Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1926, p. 3

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.August 27, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE lARGE GALLERY VIEWS ·1 ANNUAL BEACH EVENTS ,!._____ w_i_l,_ne_t_te_D__;,.,__ay_'s_B_ig_f_a_r_a_de-~n_d __ c~~-·ld_ ._ r_e_n'_s._P_~_oc_e...;;,o~s_io_n_iil_ __ More Than One Thousand Villagers See Wilmette Swim- . mera' -Contest In Carnival · ' \Vilmette's annual Water Carnival held last Saturday afternoon at the beach was enjoyed by more than one thousand people. The weather and wa1er \\"ere ideal but the velocity of the wind was so great that it became .necessary to postpone the fancy diving contests. The gold, silver, and bronze medals _ given as p"rizes were greatly appreciated, it being the first time medals were awarded as prizes in the carn·ival. Life Photo by Lehle The events this year were conducted . h f h W'l Day at the American Legion grov.e on Lake sen riding a tricycle decorated with 'ointly bv the vxritmette Bathing beach v_ar_I.OUS p ase.s 0 t e I mette J .] ·v d b 0 1 avenue west of Ridge avenu~. The pink roses. This was voted by the ·and the \Vilmette Playgrounds and acttvJttes are ptcture a ove. n t 1e center picture shows little Frederick judges to be one of the prettiest disRecreation board·. !left is a picture of a section of the big Mende, winner of the first prize for plays in the Children's parade. More Perhaps the most }nteresting even,~ parade held in the morning. More than the Children's parade, in his miniature than 800 children took part in the of the day was the Use Your He~d 125 decorated pleasure vehicles, trucks float called "Wilmette Harvest." Fred- parade, many of them with decorated 'Contcs~. s.ome fifty hovs .and fYJr1s and floats took part in the parade, erick is 4 years old and the son of vehicles of various kinds and many ·entered tbJs _contest. Startt.ng from which wound its way through the resi- Herman Mende, 1507 Central avenue. others in costumes. All received gifts shore on the stgnal they burned to the dence sections of the ,·itlage, ending On the 'right hand is little Betty Sten- from the Chamber of Commerce. ra ft \\·here they made great efforts to ______·:___ _ _ _ _.:__ _ ___:___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ hurst flw hag-s with their heads_ . The ohjcct w'hich came out of the hag he- Steal Money, Watch From . Chamber of Commerce in long-ed to tl1e one who obtained it. One Clothes of Picnic Party New Suite of Offices ·haQ' contain~d a cuo, the final possessor of which was entitled to a bathing suit Two men lost more than $50 in cash The Wilmette Chamber of Com·a \\'arciro lw Rosenher!!·s of Evanston. beside a watch and other valuables merce offices were moved to a suite of Househ.olders who in recent weeks "Nigl.t Shirt" Race . last Saturday evening when thieves offices one dgor west in the State_ Almo~t as intrresting was the "Ni~ht broke into a bath house in which they have had reason to complain about ir- Bank building this week into the irregularities in the collection of gar·~hirt" Rr1av. This was a new event on the hearn hut proved very popular. had left their clothes at the lake front. bage, may rest assured now that the rooms formerly occupied by George J. Fi,·e tr<~ms of six members each con- The men were W. G Cartwright, 4236 service has returned to normal again. Eber, tailor. Mr. Eber · has taken the tested. The nil!ht shirts were marle of North Ashland avenue, Chicago, who Investigation following receipt of suite of offi·c es across the corridor An11r . <~cks, amnly lars:e to cover the lost $50 and a watch, and L. R. McKay, numerous complaints in various sec- formerly occupied by the Oscar Deis ·whole hoch-. The swtmmers started f h dd 1 1 t all tions of the village revealed the fact ·1 1 · 1 h' 1 o t e f same a ress, 10 f osk a sn1 d that an honest-to-goodness strike has music studios. wtt 1 t 1e· llH! 1t s trts on. swam to t 1e b w1 next raft wl1ere the shirts were re- sum 0 money, aThunc 1 0 eys amn been in progres.s in the garbage colThis change gives the Chamber of · · other valuables. e men were mon~d anrl )!tven to the next swnnmer. . .. me - lector's union. Commerce much-needed additional lt prm·cd to be a very amusing handi- hers of a party who were ptcmcmg onf The difficulty arose a few weeks ago space for its rapidly developing faci· · · d the beach. They were the guests o cap race. A gtrls t~a';'l won secon 1F k M H k 310 Sh 'd ad when the concern which has the gar- lities, the new rooms being almost · · h Th · · t ran ar er. 1 en an ro , bage collection contract in the village place tn t c f'vent. e wmnm~ earn 1· h ·b h h th 1 tl had was: ~ed Ke11y. Phil Cressy, James m w ose a.t ouse e c 0 les experienced a strike among its work- twice the size of the offices just vaNormovle. Paul Bayer, Chuck Hoover be~n le.ft whtle ~orne of tl)e par.ty were ers which seriously crippled the serv- cateq. · · Sl · ..l · swtmmmg. Pollee are searchmg for anr1 Jtm . 