Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1926, p. 39

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September 3, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · Classified advertisements will be charged only to General N 0 t JCesresidents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe NEWS. cents a Rat es- 15 30 cents a lin ?. in one paper. i 3 FOR RENT-APAR TMENTS subscrib~rs to either WILMETTE LIFE, 'W INNETKA TALK or GLENCOE inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory or who are l'egular 25 cents a line in any tw.o papers. Average o( five words to thP. line. No black face type used. l0"l'o discount on an cash with o,rtle.r advertisements ~vhen brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave., ·w nmette, or &64 I~lncoln Ave., Winnetka. liB~ in all three papers. l\IINil\lUl\1 CHARGE, 60 cents. A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE - 5 ACRE HOMESITE IN highly desirable n eighborhood for only $1,250 per acre adj. property selling at $2,000 per acre or more. Buy the 5 acres for $6,2 50, build on 2% and se ll remaining 2% later for $6,250 or more, thus having your homesite for nothing. Address Wilmette Life B-19. 1LTN49-ltc 'VOODLA~D .FORCED TO SELL ·PARK, DEERFIELD. Lnt 2-Sec. 9, east front on Stratford road. 67 %x 17 6 1;2 ; sewt:rs, str eets and water in, and all due taxes and assessments paid. l\lust se ll at once, $2,000 cash, or easy t erms to suit. Address Wil~ nwtte Life A-f!Oi. 1LT~48-tfp 'R'OR RENT-FLA 'l' 4 ROOMS CLOSEn porch. Bath. Ca.il Wlnn. 524-M. · 3LTN49-ltc FOR RENT _ 4 ROOM APARTMENT, heated, in-a-dor bed. 625 11th street. Phone Wilmette 2399. 3L48-tfc F'OR RENT-ROO~IS ----------------FOR RENT - 2 BEAUTIFULLY FURN. bedrms. 1 block from cafet eria, 1lh blocks from North Western Sta. Tel. Wilmette 279L 1021 Central Ave. 4LTN49-ltc 4 CE~TRAL Classified advertisements will be acc'lpted up to Wednesday 5 p. m. for the ·wiLMETTE LIFE or ah three t>apers; 'l'hursday 5 p. m. for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE NE,VS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. Deadline for Insertions- HOTEL - LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 l\Iain St. Phone Wilmette 1080. 4LT50-tfc 1 IlEAL I~STATE I1 Renl Estute Rav1n1a Lake Shore Hon1e . . ARCHI 1'E,.....T O""'Nl,R H S A ,. i'· ~..... · H · ~ A. Ill'\\', .chf'erful, ~ 10 m.e hke, se,·en roor~n. half-timbPn·d, Lnghsh HousP., lw w1\l ~t'll at cost at your o~vn terms. Lo~ated m Dl't're Par~ % tml~ north of <.~l e ncn~. on a ravme lo~ w1th the lake and lll'l\'ate ~e ach practically at Y.our front ~rhr)ll\s.. IXORTH EY .AXSTO~ - ATTRACTIVE l:iubstantial modern fram e home offered I at a Yery low price. Large living rm. A with fireplace, 4 he drm~.. 