Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1926, p. 20

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20 WILMETTE LIPS not the w.ords of a tnan ·who will weaken . . . tn a cnsts. ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK Our dutv as north shore citizens, fello"· by citizens at{d neighbors of Mr. Clabaugh, is LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. 1222 Central' Ave., Wilmette, Ill. · to give him our moral support in his ·\\'ork. Chicago office: G N. Michigan Ave. Tel. State 6326 It is our privilege to let him know that "·e !l'elephone ................................ Wilmette 1920 are with him in his resolution to keep free from politidans and grafters. The main HUBSCRIPTION PRICE ..... ~ ... ·..... U.OO A YEAR object of this editorial is to asstire him that All communications must be accompanied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for pubwe feel as he does. If there comes a time lication must reach the editor by Wednesday noon to when he tnust decide between politics atad :nsure appearance in current Issue. patriotism we want him to know that his Resolutions ot condolence, cards ot thanks, obituary, neig-hbors are with him in his fight against notices ot entertainments or other affairs where an ::tdmittance charge is published, will be charged at politic' s. regul::tr adve.r tisfng -r:ates. . ····~ . . . . . . ~t~ _.._._._ , WILMETIE LIFE SHORE LINES He wilt I know Yet the A little _____ September 3, 1926 (· . ,.., ECHO not return! that this is sc. . gate creaked time ago; And sure!\' there were steps Coming to my doorGaL familiar steps O( one ,dw comes no more! Entered at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, as mall matter of the second class, under the act or· ~lnrch 3. 1879. One of the surest signs that residents of T ran to greet my lo\'c, But all that I could sec \Vere sober hollyhocksStaring up at me . . . - Mo:'\'A Lr~ . a certain distrirt are looking forward to 1 II an ever progressing future \\'c pinned a clean hanky on th~ h_uzzum of The SJa,·e, and · wa,·ed goodbye to hun 111 the apis the interest tho'se re5ipro,·cd tcariul fashion . He left a dcs.k full of lv~ arquainted with the poems of Edna St. dents take in planning for un)Htbli shed contribution s, and darkly hmted that Yinrent ·~fillay may get a first glimpse into Planninsthe growth of an area larger he expected to find 'em there on l11s return. So a most unu~ual n1ind by readthan any individual comif vo u doi!'t hop the rails of ~hore Lines, it's 'cause ingaloud the poem here apw~'re srairt o' him. munit,·. l\Ien and "·omen naturallv are God's pended. called "Gocl's World." vitalh: · concerned about their own homes, THE GREAT GATSBY World ~iiss l\IillaY is called hv . 0t:te of their. 6wn property. vVhatever forwards "Pitiful. I calls it," said my neighbor, of "The OJtu foremost critics, "the m0st the value 0f their 0wn lot and house. imGreat Gat.·il)\·." I agree . The acting. is pitiful ~iftecl .~f t'he yot·tt'lger lyricists." This critic except ior tfll? large, placid blonde who remar~x meeiately ancl lastin~ly holds their atten· ,,·ith the enthu:-;iasm oi funeral music that she ts also ~0)Qs rha t the qt·lality ®f her ]->QJetry ,t ion. "paralyzed '-"ith joy tn tllcet you." And ~abby's "appr<~ac'tles aNd S@metit~1es attains grea:t· This interest easily sp.r eads until it be- . voice! t~ess." Yotot wiH perhaJ~S agree with tl~tis comes an interest in the neighborh0od. The lf .~1 r . Fitz.L(·erald i:-. sh(l\\·ing the trend of Amerreviewer 0'f her verse that the tv.ro stanzas ican ,·out h. 1 tremble "ith fear for our ci "ization householder not onh· cares about his own belo\\' cx}'>res~ a "hunger f.or beauty so inTake vour children. your J:>arcnts or your girl SO by 150 lot and l)uilding but also about tn sec the hoot leg J)lay of the age; profiteering. tense that t:to delight is great en0ugh to · l he group of homes clustered about his 0\\'11 unhapi)Y homts, extravagance, and one wonderful give tl'lc soul peace." J'>artirular home. Of course his interest hlnndc! about his neighborhood is not so strong as - 0Sl'.\R () -z~.·orld. l cannot hold thee rlost enough! about his O\\'n home. but still it gets him \\"uy Sun:~ LI·: .\\'E Ho\tE Th)· ·wiJJds. thy 'ZC'idc grey sln'cs! out to a meeting which has for its .objeCt T' ' ' 'l' ' ' 111!11 ' 1' II'IIS 1/ 111 11 11 1' 11/Z,.r/ Tlw .'i/·tl · , · Th\' mists that roll and rise! l\'hr, lr!IS / lf' ·l".'·illl/1 ·· Oil ·/ l ' lfllfl{[.ff /11 ·111'1 ' ; the prevention of some neighborhood nuifl ,.. /1'1'111 () I I If I ri fl Tlzy 7l'nois. this autumn da_\', that achr and sag sance. like rooster:s that greet the sunrise. l\'ifh 1/ Forrl (( l td 11 r/ri/1. /JI 'f'lflf . ' W fo r Jti111 SIJII/1/ITii yirl,~ 1' 1'. And all but cry 7~.·itlr color! That great rra,r; human beings that mow their lawns before To crush! To lift the lean of that blacf.: bluff! breakfast, dogs that run out at passing cars. Western Traina Leave Daily Tf·orld. lf"orld. I ramzot get titer close enough! radios that speak loudly at unseemly hours. \\.e'n just tini:-~hecl "The Sa~· a of Bill~· the ~id" I odoriferous garbage burners. 