Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1926, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE September 3, 1926 Congregational .Church Ministers: Stephen A. Lloyd William C. McCormack On Friday · the Central avenue circle, Mrs. L. E. Rudd, chairman, will meet at the church for its first lunche<;m and business meeting. , 1\Irs. I. R.. Adkms and Mrs. L. E. Rudd are the chairmen of the luncheon committee. St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette. Herman W. Meyer M. A. pastor 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396. Church telephone 3111. Great Special Offer · Limited Time Only for tlae world-lamoaa Grand Prize The opportunity of a lifetlmel Get a brand new, genuine Grand Prize Eureka Vacuum Cleaner foronly$2.00 tlown! This astonishingly small down payment puts this great cleaner right in your own home--and extremely easy term1 will quickly make it yours. Think of itl On Sunday morning the summer session of the Church school convenes at 10 o'clock. Miss Bertha Wheelock has the direction of the Beginners and Primary departments which meet together down)IEETINGS stairs. The other departments meet to- Monday September 6: Sunday school gether in Pilgrim Hall where Mr. }!ugh teachers. Paterson will speak to them. o~. Back Thursday, September 9: Ladles Aid and in Chicago with . Young Amenca. Mission at 2. The Sunday morning service of worThe Lord's Supper will be celebra~ed ship is held at 11 o'clock. A special La- at St. John's during the 11 o'clock. service bor Day service has been planned to in- nt>xt Sunday morning, the confess10r:a1 or clude appropriate music by the soloist )1reparatory service for commumcants Mr. John Rankel and the organ iRt, Mrs. beginning at 10 :45 o'clock. Those who Rose Annen. The Rev. W. E. McCor- desire to receive the Sacrament are remack will preach the Labor Day serf!lO~ quested to announce this to the pastor on the subect of "1\Iaster ·workmanship. on Saturday at the parsonage. The Crescent Circle, Mrs. F. E. Parry, The meeting of the Ladies' Aid and ('hairman, will bt· entt-rtained at a sum- Mission society has been postponed form nwr m eeting at the home of ~frs . C. P. the first to the second Thu ·sday of this E,·ans 619 Gregory avt?nue, at 1 o'clock month. The October meeting will be held Tuesday afternoon. on the regular day. SERVICES 14th Sunday after Trinity : Sunday school and Bible classes. 9 :45 a. m. First service and sermon. 10 :45 a. m. Preparatory service for communicants. 11 :00 a. m. Second service ·and Ho1y Communion. 9 :30 a. m. GREAT SPECIAL TERMS Offer Positively for Complete $850 ·Set el ··HI,Ie- V·~··,.,. AttacAmente Limited Time Only But y~u muat hurryl Thla astonishing special term1 educational offer enda soon. Upon request we will deliver a brand new Eureka with complete attachments for FREE ~at. Then, if you decide to keep them, pay only $2.00 down. Act now -and enjoy many, many years of the best homecleaning service money can buyl reception giv('n in their ·honor. Foll~w ing the reception :\frs. D. B. Brummi~t, an excellent and inspiring speaker, Will talk on "Our Templed Hills" after which refreshments will be served. A board meeting will be held at 1 o'clock. r..... L. Perry, president, will greet it~ new classes for the Christian Education of officer!'~ in Pilgrim hall at a 2 o clock Children which are to be given at St. John's during the entice school term. These classt:'s are open to all children bet wee n the age of 7 and 16. There is n o charge for tuition. All the teachers of the Sunday 8<:ho.ol as well as the officers will meet at _the Sunday school rooms, :\londay evt:mng, September 6, at R o'clock. X ext Friday the Woman's Guild, Mrs. Children are now being enrolled in the FREE with each Eureka purchaaed (Tbla elfermar be withclrawa Baptist Church . at &aJ' ti.e) Write, Phone or Call Today EVANSTON BRANCH 1235 Chicago Avenue Green1eaf 1734 The pastor, Rev. Francis C. Stift~r, t~as returned from his vacation and ~Ill p!