1 hath, at- tram;portat ion , _and A \'H'W of tlw surrnuntln~g:,; alont' w11\ make your trip worth while. 4 lwd rooms, 2 tile baths, first ftoor hL\·atory, brPakfast room, ~rrt'ent·d porrh, lwatr-d attach d garag(', oil hurnc·r, "h·ctrical refrigeratinn. Take any route north. Directly east of Ra- "\TTR.\CTTYE !t ROO:\I HO:\IE I~ BEST X . E. \rwat ion. H. "·· h f>a t, wooded Yinia 0[H' ra , and Sheridan road, on the rornt·r lot 7iix1 . ii. 2-car g·a rag '· Out shores of Lak e Michigan. Phont' owner, of town ownt·r oft\·rR a sple ndid buy. rnin.. rsity 8:1fi0, or Highlantl Park $24,500. 1~fl1, Philip A . Danielson, 240~ Dec·re Park DriYr. 1LTN48-2tc !Q) 1f'MT n .@_ fFJ door. 1-~xc(~ J\(·_nt tic, large front and small back screened porches. ~ew\y decorated. Lot 50 by 150. \Vith garage. Near schools and transp. Owne r leaving city will sacrifice for $16 000. Terms can be arranged. <;ail :\Ir. Foster, Univ. 3022. "'EBSTER & STONE 1 !t U ~~ CL'ntral St. Entns. Greenleaf 6G · 1L49-1tc ll~ o R'Yilo JJ @ll'i:illl~[@JTil~ ~@o "'ilnwtte 68 1L49-ltc g-arag-.-; $:-.o.oo 1wr foot. F.asy terms. Appl~ 1 BEDROO:\f ·wiTH ·i-rm . :\"t·,,· Xelson ::\Iotor Sales, 1G24 ~rap\~, EY- F~R :E~ftchen 11 rivi\egt's. V.:tdY preF(>ll S.\TJl·: \\'"HTTI·: :\TODERX fir,·plar.·. Eas:·· tt' rms, $10,300. 49 1 LT~ -ltr anston. l::r~d. Ref. req. Call Winn. 1189 or framt·, 7 -rooms, -1 b t: drooms, 1 bath, j' -r·m. h·li iSt · ~un ]\1'11 . : H. \\· . ht.: lwst larg-t· li\'. room with fire p\ac.:, dining FOR ~ALE 1S20. 4LTN49-1tc t·:t~t ~ido·, nt ·a r Jsalwlla. Only $1 R,iiilO. :P.E~TDEX\'E. 7 R~l~ .. l't)om with hr"akfa,.,t twreh, J -car gar~··\t·ral hntn· ·s to rt· nt frnm $100.00 to h. ,,.. Jwat: 4-rar garag·, · : lot 100x1 r.., ag-e·, rti\ hurnt·r, fint· g·arden, n ear FOR HEXT-PLEASA~T FURNISHED ~ ~nn.on. s hrub ~. l·lm, mnp!P, fruit trH'!'i : 1 hlk r oom. Near station. Phone Winn. 415. srh110 is and tran1-;n n·tatinn, nt->ar Riilge n .. ~t \';tf';tl1( huy in t own to-dny is ;;o ft., Hrit·rg·at. · r!uh: ~ hlorks clt·pot. $11,11410 4LTN49-ltc lot 50x1G3. r oa d, fitw ne ighborhood, ()nJy ~I.H . OO p· ·r fnot. Phrnw Dt·t·rfit·lrl 11:.-:.r. Rindahl. ('ondition lil\t ·· nt ·\\·. Tl'rtns tn suit bun·r. .Tu~t tIt ink: 2~:-i ft. on 1 tith Rt., last lots 1LTX-4~-3tp FOR REXT -ROO~I; 1 ELK. FROM Owtwr building largt>r home in n e ighin town for $ti0 .00 }>er ft. lh·ady to depot. 633 Park aYe. Wilmf>tte 3566. borhood. Price $16,500. IJUiltl on. F'OR ~~-\l .. F;-T:\ ,,.TT~)TF:TTE. T~01~S ()~ 4LTN49-ltp "'EB~TEH. & ST()~E f'lw~tnut, A,!';hlanfl, ith a\'t>t;ut' and 1!114 ~. ~ C'··ntral St., E\·ans. Greenleaf 66. Paul Schroeder Co. ~Jwridan roan with riparian nghts~ and FOR REXT Fl:'R~ISHED ROOM . . \ sk :\lr. Fostt·r·; H e know!-;. 111 1 Lintlt·n .-\ \'P. \Yilm<'ttr ()fiR piP!'!'!: <'Hsh or t iml·. .John P. (,agt, 844 Pine St. Winn. Call 'Vinn. 381. 