Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Sep 1926, p. 11

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September 3, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 11 Gives Final Program BY R. L. P. The splendid ensemble program last Su,nday afternoon by the Instrumental Sextet of the Little Symphony Orchestra of Chicago cl ose d the series of summer afternoon mu sicales at the Skokie club. The se mu sicale s, four in all, have heen under the direc ti on of ~f rs. D\\'ight C. Orcutt, " ·ho is to be congratulated upon having secured a rtists of surh high standard. The musicales have been enthusiastically supported. and each time th ere was ca pacity attcndance,-which proves their succe ss. The In -.trumental Sextet clemon:'tratcd la :-; t Sunda~· it:-; superiority m·er nthn in :-.t rtlllll'ntal sexte ts or trios . It play:-; unconclucted. except for an occa:>ional nod or ge~t ur e front the violinist. fl en nan l·e lher. Jr. Karl Schulte, pla~· l'rl a Yiolitt. Theodore du ~fou lin a "i(din ccl lo. rmil Eck a flute. and Angl'lo de Caprio the clarinet. ~fi ss H clrne Brahm \\'as at the piano. playing in Jh:rfect accord \rith the se xtet. The prog-·ram opened \Yith that brisk. exhiliratitq; march by Chabrier, .. ~ Jarch l' Jo y t' u :-c." an d t h c n ',.en t on into the onrturc irom "The Secret ni Suzanne." \rhich wa s ,.<· n· well likt·d. Attacks \H'rc prompt a·nd vignroth. and the intnpretation good. Lalo'~ Andanlt' irotn "Svmoh on ie E:-;pa~noll." 11\0\'l' (l \\'ith a snmhrc h cauty, anrl the melody solos played by Mr. Felber \\'t'rL· l(ln· h·. \ "ictor I lerhert \ "Badina~c .. ,,·;t:-; the gayest hit of coqtH' try \\'e'n: heard in a lon g time. The "l'\:ttt tc1nk li ttle lihertie:-; \\'it!\ the tL·m po :t 11 cl added a lot n i sp ice to it. Jfnhnt':-; "f.'l·:nL·orl'" for flute and cia rinct had a good swing. and the :;exttt \\'as in ah:-;tdnt c C()ntrol oi it at al l times. n vhtt---..,· · ~ F an t ;t -..ia ... Pelk a~ et ~f clisanrk" \\:a~ an v~qtt i~itc hit oi nielanrlw h· te nderne s-.. Sekctinns frcJ!ll the .'uit~'. "Triannn" shmw d g-ood work :u td a real iL'l'lin~. ":\nit d'Aillour" bY ~a . . scoh . \\·ith till' mcloch· for the violinrelln. \\'as haunting. a;HI \\'a s gracefull\· done. The third monntrnt o f 1\in.h k\· - Kor sa knff':; "Scheherazade" h r ou!.! 1; t an l' Ic 1que n t t our h of the m oclern itt mmic. T,\·o of Tarncielt's \\·o rks, .. Bnceu :;e " and ·· Preiude" \\·err cle ar attcl n·n· charming. The program r l\lSl'd w1th the dr ;nnatic "Hungarian Rhap~ody 0-"o. 2." h~· Liszt. which was playecl in an excellent manner. Philanthropy Department Lusk Plays in Colorado Plans for Charity Ball Return From Tour Abroad The philanthropy department of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette, is plat)ning a large . charity ball for the evening of Fri<;lay, Kovember 26, at the Guilmette Country club. The purpose of the affair. the largest planned by this department of the club for the season. is to raise funds with which to conduct the work for the year. The philanthropy department plans to gin its support thi ::; year to an entire family, as well as aid to t\\'o cldcrlv women. The ~[arY Bartelme home· and St. Vincent's Orp-han asylum will benefit by th e se\\'ing done the third \Vednesdav of each month as well as· ,,·ill locai appeals for aid. ~1r s. George Lud\Yig is chairman of the philanthropy department. Cpon his return fbr a European concert tour last week, Milan Lusk, violinist residing at 810 Michigan avenue, \\'ilmetfe, left immediately for Colorado where he \Yas heard in two recitals, one at the State university in Boulder, and the other in the citv auditorium in ·Colorado Spring. It; the latter place, he \\'as