Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1926, p. 10

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to WILMETTE LIFE August 20, 1926 ! Seventh Anniversary ! Percv H. Arden of . Wilmette has filed written objection with the Village board to the proposed new building Now in progress, some excepwhich it is planned to erect in "No tional Yalues at a 50% reduction. Man's Land" between \Vilmett~ and Kenilworth. Come in and take your choice. In the communication ""'hich was read before the board. ;t its meeting Tuesdav eYeninP". the author of the B. COPLAN, Prop. missive· referred - to the improvement 1126 Central Avtnot as a "hotel." " 1 11 d ·· ,. Pb6Df Wil. 2-403 avenue, left \Vednesday to spend a : '\S t.1e so-ca c .... o 'f ·' an ·s I.. an d" .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... ,,·eck in Belvidere, Ill. is outside the jurisdiction of the Vii" lagc. the hoard decided the only thing it could do in the matter was to place thc ohjrr:tion on file. It was finallv decided. however, to refer it to Villag·e Attorney Jack son. S.ALE UNIQUE STYLE SHOP North . Shore people who have summer homes at Lake Geneva and nearby resorts, will be interested in hearing about the Lake Gen~va Gar~en club flo~er and vegetable show bemg held Fnday and Saturday,. .Augu~! 20 and· 21 at Lake G~neva, W1s. This annual flower show .Is well k.nown t<? flower lovers,, and, 1s. held m Horticultural hall, m the v11lage of Lake Geneva. Prizes are awarded for. the best flowers, vegetables and frUits. -o:M iss Adelaide Jones, 1020 Centra.} Presenti Objection to Skokie Offers Ideal C b f S d Plan for Family lu Program or un ays The Sunday afternoon musicales at Skokie Country cluh seem' to have solved the distracted query, "\Vhat on 1 1 Young In Years Yet Each Washday Finds Her Old Upstairs, downstairs; kitchen to laundry, laundry to kitchen. Up and down a road that leads only to another washday. Same old story · for 52 days a year, but one too monotonous for any housewife. Whether you actually do the washing yourself or supervise it, you are depriving yourself of time that could be used for the enjoyment of more pleasant duties-golf-motoring-reading. A few words on the telephone or to Bill the Washington Laundry Man and washday would be a thing of the past. f I earth shall \Yr do with our guests today?" for the members and their friends. After an hour of decidedly worth while musical numbers. one can f lf take time for a few hole s o go . or one clines quietly at the club , who se excellrnt cuisine plea ses the most discriminating of guest.. Ida ~far Cameron gavr to her thrrc groups oi sonQ's a touch of the picturesque. last SuncJa,· afternoon. Sl1e wore a channing Ao\\"errfl hoo p-skirt costume for her first group of olcl English so ng ;;. Her rich !'on rano voi ce 11 r . and ~f rs. Charles L. \Vachs will \\·as lon~h- as she s;1 nrr "T.o,·r · Has return to their home at 934 Elmwood Eves." by. Bishop: "Ph~·llis Ha :-; s1tch avenue the last of next week after a Charming Gracr~:· In- \\' il ..;on: and "Tenamy Town.' 1 ln· Poerkel. As an few weeks' trip. e~1core . she sa ng thC' quaint lni r hy Arnt", "The La ss \Yith the Delicat e Air." A demure hlark and " ·hitr dre ss of the period of lR(i() '"a s \\'orn ior tlH:' Q"roun of "ongs fh;~t \\'ere nopular dllr inCT the administration of Lincoln. Her \·0ice was aclmirahh- suited to the clear sweetness of "\Vait for the \Yagon," "Darlinp- Kcllie f.rp,·," an.d "Brt\\·rrn You and ~fr and the Gate Po-; t." Her pnrorr. "Comin' Thnt the Rn·." was delightfull~· coqnrtti h . and nah·e. In ~fi s..; Cameron's hst groun. slH? " ·ore a gorgeous Snanish co..:tun1r. atHI h rr three sonvs were sttnf! in Soani;;h ,,·it h a fine fla ,;;h and ahanclonm<'nt . Tl,r,· \\·Prr. "Clavclitos." lw Va lverd r: "E,trellita." arrangrd hy T.1 Forge: :-~ncl "~faids of Cadiz." 1)\· Delihl" . H er encorr wa s another. Spanish snng-. 'Trelito Lindo." Linda Sool. a young Yiolini't. playrcl two groups, onr aftl"r ~fi . . s C;-~meron 's 1 fir st group and another after hrr St'Cond . Tn "On \Vinfl'S of SonQ." lw ~fend ~' l s<>o hn -Ac hron: "Serrtndr f.s·p::~nol." 1)\· Chami11adc-Kr r i . . kr: · and "Zapatcado." h~· Sare~sat f·, ~fi=-s Sool sl10wrd a sYmpathetic interprrt;ttion r~nd nnisr . Her encore. "Eyrning." h~· Ga,·lord Yost. was rxquisiteh· nwll ow ;:~nd s,,·ert. Tt "·;~s prohahl~; thr best lil·,rl of thr> group. \Ybrn ~~is~ Sool annParrd thr . erond time. :-;hr nl :l\·rd "~firlniLrht Bell . , ." ln· HPuherQ'rr-Kr~islrr: "LP Cou C'nn." h,· Danttin-!\fancn: "Polonai.;;e." hv \\'t.·iniask"·i: and a Brahms waltz arr<~nrrt' d ln- Hochstein. f0r an rncorr. ~fi.;;.;; Cr~mrron and ~fi .;;~ ~ool were ::~rromn:,nicd lw Be1tbh Tador Pnrt~'r. who lrtt nothing to he drsirrcl as acromp;l nist. Her t;mch was sure·. and ht"r shadinsY ancl rhdhm \\'rtr mos t Ac;.;ihlr. making for a prrf ect co-orrlinati,,n between accotnpanist aml artist. " ... EVA KARON SCHUR §owns ·l!!!111jJio$porllwNll' NORTH SHORE HOTEL 1605 CHICAGO AVENUE' EVANSTON o· CALL IN BILL TODAYHE'S IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY-·AND EVERY DAY ON MOTOR TRIP Aram K. ~1rstiian. \Yilmcttr rug draler. accompanied h~· ~f rs. ~f estjian and their t\\'O small children left tl1i~ \\·cek on a ten-day motor trip. They " ·ill visit at St. Louis and Davrnport. 20% Dircount on work brought in and called for New Cream Top Milk' :~ m Comes from T'!burcular· r----;--& -~!t tested cews. Samtary hood sealed oops. - 1 Ask Our Drivers Or Phone "'1lmette 3029Greenleaf 820. · lie pel' The cream taken from tbia milk will whip ···rt

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