Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1926, p. 38

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WILMETTE LIFE 11 HELP WANTED-MALE August Zl, 1926 · · 16 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE 21 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED - .SIX INEX- perienced young men between the ages of 19 and SITUATION ---------------------------WTD. EXPERIENCED nurse $35.00 per week. Phone Euclid 24 to sell well established 4090 W. ' 15LTN48-ltp nationally advertised Oil FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS WISHES bundle washings to take home. Univ. Burner, ·Ice Machine, and 1299. 15LT48-ltp other household appliances Hi SITUATION WANTED-1\IALE out of two splendidly -------------------------------------SITUATION WTD.- YOUNG COUPLE desires position. Will do driving, genequipped stores on the eral work, and cooking. Experienced. North Shore. A-1 references. Univ. 3453-R. 16LTN48-ltp These are pertnanent po- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sitions to Go-Getters with 17 }... OR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS -------------------------------4 MONTHS AGO; WORTH a splendid opportunity for BOUGHT $3,000. Will take $550 for all or will separate beautiful furnishings for 4advancement. rm. apt. ; 3-piece silk mohair parlor suite ; 8-plece walnut dining set ; 4\V e will train vou in our piece wahmt bedroom set; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; library table: floor and sale~ .school which · opens table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all. . Monday, August 23rd~ and 8'32 Leland ·Ave., near Sheridan Road. Chicago. Tel. Sunnyside 6190. Will you will be paid during the arrange for delfvery. 17LTN47-3tp ·training period. -----------------------------------ALMOST NEW DAY BED. NEW CAST skillet, pair of blue drapes, We also have several · aluminum 54 in. dining table, buffet and 6 chairs, Humfrey instantaneous hot ope11ings for ·· part time water heater; box couch, mahogany bookcase and upright piano. Tel. Wilmen.. .. mette 3738. 17LTN48-ltc Apply tn person at Ev- -----------------------~--~--FOR 'SALl!: - IVORY BEDROOM SET, livi'ng room chairs, couch, lamp, table, anston Office bet,veen 10 1 walnut vanity dressing table, carA. M. and 3 P. M·. l)ets, stove, · tee box, kitchen cabinet etc. Phone Wlnn. 1713. 17LTN48-ltc HOUSEHOLD DEVICES -------------------------------------FOR SALE - FINE CLARK JEWEL COMPANY · .. gas stove. Lorraine attachments, hand made oak dining table. 6 chairs·. · Evanst~n · Winnetka Glencoe 1146. 17LTN48-ltc --~~------------------------· i514 Shertnan Avenue t<"'OR S'A l .. E BEAUTIFUL MAHOGany player piano. Used. very little. Evanston, Ill. Like new. Cheap. Winn. 892. 11LTN48-lte tl . HELP W ANTED-FE11ALE : SITUATION WTD. - WILL DO TYP- FOR SALE- FOUR GRAVE LOT IN ing at home four hours a day. Mrs. Memorial Cemetery. Mason's section. F. L. McClanahan, 1410 Hlll St. Reasonable. Wilmette 765-W. 15L48-ltp 21L48-ltc FOR SALE - POOL TABLE, 16 balls, 10 cues and rack. $60. Phone Wilmette 1961. 21LTN48-ltc FOR SALE COOKING APPLES cheap at 833 Fifteenth St., Wilmette. Tel. 993-M. 21LTN48-ltp FOR SAI....E-MUSKRA'l' FUR JACKET, reasonable. Wil. 3206. 21LT48-ltc _22 ______ F_I_N_"_A_N_f'_I_A_L _ _ _ _ __ FIRS'l' MTG. LOANS UP TO $10,000. 6% Interest-2 1h % Commission. ·wm J. Bell, 69 W. Washington St., Tel. Rand. 3543 and Cent. 2579. 22LTN48-2tc IJOS'f AND FOUND ----------------LOST AN ELECTRIC GRILL ON Wilmette Ave. Reward. Call Wilmette 871. 24L48-ltc 21 26 GARDENING ----------------LANDSCAPING Finished grading, care, . cultivation, and tri,mming of shrubs. General lawn service. · FRANK KLEIN 1418 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wll. 911-W 26LT47-tfc 2; BITSTNESS SERVICE -------------------- Attention WILMETTE UPHOLSTERY SHOP FIRST CLASS UPHOLSTERING DONE . at your home or at my shop. Prices reasonable; work guaranteed. 3 Electric place. Tel. Wilmette 296. · · ·· 26LTN48-ltp 29 PAINTING AND DECORATING A.P.HILLS PAINTER AND DECORATOR Estimates given upon application. 