Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1926, p. 3

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.. = August 13, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE OUR TREES COME HIGH IN STATURE AND VALUE Committee Finish All Details for Big Wilmette Day Hauls the Crowd \·arion:. acti\·iti~_·:-; tu he held on \\ ' ilrn_l't te clay, \Vedne sday, Augu st 18. Three squ ad lea der s of t ht: Boy Fn1al arrangements ha\·e now been Scr 1 uh engage d in the tree SttrHy re- co tn plt'ted aq d members of the ChamRe sidents of we st Kenilworth had puned to :..raj. C eor~y R. Ha r l)a ugh he r are anticipating the largest attentheir inning at the meeting of the at a n~cet in g at thl' \ tll age hall ~[ o n- rl a ncl' an cl mn:-.t l'lljo~·able communit\· Ken=\\\'orth Yillage Board of Trustees <h~·. llt). dlt th~ \ they had completed 1picnic cn~r held. Chairmen of the thl·.1r \\·()rk. 1 he first to repnrt the I \·ari() u:-; commirtec~. \\·lw \\'ill he in last :..ronday cYenmg, \Yhen they a:-:-.tgnnH.·nt:-. done \\'as J oe Crumlish, ckugc of \\ 'i lmt- . te den ·. arc as iollo\\' : turned out nearly one hundred strong ~'-h". k~d ~h~ ea:-t .a rH.l_ we:;t ·tret:t-; in I F. ]. Budin~er: gn.: ~111cb co!nmittee: to hear David S. Eisenclrath, their at~Or!c.: \ l). -· ,tnd Del Calch\'cll, \\·lw !wd La\\'r ence J. Scht!clgren, park in g comtorney, make a protest against tbt! new t ,_ : t· ~~~~nh an:I .:-u uth . trccb in Zone ; mittee: J()hn Oa\·ie:-;, Bo c)t hs : Carl water tO\YCr being erected in the we:->t );o. ,). and Cl·c,r. l!'l' Bn-;ch. "·ith th. · i Stemer. decorat ions: Ernest Cazel. 1 11· :- h and . r1 ttth :-.~rcets in 7. cJ!lL' ~ 0 1, races: Oria 1 i Galitz. children's parade; section of the Yillage. a],~) rcpnrkr_l thc tr ':·ork done. ; \\'_il li ;::rn Ta y lor. ~·onces .1 i n n :': ) · \~·alX early 200 property O\Yners of the ~l·nu " taktng p;1rt tn the ;:; urn·,· can ' t_ct .\1.'1:- on . dancrng: D an. C.r. Stt les. ) section we st of the tracks have ren,,.,,. r.ccn):!·r_J.izc any c1f the Yar ieti-L·s nf ; hnaiJCe: J. C. .Capen.· ligh ting: J_ohn [ cently fo rmer~ , ai-, organization known t:·L.L" 111 \\ tltnctll'. One \Ya · a "stick- J. ~l ~~ra11. 1 11lh tc an d transportation; as the \\"e st Kenilworth Property L·!::\ -; }.t \\·a:-; dc-;rribcd c1n thL· ~tcp.:- Dand \'_cbn;1. par.arlt·: :\ . _s . VanDeu0\\'llers assoc iation for the purpose rll thl· \ tllage hall tn Forestn :..ra\-, '1.' 11 · n:tatl pnzes: (,eor .