·es<'nt as the speaker of the mornmg Rc~. Emory Wylie Lu.cco~k. . Mrs. Stifter s younger brother who i~ C!·n .furlough a~te~ his first term as a · M1sswnary in Chma. . ::\fr. Luccock is a . young man of unusual rower being regarded by the . Board . ot his Church (Presbyterian) as .o ne of ~he strongest men on the field. Before gomg to China five years ago Mr. Luccock spoke t\\=ic'e hi this church, once in !:iailor's uniform as a "rooky" at. Great Lakes :md again after his graduation from McCormick Theological Seminary and about t·J sail for . China. The Sundav school returning to its olol ~'>chedule b~glns promptly at !) :30. ·..:-r ::tdeo inRtruction is provided for all ag-.·s and · there are classt-s for men and won: e n. The regular mid-week meetings of the church will be resum ed on Wt·dn esday evening; September 8, the topic ur.d t=> r tliscussion to be "This Year-"\\rhat ?" The ·wilmette Baptist church is ln·'a.t. <l the corner of Forest and 'Vilnwi.tc a,,·enues. The pastor, Rt>v. Franf'i!-' C. Stifler, may be seE·n in his study duri11g the mornings of the wet-k and at (Jtht·r timt>s by appointn1ent. The churc.:!1 office in charge of ~liss ~Iabelle Rennac-J{I: r is opt:n daily from !I to 12 and 1 to 5 cl(lsin~ at 12 on Saturday. Office telephone, \Vitmette 2235. at ·.English Lutheran . Greenleaf and SeV<.nth William. Cuise, pastor. ServiCes for September 5. Worship and sermon at 11 o'clock. Prof. l\1. L. Stirewalt; of the Lutheran Seminary at .1\laywood, \\·ill deliver the n. essage for the day. A hearty welcome !s extended to fri e nds to ·"..-orship with our . congregation. ~1 ee ting" Bible School at 9:45. "The T t> nt of will be th e lesson to he studied and discussed in the adult Bible class. Graded lessons an· us<·d in all d epa rtJM·nts of the school. N ew m embers are always welcome. Th e pastor will rNurn n··xt next w ·<· k and will be ·in charge of tht· s<:rvi· ·· : Bt·ptt·mb ·r 1.2. Rally Day seniC'e will bt> hf·ld St ·ptt·mhrr lf.l. Tht:·re ·viii be on~: bi~ l;<·ni <t· a t FREDERICK E. LEWIS Resident }.;' orth Shore Fulwral Director Twenty-two years of successful professional service in this field. Personally recommended bv Chas. A. Stevens of Chic.ago and a host of others whom we have served on the north shore. personally attend all calls, rendering the most careful, courteous and conscientious service. Mrs . . Lewis attends to all ladies' and children's calls. 10 :30. v./e Mrs. Harry Hillman of 507 \Vashington avenue, and her niece, Miss Avis Hillman of Evanston, returned home Monday after two months of t'ravel in Englan-d, Belgium and France. The Misses Alice and EYelyn Johnson, 1303 Hill street, were ho s te _ ~c- at a miscellaneous shower TuesdaY eYening given for Miss Evelyn L.- Port, who se marriage to Gayly George Kalseim will take place September 11. -o~1i . s \Yinifrccl \Veeclon, who has been visiting he,r sister, Mrs. George Stuart Knight, in Dallas, Texas. is returning to \Vilmctte in time for the marriage of her sister, ~fiss Amy \\'eedon, tomorrow afternoon. Private De Luxe Ambulance Service The grO\\:ing demand for prompt and reasonable ambulance service has made it neccessarv for us to add to our Limo1;si ne EquipmcJit, an Invalid Coach which is the last word in Am,bulancc Service Located in \ Vilmette. Our Display Rooms Are Complete Our ~I otto: "Golden Rule" ~ f'School Shoes for Small Children ~~4*~~~~w~~~~~ Tan Washable Elkskin A handsome grain elkskin chosen for its great toughness, yet extreme pliability and for the fact that it is practically scuff-proof. Dries soft when wet. 1 FREDERICK E. LEvVIS Parlor Phone Wilmette 3 5 51 ~!.1 Sizes 8¥2 to 11 $4·75 Sizes 11¥2 to 2 $5.7 5 See our selection of Boys· and Children's Winter Sox. Telephone University 9 7 J J\IRS. F. E. LEWIS Lady Attendant Residence Phone Wilmeue 3 55 ::z. 1 PmL 2. PIPER ij ~ CHILDREN'S SHOI! SPECIALISTS 1608 Chicago Avenue Evanston, Illinois ~ ~..

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