Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1926, p. 40

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.to (Continued from Page 39) 1! WILMETTE LIFE · 1; FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOOD~ September FINANCIAL 3, 1926 · 22 HELP WANTED-FEMALE WA~TED- WHITE GIRL FOR gen~ral housework. Small family. HELP Good wag's. Tel. Wilmette 1475. 12I..TN49-1tc '\\"ANTED - GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Sleep out. Tel. Glencoe 116!1. 227 Mary St., Hubbard Woods. 12LTN49-1tc WAXTED H . S. GIRL WHO IS WILLing to work for bd. and rm. and small sa 1. Go to school. Family of three. Glencoe 1089. 12LTN49-1tc WANTED YOUNG WHITE GIRL to assist with housework. Exp. unnt>cessary; good home. Wil. 3561. 12LTN49-lto DINING ROOM SET- TABLE, 6 chairs and sideboard; large desk, table, lounge, chair, carpets-living room; 5 single beds, dressers, etc. ; 1 double iron bed, mattresses, pillows, kitchen utensils, 1 electric stove. Call Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning or LADIES - DO YOUR NEW YORK .. ron d ay, L a b or Da y. 1086 L"ur 1 Ave shopping in Wilmette through the ·' "' e ·· Winnetka. 17LTN·i9-1tc agencY of Leading Importers of N ew York.· At your own home by appointment or mine, 1129 Central Ave., Apt. 3. FOR SALE - DARK OAK DINING Prices very attractive. For details ph. room set with china closet and serving Wilmette· 205. 23LTN49-1tc table, $85.00; piano lamp, Mission table and arm chair, $10.00; combination W A~TED -A HOME FOR SIX WEEKS bookcase and writing desk, $25.00 ; old baby boy. Phone Winnetka 1346. Mahogany whatnot, $15.00; OverNot for adoption. stuffed blue velour davenport $50.00 ; 23LTN49-ltc clocks, rugs, adn various other articles. 516 Lake Ave., Tel. Wilmette 963-R. a· J,OST A'YD FOUND . 17LTN49-ltc .,.. t FOR SALE FIRST MTG. LOANS 1JP TO $10;000. 6% Interest-2lh% Commission. Will J. Bell, 69 W. Washington St., Tel. Rand. 3543 and Cent. 2579 · 22LTN48-2tc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 23 PERSONAL LONG DISTANC· EfHONE RATES TO BE LOWERED Important Changes Effective Oc· 8 5 · tober 1, Means etter . ervtce and Big Saving WANTED NEAT COMPETENT FOR SALE _ DIN. RM. SET AND white maid for general housework for buffet, walnut, tapestry seats. Winn. ~ or 4 weeks from Sept. lOth. Phone 1920. 17LTN49-ltc Winnetka 2084. 12LTN49-1tp HELP 'VANTED _ EXPERIENCED 1~ WANTED-HOUSEHOLD GOODS r ·;rJ for gt>neral housework. · Call Winn. 1574. 12LTN49-1tc WANTED T<J BUY - SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost FurWANTED - WHITE MAID FOR GENniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Everal housework, no experience needed. anston·, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. Call Glencoe 1231. 12LTN49-ltc 18LTN47-tfc WANTED - GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework. 3 in family. Wilmette 'VINNETKA FURNITURE STORE 2908. l2LTN 49 _1tp Buy-Sell-Exchange-New-Used ~===~~~=======~~ Open daily. Tues., Thurs., Sat., 8 p. m. ' 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212 SITUATION WAN1'ED-l1ALE . . . 18LTN48-tfc W AX1'ED-l\IISCEI.LA NEOUS SITUATION WTD. - PRIVATE GAR- lfi dener, 25 years experience, greenhouse, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nursery, shrubbery and landscaping, WANTED TO BUY - MEN'S CLOTHBest of references. Mail answers care Ing and shoes. Also fancy dresses. Pay of Chamber of Commerce B-13. Winbetter prices than any dealer on the netka, Illinois. 14LTN 49-ltp North Shore line. Call Kessel, Wilmette 62. 19LTN49-4tp SITUATION WTD. - BY GARDENER and florist on private place. Age 33, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S married, no children. 12 years eKpeclothing and shoes. Tel. Wil. 1351. rience on North Shore. Address WiJ· 19LTN45-4tp rnette Life B-17. 14LTN49-ltp AUTOMOBILES 20 SITUATIO~ 'VTD. GOOD DRIVING position wanted by reliablE>, experienced chauffeur. Phone University 3864. 14LTN.48-1tp FOR SALE -CAR HAS BEEN USED in demonstrating service on the North SITU A TIO~ WTD. - YOUNG MAN Shore and is in new car condition. The wants part or full time driving. Wilequipment is complete and the price mette 2706. 14LTN49-ltc of $2,350 is unusually attractive. Ask for ~rr. Perkin's car. Packard Mot<'r Car Co. 1735 E. Railroad Ave ., EvHOUSECLEANING, WINDOW WASHanston. Greenleaf 1200. ing, floor wiping, and odd jobs. Tel. 20LTN49-1 tc Wilmette 3428. 