~e \\ httc. whole of securing some means of beautificaht rcplil·rl. "That must he a \\-hL·at l ~ \- ";tlv. pr izl'..,: f.l ,,yrJ J! 1dli:;tt.:r. puhlicit:-· : tion for the new \Yater tower. It is tl:1t. Let'..; g1> l()nk at it." · 1 Lul! a . . Br11 ther..;. rdrc:'lllltt·nt..; at the a huge stee l . s tructure \\'hich, accor~~~' t l 1 c~· jour1wyed to th e north- : .·\n~ eric;lll .Legio n .I.!TI>\'e: Ed\\·ard :..r cing to the state ments of these rest\':v ... · C()rnn rJi Shnicbn roa d and Ccn- · Ctllre. rt·ln· . . ~lllll'll ,. at ~he \ .illage dent s. is an e\·esore. Property m'\·ners ·.· ..,[ ;t\ L 'llll\' to find he ~urtni..,l· corr ·c t. · (~rCL'n. as~crt that ~~ n ee construction of the "I ha, · .... ;l \\'heatl~.·y cltn. all l'il!'ht." .\f r. TilL· prrol!Tam durint£ the n 1r,rnin1.! and tank st<~rtecl prope rt~· Yalues in the .\l.o~ .< <w l. "ft'-; an illl JJOrtL·d trn·. One altt:rJJ·lUil \\ill l>l' hvld it,r the ' most Yicinit\· ha\·e fallen off from t\\'enty to ·~· l·ll :· \\·valthy Jl()rth ..-hore re..,idents part at ·the \ "illa~L' Cr cen. " ·hilL· the t\\' C ll t ~-·- fin: per cent. !"l· 't·:-::_\ paid s~oo iiJt' a tfl'l' like that." . t.:\'l'lling prO[!T~Ull \ri ll he at the :\meriInterests Disregarded? $1,000,000 in Trees ra n f.e1.!i 1111 t!TO\'l. T he d<1ncinl{ \\·ill be Eisenclrath. a Chicago attorney: ":ho \\'i·: 1 tht·. :-iltn·c)· about one-th ird ' (:n t~H· ' 1 utdo .~r n ,~n : at th~, , E!Tm·c. R e- 1 J ohn J. ~Joran, whose daily task it 1 has been secur ed by the assoctat10n <' · ll:;.J~··,·d. ~rr,u , icll ttl gue-;.-in~ ho\\' lrL':'hrnents o~ ;d) k tnd..; \\111 he nn :'ale i~ til supe n ·ise the (lpcration oi elec- to repre~en t them. told _mcmbe_rs of J::·tt:.:· trtT" tht·rl' ;lrt' in \\.il mette on a IJL)th the Crnn and tlle gro,·e. trk railro ads in and about Chicago, t_he boa rd th_at _the ,,·es t Side restde~t. s 1 '1' 111 ' t~ '-!:·.,unc I lllL·.ur . I 1·till.! the park:'. It '· lla . . i>L't·n hande d the \Try suitable j.1 }) telt th a t t I1e1r mteres ts I1a d . l >een d b· ,. ·:- IJILtll:,· ;t :..:n·(·d tktt ~.onn to 100UO John Davies Will Build c,l attL·nrliiH.! to the tran~portatinn on regarclecl '"ht::n the constrnctton of the 1 \'.·~·::·! >l' ·t..; llt· 'tr a..; crllild l>v trdd ir:on' 8 h f WI D I \\.i llnl'ttc- cl ay. :..r r. ~f or an \\·ill alirc:c t ! ta nk \\·.a s authoriz~cl. and that they _ f~lt t'·,. _i!l:··l r! J:: I·irlll ill hand . . \ t'l'Ord in ~ oot s or i mette ay 'thl· ,CiJC'duk c>i the Xorth Shore lin e I they_ dtd not : ece tve the same con~t?rr ..:.w~· , 1 ·i thl' pre--irknt of th~ i .-\rrilnJ.. :·l·rnL·Itt 1 ,j thl' hoot h.; 10 con- hthSL'~ \Yhich arc to play-\\·ithout crat1011 as re stclents east of the tracks . . \" ·,·:·.·,·:t ll Fnrl·,tr.'