September 10, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 11 MOST GRADE TEACHERS \ IN STATE QUALIFIED 1 Cook County Haa Only 1.69 Per Cent Who Failed in Teats, Says Waabburne This month nearly 44,000 teachers in Illinois are beginning their work with about 1,400,000 children in 12,000 school districts, writes Carleton W. \.Vashburne, superintendent of Winnetka schools. The quality of work done is extremely important to these children and to the future of the state itself and will depend largely upon the education, professional training, and previous experience of the teachers. Most of the ·teachers are qu· alified and will do good work; but a few have had no education beyond the ejghth grade, and many of them have never gone btyond the high school and have had no professional training. The public is beginning to understand that professional training is important for teachers as well as for lawyers and physicians. But some people who would not think of employing a mere high school graduate to defend property rights in court or to perforn1 a delicate surgical operation on a child's skull, still employ inexperienced young people with little education and no special training to try to perform that most delicate and important operation of developing what is in ·the skull into mind character and soul. The new school fund apportionment law divides teachers into classes according to training. Class A contains those who are graduates of two-year courses at the State Normal Schools, or their equivalent; Class B contains those with thirty-six weeks, or one year, of training; Class C, those with eighteen weeks of training; and those without training are said to be unclassified. According to the official reports in 1925, there were great inequalitie s in · the distribution of Class A teachers. Of 1,103 rural teachers reported from 10 well-distributed counties, only 8.88 per cent were in Class A. But in this' same superior class were 15.29 p'er cent of the grade teachers in small village schools; 59.69 per cent in cities of 5,000 to 10,000 population; 78.42 per cent of the 5,463 elementary teachers in the fifty-two cities of over 10,000 population (excluding Chicago) ; and 96 per cent of the 9,010 full-time elementary teachers in Chicago. Lake county had 71.36 per cent of it s grade teachers in Class A; but Johnson county had only 2.22 per cent in this class. Cook county had only 1.69 per cent that were unable to classify; but Bond county had 68.85 per cent with insufficient training to classify. Master·thie mot cars was a man who double-locked his car and parked it under the eye of a policeman. Thieves slunk by and the man chuckled and said, "I am safe." But that very day this same man carelessly put into the fine mechanism of his motor a cheap, lowgrade lubricant, and in a short time a master thief had taken his car-leaving behind a wreck. The master thief was FRICTION. Whatever else you do for your car's safety, give it first of all the guaranteed protection of the world's greatest motor lubricant -HyViS. Every dPOp of HyViS is super-refined from pure Pennsylvania crude. And every drum of HyViS is sold on the scientific basis of guaranteed specifications. Protect your car with ·HyViS. T HERE ) Village Filling Stat·on 531 Main Street Distributor BEGIN DANCE CLASSES SOON The Parent-Teacher dancing classes open October 14 and 15 for sixth, seventh and eighth grades. it is announced. There will be a high school class Thursday, October 14, and a class for fourth and fifth grades Frida\·, October 15. The classes will be taught by Edwina Martine Weckler. '"ill Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Blodgett and their daughter, Betty Jean, of Madison, Wis., motored to Wilmette last Saturday. Mr. Blodgett returned to his home Wednesday morning, but Mrs. Blodgett, with her daughter, remained to spend a few days with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tucker of 1214 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moran, their son, Leroy, and their baby daughter, Margaret, of 924 Greenleaf avenu~, have returned from a three weeks' motor tour. -o-- McSibR OIL