14LTN4&-tfc --------------------------------- . PACKARD SIX SITUATION WTD. (COLORED) 1!126 'FtTLLY EQUIPPED LIGHT SIX chauffeur and houseman. Univ. 3308J. Studebaker sedan; built-in heater; 14LTN49-1tc driwn lel"l" than 1,000 miles: at low price to close out estate; $1,300 cash. Phone Glencoe 631 or call at 284 1& SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE GreE>nbay road. 20LTN49-1tc REFINED BUSINESS WOMAN SALE - McFARLAND, 7 PASS., !horoughly experienced in housekeep- FOR sedan. Good condition. No reasonabl e mg and care of children, will render offer refused. 824 Humboldt. C. J. light services in exchange for two Krause. Tel. 'Vinn. 374. 20LTN49-ltp rooms for self a'nd son, University student. Highest North Shore references. SALE - FORD CAR FORDOR Address 'Vilmette B-14. 15LT49-ltc FOR sedan in good . condition. No reasonable offer refused. Tel. Wilmette 3596. YOUNG LADY WITH KNOWLEDGE 20LTN49-ltc of kindergarten desires position as nursemaid about September 5th. Can SALE- OAKLAND ROADSTER, furnish referen~es. Experienced. Ad- FOR good condition. $125.00. Tel. Wilmette dress Wilmette Life B-4. 15LTN48-2tc 450. 20LTN49-1tp SITFATION WTD. - YOUNG MARried woman with child of 3 years. Light !1 }'OR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS housework or upstairs and care of chll- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - dren. Reasonable. Best ref. B-11. LADIE8-YOU CADN DO YOUR NEW 15LTN49..,1tp "nrk !'hopping in th!'\ Famous Mona~il}( Dresses. Dainty Underwear and the SITUATION 'VTD. DRESSMAKER Dream Figure-mold corselette, not so Experienced. Best of refs. Tel. Oak~ heavy as corsette, more control than land 3846. 15LTN49-ltp ordinary corselette, at my home or by appointment at your home. Mrs. Gertrude P. Ambler SITUATION WTD. - EXP. NURSE. 315 Green Bay Road Private duty or hospital position. Call Phone Glencoe 934. 21L'rN48-tfc Euclid 4090-W. 15LTN49-ltp 18 -· SITUATION WANTED-HALE SITUATION WTD. -COLORED MARried couple. Women good cook. Man experienced chauffeur and houseman. Separate or together. By Sept. 15th. Best refs. Address Winnetka Talk l"0R SALE-SEV. HUNDRED 4 IN. B-18. 16LTN49-1tp drainage tilE's, price reasonable. Stachel's Greenhouse, Wilmette, Ill. 17 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS Tel. Wil. 2221.. 21LT49-ltc BOUGHT 4 MONTHS AGO; WORTH $3,000. Will take $550 for all or will separate beautiful furnishings for 4rm. apt.; 3-piece silk mohair parlor suite; 8-piece walnut dining set; 4piece walnut bedroom set; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; library· table; floor and table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverwue. Will take $550.00 for all. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Road. Chicago. Tel Sunnyside 6190. Will arrange for delivery. 17L"£N47-3tp J<·OR SALE-A COW, CHICKENS AND geese. N. E. corner Locust St., and Wilmette Ave., 1\Irs. Sophia Abromovltz. 21LTN49-ltp FOR SALE - ONE COAL OR COKE H. W. heater and H. W. tank with tl)ermnstat Robinson Furnace and Round oak table with 4 chairs and table leaves. Phone Wilmette 983-R. 21LTN49-ltr Important late changes on mess.age.s ' utst'de the State. of Illmo.ts to pot'nt". " 0 involving a general re~dJustment. m · d th enmg long-citstance rates, an m e ev and night period during which reduced rates apply, are announced by the Illinois BeJl Telephone company. The changes ar·e effective Oct.o ber 1, on messages from points in Illinois to points outside the state. The co.m pany has filed an applicaKEYS LOST SATURDAY NIGHT ON tion with the Illinois Commerce coml\lain St., between Washington and mission for authority to make the Wilmette avenues. Return to Mr. Jack- same changes in rates between Illinois son, ~fotors Service, 721 1\Iain St., Wilmette. 