September 3, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 35 Jmall Down Payment PutJ Fri id aire T ODAY you can hav.e Frigidaire in your home for less money than ever before. in Your ome! Today the unit that converts an ice-box into a genuine Frigidaire electric refrigera· tor costs as little as $170 f. o. b. Dayton. Today the famous, complete, metal cabinet Frigidaires that, even at former prices, were the world's greatest values in electric ·refrigerators are materially reduced in pr~ce. An overwhelming public preference for Frigidaire, and the economies of quantity production have made these new prices possible. Frigidaire has more than 200,000 users-more than all other electric refrigerators combined. Frigidaire, and Frigidaire only J has the guarantee Jf General Motors. Frigidaire is the electric refrigerator of proven dependability, long life and low operating cost. Come in today. Find out how little Frigidaire will cost you- how easily it ~ay be paid for, and how much. it .will save youo AU Frigickire prices aTe reduced. Complete metal cabinet modell (ue as low as $225. Oryoucan~t a FrigidaiTe mecha.n.. ical unit loT :your present ice-box for as little as $170 STOYEJl ('0., IH~t·lay i2a Oak St. 8i06 Stony Island An. Winnetka, Ill. Chicago, Ill. Winnetka 122 llldway 3819 li:J3 W. 95th, Clllcago ne,·erly 8.J22 Room 313 N. )llchlgan AYe., (Bell Hldg.), Chf cago, 111. 'l'el.: Superior 5528. 469 Prospect Ave. 4 s. oth Ave. 9~6 Linden Ave. LaGrange, Ill. ~Jilwaukee, Wis. Hubbard Woods, Ill. LaGrange 4'i'7 Lakeside 2055 Winnetka 11)12 o622 w. :1\ladlson 139 South York St. Columbus OUS Elmhurst, Ill. Elmhurst 99! STOVER CO. !lllt X. ::\IIt·hlgan A,·e., Chicago, Ill. Please send me complete information about Frigidaire and the new low Frigidaire prices. Name .··.···.······.············.········· TheTe are more Frigidaires in use than all other electric refrigerators combined Address · ·.·., ····· , ···· , ······· , ······· ,.,. City .·......··.······ , ···.. . State ......... . .J , ~ '· "'. ..