· a.;.;nciati()n, SIOO a ta in the \\ 'illllcttc da\· rlincc-.,sions at chan. ~·t·-hctwel'll the \\'ilmett e a\·L· nuc He sai d that the organization which 1 ' llrllll' U;,, llit!h an . a\·erJL.!c i·) :- the .-\ mcrictn Ln..:it·ll- ~T, 1 \·~_· 0 11 T,.. t:·~·~· ke .;tati . ~n :JtH! thL· picnic gT1>\'l' irnlll llCH;n he repre se nted had no intention of 1 1 1 :.: . ·~.- rl 'rt 'L" r i a "L'n·icc al!'L', an d an·t;llL'. 1a, I>L·cn unt.il tniclnigln: :\nd jt~ st by \\·a~· · r; i t ryin~Z to block an~· proceedings, hut. 1 '1 ' ~· 1111 '-'.~otrlrl 1 bcL· Ill' \·;due at S l.~O !cit \\·ith _Llhtt t<:~~tng nn a btt nwre or the responst- I on the contrary. \\'tshed to co-operate '..? ~~~ t:·t·L·, hcJr,nginl!' tc, \\ 'il,-jl'~. iJu ilclinl! con- htltty, :..rr. :..l tll';tn has agreed to pro- 1 \Yith the hoard. He suggested that " 11 · ···· , . :t!"t· wr~rth 'nllll'thill!.! lih· a milt:-ac 1.r. and h j :' I Yi dc thl' mth ic ior the da~·-that is. ; :-;onH' m eans of concealing. or ornaJ!, IJ , ri~~~~ -~ ~~ . . . I I I l 1 I 1 . I 1 ll I t l d r ;; pabk C<?ll ttn ittyc. t ll' PlH a1 _ 1C Clrc ll'.;tra .. : o 111 , ~-"·c 1 mentll1g t H.' tan' C?U c_ >e o:u~~ an \ :· · ··· tlt· >ltn '-'Y i' fini--hl'cl. a state\f r. Dane ~ . bemg unrkr:-- tand. 1-i nnt a llltl :' tl'l<.Lll. I he 1 reqtH. '--tecl nn he halt ot the 1 otdent., I"·:.: ··I· t' lll t' l'l!t·nc.'· \\'l)rk "ill he m;uk · a hni ld er In· pro- lli Ldtla nd P a rk Doys ' hand and J oe I nf \\.e:'t Kenih,·orth that the Board :., .. ,. ll· l~ r·:tnl 11 i Tru:-;tL-c .... . \\·ith an it·,,j 011 . " ·ill haYe Schneider':' orche;;tra \\·ill pro ,·i<k the in .. tr uct the Yilla!re engineer to pre~·-·i· .· t'l · "i rn--t tn (I·) tl.lc' C'tll·' t·rr~_·tl('\" 1 -:~ · f tl · k · " ' " ' tlJ n,e hnoth.; co n- l<Hmn ny. · I p:trr plans an 11 e:-;t1mates or n s \YOr . \'. ~:·:.: :c' \\ l'l l ;t.., 1lte l'X',lt'll.; .. 1 ,-~- til-,. " "1 . ' trliL'tCrl i 11 J t g .\lr. \] ,,ran \\:1.., \\ 'illlll't L' cla,Funds Not Available ··rrl!·: tr.\ lll:tirltl'll:i lll'L'. \. f.·11·,,r II ,·1r· ch:1ir- 1 tirliL'. it is prollli.:-ed mar1 a iv\\· n·ar.; a!..!". He ha, been r President bme s C. ~1urray an], ·;.1 _.· , l·xpt·l·t , t ile ~ttrH·,· in he finJohn Davies and \\ill abo 'l'l' to a':-"L·iatt-rl \\i.tll tiw ·Cila111her eli Cnlll- 1s\\'ered his 6k'a hy stating the hoard i-·~· · ~ 11 "' l:t't r IJ.>n ~t·pt.L·Inhc r 1. :t r:nt th1·\· ;tl-t: ;lttrarti \·v h· it·-,tt>tlllL'd ll l t'r~·c· ;llll tO -.,t ..,irll'l' j·.., inct·ption . l)r I \\·a~ in !'ympath~· with those who ! \\ 'hvrl ·' ~ ~u hl·:1r thL· h;~mlner.:- <1nri \rhcn it \\·a~ :'t ill the X c,\· Trier Cum- \\·is hcd to beautii~· the to\\·er, but Orian Galitz to Handle . I ~.t\,. , nHr at. thv l!'rO\T in the nL' Xt tllcrc ia l as:'OL' iati t!IL nne call and could do nnthin_g hccau:-;c of the cost 1 . Ch"Jd , t··" clay .... yc, ttll kn(l\\' that Jnhn <1tHl \·nu'll lind hitn on the job. He said that 1 ,j ~uch an und ertakin g.' BIg I ren s Parade . lti..; l'ilrjll'lltl"'-. ;tl'l' !!