24L49-ltc points. Notice will be later given to the company's subscribers when and if, 2.i CONTRACTORS A ~D JOBBERS such rates become effective. These changes are to be made, the CARPENTER GENERAL CON- company states, for the benefit of tractor and repairs ; remodeling a specialty. Hugh Taylor, 321 Hamlin St. users of long distance service and to Greenleaf 1032. eliminate service difficulties which the 25L49-4tp present schedule has brought about. The net result of the readjustment 26 OARDENING in rates will be a saving to the teleLANDSCAPING phones users of the country of approx.. Finished grading, care, cultivation and imately three million dollars a year. trimming of shrubs. General lawn service. To points 150 miles or more distant the FRANK KLEIN rates are substantially reduced. The 1418 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 911-W. 26LT47-tfc greater the distance, the greater ~~e reduction. · For example, from \\ 11!0 PAINTERS AND DECORATORS mette to Detroit the basic station-to- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - station rate will he $1.35 instead of $1.60; to Pittsburgh, $2.10 instead of HILI~S $2.70; to New York, $3.40 instead of PAINTER AND DECORATOR Estimates given upon application $4.65; to San Francisco, $8.25 in stead 1422 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 2718 29L49-tfc of $11.90. Long distance cables, carrier systems, vacuum tube repeaters loading coils anci other improved de THEODORE HLOFTA PAINTER AND DECORATOR vices and methods, resulting from con Specializing in antique work. 2715 S. tinuous scientific re sea rch and de\'C ('entral Park Ave. Call Rockwell 3460. 29LTN 49-2tp lopment applied to the telephone m dustry, have effected economics on the !ltl 'l'l'TORING longer circuits, and ha\'e a share in making these reductions possible. A few rates for distances between 24 and 110 miles will be adjusted to make the Corner Greenleaf and Hazel Aves. Glencoe. schedule consistent throughout, but in Opening its sixth year ~:londay, Septem- these · cases the increase of the basic . ber 13th. station-to-station rate will be only five Kindergarten and Elementary grades for cents. boys and girls. One of the interesti11g changes ir0!n Superior and experienced teachers in the public's viewpoint is that by which each department. one and a half hours have beeu addcJ Morning session (afternoon hours op- to the reduced rat~ period. Red .tced tiona!). rates on station-to-station caih will begin at 7 p. m. instead of 8:30 p_. m. Strong fundamental work required. as formerly. Between 7 p. m. and 3 :3 Art, music, nature study, French, daily p.m. the discount will be approximate gymnasium work included. ly 25 per cent of the day station-to s·tation rates, and from 8:30 p. m. to Bus service, if desired. 4:30 a. m., about SO per cent. of the Address day rates. These discounts will apply SUSAX DICKINSON STONE, Principal where the day station-to-station rate is 40 cents or more, with a minimum Phone Glencoe 165. reduced rate of 35 cents. Because of 30LTN 49-tfc the unsatisfactory service conditions which it brought about, the existing F'RENCH TAUGHT BY PARISIAN, midnight' discount is discontinued. evenings only. B. Borie, 635 Linden Avenue, Kenilworth, Ill. Tel. 826-RX. Under the new schedule station-to 30L49-tfc station calls may be made at substan tial reductions as early as 7 p. m., and Ted Fischer celebrated his sixth persons wishing to take advantage of birthday Wednesday, September 1 by the lowest rates of the 24 hours may entertaining six of his little friend~ at make their calls any time after 8:30 a party at his home, 738 Tenth street. p. m. Thus, although the midnight Hi~ guests were Jacqueline and Jose- discount is discontinued, . the longer plune Balhatchet, Mary . Jane Edding- reduced rate period and the substan ton, Richard and Florence Neukranz, tiat reductions applying in basic rates and Muriel Callow of Evanston, whose to distant points mean that this change birthday and age are the same as her will make little difference in the cost of night calls. little host's. By this move the company · expects -oto improve service by eliminating com Mrs. T. B. Potter, her daughter~ Mr.s. Collins Slayton, and her son, plications at midnight which have re Jack Slayton, her sister, Miss Anna suited in delays and put a heavy bur B. Ross, Mrs. John Ling and · her son, den on its facilities and employ.e es. I t -~ A. P. HAWTHORN SCHOOL 4 SALE - 2 LOTS IN MEMORIAL IFOR Park cemetery. Near chapel. Tel. ·to their homes Wit. 1170. 21LTN49-1tc ·after spending Marshall, and Walter Carey, returned in Wilmette T~ursday a little more than a week at Eagle River, Wis., .at the FOR SALE- BABY BUGGY, BABY scale, and chair in good condition, $15. home of the George D. Whites of 1101 21LTN49-1tc Greenwood avenue. 1 Tel. Wilmette 2316. Marjorie J anc Hecht, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Hecht, lo'42 Green wood avenue, entertained twenty little girls and boys ..~t a ·. birthday party Thursday.

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