WILMETTE LIFE August 'Zl, 1926 Plan Ball Game Match Game on W edneaday for Mathewson Set 'em up on the other alley I The Memorial Fund bowling season is ·about to start · again Bowling Wlll Begin ·With and Roy Goodwin, local bowling impresario, announces the opening of his alleys in the Brown building Wednesday, September 1. Things will get under way immediately, with a meeting of the Goodwin's Ladies' league at 7 :30 o'clock Thursday evening, September 2, at which election of officers for the coming season will be held. At 8 o'clock the same evening there will he a match game between Oscar. Schmidt and his team from the Wilmette Business Men's league and the · Birk Brothers' bowlin~ team. Admission will he free, it is ·announced. NOW! AR Women's and Misses Low Shoes; $8.00 values, $4.65 and ........... . Children's Shoes, per pair .... ·................... . Children's Barefoot Sandals, of Genuine Elkskin, per pair ..... . $3.95 Sl.OO Sl.OO I Hoffmann Brothers· Ridge and·Wilmette Aves. NO TELEPHONE ORDERS-NO RETURNS FOR CREDIT DURING SALE Village President Earl E. Orner re-. ceived a letter this week from James J. Davis, chairman of the Christy Mathewson Memorial foundation, asking him to interest the residents of the village in a nation-wide plan to erect a club house for disabled soldiers at Saranac Lake, New York, and a Memorial hall at Lewisburg, ·Pa., as lasting tributes to the great ball player. Mathewson died last fall from tuberculosis contracted while serving overseas in the World war. Since the war Saranac Lake has been a hospitalization center for ·exservice men who contracted tuberculosis. Mathewson was interested in Health Center Haa Best and was actively working ·for a Day in History W edneaday them club house similar to the proposed The Gross Point Health Center had memorial up to the time .of his death. the biggest day of its history last The other proposed memorial, at Wednesday when forty babies, nine of Lewisburg, Christy's home and final them ne~ cases. were brought to the resting place, will be planned as "basenutrition clinic held on that day. The ball's Westminster Abbey, and the officers of the center are Mrs. John A. Hall of Fame of American sports." In Hoffman, chairman; Mrs. W. P. Seng, it will be hung pictures of the famous vice chairman; Mrs. Cart Widney, sec- baJl pt~yers of all time, and in addition retary and Mrs. A. W. Boylston, treas- it wilt contain many of the trophies urer. Miss Myrtle Chrudinsky is the and relics of American achievements nurse and Dr. Robert Blessing, of Ev- in American sport's. anston, a nutrition specialist, was the The mov~ment to erect these memvisiting physician Wednesday. Offi- orials has met with instant enthusiasm cials of the organization were . much all over the country an~ in many towns pleased with the good showing made and cities baseball teams are playing by the center. benefit games to further the project. It is thought probable that the WilESTABLISH QUIET ZONE mette Athletic club team will play a Police have established a zone of twilight benefit game and plans are quiet in the 700 block on Park avenue being made to interest residents in the because of the serious illn~ss of Mrs. project. Thom~s C. McClintock, 728 Park avenue. Mrs. McClintock has been itt for Anne Boddie, 1621 Forest avenue, resome time and has undergone several serious operations. She has only re- turned Thursday of last week from cently returned from the hospital after Camp Osoha at Trout Lake, Wis., where she spent two months. treatment there. 6Z7 MAIM STREET WHOLESALE _,9 CITY MARKET. CO. MEATS 2 9 PBOME: WILMETTE 1170 RETAIL BIGB GRADE MEATS AT POPULAR PRICES Make tbls sto·e a populal' aad p·olltable plae e to shop SPECIAL SALE SAT. AUG. 2.8 ... ) I Speeial----i'resb Killed Broilers, per , ··..........·.................... 4,e Roast Beel Cbolee Cats lfadve Rib lfadve Pot Roast Beel Faney Sp·lag La~b Legs lb. ,,e 1·. 45e Best QualiQ' Roasting Cbiekens 1··.............................. BUTTER AltiiiOUl"S CIOYe·biOOIII .1·· 24e EGGS Sa-led)' 1·. ,,e BACON Smoked Butts Lean.-Mo Waste RAMS ,,e F·esb WUIIoa Ce·dlled Ball o· Whole Side Cadab)"s PafttaD Hall or Whole doz.,le 1·.46e I·· ,Se 1·.47e i'ane~ Youn1 Pork Loins-Ball or Wbolta .................. ,,e 4 Daily Deliveries: 9A.M.-11 A.M.-2 P.M.--4 P.M. Wilmette, Kenilworth,·Glencoe, Winnetka