1T....~-t9-ltc 1 LTX 4fl-1t r n? :\InJ>lt> a n·nue, ".ilmt ·lt··, Til. G ' 4LTN49-ltp - · 11...47-tfr 7-l~:\T. BE~T \\"IL:\TETTI·1 m ·:RT HO~TE TICYS 1 ·~ .-\ST SIDE H0:\11-. \VITH lot 50x~OO; tt·rms: ~1 :L :iOO. I~J'il'k T!ung-alnw: H . \Y . ht.; FOR ~ALB 803 LAKE AYE., '\VILmelh' . 1 0-rooms, 2 baths, hot water LARGE ROOM NEWLY DECORATED for two gentlemen or e mployed couple, Jw at, both gas and coal heaters. Lot dinners optional. Tel. Wilmette 2699. ] 071 1., wid t- 21~\ dPep on corner . For 4L49-tfc prir~ and "terms apply to owne r on premises from fl to !) p. m. Saturdays a to 9 p. m . Sundays all day. Phone FOR RE~T - FURNISHED ROOM:. Married couple or 2 ladies employed. \\.ilm ett{' 31l5 or Harrison 8250. Protestant. Call Glencoe 976. . 1LT~4!l-2tc 4LTN49-ltc XEW fi-ROO~r CYPRES~ SIDING, H FURNISHED ROOM \\'. Hf>at, 3 blks. to steam and e lect FOR RENT nt-ar transportation. Business lady Fireplact>. heated s un parlnr, ope n preferred. Protestant. Address WinRlerping tlnrch. garage, rement draYe, nt'tka Talk B-7. 4LTN49-1to · ft'n<'e. $15,800, $3,;-,oo cash ; balance like rent. Own(·r \Yilm ettP 827 -'V. S. W. ROOM OVER1LT~49-ltp FOR RE~T looking park, 1 blk. from Indian Hill station. East. Tel. Winnetka 769. XORTH V:\'AX~TOX OXLY $2,000 4LTN49-ltc rash buys n f' \\" hrick bungalow. 5 rm.s. H. \Y. Ht·at. Oak and white iyory tn!n .Art quickly ir you want a real hargam FOR REXT -- FURNISHED ROOl\1 for rent, gentl:.men only. 919 Lin~en Pri ·e $10,5000. An. Hubbard 'Voods. Phone Wm"·En~TF.R · & ~T0XE netka 2567. 4T36-ltc 1 !)J4 t.(, f't>ntral St. £,·ans. < ;rpenleaf 66 · ' 1IA9-ltc FOR RENT - LARGE FRONT ROOM. (;,,ntkman preterrE'd. ~t'ar transporFOlt ~ALE \'HOJ\'E LOT, 101)x2!'12, tation. Phone Winn. 1325. Hibbard roan. in 'Yilmf>tt t> , lots on 4LTN49-ltc · · t>arh sidt> s(·lling at $i5.00 per foot: & "'AXTEO-TO Rl'Y- FOR OCTOBER .. . E. "TX~. ~T{.CCO HO)TF: 'WITH 4 8-R)f. FRA~fE; \'0:\TP. JI()()F; XOKOL 1 st., pnsses!"ion : an 8 or fl-room home oil : f'Un rm. ; Pullman nook; ex. toilet h··<lnm.;_ ; ~ ha ths (1 tilt>d) t·xt. lax. in good !oration a:; to srhoo ls anrl and hn·. on 1st. ftoor; auto. water on 1st : sun J1C'h . : yapor lwat, gar. trans., will pay from $30,000 tn $!0.000 heater; 2-rar garagl' ; lgt ·. landscaped wooden lot fl0x17~ . Ht·rp is a honwy "·rit.\\'ilnwttt> Lift> B-20. 1LT:\4!H1tc lot with fnn'st tre(·s. Cl)}n-Pnit>nt to placP ::tt a fair prirt· $2:i,OOO. !';Chool and transp. Ch"icc l~"t locaAlso a n·ry fin(' and roomy Wt' Ht "'intion. nt"tka cottag(· with large living- room. 2 ~ bedrms. ; hath; sun. slt·t ping, and -F. Coletna n Burroug-hs open porclws, gar., lot fi0x180 at FOTI REXT-~5!'1 YERXOX AYE .. GLE:\'11:17 ".ilmpttt> Aw. Phonr 'Vii . 