Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Aug 1926, p. 10

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WILMETTE LIFE August 27, 1926 I' OR ALB-BARGAIN Wilson-Gould Wedding . to Be Held Tomorrow Miss Mary Jane Wilson of Wilmette will become the bride of Herbert A. Gould, son of Herbert A. Gould of 1130 Lake avenue, Wilmette, at a quiet weddin~ Satu.r day afternoon in the home of Mrs. Halbert Frank Riley, 730 Lake avenue. · The Rev. Leland Hobart Danforth of the Church of the Holy Comforter in Kenilworth will perform the ceremony at 4 o'clock. Miss Wilson will be _ a ttended by i Mrs. Irene Albertson of Evanston, who witt serve as matron of honor. Donald Renn<>lds of Wilmette will be best man for Mr. Gould. Frances Riley and Theodore E. R!ley will be flower girl and rin g-bearer, respectively. The hou se will be decorated with flowers, palm s, and ferns . A dinner will be served immediately after the ceremon y for the wedding guests. The young couple will leave after the wedding for a three weeks trip. On their return they will be at }lome in north Evanston. Miss Wilson attended school in Chicago, and Mr. G9uld is a graduate of New Tder High school. IGlen Flora Man One-fourth interest in Heinsen ~ Kroll, Inc., operating real estate offices in Evanston, Wilmette. Winnetka and Highland Park. For information phone John M. Bryant, attorney for Mr. Kroll. Wins Golf Club Pow-Wow Tourney v..--------------------·:. Eat RANDOLPH 4242 FISH Telephone your orders-Wilmette 64 9 No Toll We Deliver -Jft'M.MJMO....a.w 15 57 SHERMAN AVENUE . Evanston ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIUIIIIIttiiiiiiiiiiJIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItl~ First Church of Christ, Scientist WILME'ITE, ILL. Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wilma Creamer in Debut at Tea on September 8 SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. Wednesday .Testimonial Meeting-8 P. M. Sunday School Exercises 9 :45 A. M. Subject of the Leaaon Sermon August 29-uCHRIST JESUS" READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Satur~ay) 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 'i :45 P.M. Saturday' 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Sci-ence Literature may be read, bor· rowed or purchased. Mrs. William T. Cresmer of 542 Longwood avenue, Glencoe, will present her daughter, Miss Wilma, to society at a tea given in the Cresmer home on Wednesday afternoon, September 8. Mrs. Cresmer and her daughter will be assisted by Miss Harriet Hamill, Miss . Jean Gillespie, Miss Agnes Corn ell, Miss Edith Bullen, Miss Dorothy Campbell, Mrs. 'Robert B. Leffingwett. Mrs. Alfred Washington. Mrs . .Tames G. McMillan, and Mrs. Rea K . Pinkerton. Miss Hamill, - v·ho comes from Keokuk, Iowa, and - Miss Jean Gillespie, of Pittsburgh, Pa., were graduated with Miss Cresmer from National Park Seminary, and wilt be house guests 'in the Cresmer home at the time of the debut. Mme. Edith With a card of 75-77-152, J. L. Miller of Glen Flora golf club won the annual Pow-Wow tournament of the Wilmette Golf club Wednesday of ·last week, leading a field of 168 players. Miller shot an excellent game throughout, but erratic putting on the first nine holes put him several strokes above his game. His card showed six birdies and twelve pars, and most of his extra strokes came on two or three holes, on one of which a bad li~ cost him six !ftrokes. Second low medal honors were won hv T. M. Dow of the Wilmette club with a card of 77-79-156. Harry John son of Olympia Fields Country club won the low gross prize in the afternoon with a card of 76 and Ira Soper, also of Olvmoia Fields. won the low ~ross in the morning with a score of 81. The course was in fine condition and was very fast-more so than usual. according- to local players. The list of prj7e winners . follows: Firct low g-ross. thirty-six holes, J. L. Miller, Glen Flora. Second low p-rnc;;s, thirtv-cix holes, fl,rr v Tohnson. Olvmoia Fielrls. - F'r~t ·low g-ro~s. eiP"htPen holes, a. m ., I. N. Sooer, Olympia Fielqs. Fi.-.·t low ,:!ross. eip}lteen holes, P m., Frank Farnsworth.- Westmoreland. ~ p ,.~,ul lAw P"ross. eighteen holes, a. m .. H. S. Stevens . . Seconrl low J!ros s, eighteen holes. p. m .. C. M. Nichol. First tow ne~. thirt y-six holes. \V. Washb.urn. Ser.ond low g-ross, thirtv-six hole s. E . T. 'M rKt>arnan. S111nset Ridg-e, First low net, eighteen hole s. a. m .· ~ . T. Gossett. Firct lAW net. t>iP"htt>en holes. p. m .. Dr C. M. Case .. Tllinois. se~ond low net, eig-hteen hole s, a. m .. T8m O'Connor. Second low net, eighteen hole s, p. m., T. C. Poehlman. ... I I I The Public ia cordially invited to attend the Church Service· and viait the Reaclinr Room Bldeau No·melll Concert Soprano - Teacher of Voice Tone Plactng a Specialty Complete Repertoire for Concert and Opera Reserve Hours Now for Fall and Winter The Studio Bldg. I 7 1 8 Sherman Ave. Phones : Studio-Greenleaf 3523 Residence-Unw. 7278 'four elothea washed free if you rina ua ~IIIAUIIIIIHfltiiiiUllfiiiiUIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIItiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIIIIInlllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllflllllllltlltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJUIJIII1JIIItlllllllh~ th t> tl-tirt ee pth Rund l-l~· will be Holy ('ommP.,ion ::~t ~ ::t nd morning prayt-r and sermon at 11 a. m. nn .\ .. ....... c:t ro ft pr Tri.,ih·, ~1 . th ~> r e ~ . rn. St. Augustine's Ch1:1rch i I $100 Music Course Free! Through the HINSH.L\W CONSERVATORY of I The Rf'v. Francis .T. Tromp, who hM! condu cted the services at St. Augustine's during the absenct> of the rt>ctor. Dr. Hubert <:arleton, will leave Wilmette by tho middl t> of next week. nr. Carleton, who is spending his vacation at "Heart of the Pines," Post Lak t>. ·wts .. will return to Wilmette about the first of September. H e will conduct the usual services the first Sunday of the month. .... MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART Kimball Building, Chicago Accredited by Chicago Board of Educat.i on we are able to offer a free scholarship to some music student in Wilmette. You can help some friend under 21 to win it. All work done either in the Goodwin Barber Shop or Beauty Parlor entitles you to a certain number of "(otes according to the amount of work done. Ballot boxes are in both places. Help your favorite to win this wonderful epportunity I · Musie Master Loud SDeaken Base Pluss lnstallecl Fine LiD" of Lishtiq Filtara S21 Fourth Street Radio Seu and Suppliet Enready "8" Battertet Electrical Repairiq EA!i '-..4" ·Vacuum ElectriC! ·-· WASI-IER. ~ Phone Wilmette 1CMt; Adams Electric Shop r···················································~ E~tabliahed 18 54 C. H. JORDAN & CO. · Funeral Directon for 72 Year· Jordan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost of funerals considerably · 612 .GOODWIN'S Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor 1159 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 723 Davis St. Phone University 449 Wilmette Oftiu Pbont Wilmette 3 3 54 .,oo E. Erie St. CHICAGO Pboaea Superior 7709-7710 ~---·············---------------····-····~----------·

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