August 20, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 1 "\Vilmette week," when the Wilmette Garden club will take its turn in charge of the booth of the Chicago branch of the National Plant, Fruit and Flower guild in the North Western terminal, will be the last two days of August, Monday and Tuesday, August 30 and 31, and September 1, 2 and 3, according to announcement made this week hy the president of the club, Mr&. C. Mrs . Ewer is particD . Ewer. ularlv anxious that Wilmette be unusuaily well represented during that week in the matter of contributions to the guild, and urges that any jellies, jam s. fruit, vegetables or flowers coming from the village he labeled with a small tag, saying "Wilmette," in order that the proper credit may be given. This plan applies to the entire season, a s well as to just the one week. The club again urges \Vilmette residents to bring any contribution, no matter how small, as several small on~ put together make one large one. A ss isting Mrs. Ewer on her day on Monday will he Mrs. Charles Bixby; the other four .days will be in charge of Mrs. Rohcrt B. Taylor. Mrs. Albert E. Gebert. Mrs. \Vatter Gore ~[itchell and Mrs. C. P. Berg. The Garden club also points out that, for the benefit of Wilmette reside nts, a table has been placed at the north end of the local North \Ye stern station which has on it :Mason jars fill ed " -ith \Vater, so that residents not g o ing into the city may place their fl owers here the night before. thus making it not neces sary to make the trip in the morning. Anyone going into Chicago anYtime hefore 10 o'ck1ck th e next mornit~g is reque sted to pick up th e AO\Hrs or other contributions and d eliver them at the downtown hon th. \\-hich is open up until 11 o'clock. Garden Club Has Eastern Star Members to 1 Week of August 30 Frolic in Forest Preserve The members of Wilmette chapter, at Flower Booth Order of the Eastern Star and their families, are looking forward to a· delightful afternoon and evening Saturday, the date of their picnic. It will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Galitz, at dam No .. 1, in the Forest Preserve, one mile south of Wheeling, where Mr. Galitz is superintendent of that section of the Forest Preserve. A picnic supper out under the trees, will be a feature of the outing, and everyone will take the usual "well filled basket of food," so essential to the succe ss of occasions of this nature. There will be boating, swimr.'iing and races, and "a good time is to be had by alt." The picnickers '~ill · asse·m ble at the North \Vcstern depot at 2 o'clock from whence the trip will be made in cars. Dr. Alice D. Tuttle. 913 Central avenue, Wilmette, is visiting Mrs. \Villiam A. Etnyre in Oregon, Ill., having driven down with her daughter, 'Mrs. George L. H~ring, 146 Woodland avenue, Winnetka. Dr. Tuttle expects to be back the first of next week. I Undecorated Woodwork Magazine baskets, pier cases, book shelves, tables, placques, corner shelves, waste paper baskets, cur;.. tain fixtures and other attractive items. Also T tansfer Pictures . Wilmette Window Shade & Paint Works ALFRED EVERS, Proprietor Glass, Picture Ft·aming, Mirrors and Mirror Resilvering, Art Materials and Wall paper 113 3 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 3493· care WISe or to Request Permit to Put Gas Station in Village T he Standard Oil compan~· has rcquc :; ted pe rmi :;~ i o n from the \-illage (If \\.ilmet tc to erect a filling station n n the so uth side of Oakwood a\'enue and th e \\·eo.;t side of ~[ain street. The pr()pt):-ed :-;itc i~ just acros s the strret 1 fr n111 the :; ecti on zonrtl for enterprises of t h i ~ nature and the Villag-e hoard, a t it .; mee ting Tue sday evening. " ·hen t he petition wa ~ formally pre:;ented, mer e!_ , - placed tlw document on file . Pr e~ irlent Orner stat ed informalh· that l1e understood that the little. fansha ped pil're o f \·a cant just acro:;s the :'tr<T t. on the north side of Oak\\·ood ;111 d ,,-hirh i ~ znned to pe rmit an oitl "tat inn. · is b eing held for ~36.000. around to this friendly DRIVE repair shop and ask us to find the trouble. We' II gladly help you-it's part of our service. .... i "Emerson's is always a good auto suggestion." Prevailing .Paris Styles ·Q \\.i lliam D. Lean- and his famih-. 430 T en t h ~tr ee t. !cit -la st \Yeek- end -for a I ~t nt it)ll at Sio.;tcr Bay, \Vis . -· ~~=============~ -d ' :!nllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'.lllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllltllllllltltl~ First Church of Christ, Scientist WILMETIE, ILL. Tenth Street and Central Avenue I I . We~nee:t~~~~es~.m~~ial SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A.M., Sunday 9~:~to~~ M~xercises ~ Subject ef the Leason Sermon August 22- 11MIND" READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS: OR street wear these frocks are very acceptable in the late Summer and early FalL . You can malce them yourself at small cost. At our piece-goods department you will find many appropriate materials ro choose from and at our pattern departmeilt you will futd Butterick Patterns including Ddtor. Th~ Deltor is a wonderful dressmaking guide that shows you with pictures how to make each dress from start to finish. Daily .(except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to., :45 P.M. Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and Works of Ma:-y Baker Eddy and all oth"r authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. We also sell Pictorial Review Patterns - = ~ The Public is cordially invited to attend the ·Church Services and visit the Readina Room WORTHEN -CARRICO CO. 1146-48 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette ~ Luullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll:uulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllruummnulllnnuururllllllllllllll;lllllllllrrrrnii' IIIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 """11111Uauwd