August ]~ 20, 1926 l'i FOR WILMETTE LIFE ~ALE-HOrSEHOLD HELP WANTED-FEMALE GOODS FINANCIAL WANTED TO BUY- FIRST MORT· gage from $3,000 to $5,000. Address Wilmette Life A-999.· 22L'1'N47-ltc 23 --------------------------A NEAT '\VA~TED JIELP WANTED- RELIABLE WHITE maid for g·eneral housework. Two adults, two y ear old child. Laundress k e ]>t. Private room and bath. ~ear transp. Phon~ Winn. 1379. 12LTN4'4-ltc white g·irl for gem·ral ho'J se work. · ~e·.v homt . ~ in family. Call Glencoe 12&2. 12LT:-.ln-ltc CO:\IPETE~T BOUGHT 2 PIE CE OV ER~TlJFFED Living room suHe, mohair, $125; :{ }Ji f:'ce .21 JA)ST A~D FOUN]) walnut llt'droom sd, spring and mattrvss, $100; douhlt:· sanitary couch \L\XTE]) - \VHI'I'E ::\IATD, GE:'\ERAL with pad, $5; porcelain top kit(·h e n ta- LO~T - BET\YEEX LI~DE~ AVE. 'L' hnust-\\'(Jrk. Plain cooking. 4 in famib·. station and no Washington Av e., hlt· and 2 chairl:', *5 ; mahogany spinet Xo \\· a~hing·. Printtt' room . 'l't·l \\·it· small red lt ·athl·r bound DeLuxe edition rl"'sJ.:, $17; Sunbeam toaster, ··lf'<:tri c nwttt· 2(107. 12LTX-ti-lV! l>i· ·kt·ns' "Pi('kwkk Pap ers ." Name h(·atf' r, ft·rnt:ry , and aluminum. Phone "Edward En·rett" writte n on fly leaf. U~t.:ncot-' 124. 17LTX47-ltc \\' .\:'\'1'1-~L> ~.-\LF:SLAnn:S 1'0 ~ELL Yalu t·d for assoc·iation. Suitable reward ling,·rit·, t·Xlkl'il· n<·~· unnt'n ·H::;arY. 101 for rdurn to i:Jo Wnshington Avenue SAL!·: D ..\VE~PORT A.~D ('l~·dt· .-\n·., Evanston. :.1. Lnlw.' C';t't·f'n- I·'OR Phont· \Yilm e ttf' 1462. 24L47-ltp <·hairs, l>n·ak fast :s!.'t, mattress, small lt'af :1H14 . l~LTX.Ji-lt e rug·s, tt·IPphotH' talllP nnd; C'ol~50.00 (111ia l liin·ary t n llll' ; odd cha irs; tabl l~ M, " . :\XTEU - v~· H lTE :\lAID FOTI C:E="· A~D ~o QUES'I'IO~H and Ht·li<tbh: g-a:s r angt-. R easonable. RE\\'.-\ r.n ··ral hPUS(·\\'orl<. S!:l:'-' nights. "list ht· ask"'rl for tlw rdurn of a new, late st Glt·nt·ot· H:L 17LTX47-~tc fond of childn·n. :1: 13.00 . Tel. ".ilnwtte nwch·l FMd roadste r , tak en from the ~4 , 4. 1 2LT~'47-lt c front of Yillag <' Thc·a tre, Aug-ust 13th. , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · ;'Oit S"\LE-0..\1\: fH~fX<: TABLE .-\~D Tel. " ' ilnwtt e 1 HiS . 24LT~47-ltc ": .-\ XTE1) CTRL '\VITH GEXERAL ehina cab ind, mahogany ht· d , brass offi<·t' H nd t~·nist l'X'" l'it·!lc·(·. " '; 1111 ,·ttt· llt'CI, tL·Iephom· stand, t'lt:C't ril' wa~hin~:, LO~'l' - FE).f ALE E~GLISH SETTER 1;ctlf Club. Phon~:> '\Vilmett e 2~1Rf1. mat·hitw and iron<·r. :18 ·1 Eldl'l' U..111e. dng-. Hl:u·k and whilf' snot ted. Libf'ral 12LTXH-ltc \Yimwtlw. iJ hon~ · \Vinn. 22~17. n ·ward. Phone "W inn . 