1140 ~ I ~.000, terms. coE> 5-room bungalow, H. ,V, Heat: 1LTN 49-1 tc glassed porches, large attic, garage, Stults Realty Co. trt-es, shrubbery, lot 60x230, n ea r XORTH EYA~~TOX 4110 'Vinnetka An. 'Yinn etka 1 SOO tran!';portation. long lease. $100 twr 1 LTN49-1 tc OXLY $~.000 \'ASH BPYS 5 ROOM month. Owner J 0 a. m. to 6. p. m. l'turro bunga\nw on Thayer St., large Rogers Park 206~. 2LTN49-ltp liv. room, tile bath, 2 bed rooms, 2 extra rnoms can be add!:'d in attic, op!:'n FOR RENT BY OWNER. BEAUTIscrt-em·d porch s. cornt>r wooded 50x I.ATlf:~. IMPRPVED, SHADED LOT ful new brick res idenr~> in North Hub1;Jo ft. lot, with garag!:'. C lose to withln 2 blocks electric transportation, hard vVonds near golf course and park transportation and schools. Owner re-. street car, and bus lines, $4 ~ per foot. -1 ut>droom!';, 2 baths. toilet and lav. on duct>d tlrir!:' to $12,500. ~mall down payment: t t' rms on the 1st floor . Liv. rm. 13x2G, 2-car garage. balance. Phone '\Vinnetka 415. · 2LTN48-tfc WEBSTER & STOXE 'V"' can r (' nt any prop('rty: all kinds 1!)] 4th Ct>ntral ~t. Greenleaf 66 of calls for rentals. FOR RE:\f'r - FrRN. HOr~E. OC'T . . 1. Evanston Apr. or May . 4 b edrms .: ba~h: 2 h\·. 1LTN4!1-ltc rms.; din. rm nnd Kitchen: ml burnt:>: \arge yard. 731 Tenth St., Tel. 'Vtl. Fot~ Houses That Please !l!\2-.T 2LTN49 -2tc Tt>l. 'Wil. 225 121 ~ 'Vilmette Ave. CALL 1LTN4!l-ltr FOR REXT - NE\V \'OLOXIAL RESIDorothy IZ. Ross d e nce in . ·wt:>st Hubbard 'Voods. . 4 FOR RALE DTSTING'PJSHED NEW Building ~dtef', housf>s to r e nt, busin('SS bedrooms. 2 baths. Phone Owner '\Vmr ed brick colonial, 4 bedrooms, and nPtka 415. 2IJTN49-ltc property and acreage. sl('eping porch, 2 tile baths, large livHomt phon<> Glencoe 30;:1. ing room with fireplace and sun room, FOR RENT 8 ROOM HOU~E. ~84 Office also breakfast nook and large breakProvidt-nre AvC'. Inquire 936 Elm St., fast porch off dining room, 2-car gareinsen !(roll, Inc. 'Vinn Miller, 'Vinn. 1065. age, oil burne r. North west eorner 720 Elm St. . 2LTN49-1tc 'Vinn. 254 lot. Near schools and transportation, 1LTN49-ltc East of Ridge road. A b eautiful home FOR RE~T - n :\fONTHS OR LONGof superior construction. Excellent · E'r. 8-rooms, · 3 bathl'l, J)Orches. 139 FOR SALE neighborhood. Price $25,000. Terms IN BEAUTIFUL KENILV~rORTH, NEAR Hawthorn A,·e., Glencoe 810. WEBSTER & STONE 2LTN49-ltc station and school. A most attractive 1914 1;2 Central St. Evans. Greenleaf 66 brick and shingle Dutch colonial on -------~----------------~~ to suit. · 1LTN49-ltc artistically landscaped corner 100x FOR REN1'- l NFURNISHED 12-RM house in Winnetka. 3 baths, 2 lav.: H 175 : 5 bedrooms, ~ baths. roomy ~rd w. Heat. 2 blocks from station. 2NORTH EVANSTON BEAUTIFUL floor, maids rm . and bath on first floor, brir.k colonial with tile roof and atcar garage. Tel. Winn. 2765. Nokol burner, att. garage. A really tached garage. 