<:'tin~· tllill!.!S all j' at the time th e tO\\'t' r \\'CIS authorized \\':~l! rv tll' ci;[_, \\·,, uJ~l n"t ht· :t Cll:npltte li:--t·cl up i ~~r tht· hi!.! day. Look t 0 Thi Ma t the matter had been con's idererl. hut J:.· ·~·,, \\j:)!l>!ll t:lt' t. '!J ild rl'll·~ p;lra dt..> s n th;~.t it ha d been founrl that a shell of · · ;:::t· irr:l'1 1r';rrlt it·aturl· oi the CONCESSIONNAIRE Handle the Money BaP. 1masonn· t 0 conc ea l the structure l' ·.;· j~'\ ll l i'\ lt<~hl:t _\' h;t... ],l'l' ll pbt"L'rl Ill I \\'ill i:tlll T a~· ](lr. pre,ident nf til~ .,Ttb t ;[S ..;ure as \\-ilm ette ria\· d am ~ : \\'llllld cost fr~m S25 :000 to $-W,OOO and 1 t:l:· c.tPaiJ!t- hand . . . llf \\'ih nl':tc l' h:Jlllht.:r (Ji Cn!nltterce. is the C wmlH't· oi Cnnm1erc:e- cxp1.' Ct:' : that _the a\·;ulahle tun;ls would not 1 1 1 ):· :·" (~ :-~ litl ()i11 t hv L·hairnLtl l oi :!1l· r"tll'e~' i"n" com!ll it- Dan (~. Stiks. \· i c~.'-prL·.;icknt of th e pc mn t :'tiCh an cxpendtturc. \\. ih'll'ltt· \r :- i r tt'l' f~q· \\"i;llll'tt e cl .1 \· . :-rr. T a,·lor i~· \\"ilmt'tt~.· S tate Tn the di sc ussion that follo\\·ed the ~~ ~ OllL'· t'i tllv n·tna11,· 11! the Cl;aml>er l>nnL:. to b~.· <·n the .-occches mcnthers of the hoard said . :.l :·. (~ ; 1 '1itl ln.; Jr: a nd ah\ ;1~ .. 011 :h · j .. lJ !ll help tl t\l \rith It) h:,nrlk th~.· fi- th:-~t :-;ince th e c. timates for hcautify.r:~:'~~·d i 1' r !'l:llle the Clllll nunit~· htol id a_, at'i'air'. p; !lH'L·, r1t the i n~! thl tank had lleen prepar ed com,,: .. ,:1d llL'\'. '-ttr]l l'l:-l'S l'11ll111lllllit\· e\'l' ll t. lllllllications had been recei\·cd from a 1 1 ·!' :··~· k irlcliL" and i \\·i·: 1 all ·the ro n- <:t'lll<..llt ron.;t ntc t ion company which t' · ·'llirlt-ntl.\· l"\jll'cts c,·.., , illn' . the dance n!Tt· rt·rl tn build ;l ~tncco shell of Jllore Jr. :1 :t,.,. "t'\'t'r;J] hun;,rH I ,qhn icatnres n .. 1, ,..; arti:-.tir des ign for the ,..;um of cl:·vcl ·'·nlllll!.,ll'r..; in \\ hl'n· in i. . in\·o l- SlO.OOO. 1 11 1 11' li: lt' i 111.1r ch. Orian Galitz \'l.·d the CL 1in of i T he hoard then instructt'd the viiT i·, . .,. ,iltthittl t)ara· 1 '[ · 1 d t IJ L' rc·a 111. ·' r. b "l' encrtneer tn prepare n ans an clt r, \\ il! he l'l'\\;trckcl in till' ,;l;l'll' ni :-:,tilt's has a ge nu- ' <::'~imatc·; fnr t!Ji.;; "·ork. The crmrd 1111i1Jl' l;t,·nr:' ;trHl -.,omdhiJJ!..!. in ;ultliti"n ' Dan G. Stiles i 11 ~_· ta.:-k ill'iore !!:Jt ltl' rco at the meeting was th" larg1 · ' li t·,·t tl:t· l'l'flllir L 'll1t·nh <·,f thL· .