Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1926, p. 22

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22 WILMETTE LIFE September 3, 1926 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Weddings · Command Society's Interest IIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Early Autumn Seems Popular Season for Marriage Services Join Autumn Brides By Jean Ten Broeck Another surge comes over the matrimonial sea, and makes the earlv autumn a rival of ] une, the prove~bial month of brides. \Vedchngs, and even more weddings ·are items of news per-istently reported that indicate they · take the leading role on society's stage at present. At least so it seems to one \\·ho returns to her desk after a three-week period of absence, remote from the north shore, but not entir~ly out of touch with its activities, howeYer. For in a spot in northern ~1ichi gan. charmingly picturesque and scenicalh· heautiful. we found not less thar. fifteen north shore families vacationing there, some in homes of their own. others, vi:-dtors. At one large bridgt part\', twch-c residents of \Vilmette Ken1lworth. vVinnctka. Hubbard Wood~ and Glencoe were guests. Even during their time of rest. however, some of them arc pursuing the same interests ot their north shore life, and establishing fnr themsciYes in a · summer colon\·, the same reputatio;1s for artistic expre. sion they have earned here, to be more specific. one as an artist, one as a dramatic reader nf exceptional ability, and one as a maker of rock gardens. Photo by Bernie Saturday, September 25. has heen chosen by ~1iss ~1argaret McCue as Miss Margaret McCue the time of her fnarriage to Perry \Yilliam LiebE>r. son of ~1r. and Mrs. :\faurice Lieber of \Vinnetka. The Local Voters Leagues ceremony will take place at the home in County Fair Booth of !\fiss ~fcCue's parents, :\1r. and Mrs. Charles ~f cCue. of \Vilmette, at 8 :30 From September 2 to 6 visitors o'clock, the Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd sauntering through the grounds at officiating. Both !\!iss ~fcCuc and her fiance are Palatine \\'here the Cook County fair <!raduates of r\cw Trier High school. is being held, are having the opportuniThr bride elect attended Dana hall ty of seeing in concrete form the type \\'ellcsley, 1fass .. one· year, the Uni~ of activity carried on by the League ,·ersity of California, southern branch, one ~·car. and spent the past vear at of \Vomen Voters. This work is being the Cniversity of Illinois, v·hcre M r:. demonstrated at a booth in direct Liebn has been a student for three charge of ·the Oak Park league, assist·'·ears. ~fiss 1fcCue is a member of eel Thursday, September 2: by the the Phi Beta Phi sororitv and M r \Vilmette league, and Friday, SeptemLiebrr is a Phi Kappa Sigma. . her 4, by the \Vinnetka leag\te. Mrs. The "·edding of Miss Beatrice ~fet- C. P. Evans, president of the Vvilmettc zel. daughter of ~fr. and Mrs. E. B. league, ""as in charge of the booth, aidM et.zel Kenih,·orth, and \Villiam ed by a group of Wilmette women, Pansh \\ htte. son of Mr. and Mrs. \\'hile Mrs. Walter L. Benson, former George E. \~hite of W_ilmette, ·will · president of the Winnetka league, and take place Saturday evenmg, October Mrs. Leslie Gooder, assisted hy Mrs. 9, at 8:30 o'clock, at St. Augustine's Eugene Rummier, Mrs. Theodore Episcopal church ..\Vilmette, D.r. Hu- Coyne, Mrs. ]. ]. Sampson, Mrs. Edbert <:;arlet<?n readmg the servt.ce. A win E. Brown, Mrs. Joseph Graff and reception. v;tll f~ll~w at the Keml~·orth Mrs. Randolph Buck were present Friclub . . Mt~S \\.t.ntfred Metzel Will he day to explain the exhibit. he~ stste.r s n.tatd of honor .. and the The display included the bills which _bndesmatds '~·tll be another stste~. ¥rs. the le~gue has supported recently, and James P. Prmdle, '¥,rs. Nat-hamel W. posters showing graphically the work .Tames. both <!f Evanston, Mrs. Truman being carried on. A music box enM etzel r o.f Htghland .Park, Miss Mar- deavoring to show that certain kinds garet Netlso:~ and Mtss Elea~or Buck- of effort and material always produce man of \\ tlmette and Mtss Ethel like results is also a feature of the Berger of Kenilworth. exhibition. ' Ballard Higbee of Wilmette will serve as Mr. White's best man, and the ushers wilt be J aC'k Murphy and shower at Indian Hill club: September Jack Thompson of Wilmette, · Henry 9, with Miss Ethel Berger the hostess.' Thiede of Evanston, and James P. Miss Betty Marshall will become the Prindle,· Nathaniel \V. James and Tru- bride of Richard Hill Fleming, son of man T. M etzel. