Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1926, p. 22

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WILJ.iETTE LIPE August Zl, 1926 S~ut-Ins Are Beneficiaries of Society Sale . A.utumn Bride North Shore W Qmen Among Leaders in Title Golf Event OUUUUUUUOUUU99UU99V9UVUUUUUUUU9UUDOUOJUUUUUOUVUUUU. U UO . ·Shut-Ins Benefit Ethyl G. Barrett to From Sale ·Today .·be Wed September 11 at Highland Park Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Barrett of 822 North shore people who are at home now, at the end of the summer social season and before the fall season has started, will be able to attend. the sale of the products of the Vocational Society for Shut-Ins, which is being given today at the Moraine hotel in Highland Park. For the shut-ins there are no social seasons, and, as their products must be disposed of for their benefit the year 'round, is simply the good fortune 6f people who are home now that this s·a le is being given between seasons when many of our residents are still away. Mrs. ]. Waller Marshall of Winnetka, president of the Vocational Society for Shut-Ins, and the directors of the society will be in charge of the sale, which is being held today from 10 o'clock in the morning until 5 :30 o'clock in the afternoon. Frank Cushing, manager of the Moraine hotel and one of the supporters of the society, and Miss Elizabeth Robertson of Highland Park, a member of the prese~t board of directors and the first secretary of the society, were among those doing a great deal of the planning for · the sale. The sale at Highland Park last year resulted in $700 for the benefit of the Shut-Ins, and this amount is expected to be exceeded by the results of today's sale. Mrs. Laird Bell of w·i~,n~tka, will also help the work of the society by sponsoring a showing of the stock at the Huron Mountain club in Michigan, where she has been spending the summer. Mrs. William Wrigley, Jr., before leaving for her residence at Catatina islands, placed an order with the society for a large number of hooked rugs. The society was also recently helped by the will of Mrs. Montgomery Ward, in · which she remembered the shut-ins with a bequest of $5,000. Patronesses of the sale today are Mrs. Walter Baldwin, Mrs. H. M. Brown, Mrs. Alexander Carqueville, Mrs. David R. Clarke, Mrs. Charles H. Dennis, Mrs. Earl Gibbs, Mrs. Samuel Hastings, Mrs. Frank Horn, Mrs. Mary Hoffman, Mrs. Arthur J errems,J r., Mrs. George B. Lake, Mrs. W. ]. Louderback, Mrs. Waller Marshall, Mrs. Henry E. Mason, Mrs. Kellogg Speed, Mrs. George M. Stevens, Jr., Mrs. Joseph Stein, Mrs. Sidney Stein, Mrs. Eric Scudder, Mrs. Franklin E. Vaughn, Mrs. Page Wainright, Mrs. F. Wiegand and Mrs. Harrison T. Yeaton. Linden avenue, Wilmette, issued invitations this week for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ethyl G. Barrett, to Robert Kenneth Newhall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kenneth Newhall of 570o' Blackstone avenue, Chicago, to take place at the Barrett home Saturday, September 11. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev. H. F. Branch of Oak Park at 8 o'clock in the evening. Mrs. N. C. Bos (Alice Barrett) of River Forest,' will act as. matron of honor for her sister, and two other sisters of the bride, the Misses Dorothy Charlotte and Helen Muriel, will be bridesmaids. · Miss Greta Allun of Wheaton, will play the wedding music. R. F. Newhall w'ilt serve as best man for · his son, and the ushers will be Wendel Slayton, N. C. Bos of River Forest, Timothy G. Lowry and Howard Monroe of Wheaton. The house will be decorated with flowers. Miss Barrett is a graduate of New Trier High school, in the class of 1918. Mr. Newhall is a University of Chicago man. and is a member of Chi Psi fraternity. 1111111 111111111111111111111111101111 .U111 it Garden Club Members Com-hDte ·n Exh·b·t · r~ t . t 1S Members of the Wilmette Garden club . will compete in flower exhibits which will be grouped under two general heads, artistic · arrangement and flower perfection. at the annual fall flower show held by the club at its meeting Friday, September 3, in the home of Mrs. Hope Thompson, 1219 Ashland avenue. Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell, who is chairman of the committee for this falf flo~'er show, has announced plans for three smaller divisions under the head of artistic arrangement, and six under that of flower perfection, makin~ nine divisions of competition in all. Ribbons will be awarded to the winners of the first, second and third places in each of these nine groups. The first exhibit under the head of artistic arrangement will strive to find the best ways in which garden flowers Ctln he arram!ed in a basket or vase. . Fntries placed on exhibit in the next division will be wild flowers, leaves, or sprays of wild berries, or all combined , ;~rran!!ed in a basket or vasf' ~ the flowers. leaves, or berries in this exhibit are· expected to come from the woods. The third exhibit in this (!roup will be of breakfast tables laid for two. Five specifir: flower exhibits wilt be included under the general grouping of flower nerfection, together with a sixth exhibit which admits of those kinds of flowers which are not included in the first five. The five particular flowers wilt be the astor, xenia. salpi(!lossus. dahti!