1422 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 2,718 29L48-tfc (·pened, examined and declared by sald Board o-f Local Improvements in the Council Chamber In the Village Hall, in said Village of Wilmette. The specifications for said improvements and blank proposals will be furnished at the office of said Board of Local Improvements in said Village Hall. Proposals must be made out on blanks furnished hy said Board of Local Improvements and must be addressed to the Board of Local Iinprovements of the Village of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illinois, and indorsed "Proposals for the improvement of the central eighteen (18) feet of the first alley southwe-;t of Main Street, from Lake A venue to Wilmette A venue," and all proposals must be accompanied by cash, or a certifted check payable to the order of the President of th e Soard of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette for a sum of not less than (10) per centum of the aggr~gate of the proposal and no proposal will be considered unless accompanied by ·such check or cash. The contractor will be paid in bonds and vouchers, payable solely out of the assessment for said · improvement, when coll ected, in accordance with the proviiiions of the ordinance therefor, and in the mannE>r prescribed by law, which br,nds will bear interest at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum . The contractor to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to furnish a bond to the satisfaction and approval of the said Board of Local Improvements, in a sum equal to fifty (50) per centum of the contract price, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract. Proposals will be received for the construction of said improvement as a whole ; and said Board · of Local Impro\·enwnts r s erves the right to reject any and all bids. EARL E. ORNER JOHN CLARK BAKER ELMER D. BECKER WILFORD W. DeBERARD CLARENCE E. DRAYER PAUL A. HOFFMAN JOHN F. WIEDLIN Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L48-ltc HELP W ANTF.D - WHITE MAID FQR general housework. . Good cook. Call Wlnn. 2226. 12LTN48-ltc WANTED EXPERIENCED MAID. Three adults. Phone Wilmette 928-W. 12LTN48-ltc 13 HELP WANTED-MALE A~D FEMALE WANTED - COUPLE. BUTLER AND E'"'Cp. cook, general housework. Tel. Kenilworth 29fiH. 13LTN48-ltc u SITU'ATION WANTED-MALE EXPERIENCED CHAFFETJR, HOUSEma.n, 1Anitor. married wants high rla.ss apt. building or residence near lake. RPst ref. Paul Reinhardt. 16~6 race St., Chicago. 14LTN48-ltp SITUATION WTD. EXPERIENCED <'ll~.utrenr and ho11~E'mA n de~irE>s nositlon. Best' of references. Call WhitmorE>, Glencoe 142. 14LTN48-ltp SITUATION WTD. - 0{)0D DRIVING position wqnted by rE>llable. expertencPd chauffeur. Phone TTnlverRlty 3864. 14LTN4Sltp HOUSECLEANING, WINDOW WASH: ing-, floor wiping, and odd .iohc::. Tf'l. WJJmette 3428. 14LTN48-tfc LAWN OR HOUSEWORK OF ANY ki n d wante d b y d ay or h our. TE>l. Wllmette 2778, Weber. 14LT47-2tc SITUATION WTD. (f:OT... ORF.D) chauffeur and houseman. TJnlv. 3308J. 14LTN48-ltc SITUATION WTD. BY EXPERIencPd chautff'ltl'. Best referencf'R. Tel. University 2759-R. l4LTN48-ltp ------------------------------ --------------------------------YOUNG LADY WITH KNOWLEDGE U SITUATION 'WANTED-FEMAI;E of kindergarten desires position as nursPmald about September 5th. Can furnish references. Experienced. Address Wilmette . Life B-4. 15LTN48-2tc SITUATION WTD. HSKPR. MID. ae-Nt. Norwegian. Boy 5 years. Good <"00~. Cap. tAking full charge. Adults pref. Ret. Tel. Wlnn. 18. 15LTN48-1tp SITUATION WTD. YOUNG MAR11P-d woman with child of 3 weeks. Ll4fht housework or upstairs and care ~ ~blldren. Reasonable. &.-t ret. B-11. 15LTN48-1tc PAINTING, DECORATING, PAPERThe marriase of Miss Theda l;tlison, ing. Reasonable work. Guaranteed . Call after 6 p. m. W. Hill. DiversE>Y daughter of Mrs. G. T. Ellison, 1218 bed. spring and mattress. Phone Wil0147. 29L48-1tp Central street, Evanston, to Edward mette 2590. 17LTN48-ltp H. Naylor of Evanston and Aldcna, TlT TORING F'OR SALE - REFRIGERATOR, OAK :lO whitP lined. excellent condition. $25. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio, will take place this Saturday Evening, August 28, at 8 o'cloc\<, at the Tel. Winn. 2358. 17LTN48-ltc bride's home, before a gathering of reSUSAN D. STONE, Principal F0Tl SAT ;r~ GAS STOVR CALl. 17LTN48-ltc A SELECT SCHOOL FOR KINDER- latives. Winnetka 2fl45. garten and grade pupils. Small groups, Miss Ellison will be attended bv her short hours. Comprehensive curricu1~ W ,\ NTF.D-HOlTSEHOLD GOODS lum. Address: Andrews Allen, Glen- sister, Miss !