Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1926, p. 24

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24 ..... ' WILMETTE LIFE August 20, 1926 Overlooking the Entire Skokie Valley we offer the following new homes for sale: 8 Room Brick Colonial-Sunparlor, 3 baths. 1-car garage ·. S36,ooo 8 Room Stucco ltalian-Sunparlor, brukfaS[ rm .. 3 baths, art. garage .................................. S4o.ooo 8 Room Stucco-Tile roof. 3 baths, attached 1-car garage .. S38,ooo 9 Room Brick-6 bedrooms, 4 baths. large corner lot ..... $4g,ooo MUST SELL Owner bas moved away and has directed us to sell immediately his beautiful home in Northwest Glencoe. Stucco on hollow tile construction. 4 bedrooms, music room, sun, breakfast and sleeping porc~es. Hot water heat with oil burner. Convenient to school and sutton. Price $1o.ooo. An eight-story building, the last word in club building architecture and equipment and to be known as the Breakers Beach club, it is said, is being planned as another of the many improvements which are now underwa,· in "No Man's Lat1d." at the lake shore between \Vilmette and Kenilworth. The proposed Breakers Beach club. according to elaborately illustrated literature on the project, is to he located only a short distance south of the ~ite o.f the Vista de Lago· club, on a piece of ground with 353 feet of beach and 22o feet on Sheridan road. having a depth of something like 125 feet. Beach, athletic and social club life for the membership, which will include both me:~ and women. are claim set . forth in the club almouncement. Head1 quarters of the club are on the six1 teenth floor of the Nixon building, 105 \Vest Monroe street. Announce Eight-Story WEATHERS S~A. STORM Club in "No Man's Land" Arthur C. F. Geclae, Home From Enaland, Recounts Experiences in T errefic Battle of Elements Arthur C. F. Gedge, of the Hill and Stone Realty company at Winnetka, is back home safe and sound, from a . trip to Engta'nd to visit his aged mother. M ,i ngled with his thoughts of pleasure of t~e voyage over and of the old home visit '"·here he had not been for several ,·ears, are also th()ughts of the stor;ny trip encountered on the return. Mr. Gedge was aboard the Cunarder Tuscania, one of the man~· vessels which encountered the ternfic stor~11 \l\.·hich prevailed along the .Atlantic coast recenth·. The Tuscama was abo.ut 200 miles south of Halifax. Mr. Gedge san. when Capt. \Yilliam Gemmel dt>ared the decks and put his hoat in trim for the worst storm that ha s prevailed on the Atlantic for years. The Tuscania rode safely throu~h it. hut mam· boats went down with the result;-.nt. loss of mam· lives. As the boat rolled and to sed in the heavy seas. Mr. Gedge said most of th~ pa?sencrers were content to remam m their state rooms. anchored to son~e stable ohject in order to prevent thetr being pitched about like a cork on a wave. However. there were the usual v~n turesome ones aboard. who cast astde all thoughts of precaution. and in stead of heeding the warning to stay "inside," insisted on doing the small boy stunt, in a storm, and proceeded to get out into it. Fifteen ' 'oung women put on hathing suits and frisked and splashed on the deck. which was being cons.tantly washed bv terrific waves, unttl the captain was forced to dri\'e the would be mermaids to more srcure shelter. The God of \\'ar. ~fars. also was e,·identh· hanging aroun·d in close co~ junction to the planetan· elements 111 the path of the Tuscania. Mr. 9edg~ savs, for. in addition to the stagmg ot the. terrific storm. there was also a battle on hoard the . boat. A male passenger \vho had tweaked a small American flag from the butt0n hole of an e lderlv memher of the Christian Endeavor. societ\· \ras administered a smmrl beating b~· a former huck pr!,·ate of the A. E. F. The former solrlter challenged the offender to a fistic duel. on the well deck. at 5 a. m. After the duel the offender went to the hospital for five da,·s. Othendsc. ~f r. Gedge says his trip of srYen weeks was naught hut pleasure. For the most part his time ahroacl \\'as spent with his mother, at St. Yarmouth. En{!land. with frcqu~"nt short trios to London and a fe,,· other points. U r. Gedge resides at 1106 F.lm street. \\'innetka and is associaterl in the real cstatl" hu~iness ,,·ith Hilt and Stone at 5-l3 Lincoln a\·entte. A REAL BARGAIN New brick home being completed in Hubbard Woods seClion. . 3 bedrooms. 1 baths. Toilet and lavatory on 1st floor. Sunparlor and sleeping porch. Hot water heat. 1 ·ca r garage. Priced right at S11.ooo. Select Delegates Soon for State Realty Meet The convention of the State Association of Real Estate hoards will he held October 7. 8 and 9. A delegate will he chosen at the next meeting of the North Shore Real Estate board. Kankakee is so near that a large group from this vicinity is expected to attend. Reservations for hotel accommodations are to be sent to Harry L. Topping, 189 South Schuyler avenue, Kankakee. YOUR OPPORTUNITY to secure an exuptionally attractive 8 room home on wooded lot I1.5X 140 in excellent neighborhood. 5 bedrooms. Sunparlor and sleepmg porch. Hot water heat with oil burner. 1-car garage. For sale at S15.ooo. Might rent at $150 per m· o nth. McGUIRE & ORR Glencoe Office opposate Station Loop Office- 6 9 W . Washington St. Phone Glencoe 13 SELL HARPER RESIDENCE The residence of George A. Harper at 414 \Vinnetka avenue, has been sold to E. J. Stults by the E. E. StultsRealtv company. Mr. Harper, who is I dean -of bovs at New Trier High school, is going to Tucson, Ariz., for :.~n extended stay. Phone Randolph 1981 ·~ ACTION Quectc 1:: .· Place the selling of your property in our hands. Our salesmen will con.centrate ·o n selling it quickly and satisfactorily. We have funds to loan on the security of your North S h o r e R e a I E s t a t e. Consult us . about your requtrements for financing construction and similar needs. . 15 6~ Sherman Avenue Evanston

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