Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1926, p. 35

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· August 27, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE John · Evans ot Bonn·e ·Tt , 6., to over one-hundred-seventy-five men. The committee and interested club arrived last week- to . be the _suest in members and friends visi_t the boys as the home of his uncle, C. P. Evans of often as poss!!>le, always taking with 616 Gregory avenue, for some time. them candies, cigarette~, and similar things to cheer them. Special donations have been a Victrola, thirty pounds of candy, and many overcoats, ~uits; games, and playing cards. The committee has also put up forty pairs of curtains in "Number Eight." s~:ss The plans for this fall include a Jarge birthday party for the men at Great We have a seletdon of Lakes on September 9, another sale of the hand-work of disabled veterans at fine used Steinwat upright the home of Mrs. John Boylston on pianos. Writeforparticubar$ October 1, and a large card party at the home of Mrs. Edward ]. McArdle, 1111 Broadway avenue, on November 5. Cl~b Women Arrange FRIENDS TO WAR VETS Better H om'es Expo. Woman's Catholic Club of Wilmette for Oct. 13-14-15 Active in Service to Men in Great Lakes Hospital Warda The Highland Park Woman's club . is planr!ing to hold the first Better .American Homes exposition since the General Federation of W omens clubs adopted the slogan "Better American Homes." The exhibition will be given for the bene~t of the building fund <>n Octoper 13, 14 and 15. It will be under the auspices of the finance committee, of which Mrs. Raymond W. Stevens is chairman. For.ty exhibitors fro~ Chicago, Ev<V_!Ston, Highland Park, artd neighbor'i ng towns will display commodities for the bet~erment of the home. The auditorium floor has been a~signed to exhibits fo_ r the appointment of the home beautiful, while the dining room floor will be used for exhibits of household utilities. Although a few years <!_go the Highland Park Woman's club held a similar display, this will be far superior and will be on a much larger scale, club representatives prot_nise, and bids fair to be a big event of the fall season. usa . -- The Woman's Catholic club of Witmette is doing many worth-while things for · the disabled veterans at Great Lakes through its committee on Friendly Co-operation vVith Ex-Service Men, of which Mrs. Edward J. McArdie is chairman. f . h D urm~ t e past year two sa 1 es 0 the t11~~ s han~-work haye been . held under tr e ausptces of thts commtttee, one at ~he home of. Mrs. Joseph Joyce of Kemlworth, whtch netted $350 for the benefit of the veterans, and the second, -later in the year, at the home of Mrs. J o_hn Boylston, _1302. Chestnut avenu_e, . th1s one resulttqg m nearly $700 m ca.sh and orders. The hand~ork conststs of baskets, rugs, po.tt~ry, lm~n luncheon sets, sca~fs, an~ stmdar arttcles. The club contmued tts work along the lines of financial assistance hy collecting over $330 on Forget-MeNot day, and a card party in December netted $190 for the cause. The .committee began its work last fall ~iving a birthday party in September for fifteen men in the Eighth unit who had birthdays during the month. Hubert L. Pelott Is Home Each received personal gifts besides candy and cigarettes. Coffee, cake, From Culvers With Honors ice cream, and cigarettes were served Hubert L. Pelott, son of Mr. an~ Mrs. L. C. Pelott of 1132 Ashland avenue. returned Tuesday, August 24, from Culver Military academy, where he has spent two months in summer camp, winning the medal for excel- .. lence in drill in the Wolf Cub division of 140 boys, and also the Culver silver "C" which is awarded for making tweh·c points in nature study, swim. ming, and track meet. STEINWAY PIANOS ap Lyon&Healy Wabash at Jackson CHICAGO "PARABLE OF DESERT"-SERMON Rev. W. E. McCormack, minister of religious education in the First Cougregational church, will preach at the morning services of the church Sunday, August 29, at 11 o'clock. His sermon topic will be "A Parable of the Desert." The duration of the service is one hour for the summer period. DR. FRANK B. ERWI~ Ia tlae treatmeat of 70ur be·t frlead· tile "Doc -a Cat" All calla reeehe my penoaal atteatloa 1880 Ridge A:u. Wilmette, IU. ~pecJa.llslas Teleplaoae Wilmette 334'1 VETERINARIAN FOR DISTINCTIVE PERMANENT WAVING (Negrescou's Pure Steam Procea) At Low as tU.H Also IIAIR GOODS F o r discriminate re quirements consult Mr. John Negrescou, 30 · years on State Street. Expert Beauty Parlor Service and Artistic Ha.lr C·tttlng J THE WIGGERY SUITE liU STEVENS BLDG. 17 N. State Street Tel. .Randolph ltl5 Always ~ost economical, now by far the QUIETEST: Silent NoKOL -.. automatic OIL HEAT ~ '"'rHIS is a sensational new develop! ment in thescienceofkeepingyour modern home comfortably heated. oil heat- NoKOL. fore-delivered at the same low cost which has established a record, in more than 31,000 homes for periods up to nine years. It is the most famous of automatic As a result the demand for Silent NoKoL is breaking all records. More than $1,500,000 a month- right now- for Silent NoKOL installations in homes. Come in and see this revolution· ary betterment in modern oil heat. With noise cut to the vanishing point. With notable high efficiency of the past now actually increased. With more comfort than ever be- Silent N6............... k:O I AUTOMAm OIL IIIATIIIQ FOR IIOMII First domeetic oil burner liatt-d by Underwriters' Laboratories; approved by allleadina; safety boards. Manufactured and cuarante~d by AMERlCAN NoKoL CoMPANY, Cnicaao +---------------------------------------------------------------------------~-----+~ OIL HEATING COMPANY 215 North Michigan Avenue Telephone CentTal 7832 North Shore STanch: 1311 Chicago Avenue, Evanston Telephone UniveTsity 7420

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