328. 1 7L1'X -!7-ltc 2 4I.:r:-oH?-1tc H SITL\'1'10"' W.\~TEU-)JALE I F(ll{ ~.-\LE _ XE\Y LTYT:'\C: A~U DI~_ . .... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I roqm drapt>s, Cadilla<: Vacuum e lea ne r !..-),-.,--~~~~~~~~~~~....,_-....;__ yrn·xn f'OLLE( a: :\L\ x. :'11..-\ T~R H~n . and attac-hnwnts, lamp bast·:) and (L\ It n E~IXG dt·sin·s Jl(·rmant ·nt position with <"Omsl:·tdt·s, mahog'anr smokt-r st't and nwn·ial or industrial finn within <'O nfolding <: hairs. Phont> \~/innt"tka l8ti:~ . LA.~DSC"A.PI~G \'\·niPnt di !:i tan C't· (If \\. ilnH·tU· . Of JH'lJ\'011 liLT:'\47-ltJ) Pini.sht·d pTading, <·an·, t ultinHion, and ··x· ·<·uti\"t· n hilit :": lwst of l' t"f·· r··nc·t·S. tnmmlng· of :,:hruhH. l:('n~ral lawn <'all Wilmdtt· :r;:1J, ;~o 1; lith St. "'il- . 1· OR SALE - RHASS l3ED, SAX. COT ., :,:~·rvic-(·. m··ttl'. 14LTX47-1tp s tair <·arpl't, dan·nport, din. rm. ~et., 1418 \\.i lmc·t~R:;:,.K KL~I!·~I. WJ'I . n.11-'A· - - - - - - - - - - - - -·· ~w~ rang( ·, rt·frig., 1 stl. kitcht·n tablt', \. , " n ~I'ITATJOX '\VA X '1' En _ EX PERIEasy w:tl-ilwr. 10-17 Elm St., '\Vinn26LT47-tfe t'll!'t'() trt·t· man . Trirnmin!!' and nll nt'tkn. 6G!tH. 17LT47-llc ~ ldllds of trt·t· " ·ork. Phr11W ·winn . 456. 2!1 PAI~TI~(~ A~n ltE('OUATlXG 1H TX-47 ltp l ·UR SALE DIXIXC Sl:iL'ER, YJC'--------------~--·----tntlas, lwrls , s111all J)it·<·t·s, Ev··nrudt:>, EXI'f.:l!TE:"r'EP lin l . ~F. :-.r . \ :"-\ H .-\~ wys, hc,st ·, lawnmowt·r; l't<.:. Tt·l. \\.i l.:\. :\Trt!l. and Fri. OJh'n fc,r tw rman (·n t work. nwtte :liG:.. lOH Fon·:st An·. P.-\ TXT 8 n .-\XD DE( OR.-\ TOR 1st t· la~s rdt·rt"nt·t·s. ,\. ilmt"tt· · .:~ 4 :?R. liiAi-ltc· · 1:.s 11ma 1Ps 1-{I\'Pn l.U . T-ti-lt< · upon anpliC'ation. FUH S.\ Lb - L\1 PORTED CHTXE~E 1-1 2 ~ Wilmt"ltt· An·. Tt>l. Wil 2718 29 L 45 ·t1e Y« H · Xc; ~L\ X \\' .-\ XT~ \YURK AS sun parl11r furniture, 6 pit· c!·s, ert·am <"ll:tufft ·ur "~' ~· ard··nt·l': \\'i !li nc· tr· dft <"olor and hla <" k . Als(t pair pt·a('ock hoUSl'\\'llrk . .-\ddrt · ~s 'Yilmdt· · f,if,. n-2. <"ha irs and tt·a taiJIP. \Vilnwtte ~n 21. :w TUTORI~G 1.a.:rx -ti-ltp FLTX 47 -He I· OR SALE - WAXTED- GIRL, GE~ERAL H0USE~'· o rk . '\Villing to assist with child. Phone Highland Park 1860. 12LT~4i -ltc 4 MONTHS AGO; WORTH $:{ UGO. Will take $550 for all or will separate beautiful furnishings for 4 rm. apt. ; 3-piece sillt mohair parlor suite ; .8-pit-ee walnut dining set; 4-plece walnut l>OOroom set; two 9xl2 Wilton rugs; lib,.ary · table; floor and table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. 