Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1926, p. 14

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September 3, 1926 14 WILMETTE LIFE Safety work in the schools is showing results, according to a bulletin issued by the accident prevention deConcert Soprano - Teacher of Voice partment of the Chicago ·Motor club, Tone Placrng a Specialty which shows that despite the increase · Complece Repenoire for Concert in automobile and school registrations and Opera there were fewer fatalities among Reserve Hours Now for Fall and children in Cook county . during the Winter first five months of 1926 than during The Studio Bldg. the same period in 1925. In 1925 there 1 7 1 8 Shuman Ave. were seventy-nine fatalities, and in Phon es: Studio-Greenleaf 3523 the same period of 1926 the fatal acResidence-Unw. 7278 cideats were cut to sixty-eight. Su~terintendent of Chicago schools William McAndrew ascribes this re ·duction in accidents to the work of the school boys patrol, and to the systematic safe tv in st ruction that has been carried in the schools in an intensive manner during the past year. Each class · room in the public sc hool s 26th Year of Chicago is supplied with a poster Opens Sept. 1 3 depicting some phase of the accident problem as it applies to children. These WILMETTE BRANCH posters, which are supplied by the 6 2 7 I Ith St., Boulevard Building Telephone Wilmette 3 612 1 Chicago Motor club, are changed irotn Teachers in charge:· ANNA CHINLUND and LAURA COUPLAND month to month, and every Friday REGISTRATION DAYS-Wednesday Sept. 8 and Thursday, Sept. 9 , 10 to 2. : ::tfternoon the teachers lecture the PRIVATE AND CLASS LESSONS I children on a safety theme based on · Piano - Keyboard - Harmony - Sight Reading - Ear Training. : the subject matter of the poster. L MAIN SCHOOL. 509 W.abash Ave .. Chicago. Send for catalog. I This wor~ is also carri~d on in mo~t of the pubhc and parochtal sc hools 111 . northern Illinois and nort\1ern Indiana. Among the many first rate golfers who were entered in the eighteen hole pro-amateur tournament at the Evanston Golf club were eight men from the North Shore. Those who were competing were: By Chamberlain, Glencoe Golf club; N. C. McKinney, Wilmette Golf club; Mark Greer, Wilmette Golf club; Floyd Johnston, Illinois Golf club; Alec Law, Skokie; S. Morrison, North Shore Golf club; D. Tosh, Sunset Ridge Golf club; W. Chamberlain, Glencoe Golf club. Mme. Edith Bideau Mo·melll FUNDS AID SCHOOL Safety' Work in Schools North Shore Golfers in Lessens Accident Toll Hold Tag Day September 13 for ChiPro-Amateur Tournament. cago Junior School for Boys from Broken Homes Chicago 'Junior .school, loca~ed one mile north of Elgtn and covenng one hundred acres of bea~t_iful ~ountry overlooking the Fox nv~r1 . ts the scene of many happy acttvtttes these summer days w h en t h e more tha n fifty boys from broken homes, who make their home at the school, are engaged in all sorts of seasonable sports, under the leaders hip of a competent director. At a recent drive held for the benefit of this school. the stun ~f ~35,000 \\'as rat·. .,ed toward the furnt:-ihmg of f 1 1 more commodious quarters or t e long 1) 0 \ ·s · and it is hope d th. at 1before it -w ill he possible to me u d e . accommodatioth for girls from broken hom~ s, a~ .