1}\· \\'alter Xohle Burns, that ~tory of the rharm·LoJJg lwz·c I lnwwn a glory in it all. it1g hoy de~perado who killed twenty-one men in And in many suburbs there is a real coma:-; man\' ,·e<u:-;. Tt boots the tradition of a villian Rut Jl("l'Cr kJJcH· l this; munit\· interest. It is not by any means so con\·ent.io;lall\' black-haired and hrown-eyecl, and Here such a passion is strong as a neighborhood interest; and the ,J, ;q·p-tongtH. ·(I. Surh old timers in the \\'est as ·.-J.s strctchcth me apart. I.ord. I do fear reason is apparent. Intere~t is like many \\'ilcl Bill Hickok. Ben Thompscm, ~ing- Fisher. Thou's! made the "world too beautiful tlzis \'car. Henry Plummer. Clay Allison. \\.) att Farp, Doc forms of energy: it decreases as the disHolliday, Frank and Jesse James. the Youngers, Jf \' soul is all but out of me-let. fall · tance from center increases. A noise in the Daltom. were blond. good-looking-. blue-eyed . ·"·o burniny leaf: prithee. let no bird call. .one's O\\·n house is much more annoying ..;uit-tlltJguecl. and lithe with a devil-may-car~,· inthan the same noise several blocks a\\'a\'. souCiance. Pretty soon we expect to fmd out that the But ne\·ertheless it often happens that ·a Hinton G. Clabaugh of Winnetka, reshrinking country violet \\·ho falls for the doity little noise at some distance should be cently appointed chairman of the state pacity guy is not willowy, irail and timid. Hmph! heeded. [t may be the sign · of an approachShe 'II turn out to he a two hundred pounder who role board, declare~ that politics will have ing storm that will destroy one's home and ploughs a couple of acres, pitches a hundred hales no \\'eight in considerations of of hay and chops down a fe\\' trees for settin' up family. People in the \\'est learn to recNo the board; that "fixers" will excrci:-;c:-; e\-en· morning! ognize a cyclone even \\'hen far a\\'ay. Likehe un\\'clcome; that he will . -Tm: 'I'HIRTEt·::\"TI£ BnT.\:\"I-:r:R wise a danger threatening a home far a way Pc!itics have a free hand in dealing may. if noted in time. be prevented from ~o Humhugsky sent a swell-.elcgant story, hut it ,,·ith cases; that it is ·distinctly \\·a:-; so long it jumJH.'d the rails at a curve. It was ing serious damage to one's own home Inunderstood that the governor will not inan automobile ston·. an,.,,.a,·, and hadn't an\' bu~itere ·t in one's community may be of great nes:-; on our raik . . . . terfere. bene fi t to the in d i vi c1 u a 1 \\' ho entertain s that This is exactly as it should he. \\ hether interest. The Yalue of our north shore Shore Lines ,,·ill condwt <Ill Old Jokes Da,· on a prisoner shm;ld be allo\\'ed to leave the February 30. 1927. Decrepit iokes not ma.king property is largely due to this prevailing prison on parole is a matter with ..which the column that da\· \viii be raffled off on April 1. community interest. D(ln 't :-;ay \\'e IH' \'l't~ told you 'nut tin' ! p.oli tiral f ricndship should have nothmg at There i~ an interest broader than comall to do. The one question is, should this munity interest, it is regional interest, in YOUR HANDS (to Adelle) prisoner he allo\\'cd to leave on parole, on · terest in the growth of a district embracing !.ony aqo. a Ia II lady his \\'Ord. supported by certain customary It ·,·nt ahnul caclr dac.c·n many communities. And just as a commuGatlll'rinlt all tire· tired rctals restrictions? Friendship here cuts no nity interest benefit individuals, so does 0 f all flit' fim,·crs in tire 7.<'or/d. figure. Each ra~e must be decided purely regional interest benefit individuals. It also I tlrink she pressed lfrtir sad facrs ot1 its merit:-;. may be maintained that a regional interest Into your !.'ind hands. Jladomw. . It may be that ~Ir. Clabaugh will find it -Cos~<:rn: is more important than community interest. hard to- shut uut politics. We do not hebecause a change th~t is good for a "region" This c· llttmn PLAYS FAfR. \V e even type1ieve that he will yield. His quoted lan\\'ill he good for the communities therein \\Tite our copy for it in shorthand. so the romi.ruage sounds like that of a man \\'ho tneans included. l'ositor can't laugh at the jokes hdore our clients see 'em . ~·hat he says. 1I e knows the issue clearly. ..\.n intelligent man will be interested in He states it clearh· when he says, "There regional planning an intelligent Evanstor1 Any man on the Xorth Shore, or within a radiu s ~·d]l be no politics fn these cases. 1 am not woman will necessarily care for a go.od road of nne thousand miles. is eligible to contribute to a politician . . . . One of the conditions on bet\\'een Highland Park and Milwaukee. this column next week. But remember men no which I took the place was that I be al- ·What concerns a citizen of Glenview will matter what you say, us wimmin will' have' the lo,·led a_ free hand. I have it." These are· .. concern an intelligent citizen of Winnetka. la t line. Tl;~o:-;e \\'·ho are so unfortunate as not to Regional )'(J -JANE ARXT AXD LYDIA

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