'Vill take $550.00 for all. 832 Leland .Ave. , n en.r Sheridan Road, Chicago. Tel Sunnyside 6190. Will arrang-e ror dt'liYt"ry. 17LT~47-atp Wilmette Harvest · Jt~loat TV ins Kids Parade Wednesday Perhaps the most colorful event on Wilmette day, held Wednesday, August 18, was the children's parade. Nearly one thousand of the little ones assembled, nearly all in costume and many with decorated wagons, bicycles, tricycles o r baby carriages. The parade was helo from the Village Green to the American Legion grove, where the prizes winners were picked and pre se nts ""ere given to all the children. ,,·h o participated. Fir s t prize v,·as \VOn by Frederick Mende, 4· years old, son of Herman ~fen de. 1507 Central avenue. The youngster propelled his toy automobile, \Yhich had hcen decorated in the form of a miniature Aoat labeled "Wil.. 'fl mette Harvest.. . 1e~e was . a cornucopia overA ow mg wtth frUits and vegetables. and the whole float depictcd the plenty which exists tn the village. During the judging the youthful driver became frightened and had to he quieted with a lollypop. The second prize was won by Bobby Cederberg o f Prairie avenue, who decorated hi s wagon in whit to resemble ·11 ,,·hich rode some Stllaller a l)O\\·e r 1 children. The wagon ·was pu eel y two little girls, also dressed in white, and made a ven· effective display. · · PERSONAL ROOM FURNISHED HOME TO share with business woman who enjoys uooks and trees . . Near transportation in Wilmettt>. Phone betw een 9 and 12 mornings Winnetka 465. 23LT~47-ltp 4 -------------------------- - - 11 h - - - - - - - - - - - --- J·o:-:JTIO:'\ \\'TI>.-H Y E:\.'1.)ERT!;:X<'En r·nlr·r··rl man ns ltut1t·r . n~:fl·rt·JH·t·~. Ph. \\·. Prillt·, oakland ~:l:~ll. HLTX ·ti-ltp _ IS W A YI'EH-HOFSEHOLD GOOBS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -····· \L\XTED TO BUY-S:EC'O:'\D H.-\ND furniture and other house hold goods. Highest price:s for sam . Cros t Fur!' 1·1T . \Tf()~ "·.\:'\TED HY TXTEL11itun· Store, 100·1-6 Emerson St., Evli!.!'f'ltt :'\"1'\\'t·ginn g·irl. :?:: r····rs old. anston, 111. Phone Univ. 189. ··It-an :t nd fond (tf <"h ildr· ·n. f:tmilinr lSLTX -17-tf~ \l' ith ht~USt \\' Ctl'l\ , kl1fJ\\'S l·:ngli'-' h. HISn ;tltlt· If· ~j,· , . niano lt ·s~lt ll!' to <" hildrt ·n: · ·ril~- in g-ooci hcnif.:· ·. Full pn rtktliHrs to ! \YI X XETK.-\ FUR~JTURE STORE .l,.J1 . B:tld.;, .. ~::::fi llarr~· .\\·, ... ,... o. ~rr·s . 1 13uy-Sc·II-Ex c hange-~ew-Used .J(Ihn !'t>ll , l'hi( ·ag·o. Il l. 1:iLTX4i-ltp' Cltwn daily, Tu es. , Thurs., Sat., 8 p. m. 1;,(1{1 Willow Rd. Td. Winn. 1212 :-o:I'IT.