heard bv an audience estimated at close to four thou:,a nd people. ~f il an Lu sk will accept a few earnest Yiolin students for private instruction at his home studio in \Vilmette. Sched~tle :-; are no\\" being arranged and those tl_lterc stecl hould make early applica.tton . ~Ir. and Greenwood day for the ably spend ~frs. F. T. \\.atkins, 1322 LINDEN-CREST Ladies' Tailor & Furrier ' SPECIALIZING IN a Remodeling and Repairing of all garments of either cloth or fur ac . . cording to the latest styles at moderate prices. PHONE WILMETTE 62· 4 30 Linden Avenue Cornet of 5th St .. FETE GUILD OFFICERS The \Voman 's Guild of the First Congregational church \\·ill gi,·e a re·ception for it s ne\Y offic ers at a meet ing at the church Friday, September 10, at 2 o'clock. Foll o\\·ing the re ce ption there \rill he an address b,· ~J rs. D. B. Brumm itt. There \\'ill be ameeting of th e Guild board at 1 o'clock. ~f r s. F. J. Fe linger of 710 Lindt·n avenue, has bee n entertaining as her house guests. her brother and si. terin -law, ~rr. and ~frs . Paul Leo ~fur phy of Xc\\' York City. Another lnother, Jo:--cp h \ -. ).f urphy, on hi s way to \\.innipeg. Canada . . topped off in \Vilm ct te for a short ,·isit at his sister's home . ·!~··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·-·-··-·-··--··-·-··- -·-··-·--·-·--·-·~{ · ' # # . i ' avenue, departed Thurs\Y ~s t, \\·here they \\'ill probabout six week:>. 'i i i i ' . . . # ,---------------------------------~ 'i! I I I I Every Mother # , Should have a p h otograpll /' of her children before ·they return to school. FUP.. .\PPOI~T~IE~T : : I I ! I 1,: : I· i-_ ,~_ /Do not delay. Make an appointmennt for a sitting at once. ;;~~~";:~"~~~::. ~T. 615 D.-\YIS E\ ·.\XSTO:\" ~ : / I I : eLRa e d. 0 sttt I :: ·:·'.....!'._.,,....,, ._,, ~, .._,.~,.....,.....(,._.()...()~ (1~~)~,.._..~,, 'f our clothes washed '. ---------------------------free if you ring us Fine Lin"' of Lighting Fixtures Electrical Repairing Radio Sets and Supplie9 Eveready "B" Batter\es Music Master Loud Speaken Base Plugs Installed --· .... '-., EA!i ,.._..,--.c,.-.,~,~~~~ ----·-···· .....:· I " ' · · - Vacu.umEtectriC: ~upj~ ·-· WASiiER · ~~ Adams Electric Shop Founh Street Phone Wilmette 104t; ~fiss 'Anna ~fargaret Stansell. daughter rd Dr. and ~f rs. Gilbert Stanse ll. of 101R Lake avenue, \\·ho has been in California since la st ~farch. is returning home Saturday. September4. She has ju st completed a motor tour of California. five da\·s of which " ·e re spent in Camp Curr)·. Yosemite National Park. RETURNS FROM WEST $100 Music Course Free! Through the HINSHAW CONSERVATORY of OPENS OFFICES HERE Dr. S. P. Perry, physician anr{ surgeon. has open ed offices at 1159 \Vilmette avenue, in the Brown building. Dr. and Mrs. Pcrn· arc native s of Elkins, \V. Va. Their ·home is at 500 Fifth street in the Linden Crest apartments. MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART Kimball Building, Chicago Accredited by Chicago Board of Education .. - .. I ""'!l ----~ ~ .. ..., - ---"" - ... u " ~~ . I' - Edith Ray Young Piano Instruction -Tel. Wilmette 3651 630 Park Avenue Wihnette; Illinois I we arc able to offer a free scholarship to some tnusic student in vVilmette. You can help some friend under 21 to win it. All work done either in the Goodwin Barber Shop or Beauty Parlor entitles you to a certain number of "fOtes according to the amount of work done. Ballot boxes are in both places. Help your favorite to win this wonderful epportunity! · I( I( GOODWIN'S Barber Shop. and Beauty Parlor 115 9 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 723 0 _. --- .... -.: ..... -I · . ., .....,.,..... . ..,.l 'l ' IJ I

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