Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1926, p. 27

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September 3, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE Z'l but of a different kind, is shown in the NORSHORE THEATRE comedy, which will be "Folly Insured," Robert Kane, producer of "The with Snub Pollard. Pathe Review is Reckless Lady," "Bluebeard's Seven inc1ude9 in the program. Wives" and "The Dancer of Paris" The Savannah Shuffle figures in the stands sponsor for a comedv-mel~ attraction for Friday and Saturday, drama. "The \Vilderness Woman," his September 10 and 11, in "Skinner's latest First Kational production, which Dress Suit" with Reginald Denny and will he presented at the Norshore Laura LaPlante. It's an uproarious thratre next Sunda \' for a three-clay bu-;iness farce showing what a dress I' run. . suit can do for a small salaried clerk Mr. Kane has brought a well known with the right kind of a \\·ife who trio-Aileen Pringle. Lowell Sherman knows how to Charleston. "Shivering' and Chester Conklin-together to play Spooks" the latest two reel Our Gang the princinal roles of the picture. comedy, and the Pathe News will also "Th0 \\';ldrrnes..; \\"oman" offers be shown. Miss Pringle her first character comThis Saturday, September 4, the two ecly role, something entirely different attractions to he shov.-n . are "Battling from anything she has attempted hereButler," with Buster Keaton and Sally tofore. ln the supporting cast are 0'!\cil. a \Vilmette girl, and "America's HPnr\' Vigart and Robert Cain, while Polar Triumph." with Lieutenant Com- not tl)e least important member of the ma nclcr BYrd, C . S. N. cast is a hrar cuh. ~1 iss Prin!!le's con. stant companion through much of the HOYBURN THEATRE picture's amusing action. "Battling Butler," Buster Keaton's ~farshall :\cilan's ne\Yest picture. late~t picture, holds the screen at the "Diplomacy," and absorbing my~ten· Hl)Yhurn this "·eek-end. a fistic come- elrama in which Blanche Sweet is rh- ·\,·l1ich ha:; been praised by ring pro- starred, is nO\\' playing. fessionals as the most realistic ever NEW EVANSTON THEATRE :: creened. Several well kno\\·n younger For the fir : t time in the histon· of boxers appear in the actual fight ~cencs. \\'edne:->da\· and Thursdav of the !\ew E,·anston theatrr Tom -~fix next week tl1e . showing will he Ford ;·nd his tn··n·elou.:; h()rse. Tom·, \\·ill he ~terling ·in "The Show-off," Lois \Vii- on the sih·er sheet at th e local playso n co-starring. FridaY and Saturdav hou~e nt' xt \f nndaY, Tuesrla\· and \\·ill bring "Pab First" -fraturing Lloyd \\.ednesdrl\·. The f(·:lture '"ill he ··~n ~frln\ Gold." rated the grratrst of the Hughes and Dolores Del Rio. ~fix nroduction". This will lw a . f irst CAMP\.JS THEATRE run shn\\'i11rr. 'fhe currPnt offrring at "Partners _A~ain." a Potash and tlw '\"r"· f\·anstnn is "Thr Road to Prrlmuttl'r sc;.en yarn with George ).f anclalay," featuring Lon Chaney. who ~idne\· and Alexander Carr in the p~ays the p~ rt of a sinister Orif:tnt a! lead ._- is the current showing at the rln·.e keeprr 11.1 :1 nn-~ten: drama of ~he Campus theater. A bathing beautY Onent. Lotus ~fnran. 