(ranees Ellison, and her cousin Miss Sallie Windes, 244 Forest coe, during July and August. VIANTRD TO BTTY- SECOND HAND 30LTN47-tfc avenue, Winnetka. Giles Weise, 1317 furniturE> ::tnd ot.her household goods. Highest prices for s::~ me. Crost FurEstes street, Chicago, will serve as niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- FRENCH TAUGHT BY PARISIAN, evenings only. B. Borie, 635 Linden best man. anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 18!'1. A\·enue, Kenilworth, Ill. Tel. 826-RX. 18LTN47-tfc They are going to spend their honey30L47-tfc. moon by taking a boat trip ~o Macki'VINNF.TKA FTTRNITlTRF! STORE BUSIN'ESS SERVICE nac Island, going from there to DeBuy-Sell-Exrhl'lnge-NPw-Used ::a On~>n d~lly. Tu~>s., Thurs .. Sat.. 8 p. m. troit, . and A<)ena, Ohio. At Adena 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212 d they will visit Mr. Naylor's parents. 18LTN48-tfc Miss Ellison ts a former Winnetka 19 1614 Sherman St., Evanston, Ill. girl, having attended New Trier High Tel. Greenleaf 3554 school. She is a graduate of Chicago Hlf:HFST PlliCE PATD FOR MF.N'S Audits, periodical bookkeeping, systems, Normal school, and has been teaching clothing and shoes. Tel. Wll. 1351. public stenographer, notary public, 19LTN4~-4tp multig·raphing, addressing, typing, in- in Chicago public schools for several ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~ lli p t d ·;::;.2'1 serting, and rna ng. romp an years. ' AUTOMOBILES courteous service. 31LTN48-ltc Mr. Naylor's home is in Aldena, Ohio, F_O_T-t_R_A_J_JE. . --C-H __ R_Y_S_L_E_·_R_R_O_A_D _S __ T ___ :H·A EXCURSIONS but he is now a resident of Evanston, Model 70, 192fi. First class condition. -·--·-·----·--G--------- and is connected with the Hudson and Price $950. Matt Holappa, 1324 Scott 0 Essex Motor company in Evanst.on. Ave., Hubbard Woods. PhonP Winn. 663. 20LTN48-ltp FLORIDA HOME SEEKERS EXCURUpon returning from their honeysion-Sept. 7th, to Pensacola, Santa moon they will make their home with FOR SALE _ 1!) 24 MOON TOURING . Rose, Defuniak Springs, Round Trip at a bargain. Winter enclosure. Good $36.90 including auto sight seeing. For Miss Ellison's mother. rubber and paint, 219 14th St., Wilfurther information mette 776-J. 20L48-ltp Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Marshall 3749 Seminary Ave. Chicago, Ill. and their daughter, Miss Betty, of 21 l.,OR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS 31ALTN48-ltp 1038 Elmwood avenue., who sailed for an extended European tour late in FOR SALE HAND · V-BOTTOM 30 ft. cabin cruiser. Most completely PROPOSAI.S July, have traveled through Glasgow, equipped boat of its size on Lake Michigan. . Sleeps six comfortably. FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE the Trossachs 1 Loch Lomond and Loch 35 H. P. Kermath, splendid condition. FIRST ALLEY SOUTHWEST OF Katrine to Edinburgh, and thence to Lavatory, electric light, · compressed-· MAIN STREET FROM LAKE AVE- Windemere lake, where they were ::tir whistle, power-pumps, dinghy, etc. NUE TO WILMETTE AVENUE. August 10, according to word received Inspection by appointment only. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ready for (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 173) this week. cruise at moments notice. Owner buySealed proposals for the improvement -oing larger boat. H. C. Crowell. Win- of the central eighteen (18) feet of the Mrs. T. B. Potter, her daughter, Mrs. netka 229. 21LTN48-ltc 11rst alley southwest of Main Street extending from the south line of Lake Ave- Slayton, and son, all of 607 Forest LADIES - YOU CAN DO YOUR NEW nue to the northerly line of Wilmette Ave- avenue, with Miss Anna B. Ross of York shopping in the Famous Monasilk P.Ue by grading and paving with concrete Dresses. Dainty Underwear and the and otherwise improving the same In ac- 1012 Greenleaf avenue and Mrs. John Dream Figure-mold corselette, not so C:ordance with the ordinance and speci- T. Ling, left by motor Monday to heavy as corsette, more control than fications for said improvement, will be spend a week at Eagle River, Wis. . ot:dinary corselette, at my home or by received by . the Board of Local Improve- Marshall Ling and Walter Carey, 1046 appointment at your home. ments of said Village of Wilmette until Mrs. Gertrude P. Ambler 7 :30 o·clock P.M. on Tuesday, the 7th Elmwood avenue, were to go by · train 315 Green Bay Road day of September, A. D. 1926, at which a~d join the rest of the party at Eagle Phone Glencoe 934. 21LTN48-tfc time said proposals will be publicly R1ver. --------------------------------FOR - DAY BED, DOUBLE SAT..l~ l7LTN48-ltc Ellison-Naylor Wedding to Be Quiet Home Affair --------------------------------- Hawthorn School Glencoe ------------------------------- Universal offi ce an Letter Service ------------------------------ER, Let'S H. W. Spies

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