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Fleming of The affairs given for Miss Metzel the Snuth Shore Country club Wednesthis week and next include a luncheon dav, October 20. The studio-home of and-linen sliOwer Friday, September 3, Miss Marshall's father and mother, given by M'iss Eleanor Buckman at her Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Marshall, home in Wilmette, a luncheon and a on the lake's edge in Wilmette, a canned goods shower given by Miss place of indescribable beauty, charm Winifred Metze) September 8, at her an individuality, will be the setting for home in Kenilworth, and a kitchen the ceremony. Amy Weedon Weds California ll1 an at Church Tomorrow of . A small simple wedding wiH take place at St. Augustine's Episcopal . church at 5 o'clock Saturda~· aiternoon, September 4, the Rev. Dr. H uhert Carleton officiating. The bride will he ~fiss Amv G. \Vecdon, daughter of ~f r. and ~vf rs. John F. \Vecdon. She will marrv Clarence E. ~loore of Chico, Cal. Oniy the immediate familic . and intimate friends v. ·ill he guest:-; at the ceremonv and small reception that \\·ill foil ow at the \ Veedon residence. 204 Fifth street. · ~1 i:;s Vivian \\. eedon will he her sis'trr's maid of hnnor and Frank Friske of Chicago will scn·e as be st ma 11 . The bride \\'ill be given in marriage by her brother, Hardy \\'ccdon, as her iather i:; in England at prcsc·nt. ~lr. ~1oore, \\'ho has just cnmpkted a vear of post . graduate work at Colm~lbia uninrsity. expects to teach in Caliiornia this coming year, and IH.' and Misa Betty Marshall his bride will cltpart tor the \\.est im mecliatelv after the wedding . \1 is s \\·ecdon. is a mcmh('r ni the Sigma Xi .Party Opens Club Year sorority, . and ~f r. ~f oore i:; a Phi SigA card party will usher in the new ma. vear for the \Voman's Catholic club of 1 11111 1 J\111111111111'11111111111111 1 1 ' 1111 1 \tVilmette on Friday afternoon, September 10, in the auditorium of the St. Francis Xavier school. With its pur- l'loted Young Botanist pose that of reunion after the summer Speaks at Garden Club vacation period, the affair is given Donald Culrosr Pt·attie. di!'tinguishunder the auspices of the ways and means committee of which Mrs. Rob- rd nnmg botanist, spoke before the Ken.il\\'orth Hnme and Garde.n club at crt Fontham is chairman. Assisting Mrs. Fonthan~ ·will be Mr::i. it:; meeting !\fnnday in the home of H. S. Klein, !\1 rs. P. ] . Vandenorth, ~1rs. John P. Oleson. 240 \Voochtock ~1 rs. Carl Schaeffer, Mrs. G. E. Tar- avenue. His suhic ct was "The ~ati\·e now, Urs. ]. E. Tarleton, ~irs. C. F. Flowers of Tllinn.is." ~~em hers of the Bunte, Mrs. F. T. Barry, 11rs. F. ]. Kenilworth Garden club were guests Rothing, Mrs. C. C. vVieland, Mrs. A. of thf' Home and Gar<lrn club f0r the occasiOn. H. Rohol and Mrs. G. H. Schilbach. Play will commence at 2 o'clock. !\f.r. Peattie's newest honk. "Cargoes and HarYcsts," ha:; been just recently 1! 11 11 1111 111 1 11111 111 111 1 1111111111 f il ii I publishrd, and \\'aS re\·ie\\-ed on Fann~· Butcher's hook pr1trc in Saturday's Flower Exhibit Today Chicac;o Tribune. The book discusses Only those who have seen previous the plant power of the \vorlcl. and has exhibits of the \ ·V ilmette Garden club as its theme the work \\'hich such are cognizant of the delight that products as tobacco, spices, quinine. a\\'aits them this afternoon on the rubber, tea, cotton and camphor have occasion of the annual ' fall flower show. done for civilization. The hook is The display will take pldce at the written in a popular, understandable residence of Mrs. Hope Thompson, style. 1219 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, and Another work, written in collaborablooms will be judged under two gention wit·h his wife, Loui;;c Redfield eral heads, artistic arrangement and flower perfection, with three .smaller Peattie, is to appear from the press in sub-divisions under the former head, the autumn. Its title is to he "The and six under that of flower perfec- Bountv of the Earth." Mrs. Pcattie tion. Ribbons will be awarded to the read excerpts from this book to a winners of the fi·rst, second and third group of young north shore women who places in each of these nine groups. met last Fridav in the home of Mrs. Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell heads Jas par King, 807 Ashland avenue, Wilthe committee for the fall flower show. mette . Mr. Peattie spoke last summer be1111111 11111111111111111111111111111~ !IIIII fore the Geneva Garden club, meeting in the home of Mrs. F. K. Hutchinson, Club Gives Dinner Dance who has recently t:!iven her estate, As a departure frotn the weekly "Wychwood," as a plant, bird and aniSaturday evening dances which have mal tife preserve for the state of Wisbeen a part of the Wilmette Golf club's consin. social program during July and Au1111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH 1111111 gust, Monday evening, September 6, a special dinner dance will conclude A fore-wnrd from Th~ Neighbors, the Labor day observance and festivi- the woman's club of Kenilworth, i~ ties at the club. The affair of Mon- anticipating a new sea.:;on of unusu;.~ltv day evening is the third of the series fine programs of diverse appeal. The of four special dinner dances conduct- club year will open Oct0ber 5. with ;t. ed under the supervision of the house reception to ·new titemh,.rs and a song committee comprising J. G. Gallaher, recital. A de.parture will be made this chairman; Pan T. Comstock, vice season in tht> meeting dav which hlls chairman; John H. Brodt, I. S. Bruce been changed from the Thursdays of and Grenville Jeffery. . past years t~ Tuesdays.

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