Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1926, p. 7

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September 10, 19~6 WILMETTE LIFE drew the praise of the judges were Ch ares 1 T ay1or, Th omas Ise, 1 Rl'ta Harrer, Anna Marie Wilson, Annabelle Brown, Marion Michelson, Alice Rein, Virginia Hays, Cecilia Meyer and Jane Brandt. The victor of the contests, Eleanor Culver, was a\-.·arded a fountain pen. Vincent \Vhite and Gerard Schilback, winners of second and third places,' respectively, were given · eversharp pencils, and Eleanor Steen and Mary White, were each awarded a box of candy, The judges in the contest · were M.rs. Jay Brown of the Playground and Recreation board, ~Irs. John B. Boddie of the school board, and the Rev. Francis C. Stifler of the Wilmette Baptist church. 7 William Kerr, Jr. ISCULPTOR_:_ IN SAND weds Jackson Girl IEleanor Culber Wiaa Fint Hoaon ia at Garden Service I Contest Recreatioa B~ Saad Modeliac at W almette Beach The formal garden at the home of The Wilmette Playground and Mrs. Watson R. Smith of Jackson, Mich., provided the colorful setting Recreation board held its final contest Saturday, September 4, for the wed- in sand modeling at the Wilmette ding of Miss Josslyn Smith and William Kerr, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. bea~h last ~hursd~y afternoon. Ftfteen cluldren from Vattman, LauWilliam Wal1ace Kerr of 707 Forest avenue. Dr. Frederick Spence of the rel and the beach playgrounds con-. First Methodist Episcopal church of tested. for h~mors and produced. some Jackson, read the service at 4 o'clock very mterestmg sculpture work m the in the presence of one hundred guests .. art of sand modeling. The model of the sphinx by Eleanor The ceremony was performed on a Culver was given first honors by the slightly raised platform in the . center judges and 'vas rated a fine reproducof the garden. The bride, who was given in marri- tion. age· by her mother, was charmingly · Second place was won by Vincent g-owned in a dress of ivory satin, White, with a mammoth turtle; third fashioned with long waist and full, place was given to Gerard Schilback scalloped skirt of ankle length. Ruch- who had a model of an old castle of ing of the same material as the dress the feudal ages. Eleanor Steen placed and clusters of orange blossoms were fourth with a model of a whale, and the trimming. Her veil was of tulle, Mary \Vhite won fifth prize with a held to the head with a coronet of reproduction of the Village hall. The time allowed to complete . the orange blossoms. A shower bouquet of cream colored roses formed her model \\·as limited to thirty minutes. Other contestants who produced graceful bouquet. various works of art ranging from Miss Bernice Hill of Aurora. Ill., the maid of honor, was attired in parch- bunny rabbits in the forest to a horse ment colored chiffon. Miss Elizabeth lying down: and two tortoises, who Kerr of \Vilmctte, Miss Maxine \Valker of 'Muskegon. Mich ., 'Miss :Marie · Berger and Mrs. Russell Bengle of ~~· -~~··~ Jackson, as bridesmaids, wore frocks . ~ of prevailing cream note. Their gowns were all fashioned alike, with long- \\·aists and tiered skirts. Touches nf orange adorned the frock s, and their hats were of velvet to match their dresses, trimmed with orange flowers. The maid of honor carried an arm bouquet of Ophelia roses. and old fashioned bouquet s d roses and bachelor button s completed the brideslll;Jids' costumes. Kenneth Kerr. a brother of the bridegroom. wa" best man. and the u~hers, l\obel Travi s of Kalamazoo, .Tame~ Brrnard of St. Loui s. ).fich .. Edward Hart wick of Detroit. and Harlow Loun sherrv of Duluth. ~fr. and ).frs. Kerr, \\·ho left on a honeymoon trip to Grand Beach, arrived in \Vilmett e \Vednesdav for a short visit at the Kerr home~ After Ortoher I. theY will he at home in the \\. i ld"·nod a nartments. Tackson. ~1 ic h. ).f r. Kerr is a graduate of the Cniversih· · of )..f ichig-an in the class of 1925. ·a n(l is a m.cmher of the Beta Theta Pi fratrrnitY. His . bride attended both Northwestern universitv ::tnd the l'niversitv of ~fichigan. and belongs to the Gamma Phi Beta sorority. W an t R·d 1 ge p roperty · A petition for the rezoning of property on the west side of Ridge avenue between Central and Washington avenues, from ..:esidential to commercial designation, was submitted to the Viilage board Tuesday of this week in the names of Lester E. Mee and Floyd L. McGrath. The matter was submitted for the purpose of having the Village board appoint a zoning . board of appeals, according to state law, to consider the request. The property in question is included in the . section designated by a large heart-shaped sign reading "Heart of Wilmette." The petition was referred to Village Attorney Charles H. Jackson who was authorized to draw up a resolution pr.oviding for a board of appeals in the case. According to law each separate request for rezoning calls for the appointment of a special board of appeals to consider that particular ~ase. Zoned for Commercial 'Mrs. Andrew J. ~{aloney, 535 Warwick road, Kenilworth, is gtvmg a luncheon and bridge at her home Tuesday, September 14, in honor of Mrs. George Dorman of 622 Central avenue. who with her family, is leaving \Vilmette October 1, to reside in Pontiac. -oMrs. John Ling and her son, MarMiss Cora Miller of Champaign, Ill., shall, are now occupying the apart- was the guest of Miss Jean Drayer of ment they have taken in the Linden 1034 Elmwood avenue, last Saturday Crest. . and ~unday. ------~--------------------------- .. . . .. . . .. 0 flt.O· '\'fn · · ··~~J..~~(I O~~~O ~··~~~~/SO' OA~~·oo ··~·· 0 ·. ··· ·0*~· ~' ~·~ ~· · · .. . . . .. .· ·0~·· ~lJ. ·~-~ '.-J~~. · · · ·.. ~~·flO· #·1)~· . . ·~. · ~A ·;*·· . .. .. ·~ ~·~ · · ~ ).fiss Edith ancl ).·1iss Harriet ).fcCall. claurrhters of ~f r. and Mrs. P. F. ).f d"all. 533 Eighth street, left the middle of this w~"rk for 'Mount Saint .1osenh academ\', Duhuf)ue. Iowa. Miss Edith is enterinf! her third vear and ~[iss Harriet p-oes as a fresh1inn . Just as Delicious as it Looks! W HEN the children go trooping back to school, mothers find satisfaction in knowing that the young folks will go through their day's studies well nourished by a healthful, palatable lunch at the Central Cafeteria. There are nutntious vegetables, healthful fruits. good bread anr' wholesome milk or chocolate. Send the children to The Central at coon healthful solut~on of the school lunch problem! it's the economical School Books & Supplies New and Second-hand Books Personal Superuision of Fred Miller 5% Discount CENTRAL CAFETERI .A Sundays 12 to 5 Nelson Building Central Avenue, east of Wilmette ·A venue if purchased today or tomorrow. WILMETTE Wdmette Stationery and Gift Shop 1 1 55 WILMETTE AVENUE C>ppositt Villa~ Theatre

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