1enuan. . The former Chamber of Commerce ice. A r{umher of new stars loomed up the thteves. Matters have been adjusted, how- rooms will be occupied by the State a . the meet advancerl. Probably the --------ever, accordin~ to information from Bank which has also found it necessary mo:::.t noticeable of these was Austin Congregational Church the Village Manager's office, and no to provide 1o1.dditional space for' its Z :mmt-rman who was in a class by interruption of the service is offices. Gets New Shingle Roof further l1i'""setf as a hreast stroke swimmer. anticipated. The · g-irls' events were well filled The First Congregational church Winners of Children's ·w ith entries. Eileen Burke. Elsie Pat- structure has just had a new roof of Bandits Slug and· Rob terso n anrl Dorothv Tucker were win- Richardson Super Giant shingles · apParade Get Dinner, S~ow ·plied by the Ajax Asphalt Shingle comners of first pl:tce in certain ev~nts. Local Man in Evanston Children of the 600 block on Washpany, local roofers under the superLife Guards in Race . While returning from visiting a ington avenue who decorated their biA 100 \'ard dash wih four life guards vision of G. W. Swiney, which en- friend in Evanston Thursday evening cycles and tricycles and entered the -as contestants was of interest. Ed- hances the appearance very much. The of last week, Prof. Frederic B. Cross- children's parade on Wilmette day, re'-'·ard A. Zimmerman of the Play- metal work is being replaced with cop.- lev, secretary and librarian of the ceiving a special group prize, were engrounrl and Recreation hoard donated per by John R. Sweet. The decorat- Northwestern ttniversitv law school, tertained by the Chamber of Com-prizes for this event. This event was ing and painting is being done by and former \Vilmette Villag-e trustee, merce at a dinner at the Central Cafe\\'on hy Luther Evans, with D Merritt Huck. · was slnQ'ged and rohhed of $11 and a teria last Friday evening. Those who E. H. Burge, Leslie L. Perry and watch by two negroes. Prof. Crossley attended the dinner were as follows: finishing second. Prizes v.-ere awarded at the finish of Mrs. Coburn assisted by the committee had been visiting- Prof. Robert W. Mary Jane Lewis, Eleanor Lewis, Rose the e\·ents. Eclward A. Zimmerman are making improvements of a per- \f;11ar. 1727 -Wesley avenue, and the ~Iarv McDermott. Betty McDermott, and ~[rs. Jov Brown of the Play- manent character at the church. rohhen· occurred not far from this Hari-ette McDermott, George McCau., !!rouncl and Recreation hoard. Harry -:rldr~'"~ on \Vesley avenue while Pro- ley, Betty Nicholson, Buddy Wales, Honn of the Pr~rk hoard, and Mrs. E. fessor Crossley was on his way home. Catherine Wales, Harriet Leach. A 0. Boddie compriserl the committee in HP was taken to the Evanston hospi- group of clowqs under the _leadership charg-e of the awards. tal where it w'"~s feared for a time that of Isabel Cracraf, also won a group The winners of the various events l1is skull wao;; fractured hut it was later prize in the children's parade, were were as follows: fot11vi that this was not the case and entertained at a theltre party the '".ht>t>lharrow race: 1\Tr·L~>an And Lyhe was able to return to his home same evening. It is ann.ounced that n-.nn Goss. first; King and Crawford: seclate Saturday. ond· 1fcBrainch and 1\Iarouardt. thtrd. winners of the first three races who 20' )·ard dash, girls under 12: Eileen did no.t get theit prize cet:tificates, can Burke, first ; Margaret Harris, second ; Schultz family Meets obtain them by calling at the office of Huth Zet?.er, third. 20 yard dash, boys under 12: Vance the Chamber of Commerce in the WitSoule. first: Ned Shapl<er, second·; Frank at Reunion ugust ! mette State bank building. l\icC'abe, third. Members of the Schultz famitv, - --- - - - - 40 yard dash, boys 12, 13 and 14 : Bill Rolmt>!'l, first: Steve Hopkins, second, reprrsented orominently in Wilmette D Will· A M Paul Youngbird, third. hv Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Schultz of 1609 r. lam · ann, r., 40 .yard dash, girls 12, 13 and 14: Elsie Lake av'!nue. will hold its annual reLeaves to Study in Vienna Patterson, first : Dorothy Tucker, second : union at Bartlett, Tit., Sunday, August D W'lt' A M J 1121 8 Ball-Side Pocket! Anne Boddie, third. 29. It is exoected that about one r. t tam · . ann, r., 50 yard dash, boys 15, 16 and 17: While away the long evenings Chuck Hoover, first; John Sheridan, sechundred members of the relationship 1 Gree~wood aven~e, wtll !eave Sunday this winter by chasing the eluond : Bob McLean, third. will attend the outing. Most of the fo.r stx mo~ths m Europe where he, 60 yard dash open to men over 16: sive ivories over the green felt. members reside in the north central wlll eng!lge m. post.-graduate study and Chuck Hoover, first; Phil Cressy, second. Fore! On today'-s want ad page : 100 yard breast stroke, open : Austin Zimsertion of Illinois. travel. He WJll satl September 3 from Did Collectors Miss Your Garbage Pail? Strike .1¥as to Blame · A 29 ; J I I merman, first; Chuck Hoover, second; Lyman Goss, third. . 100 yar-d br~ast ~roke, open to girls : Dorothy Tucket, first ; Harriet Dauber, . r- - . - · . · (Co~nued oa..- page _ 39) FOR SALE-POOL 'i'ABLE, 16 balls, 10 cues and · rack. $60. Phone Wilmette 1961. Mr. Schultz is well known in Wilmette as the Village Mana~er. having occupied that position almost ten years. Montreal to . Glasgow, ~nd. . aft.er a short tour, .wtlt be located. m Vtenna where he wtll do some spectal eye, ear~ nose and throat work .

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