Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Aug 1926, p. 9

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August 20, 1926 WILMET T E LIF ~ D St. John's Lutheran V\-"ilmette and J>ark avenues, Wilmette. Herman W. Meyer, M.A., pastor. 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396'. Church telephone 3111. English Lutheran Greenleaf and Seventh W illiam G u ise, pastor · Sen·ices for August 22. Worship and sermon at 11 o'clock. Mr. Eudolph Schulz, Jr., a student preparing for the ministry at Carthage college, will SERVICES conduct the service. A cordial invitation 12th Sunday after Trinity. is extended to friends to worship with !) :~0 A. l\I. Sunda y school and Bible our congregation. · cl:1s se s. . !) :45 A . 1\L First se rvi ce and se rmon. Bible s chool at 9 :45. The Bible class 11 :00 A. M. Second se rvice and se rmon: "~re asuring up to the R equire m e nts of will study the First Table of the Ten C ommandmants . The music for Rally our Tasks." · Day will be prac ticed afte r the lesson At its las t congregatio n m eeting the study. matte r of purchasing an organ was take n The Luther 1 agu e will m eet a t the up, and a n organ committee was select ed ('o n:;is ting of the pastor and 1.'heodore home of ~orman Smith, 605 Sixth street B ue nge r of V\' inne tka. If possibl e ~he Friday e ve ning· of this week. Important o rg an will be installed by the commg business will be transa cted. The young p t:OJlle and their fri e nds are invited. C hri s tma s. It will n ot he long b efore a n e w 'l\·alk will !Je laid along Wilmette ave nue at the l'hUrl' h pronerty. This would have been d one ·lo ng a go, had not the c ongr ega t~on w a ited for the co.mpletio n o f the pavmg o;· ~r ilm e tt e ave nue. you wish to start the fall season .with a new fur D ogarment ? The demand for fur coats this year will be greater than ever before, and the time is now, when you should select the skins, look over the new designs and place your . order so that your coat may be ready to wear on the first cold day. We are exclusive furriers with 16 years of practical experience in the expert making of fur garments and you will take no risk in entrusting your valuable furs to us. On Frida y e vening :H 7 o'clock our second h or se-s h oe t eam will play the T e rmina l t eam. The pastor le ft this w eek on his vacation whi ch he will spe nd in Ohio. His a ddress will he le ft with the sec r e tary C' l a~~t' S for th C hristian edu catio n of of the oouncil, ·william :\Ielbye, 2H Laure l (' hild rt' n will be b g un just afte r the be- a ve nue. g1 nnin ~ o f the sch ool t e rm. Pare nts who have c hildren be t w ee n the ages of 7 and liJ are urgL 'd to cons ide r se nding their dtildr ·n t o these classes whic h are conOn Augm;t 22, the twe lfth sunday after du c t ed at the c h~1rc h e ve ry l\Ionday and Pridav a ftl ·rnoon from 4 to 5. Thes e Trinity, th ·rt' will lw Holy Communio n at 8 .-\. :\f. a nd morning praye r and se rc lasse's a r e -fr ee to all who com~. mon a 11 A. ::\[. The Bible hour for all those who find On Tu esday, Augt;st 24, the Feast of it imp o ~ s i hi e to ath:nd the Bible classes Saint Bartholonww the Apostle, there will o n Sund a y mornings will al so be r e- IH: H oly Communi o n a t 10 A . :\I. :-;um ed o n th e SPt:ond Thursday in Oet uh e t', and will he g ive n e \'e r.r second and Durin~ the month of Augu st th e servfourth Thursday a ll through the yl'ar. in·:-- a t ~t. Augus tine's art· <·ondu r t ed by The Pro phe t s of the Old T estame nt will th!' R e \·. Francis J. Tromp, form e r l' urate h u discu ssed this year. and now rt·(·tor of < 'hri s l ·hureh, River St. ·J ohn's exte nds a c ordial invitati on Ff)rest, IllinoiR. t u t ht· puhlic , es w ·ci a lly to those who are n nt a ttili a ted with any c hurr h, to atte nd it :-; !'t'l' \ ' ices. Pro f. E. J. C have , Ph.D. of th e d e pa rtm ~.: nt ef ·duc ntio n of th ' Di\·inity S c hool o i the "Gniversity o f ('hkag·o will occupy D r. ~t a n st> ll will l w in hi s pulpit Sun- the tmlpit a t th e Baptis t churf' h. d a ~ ·. Aug-u s t ~~ . prt ·aC"hing- at the 11 o'cJ,,.. k :-w n ·j, .,. . Tlw Churl' h sch ool will Th e summer s e ss ion s o f th e Sunday c ·,,n ,··· nt· ill a ll d t.: partnH:nts at 0 :31J sch oo l begin at 9 :45. I St. Augustine's Church We are making new friends every day through our conscientious and honest work so we feel positive that we can please you too. Any garmen t made or remodeled now , will be stored free of charge until wanted. Baptist Church Methodist Church SUPERIOR FUR SHOP 1122 Central Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3527 WILMETTE <.·'( ·llll'l\. ,.,.k !' 1'1' \ ' kP " .t' diwsd ay e \·enin~· at ' .. ·, .J, )I'k is Of h' ll t o n ll. ll ··at'l,\" \ H· k · lll H: t o all to t> njo y tlwsc !'I ' ['\' i l ' t ·S , Th l' ~~ i ll -\ 1~~~~~~~ 1 -I Thtl ·wum tte Baptist c hurch a t the corner of Fores t and Av t· nu es and exte nds a cordial t o all to atte nd its short a nd m orning se rvices. is located " . ilmette in\'itation attrac tive I. I Store I Remodeling Quick :nee c\eli1lt DRESSES COATS Marvelous Values HAPPY, ACTIVE LITTLE TOTS Are they . . . who in this warm weather . .. get all their little " tummies" can hold of our pure milk ! It' s nourishing~ health giving quality gives them the tireless energy their playing desires. ln Summert ime just recollect The Winter months you must expect , T his offe r then vou won ' t reject. $7.50 $10.00 $12.75 $16.75 $19.75 To make way for d e c o r a t i n g and 0 0 D old Summertime prices for the finest winG tertime coal that ever helped to make a family feel that life was worth living. Weighed with conscienct~ pric'ed for real economy and delivered promptly. FALL OPENING. Phone Winnetka 450 We"ll do the rest. Keep Plenty on Ice! . DOWNTOWN EVANSTON_

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