· \,·ell. and in thi s way do away \'~tth , 1 the nece ssity of the ·furt ler separatton of families. Chicago Junior schoo~ i~ ga~hering its forces together at thts tnnc tor ~c tivc p·articipation in the annual oftictal Tag day which will he held ~1 onda~· ' September 13. Several orga~1izat ions. ~~10\\·n a~ Branches of Fnencls of Chtcago J un ior school. have already been establi shed in Chicago, the north shore (headquarters at Eva.nst~n) and Oak Park and these organ tzatwn s are .hanl at work on plans ior f~ll and wmte~ which \\·ill mean much ttl the way 01 financial assistance ior the fu:therancc of this sp lendid and worth\\·h.tlc ~ausc. The Korth Encl branch. wlllch ts tl~e larg est-n umbering t\~·o hundre.d- wlll celebrate its first annt\·cr:-;ary Septem~ r ?1 at the Sovereigll hotel. \\·here 1 H.: - ' ' } \J its regular monthly n~c~·t.mgs a:c 1c c ~ The many social act~vttl~S winch th~ program committee ( )~ thts branch h_~:-. planned fnr the co:mng seasnn ~'til help materially to lllcreasc ~he l>u_ tlcling funcl and thereby make tt po-.-.thh: to build two new cntt.a~es on tht school grounds.-an ~tlclttJ.onal one for boY s and the othe r tor gtrls. , ..~\ i all rummage sale }:-> al:'o one o' the plan:; of the ):'orth. T·.n~l branch fn: the purpn:;e oi colltrt1>tlt111).( to tht.: hnildiug iund. on ---------------------------------------------------~ 1 CVoGuE MONTHLY c.MYLJ:: ~} P~Do.J~(!I. r/17oe ) Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Shugart of "!\e\Y York City and. :Miss Bernice Schneider of S;tint J ose ph, ~fich., stopped off this week for a da,·'s visit in \\.ilm ette at the home of ~-[r. and ~fr s. George Clute 735 ~inth street, while on their way to Glacier Park Banff and Lake Louise. -0- ) Mr. and Mrs. E. C. \\.rhskr. 719 Linden avenue, ha,·e returned aitcr a three \Ye eks' trip to Xorth Channel. Littl e Current, and Chcssalon. Ontario, Canada. 11 l) ~) ,( '( ( ) ) (I (I ( .11 J-!ipper of exceptional heau~l/· Black patenl-oj courJ'e. Quarler; f'.1nzp edged in beach fanned kid. J.Yarrow .J'ingle J'trap of .fame material, ja.Jtened hy ~ unique aa}UJ'tahle Scara.hian buckle. See Lhi.t lale.tljashion triumph by Boyd-lf'elrlz. Moderately priced at f ( ..( I) 1 r) ) ,·) ~ School Days School days are soon here which means both work and play for the youngsters. Order an extra bottle or two of milk so they may have plenty of the proper nourishment. Helen ~fac~f orran. 15 year ~ld <laughter oi Jack ~1ac~forran. ln~ltan 1l ill Col£ club professwnal. qualtfied a: medalist in the qualiiy!ng round of golf tournament at . \\ es tmor~ la 1.H\. playing for the women s western Jt111~nr title. this week. La st year s h.~ \\a s runner up to Virginia Van \\' tc at South Shore. Helen went a:ouncl tl1e eighteen hole s in 45--lS-90, JUSt .two stroke s ahead of her neares t nval, ~1 ildrecl Hackl. Indian Hill Lassie Is Medalist in Golf Play ·- f ( ( ( ( I) I) sto c<): IOWtJ EXCLUc.PIV~LY AT ~ I) L) l) I I 1f rs. Edward A. Kracke, 1010 Elmwood avenue, entertained twenty. of her friend· at luncheon and bndge last Fridav. The party was in the na ture of a· farewell gathering, as Mr . and Mrs . Kracke and their family are moving from Wilmette this ":eek.. Mrs. Kracke will first go to Caltforma to visit her mother, and plans to leave the latter part of the month to spend another year abroad. 4 -()- ,,,Rosenberg's I·! ( jl Keep Plenty on Ice! Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson and their two children of 521 Central avenue, returned last Saturday from a two weeks' motor trip through nortl;ern Michigan, stopping at Marquette and Mackinac. Davis Street Downtown Evanston Shoes-First Floor -oMiss Jessie M. Sentney spent }.fonda\· in \Vilmette upon her return from he~ trip abroad and while on her way to visit her mothrtr in Indiana, where she will remain until the opening of New Trier High school. ~~ tl

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