1st floor massive living 2LTN48-tfc fine value at $40,000. See it this weekrm. with wood burning fireplace, dinend. Phone Winn. 1802. 1LTN49-ltc FOR RENT - NEW COLONIAL RESIing rm. with French doors, kitchen dence in West Hubbard Woods. 4 with extra lavatory and 2nd floor 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Phone owner, bedrms., and tile bath, large attic, hse For Sale-8 room house with !·car garage. Easy terms. on large lots, nr. schools and transp Winn. 415. 2LTN49-ltc One of our best buys at $20,000. 1st and 2nd Mortgages . WEBSTER & STONE FOR RENT-APARTMENTS 3 1 'H4 1;2 Central St., Evans. Greenleaf 66 1L49-ltc FOR RENT -- MODERN 4 ROOM APT. INSURANCE Tel. 65 1 near transportation; H. W. heat. Also. 545 Main St., Wilmette FOR SALE - 7 RM. STUCCO. 1 YEAR garage. 353 Adams St., Glencoe. old, H. W. ht. 2-car garage. Terms 1L46-tfc 3I.ATN49-ttc Phone Wilmette 765-J. 1IA7-ttc FOl{ S.\ T4E REDCCED TO $19~000 FOR RENT-STORES 5 F_O_R_R_F.-.:N-.-'1.,---S-T_O_R_E __ A_N_D--:-S-H:-0::.-=P-=-s. T Plephone Winnetka 62. 5LTN47-tfc i W ..\~TED TO RE~T-HOUSES "'AXTED TO RENT FURNISHED house. Oct. 1 to 1\lay 1. 4 or 5 bedrooms · 3 baths. Responsible party. Winn.' 917. 434 Willow road, Winn. ~LT_N49-lt~ E. E. i 10 \.VANTED TO RENT-ROOMS SURE TO .AD\T.ANCE ".AXTED TWO UNFURNISFJ;ED rooms and bath for light housekeepmg-. Two adults. Andress Wilmette Life B-15. 10LT49-1 tc 12 Hf:Ll, WANTED-FF.:\IALE --------------------=--:::TELEPHONE OPERATING-IS A DEslrable occupation for young women: the work is permanent, interesting, and n ear . home. Our operators are well paid: tht>Y like their work and associates : vacations with pay are given each year; a liberal bt'nefit plan is providt-d. Come to the Telephone Offire and talk it ovH with the Chief Operator, Wilmette, Ill. 12L49-tfc ···HET~P "".~NTED COMPETENT, white girl for general housework. 3 in family . Small house. Near Trans. Good wages. Call Winn. 1508. 12LTN49-1tc 'VI~NETKA REAL ESTATE H & ------------------------------------ ----------------------------- WANTED ATTRACTIVE YOUNG girl for small lunch counter, preferably one who can cook. No Sunday work. Board, room an«t compensation. Write Box 204 Wilmette, Ill. 12LTN49-1tc HELP WANTED MIDDLE-AGED woman who wants a good home. Fam ilv of 3 adults employed. Small house :Keep man. Winn. 1101. 12LTN49-ltc WANTED- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Tel. Wilmette 1472 ULTN49-ltc -----------------------·--- STEN0<1RAPHER OFFICE needs well educated girl for general of· fire and stenographic work. Write Wilmette Life B-21. 12LTN49-1tc Charles H. Brethold I ~------------------ (MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 48)

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