Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1926, p. 14

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J·. WILMETT~ LI~E August 20, 1926 Our Newest Creation in Modem Memorials J· H. ANDERSON MONUMENT Co. 5751 Ravenswood Ave.t Chicago, Illinois. Write for catalogue. · Information concerning the new Pierce-Arrow enclosed car, the first to sell under $3,000 and which has been placed on sale may be obtained from Tom Har & Sons, 1838 Ridge avenue, local dealers. The new car, the series 80 customhuilt two door coach. has bren reduced it1 price from $3.150 to $2.99'5 at Buffalo, fi gure w Itich brings it to the lo,,·est a . pnce for \\'hich a car of Pierce Arrow quality was ever offen'd to the public. . Th 1s car is one of the most popular o f the Pierce-arrow line. It has the close coupled style of a coupe. with a degree of roomine ss for its fi\'{' passengers that is not exceeded b' manv four door ::;edans. The full aluminUt~1 hodv is mounted on a framework of northern white ash. This framework is extraordinarily strong, all joints being laminated. a feature which eliminate s all SC)ttcaks anrl rattle s. . 11.( E ?3 -t · \\ranne · k· J.\ rs. ·.. f ,. E · ss 1C\' o f roarl. entertained at· golf and a bridgedinner on Tuesda,· of last \YCek at the Westmoreland Countn· club for Mr. and Mrs. Frederick BulleY. 1'fr. and Mrs. T. E. Moritz and M~. and Mrs. l,eorge Spangler. all of Kenilworth. New P.ierce-Arrow Closed Annual Picnic of Car Is Reduced in Price Railway Workers SEEK AID FOR YOUTH Near East Relief Sends Plea for Boy Exiled by Turks; Asks Funds to Help Him Through College to Be Held Soon I ;;;====================~====================~=======~ The second annual picnic to be given by the Chicago and North Western railway employes will be held, rain or Seventeen years old, parentless shine, Saturday, August 21. (afternoon through the cruelt~' of the Turks, a and evening) in the picnic grove at homeless wanderer in the wilds of Asia Riverview park, Chicago. for months. now leader of his class at the American Institute at Beirut hut The program contains a big list of cottfront"d }),. a lack of ca" .1 tltat ,,. 1 ·11 · · · d ,. \. ' 1 attractiOns anct a· goo d ttme IS as ure 01111 )el him ·to .crive UJ) hi:; studies, is, for all. There will be good music- '" ~--. · · · d d · brieflY, the storY of th e career of 0 commutllty smg111g an anctng. ne Rtt\)et.t Bcrl)crt'att·. 1 · · t he 1 unctrec l pnzes wt·11 b e 0 ff ere d m Bttt }nt 11t'ttt t"ll l11·s O\\'tJ sto r\· ·. · contests. \. 1) · · \. 10')09 I>\' 11.. foura.clto! ,-, program o f at 11 1 ettc "I ,,·a." 1 ·' 01 11 111 .\ The gratH! review led by the Chicago " ·hic'h is ncar the cit,·· of Bru ssa ~n and North \Vestcrn railway band and Turke,·. ~'f" native countrv. indeed, choral club also a flag presentation to COilllllands a· Yirw of the most attracthe 507th Battalion Railway Engineers, th·e part of the sccn<·ry there. where Army Re serve Corps, and the Chicago I enjoyed the carr of my parents. At and North \\~estern Post No. .f30, nine I used to go to sc hool. I was American Legion, ·will start at 1 :-tS . verv anxious to stmh- with the idea p. m. . of getting . some benefit. Fred \V. Sargent, president , and · 1'But in the Year 1920, towards the man _ \' other officials of the· Chicacro and fir st of ~f arch, ·when the hicrhr st sumM M North \\Tcs tcrn railway have planned mit s of the mountains "·ere not ,·ct to be present. co,·cred ·with sno\\·, thr Turk s ru st'1ed All Chicago and North \Vestern into our village. gathered all the popurailway employes and their familie s lation into the church, and rohhed u. :; will be admitted free-and all will be of everything that "·c had. !