Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1926, p. 24

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'24 WILMETTE LIFE September 3, 1926 I Prof. M. L. Stirewalt to Address English Lutherans Wed .in August Prof. M. L. Stirewalt of the Lutheran seminary at Maywood, Ill., will preach at the \\Tilmette English Luth- . eran church Sunday morning, September 5. in the p,lace of the pastor Rev. \Villiam Guise, who is out of town on his vacation. Rally Day in the \Vilmette English Lutheran church \\'ill be observed Sunday, September 19, it was announced this week. There vvill be a joint service for congregation and Sundav school on that occasion. · Winter's Coming; Unique Style Shop Announces Its .F urs Mrs. Benjamin Coplan of the Unique Style Shop, 1126 Central avenue, and her two sons, Eli and Arthur, returned this " ·eek' from a motor tour through the East in \\·hich were combined the business of purcitasing a consignment of fur coats and sc\·eral day s of vi~;it ing in New York, Philadelphia and vVashington. Mrs. Coplan brings back the promise of a large assortment of furs from one of New York's leading establishments. The consignment includes the Yery late st styles in squirrel , muskrat and Mendoza heaver. a:' well as manv other attractin garments. it i. e~ plained. The tour of thr East \\'Cl. S marked hv stops at Niagara Falls, the Sesctui Centennial exposition at Philadelphia and points oi interest in the nation's capital. The return trip was through the Alleghenies. Mr. . and Mrs. W. L. Symons and family · of 1631 Washington avenue, spent a week at Mr. Sloman's farm at Morrisonville, Ill. This week they have as their guests, Miss Kate Sloman of Morrisonville and Mr. and Mrs. Cory of Devonshire, England. Plan Now to Live at The Orrington Enjoy the homelike c<:>mfort, 'the sociability and friendliness of this wonderful place to live. Here you have every conventence o f a magnificent h o m e . without the burden and e x p e n s e of maintenance. Everv, thing is new, fresh a n d up-to-d a t e. COOPER -if you want the best Careful culture and unceasing attention during all stages of growing assures the purchaser of Cooper's Peonies that he will receive strong, healthy roots-true to name. Write for PEONIES Unvarnished FactsTips and Pointers For Beginners Mrs. Edward H. NaYlor was Miss Thecla Ellison, daughte~ of Mrs. G. T. · The Kt>nilwc.lrth \.arclrn club met Elli on of Evanston. until her marriage Saturday, August 28. The ceremonv Frida,· aft~rnoon. Augu:-;t 20. at the home. ef Mrs. Sidne,· 'Y. Ball. 93() Hill was performecl at the bride's home twentv-five fore a gathering of relath·es. Mrs. road. \Vinnetka, ~,·ith members present. Kearh· even· mem Kaylor, a former resident of \Vinnetber brought and arranged sori1e kind l ka, attended New Trier High school. Cpon returning from their honevmoon of exhibit, an unusual record for the trip to 11ackinac Island, Detro.it and club, it is stated. First nrize~ \\·e re 11\\'arcled a:> folAlclena, Ohio. the home of the bridet{room's parents, Mr. and ~1rs. Navlor lows: ~frs. Bentlev G. ~1cCioud, for ·\\'ill reside in Evanston with Mrs . Nav- best breakfast table flower arrangelor's mother. · ment: for hr st flower arrangement, Mrs. A. L. ~f cDougal. and .for best array of blooms for breakfast trav, Has Urs . Sidnev C. Eastman. all of Keni-lworth. · Kenilworth Garden Club Holds Flower Exhibit be- North Shore Line Fastest Electric Train with PEONIES 25 CENTS Or FREE with order for Collection No. 30 Couronne d'Or. Late: yellowish ....... So. 7 5 Deltuhei. Midseason: red . . . . . . . . · 7 5 Due hesse de Nemours. Yellowish: early . . . . . . . 7 5 Festiva Maxima. Early: white . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 Felix Crousse. Midseason; · red . . . .. . . . . 7 5 Edulis Superba. Dark pink: early . . . . . . . i5 Karl Rosenfield. Late; red . . . . . . . . . . . 1..00 Mons. Charles Leveque. M idseason : flesh · . . . . . . 7 5 Madam Calot. Early; hydrangea-pink . . 1.00 Mme. de Verneville. Early: white . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 Philomele. Midseason; yellowi.;h . . . 1.00 Midnight. Red. duk: early . . . . . . 1.00 Baroness Schroeder. Midseason; flesh . · . . . . . 1. 5.0 Grand if lora. Very bte; pink ....... 1.00 $13·50 M a n y of y o li r The fastest electric railroad train in the C'nited States is the Northland 1 Limited. running between Chicago and Milwaukee, according to a surve\' made by Electric Tracti tHl. This traii1, operated hy the Chicago, Korth Shore and Mih,·aukee railroad over its new , Skokie Valley route, covers the 88.24 miles in t\\'O hours, making 9 stops en route . This train averages -l-U2 mile~ per hour. including stops, or 51.91 miles per hour, not including stops. Dr. and ~Irs. ~f. C. Hecht, 1042 \.reenwood a\·enue. had as their guests last \\'eek-end ~{ rs. Hecht's mother ~Ir s . George A . Sm·dcr and her sor~ and daughter-in-la\\': ~Ir. and ~Irs. Arthur C. Snyder, and ~[r. and ~Irs. Frank F. Dunnebeck of Galena, Ill. Catherine ~f yers, who had been tlu.: g-uest of ~~ arjorie Jane Hecht for se Yerat weeks. motored hack to her home in Galena with them. friends are already enjoying this hap- . pier, easier way to live and have made LOOP STORE 1 WEST TOWN Roosevelt and Kedzie 13 I S. State Street I F. THE TON t m a n en t residence. Visit us t o d a y or t e I e p h o n .c University 8 700. ORRINGh e i r per- : 4800 Sheridan Rd., Cor. Lawrence Av~. B. GEORGE co. Last Week to Save in August Sale·of $10.00 Send for 1926 Price List FURS · N. SEAL tr1mmed, P!at. wolf $149 JAP WEASEL :ocoa Fox$249 collar, COO . P~R Evamton'· Largeat and Finest Hotel .BLONDE PONY collar, With Fox$169 HUDSON SEAL Mink $295 trimrnecl, !.::::=::===;:::::;;:::::!_11 PEONY- GARDENS. · R. E. Bell Kenosha Wisconsin · ·· . RACCOON Tomboy style, ·$195- SQUIRREL Natural Fox collar $J119 U -· · ...

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