\Tffl:'\ \L\XTI·~J) - T)..\ y \Y()TIK. lSLTX 17-tfe L:ltll!dr.\· c·r t·ool-:irH!' and !'t·wing·. Lig·]lt W .\ ~'l'EJl-)JISC};LLA~EOl"S t·l>lt·rt·d g-irl, !'Oll1JWlt'nt, e xpt·ri t· IWt·d . 1:1 l'll!lll l' !;) t.: ll<'O l' L.\ \\. :'\ OR HCH'~E\YORK OF AXY kind \\':1nt··d ,,,. <I a" or hour. ' 1'. ·1. \\'i lH LT-ti -:?tl' mt· tt· · :!ii~. w; ·IH ·r.· - -· I . FUR ~ ..\LE- DEDROO:\T FtTR~lTPRE, living room tn.ult>, f·hairs, fl oo r lamp & :o;hadl', Yietrola . 675 f:r~:>enwood ..\H., r:lt· Jwot-. TL·l. (';lt· n coe 209. liLT~47-1te (i;j~l. 15T...1'X ·17-lt~ -------------------iiJ<:HE~T PRICE~ PAID f<'OR '!\fE~'S -----------------EXI'Ell'l' L\{.XPRI·~:-:~ \:"\ll l'f F'\XFP. ,,. ,tnt s wl{nl. : or half · <1~~~- ,,.l;r],· ·,,n;·l~ ,. . ,., ·lc ,\.ilnwttt· rdt'l'( ·nc·t·~. Tl'! . llou~!'ln~ (17:24. LiTAi-ltc I'! 1:\11 'I·~Tl·~XT clothing and shoes. 211 Tel. '\Yil. I:l51. 19LT~45-4tp Al."l'O)lOUII,F.S ".H fTE I:IRI. \YT~J-fE ."' . -~ -~ " ·"s hing·, il·,,n·itw;, C'lt ·nning·, nlso ('ookitW :1nrl ~t·rYing- dinnt · J·~ . <'all .,,,;i) 15LTX4i-1tp !llvttt- 1:\)o:. LAl.XDRP.~~ W.\XT~ Fnn :-:ALE - C'.\DILLAC" YI 'TOTIL\ Xo. 5!1.. Reasonahle . Tel. Kenilworth 1:l!l~l. 20J./rX47-ltc l·:XJ>Eitli·~X«'I ·~ l> \\·c.r·k ' \\'t·tl., Th11r. and Fri. ..\lsn <·an· oJ' ··hildn·n. ,.\ 1 rPfl'l't'll t'l.'!'. :'11rs. ClarkP, Yic ·tor.\· ;;1(;2. 1iiL-17-1t<' SITl . .-\TfOX \VAXTED or laundry \\'01'1\. \Vdl. Jl, ·ft· n·nc·t·S. C"LE.-\XIXG l',jy 4fi:l7. 1iiLT47-lte FOR S~\Ll~ FOR]) C"AH, FORDOR Ht·clan . in g-ood ("ondition. ~o n·asonn blt· off tor n·fuHed. Phon f' 'Yilnwtt t· :·l5!16. 201....'1'~47-ltc :?I FR~'\~IZEN BROTHERS STTl . ..\TTO~ \L\XTED-EXP. sr-;eoxn ,,·ork or ll])Htairs. ('an· of <"hPrl Hi!!·hwood 1:10~. 15LTXn-1tp Deerfield, Illinois ( 'YE J-L\YE A'l' OUR ~URSERY A I laq:!'(' display of numerous \'A.rieties of Hnrdy Phlox which art> the pride of the ga.rrlen the entire month of Aug·u~t. ~T'JT .-\ T fOX " . ..\X TED-EX!'. «'(l(IK OR '\Vc C'ordiall:v invite you to visit- Uf'; ,, ·a itn · s~ wants W(Jrl< h\' hnnr or daY during- thPir blooming ~w nson. Tli~· lmood l:W:-1 . · l:iL'l'X-17-lt]~ 'ff·lephonc D eerfield 241. f'nta.log-up on n ·qut· -st. 21LTX 46-3tc !'WTl' ATTO'S' W A ~TF.n-'r AJ,E A Nl) FE'~[ A J, t-: L.\DTES-YOU f'AX D{) YOUR KE'\V Ynrl\ ~hopping In th<> ~n.mous l\fona~ilk SJ'Itll'ATfO~ 'L\~TE]) (' 0 l" P L E. Drt'~RfiS. nainty Und(·rwear and tlw C"OIOJ:t'd, dt--sirPs position a~ cook and Dream Figure-mold corselette, Tlt)t so )1n1Jl'o;l'll1Hn. EXJ~'rit:·n('l' d. Rldf'rt--nCel'l. hNI\':'-' as rorsett<', more eontrol than ('all Winn. 2020. 