\ext \\'elcorue. mornin~.r at break of dav thrv exiled Good Housekeeping Demonstrations tn Domestic Science EARLY in September Good Housek~eping Shop will institute a FREE course of demonstrations in domestic science, illustratinp, the theory and pr.lctice of the science of food values, dietetics and kitchen economy. ARlo~ the interesting phases to be treated will be those of preparing Kelvinator frozen delicacies and of cooking 'without water with the aid of Perfection Cast Aluminum Cooking Wear. "After a n"wnth \\·e approached the us to the East. · · citv of Caeseria, whrrr T sta\'cd about onr ,·ea r. Here I was taket; into the orphanage. " ·here I continued my school course . "In 1921 we were all transferred to Beirut 1)\·' Kear East Relief. From Beirut I· was taken to the Antilvas Orphanage. Here T continued ·nw school course about three Year s an~l \\·as Yen· successful in ·m·v le sso ns. Thrice f got the first point .in all IllY )1'S S011S, being first in Ill\' class .. 0;1 Octohrr 13. 1925, T was .· ent to the American Cniversit\· of Beirut, Snia . :\"ow I am st ttd,·ing. in thi:; univers.itY." Rouncn docs . n~t know that unle ss .;ome kind-hearted American comes tn hi.; re sr ue financially, hr again will he \\'andNing the waste s of Snia. ~n Xear f.ast Rcliei througlt its Tllinois. Committer, of which forma Go\'crnor Frank 0. Lmnlen is chairman. is rnrleaYoring to obtain a snn n.;or for tl1i.; h oy. Cndrr :\car F.a;;t Re lid a dm in i:; t rat inn it co-; t<; hut ~I 00 a n ·a r to p r m ·ide f n r n n e of t he s e tt ninrtnnates. oi \rhirh then· are th r·u:-;a nd.;. · ~--~-------------------~ < :ood Housekeeping Shop, Inc., 151Jj Sherman A n·nuc, E\·anston. T shall h · glnd to kno"· more about. th e Good 1IousL'kccpins Domestic Scienr·t' D£·monstrations ;tiH.l Lunch eons. ;\' ;1 1n e . . . . . · . · · . · · , .···········.··· ).f. R('\' tl()lcls. rhairm;-~ n (li hnard nf the Continental and Cnmmerri··l Xational Rank of C'hi··a(!n, i.trt'<l" ttr·' r of th<· Tllinoi . .- Committre of :\"· ·~1 r E;r.;t ReJi,, f. and contribution s "l'llt !1· him at 37 South \\'aha .; h ;r,·t·ntte. will hr fnnrarded promptly to th«' X<·.1r F.ast. Fn·dl'rick J. ).f irhel. ex,·rutin· St' r rt·t:tn· of thr Tllinni-; rommitte<>, prom i.;es scmi-;-~nnual reports of the pr or~;rs.; of RnttnL'Il <111d hi .; pl1ntng-ranh to ;uw )H'r,on wlw \rill help . him r through college. C··orl!<' tlw .... Groups will meet at 11:30 a. m. and luncheon will be served free at noon, followed by bridge for those who desire to remain. · Classes will be limited to 25. Women's organizations are urged to make this course a part of their programs. Learn the details regarding this intensely interesting series-use the coupon or telephone! .\ddrL·s:; ........... .. .·............ I .................................. I I (H an organization) 1 ;\'a m e of group . . .......... : . . . . . : .\pproximate No. to atknd ........ I I ~----------------------~ ).f r . ; \\'. \\· . D<' Rrrarcl. her claugh 1t ·r. FlizalH'th. and snn. Fn11110n ". of ~()~ Ehm,·nnd ;1\'f'll\H'. and Dirk ).f ac;Jli:-ttr. <JIR Asl1hnd a\·r nue. rt'tunwcl ).fonrJ~,- frnm Gll'nclk. Col.. wlterr thC'\· mntnred fi,.,. 'rePks agn. ).fr. DrHet:anl rrturned from tlte \Yest ~\ugust 1. 0- Goon Hous. . . . 1565 Sherman Avenue Fountain Square lNG SHop ,Inc University 2132 Greenleaf 2390-1 \fr . and ).fr~. Ha\·r:; ).frKintH' '. of lfH5 Chestnut aHnuc. returned Sunria,· nif!ht frotn ~ month\ motor trip into northern ).fichi!!an and C'an;-rda. Th··,· snr11t thr tna iorit\· of their timr ...,t r.J£>11 lakP. anrl rrturnrcl In· \YaY of the other side of Lake ~fichigan. · -0- :.rr . anrl Mrs. Joseph Thalm;ln and famih·. Lake avenue, rPturr(cd Saturday from ;-~ t\\·o "·c,.,ks' motor trip through tl1e East and into Canada. M r. and Mrs. \Villiam ~. llevrer. formerly of \Vilmette and no\v of Rogers Park, are soending a week on their farm near Niles, Mich. EVANSTON -o-

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