\ and P"ladiolus which, with the sixth misc~tlaneous group, will be judged as to perfection. Members of the Wilmette Garden club, in addition to havinr1 their flower show for the fall durinJ{ the first week in September, are takin~ char(le of the Chicavo Plant, Flower, and Fruit vuild booth in the North Western station for that week. which be~ins Au~ust 30. Mrs. C. D. Ewer is in charJ;!e of co-operation with the guild, and she flllll U11111111111111111111111111111 1111111 Symphony Sextet Giws Final Skokie Musicale The last of the· Sunday afternoon musicales at the Skokie Country club will be given Sunday, August 29, at 4:30 o'clock. The InatruQlental sextet of the Symphony Players Chicago, will give. the program. This sextet consists of two violins, a cello, a clarinet, a ftute, and a piano. Those who have heard the Little Symphony orchestra are well aware of the superior quality of its work. Interest in woman's JIOlf events at the various local clubs has this week Jliven way to the more general interest directed toward the center for a few days of the western woman's golfing world, Olympia Fields, where. !he Woman's Western Golf assoc1at10n tourney is being held, from Monday to Saturdav Although the tournament JlOt off Monday .t<? an unfavorable sta:t due to inausp1c1ous weather cond1tions, as the alternate driving rain and drizzle manaJied to k eep the course wet all dav. the north shore was well represented by successful players, and at the end of the first round matches on Tuesdav two of the sixteen players who remained in the tourney were from the north shore clubs, Miss Dorothv Klotz of' Indian Hill and Miss Virf!inia Tngram of Sunset Ridge. Miss Klotz '";tls scheduled to play Miss Elsie Hildimz of the Highland club, Grand Rapids, in the seconr1 round match play on Wednesday. an~ Miss Ingram was to meet Mrs. Perry Fiske of the Kishwaukee club, De Kalb. Still another local player, Mrs. John Miaa Ethyl G. Barrett Arends of the Wilmettf' Golf club. was · successful in the qualifying round on will be assisted on the various days by Mond::~v, turning in a card of 100 to Mrs. Charles Bixby, Mrs. Robert Tay- the to.~ of her opponf'nt. Mrs. R. C. lor, Mrs. Albert E. Gebert, president Greenlease of Blue Hilts, Kansas Citv. of the club, Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell Miss Klotz turned in a score of 92 in and Mrs. C. P. Berg. the qualih·ing round and Miss Ingram plaYed a 97. 111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 111111 In the first round of match play on Tuesda,·, Mi ss Klotz defeated Mrs. T. · Women Voters Secure Ear·1e <= t of Calumet. 7 and 6. and !\fiss Tm~n-111 defeatPr1 Miss Lillian Booth at County Fair ~frF.ntee of Olvmpia Fields, 5 and 4. Other pla~·ers from north shore golf In order that visitors to the Cook rlubs who tntered the tournament are County fair to be held at Palatine from \frs. Paul Chace· of ~kokie. Mrs. \V. Sept em her 2 t~ 6, may see in concrete T. Stein of ~unset Ridge. Mrs. Alan form the nature of the work of the Dixon of Tndian Hill. ~1 rs. Fred League of Women Voters, that organ- f'oamhs of ~unset Ridge, Mrs. C. A. Klotz of Tndbn Hill. Mis' Eva Mav ization is to have an exhibit at one of Tohnson of ~kokie. and ~fr s. T. H. the booths which wilt demonstrate the McNamara of \Vihnette. · league work. The Oak Park League 111111 11111111111111111111111 1 1111 1 11 411 111 of Women Voters is to have direct charge of the booth, and the Wilmette Card Party to Open League will assist the women· of the Catholic Club Year. western suburb for one day. The \Voman 's Catholic cluh of \VilThose in charge of the booth will mette witt open it s new club year with show visitors the bills which the a card party given o'n Frida~· afterLeague has supported recently, and noon. Sentemher 10, in the auditorium posters will show graphically the work of St. Francis Xavier school. The which is being done. A music box affair. which witt be the first ~et to{Tether after the summer vacation. which aims to show that certain kinds will h,. given under the ausnices of of effort and material always produce the \Vavs and Means committee, of like results will also be a part of the which Mrs. Robert Fontham is chairman. The party will begin at 2 exhibit. Mrs. C. P. Evans, president of the o'clock. Those ass is tin!! ~f rs. Font ham will Wilmette League of Women Voters, be Mrs. H. S. Klein. Mrs. T. T. Banwill be in charge of the booth on the delorth. Mrs. Carl Scha,.ffer, Mrs. G. day when Wilmette relieves Oak Park, E. Tarnow, Mrs. J. E. Tarleton, Mrs. and she will be assisted by other memC. F. Bunte. Mrs. F. T. Barry. Mrs. bers of the Wilmette League. MemF. T. Rothing, Mrs. C.C. Wieland. Mrs. bers of the Wilmette League of Women Voters had complete charge of the A. H. Rohol and M r". G. H. Schilbach. C. P. Dubbs of 1004 Michigan aveexhibit at the fair last year. nue, left Monday on a business trip to 1111111 111111111111111111111111111111. 111111 the · Pacific coast. r. Members of Beta Alpha chapter of Alpha Phi sorority at the University of Illinois who live in Chicago and its suburbs will give an afternoon card party September 4 at the Palmer House ·for the · benefit of its building fund. Several north shore girls are among those who are interested. e11111 111111111111111111111111111111 111111 The North ·End circle of the ConJ,!'revational church will meet Monday, August 30, in the home of Mrs. E. D Lyon, 1504 Elmwood avenue, to sew for the bazaar which is to be held during the Christmas season The meeting will commence at 2 o'clock.

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