1fiL1'X47-1tp orninnry C'OrseiC'tt<'. at my homE· or hY ap110i..,tment at Your home. =:rc !\Tt ..:: . (lprtrtHlP P. Amhler 1'i J'OR SAJ,F.-JlOl'SEHOJ,D G(--)DS ~15 Gn·"n Bay H.o:1r\ Phon<· <;_h'neoe !l:l4. 21 LTX 47-tfe l·'(lR ~ALE WHITE EX.\:\TELF.I> ldtc:lH·n (·ahint>t . t"::lll any time during I·OR SALE- ~TALl~ COC"Kf~REL da~·. Winn . 252. 568 Elm St. Spani<!l PUI)JW, black and · white, 4 17L'1'~47-ltl' months old. Pedh~r(·f' d. Ht>althy. g-ood natured dflgo for ('hildrt>n. Partly houst>FOP. S .\ LE A VTC"TROLA A~D A hrokt--n. Kenilworth 1831. ,.,..,nt'dion of rl'cords. Tel. Wilmette 21LTN47-ltc r;n. 17LTN47-ltc Third pnze v.-as won by Cathertne Panu shka. 1336 Elmwood avenue. riding a tricycle decorated in pink. 1 B J Fourth prize was won >Y e.ttY ane Stcnsen, riding a similar vehtcle decnra ted with ro::>es. Fifth prize was " 'O n ')" Freel Mt'ller, Jr.. rt'dt'ng a n · bicvcle. decorated with the colors of thr. \Vilmette Optomists club. 1 · 1 d d The ·children of t 1e stx mn re block on \Vashington avenue all decHa\\· ' t110fll ~chool orated their bicycles and tricycles with 0 · the same colors and came as a group, winning a social group prize. Other ~t TSA ~ n. ~TONE. Principal ' prize winners were as follows: A ~ELEC"'T' SC"l-rOOL FOR KINDER'fj 111 Richard. 1516 Gregorv . avenue, g-r~rtf'n n. nd g-radP PUJ)ils. S_mall g-ro';lt)!'l, s hip · Dorotlw M av Salter, 1708 Hi~h· ~hnrt h r·m!';. C'omnrehem;p;e rurrt cu. · k~ 1 I 1 1 Cra lnm . Arlrlt·ess: Anrln·ws Allen. Glencoe, lane1 avenue, pm < ress: s~ )e . during- .Jul~· and Aug-ust. :10LT~47-tfc craft. dressed as an old-fashiOned gtr and followed bv a gang of clowns: FRE~<"H '1'.\ n~HT BY PARISI A~. Dort's Ht'lt 1· 11 a~· 1 )ink baby carri.age · l'\'t· nin!!'f' only. B. Borie. 6~5 Lind 0n ~"' An·., K <" nilworth, Ill. Tel. 82fi-RX. Lorraine Hiltit er. blue hahy carnage 30L47-tfc F,lsic Salter, green and pink dress: Joe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Gathercoal, automobile, Dorothy Cum :l2 nc~I~F.~S SERVICE · nor, baby htH!I!\.: Mary Sederstrom red. white and blue haby buggy . ~P()RT~:\TBX ~ ~POR'l'SvVO':\TEX! HC':1lltiful hrood nf 7 Irif'h st>ttPrs. 8 "'f'"ks nlrt . Sin' "r<hampion :\fonof' C'hi l' f" fon·most Trish St'ttf"r nt stuil n nd ,,·intwr of tlw h ig-lwst honors in "' nwric-a . D:-~P'. ··nt·llt· nf Bo:'-·np' ' lwautiful .