1s the herome c, 111 test with $1.000 in prizes in anothe-r, and tl1c cast abo. tncludes Owen 'feature of the current hill. Tomorrow ~Joorc. Henry B. \\ althall and others \\·ill bring Kenneth Harlan and Patsy of note. Htith ~I iller in 'The King of the Turf." ~f rs. Robert Tans ill spent two or The Labor DaY feature will he Ken three claYs at her home. 602 Lake aYe~f aynarcl and E:'ther Ralston in $50,000 nne. thi~ \\·cek, and returned to the R~_· ,,· arcl" with complete pictures of the Tansill sumnwr home. Silver Cliff club. ~fanclci-Kansas fight. Tuesclav and Atlwlstane \\'i:' .. Thursda~· to join her \\'cdnesday will hr{ng a hill of oid time rhildren . Tlw T<tn~ill famih· \rill remm·ies l1".1dt- from 15 to 20 years ago turn to \\'ilmctte in time for . the open- pictures :-:arring \Vallace Reid, itw of school. Dorothy Gisl>. Charlie Chaplin, Tom :\I ix. Lillian Gish. ~fahel Norman, ~f ;u~· Pickford and others. The films (If the inauguration of President McKinley \\'ill also he shown. BALABAN & KATZ MEWEST THEATRE HOWAAD AVI. I£TWIIN St~rting 11 -.:' HO ~NO The Theatre for the Great North Shore Sunday, September Sth The WILDERNESS WOMAN with Aileen Pringle, Lowell Sherman and Chester Conklin ALSO STAGE PRESENTATIONS It's a Pleasure to Hear NORSHORE THEATRE ORCHESTRA Direction J. Walter Davidson NORSHORE GRANDE ORGAN Cha'u ncey Haines, Jr., Soloist PLAYING~ -NOW DIPLOMACY with BLANCHE SWEET Come before 6: 30 p. m. week days, Saturdays 6 p. m. and see the first evening De Luxe performance at Matinee price, 2Sc. ·:··----------.....-~-· '-AMPU I Village Theatre To·l nl·-~ntnrllay I" NEWS KING OF THE TURF" ~~THE With Kf"'nt>tlt Tfflrlnn Pntsr Ruth )IIIIer :\Jso ('omNl:r - 'Fnhlt-s - ~ports "Olltlll \·-T,nhor Tiny NEW EVANSTON "THE BIG PICT:U RES FIRST" ~0\V SHO\iVING rontln11on1111 from 1 ::\0 to 11 P. M. LON CHANEY "The Road tQ ·M andalay" HAL ROACH COMEDY 1fONDAY, TUESDAY and vVEDNESDAY TOM MIX AMD ·TONY I 'Your Home Theatre J. D. Koppel, l\Ianaglng Director }~Hnlngs i:30·D; l\Iat. Toes., 3:30 )Jon., Ttu·s., Sept. 6 an<l 7 KF.X l~STHF.R "\f,\Y'S' ,\Rn flO(} R .\ LSTOX In "NO MAN'S GOLD" )Juts. Roth Days !l::IO p. m. UEX 'fHl: WOXDER HOUSE ~~sso,ooo .\I so f'onll)l('tf' Pl<'fures ~~THE ('has. Chase Come(ly und IJuthe ~ews DEVIL HORSE" Also REWARD" FRIDAY ·and SATURDAY Snmmy JJnntlPI-Ro<·kr Kansas . Fl~ht SrJN·ft·tl f'onu·cl:r ·X('ws Wetl., Thurs., Se11t. R and 9 BUSTER KEATOR in l,l.,turf'" mn·lP 1r. to 20 yt>ars a~o: " 'n lhu·t> Reltl, LIIJian Gtsh, lloroth:r (;Ish, ('hnrlle f'h81llfn, Ith·hnrd Barthelmess -~RANSON'S Snub l,ollurd Comedy antl Pathe Review }'rl., Sat., Set>t. 10 and 11 ltt-~lnahl nenny and Laura LaPlante "BATTLING BUTLER" Lloyd Hamilton "IN THE MOVIES" ------110NDAY and TUESDAY FOLLY" Also )fnhf'l ~ormnn<l, Tom J(fx, \\'11· I I Jlnm f'oJtklln, )Jury I,l.,kforfl, }., atty Arhuckle. Also IX .\ rGrRATTOX OF PUF.STnF.~T JJrKIXIJEY S. Hart, f'hf'St('r LOIS WILSON in Thursday .. 'It ~~s~;::~;YIT" I -·-·-·-n-·-·and Pathe News BATHING BEAUTY CONTEST Fanorlte "THE SHOW 01'1"' WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Sat. :Mats., 2 and 4 p. m. t $1 ,ooo in P·izes ('ome nn<l A]lplnutl for your DOLORES DEL RIO LLOYD HUGHES "PALS · FIRST··· -·-~~-·-···

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