August Zl, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE · . ,· · ev1na or · does NOT CO$t more · .... . 1 . Thy .be satiJfied UJ,.tll len ? When we make the statement that Kelvinator does not cost more, we make it without reservation. Compare model with model-food space with food space-ice cube capacity with ice cube capacity, and you'll find that Kelvinator actually costs less than other systems not so long on· the market. Then, too, you choose from the world's largest iine; you get the system of longest provedlife; and a standard of quality that has never been excelled. Such values are made possible by the fact thatKelvinator is built by the world's largest organization devoted exclusivelj to the maBufacture of electric refrigerati~h for the home. · This year Kelvinator developed a Household Bud-get Purchase Plan that makes Kelvinator very easy for anyone to own. Now there's no reason whatever, why any buyer of electric refrigeration should be satisfied with ~nything less than a Kelvinatur. The Oldest Domes Uc Electri tor frigeration Good Housekeeping Shop, Inc., 1565 Sherman Ave., EYa_ nston. I want to know more about Kelvtnator advantages in my home. Goon HousE 1565 Shennan Avenue~~~ Fountain Square I'.AJ8,::=;.-o lNG SHop, Inc University 2132 Greenleaf 2390-1 EVANSTON Na~·------~-----------Aadr-ns· - - - - - - - - -......-