gould of Tul sa Okla. The ce r emo n~· will be performed in the home of the bride-elect's father and mothe.r, ~Jr. and ·}.1rs. George Gauger, 220 Lmden an~nue, "t .f :30 o'clock in th e afternoon. ~fi ss \\' iniired Bil sland, 1228 Elm,,.<~n d an.·nue, and ~fiss ~fari a n R eese, School Days and FURS Trade in Your Old Coat Will Accept Your Old Fur_Coat in Trade X O\\', \\' h ile the thermometer soars. \\·omen of forethought ar~ buying fur ·against next winter's cold. Those \\·ho are particularly wise arc buying then1 at O'Kean's, \\'here the pelt s are as beautiful as \\'e could find and the price s as moclera te as it has been po ss ible to make them. Coats that are new and smart. Children's Lunch Now that the children are returnin~ to school they will need more nourishing and substantial lunches. We are serving special lunches for the school children. They include, 721 Fore st an·nu e. \\'ere hos t esses at .. a lunc ht· on a ncl kite h en s ho\\'er ~f onday. August 30, in honor of \J iss Lora ~far~· Ehcr so n <·f ~outh Shore dri,·e . "·ho will h('C01Jle the bride ni Loui s ~fnhr September 1-t. ~1iss F.herson \ras ~I i-ss Bil slaod 's roommate at Pine ~fanor. \Yellesl ey . ~fa ss. , durin g h er first _ \'(:a r there. -0- soup, meat orders, vegetablt>s, milk cr coffee and desert. 4 ;c and soc D o rotln· Hall. 500 Central a\·enue, " ·ill ·h(· hastes. at a mi;. cellaneou s shower and t ea at her home in \Yilmettc \\'e dncsclay, September 8. in hon or nf ~Jis s -:\f argaret McCue. whose ma rriagc to Perry \V. Lieber of \\' innet ka, '"ill take place September 25. -o~ ~fis s Send your ,hild to us for meals and they will be well taken care of. A Suj.table Deposit Will Reserve Any of the Furs at This Sale Th e hoard anston and snciet ,. met the h~me of Evanston. ~lr. of directors of the EvNorth Shore Kentucky \Vednesday morning a-t ~frs. E. ]. Buffington in - 0- The Remodeling Then, too, it's time to think ahout the remodeling of old furs. There is a real saving in price on summer work. Let us show you how we can make good-looking garments b)· combining your old furs with new skins. Wilmette Cafe Meals that satisfy I" Fire and Burglar Proof Vault To better protect furs intrusted with us, we have installed a large FIRE, BURGLAR and ~lOTH PROOF Vault. Free storage on remodeling orders. Furs stored and insured at and ~frs. Ho\\'arcl Preston and their children. Caroline and Richard, left Thursda\' of last week on a short automobile trip to Land O'Lakes, \Vis. 1~ I , (., -- L.l -y .. ... ~ '-4. .. .. '"1 . ...... Q - ... I 3%. I ' / Edith Ray Young Piano Instruction -Tel. Wilmette 3651 630 Park Avenue Wilmette, Illinois Storage and Repairing Free for One Year OKEAN FURRIERS Established Since 19 1 1 . . .-: - .....::: - - _....0..._ - - ...I'"' - -- - I 561 Liaeoln Avenue, Winnetka Phone Winnetka 2.152.