Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1926, p. 36

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WI L M E T T E . L I'F E September 3, 1926 tional entertainment for those who de· mand local color with their diversion. The "chicken yard" of the Haylofte has been entirely reappointed, · now presenting a gCttJd old back-yard scene with ferocious looking tomcats and a very romantic moon and all the other essential details. A ·n·e w chef wtll hold forth in the "Milk House" this seas.o n, Frint · con· fide s-a new chef who is a specialist in southern foods. The management plans to serve special business lunches from 11 :30 to 2 o'clock on week days and tea dansan ts have been arranged for the Saturday after ;wons, from 2 :30 to 5 o'clock, with mu s ic furnished by the complete orchestra. Ye Olde Haylofte's Sunday dinners have bee n one of the features of the pla.ce since its establishment la st year and Frint promises that they will be right up to snuff again this winter. ~Ir s. Henry Riggs Rathb one or Kenil\\·ort h. ,,·ith her sisters, and a party of friends, ha s returned to her home from a boat trip to ~fackinac Island and Sault Saint Marie. She and her sisters attended a luncheon and horse show given Sunday at "Brownwood." the home of !\Irs. Frank T o\\'11lev Brown ncar \Vheat on. Thev also w~rc guests oi ~f rs . Genrgc E. ·seeley at luncheon. dinner, and the dance a t the South ~horc Countn· club Saturday. · -oJ..Ir. and ~rrs. Le\\'i s Dankle ss and their children. Teddy and Virginia, of Pasedana. \\' ere the house guest..; oi Mr. and Mrs. H. Fischer last \rt·ek at their home. 738 Tenth . trect. -o1Irs. John K . Gage and her hahy son. John , Jr .. of Denver, Col., are spending a month or lon ge r at the ho me of the former's mother and iather. ~f r. and ~fr :'. Albert C. Bell, 1211) Eltm,·nod avenu e. Ju.s t Returned lrom Mew York W'ith a complete · new assortment of the latest DRESSES - SUITS - COATS FUR COATS C'ome in and get acquainted with tht- lat est styles and materials. They are entirely different from anything we have had. Business Men's."'Bowling-.. ·--- -- -A "SCREECHING STORY League Meets Wednesday The \Vilmette Business. 'Men's Bowl· ing league will hold an open meeting Wednesday evening, September ·8, in the Goodwin , Bowling alleys. All men interested in the winter sport are invited to attend the meeting it is explained. · Officers of the business men's league for the ensuing season are: Dr. Walter F. Schur, president; Emil Nord, vice president; William D. Leary, treasurer; Elmer Leis, secretary. Ye Olde Haylofte So Realistically Ap· pointed a Barn Owl Takes Up Hia Habitat in the Eating Place r--MARMON--l I SALES SERVICE STATION 1 I I A wise old owl sat in a tree-but that was before he had heard of Ye Olde Haylofte. Scarcely had the \.vord gone the rounds of owldom when Mr. Screech, he of the drowsy eyelids, set out upon B. COPLAN, Prop. an investigation which led him into the 1126 Central Avenue rafter retreat .o f Frint George's celePb6nt Wil. 2403 brated dine and dance place, at Grove street and Sherman avenue, Evanston. So realistically have the interior decorators appointed the place that l\Ir. Owl, once inside, decided to forsake his nati,·e habitat anrl take up res idence with the big taxidermitizcd specimen of. his- species that has held a AND point of vantage in the establishment since it~ inception la st ~utumn. How ~[r. Srreech got into the Haylofte is s till a matter of considerable discussion. The point of this story is that he is .there, trapped on the scene by Frint and his stalwart chef and . ~ Open Evenings and Sundays 1· now holding forth as exhibit A. The other da\· he wandered from his carrc but was found later toying with Call F. C. Heaney for a demonstration in the New Marmon. one of Frint's five-and ten-cent store mice on a window ledge. Disgusted with the disconcerting efforts of the nature fakers, he returned to his bastile resigned to the new-fangled diet (·---·-·----·---·---··---·-·--·-·--·-··-·-~· of raw liver. Every self-respecting owl feeds upon mice and rats, but the Haylofte. realistically as it is arranged, is devoid of those delectables, and so ~fr. Screech must make the best of rather unpretentious fare. Ye Olde Haylofte will be opened for the winter season Saturday, September 4, at the dinner hour with a dinner unusually inviting and music furnished by a brand new se ,·en-piece orchestra. ~fr. Screech has been rehearsing for seve ral days and ·will provide addi- -·-- UNIQUE SmE SHOP J i 6017 Broadway, Chicago . Phone Long Beach 6428 I I 1 I Marmon North Shore t 1 fORE! . WINTER'~ JUST AHEAD/ for school-pc;p for play. PEP Boundless energy for the busy day. And how the children do need it! Bowman's Milk is the perfect food. ( ts cneamy richr.ess &ives quick vim and vigor. It is rich in the vitamins that build and main":ain sturdy health. Its mineral content builds firm teeth and s'trong bones. Truly. Nature's most perfect food. Start usmg Bowman's Milk in your home today. Note how much better you all will feel. Simply telephone our nearest distributin~ station or order from one of our courteous milkmen. .I ! Phone Wilmette 55 Insist on Today! JUST a fore-word, so you won't be behind. Tee off noworder your Winter coal and stay in the fairway. Play below par at Summer p r i c e s. You'll go over the year'.s course in Jess 1f you buy now. Phone Winnetka 450 We'll do the rest. DAIR.V.,COMPAN; Mill\. FO~ For All Your Needs in Lumber and Building Material Phone Winnetka 451 or 452 51 YEARS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY

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