·t:> yond dN~C'ription-priz<· winn('l' nt tlw \\.alter Vette. of Chicago, has moved :\Tan·h <"hit-ng-o show. Abn\'f' tmt1J)it'S into his new $35.000 home at 251 Ced::~r ;Jr·· a heautifnl r Pd anrl T ,,·ill "'lll'<'t·s'lfull~- match tlwm ag-ainst a.twthing in 5trel't, Ravinia. erected for him by R AmL·ri<.'n . PupniPs al'l' treatt~rl ;H~·;..~in~t E.. Croshv. the well kno\vn Winnetka worms. Don't d t> lay writing- m e at onC'<', builder, ~esiding at 962 Pine street tlw~· will not lnst long- a::; ~Pidom is locatf'rl on a th< ·r<' offt>rt> d anything- of f·<lll:ll hrt' t>ding· The nrw rec;irlence is n.nd · quali .t~·. P. F. Cast·~·. Og·dt>n. Iowa. tract 75 hv 251 feet. with ravines and :-l2IA7 -ltp an abundance of larrre trN·s. just one block west of Sheridan road and · a short distancr north of County Line ~oacl The building is a true Georgi::tn nnin~ colnt~i~ I of riQ'ht room<>. with two haths · and abo a lavatory on the first floor I A lan!C sun parlor with wi!1(lows to In the last half of the sixteenth 11111 _ tlw A0or anrl hc<lted, a two-~a.r ~t inQ of tlw most excitinQ" hall game evrr tached gara?~· and a l.::tr~e fngtdatre witnes ~ ed 011 the Village Green. the installed at ttnH' r~f hutldmg are f:.~ \\'i lmrtt e A. C.'s defeated the Fort. tur~'s . . A huff hnck .veneer a~d 1 e Sheridan nine thr narrow marl.!in 1 roof g-1ve a most ~)leastnQ' ext.enor fin of one run at th.e \\'ilmette dav ish. Gyn-hp. :'·tth the no -?uckle \Vedn.e sday. A lar?"e and et~th.usiastic P'.'·nsum lath '";th thermo-~11 tnsTnlha crowd "-~1 tchecl the battle heh,·eC' n the tto;1 .. ft:a.tnre thf' c~mstructton. e P. HILLS Glencoe New Ravinia Residence Is Classed as a Model Local Nine Jflins in J1.,inal I of Overtzme Game hv terJn l" . The f1nal score ,,·as 2 to 1. hutldtng ts l1eated w1tl1 gas. - == ---------------------------- \\'ilmrtte " ·as th" first tn score.! . . · making a run 'in the inurtl1 inning. This \\';;Is discount_e~l in the fit.h. hm:·ever. ·whe n the vtsttors p11-;hed a man around, tving the scort.·. The remainr..('or{Yf' A Harper. dean of ' ·hoy~ .a der of th~ sqnll' tcn··e lnttk for Nf'w Trier Hi~h srhooL .w.ho ts goin~ th" inevitable · "local." I to ·Arizon::~: h ~ts solrl his · six room resi Boesch. \Vilmette's hurler, scored df'nu ;:~.t 414 \Vinnetka avc·nue to the winning run when. first uo m the Frank C.. G. Whitr. of Chicago; who s ixteenth frame, he connectr(l for ::~ has taken posc;ession. Thf' consider single, \vas sacrificed to second and atioh. it ts s'fl id.' was $16,()00.- The E. scooted home on a beautiful single to E. Stults Realty companv of 460 Win center. ~ netka av . nue were broktrs. George A. HwQer Home Purchasea bv Chicagoan '"a" ,