--, ... ~.<..'t~1im . Tt':-: an all-day j ~~~> :tnd la~B i ar c:-;t tn atteno a sc~s ion. of the ~ 7 il1aee t"" · '1 p:da!l'S. tn~~· tlt t· :-tn;.tll hour~ nt _t l.l l' lll'X !· o:H' Board fnr a long t11ne. tt \\'as sa 1cl: Tile 1 \lr. Calitz \rant:; C'H'n· ht),. and ~irl Jlllt!..! llt lllc'llt!11n. .\lr. ~tile:-. \\'lll ill'·· nL'\\" tower is a part of the muntctpal in t hL' \·ilh:...rt· \\'h n is nf)lt- t;) \ralk. tn: I till';·L· :1!.-!ai n t1 1 i~ ~-L·~~.~ . ":it.;l h. i.; ~-~,rp~- of I \\·ater. system. recenth~ ~akcn o \·e r and ge in to the parade. Bett er th a n that . ! assJStanh an d the c.lgt..' a:- In:-. hct~cl- ~ no\\' 1n the process oi nnpruY"111Cllt. "h rirH..:· the !Jug·gie s and Ptt'l! thn..;e \Yh<) quarters. ____ :Jrl' :-t ill too yntlllQ tn PL'ratnhub tl' ." he "~~.,·~. "There'll he !'11llletllilll!' iClr c\·CLUB FUND cusTODIAN · DECORATES THE TOWN ·cr.\· l:l . . t (llll' of them." Ho\\' can this unfortunate lady Ccnrge \\'oodruff. Yice-chairman and Carl H. Sterner. '"ell knov:n clcccwfrom Fletcher street Fletcherize OJlL'ratin~ hL·ad of the national hank ' <1tcor. has the suitable task of directing GROUND'S BOSS without her teeth? This ad \rill of the Repul~li.c: Chic~g~. has a~cepte~ I the matter of decor~ting- the husir;ess F. J. Budinger. \\.ilmette real '-' state get them Lack-unless they're on the r~: s1~nnstl~ ~ltty or 'Custocltan ot j thoroughfares for \Vtlmette day, \\ edoperator. is chairman oi the grnunds the bottom of the lake: Funds t.or \ tsta Del Lag-o, the ne\\' nesday. August 18. He has requested committee for \\'il1nette da,·. He \\'ill LOST-SET OF TEE:TLI T:\" PARK north shore club located on Sheridan that the residents of the Yillage cohan~ two places tn ~ upcn·i~c. the \ ·ilat tlw hL·adL Tt'l. Wt·llingto n rnacl just south of Kenihrorth. :..rr. onerate bY hanging out the' stars and lagc Green, scene of the hall game~ and ll!7 -L ~1tHi Fll.'t<:llL't' ::-;t,l h;t FlorJrl \\.oodruff is an enthusiastic sportsman stripes on- that day. :\[r. Sterner is a other athletic e\·ents and the Gro\·c on l hicng·o. as \Yell as banker, O\Yning one of the ch::t. rer meinher of the Chamber of Lake aYenue. finest motor y<1chts on Lake 1Iichi~J~" ' ··omm~rce. 1 1 Survey of Forest Treasures By Com mitte :; of the \\.ilmette Chamber · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Boy Scouts One-Third Como i Commerce ha\·e bee n hard at \\·ork for \H~eb arranging the details of the pleted- Give Some Facts I 1 · I D a- l 1 1 1 ° . 1 1 ,.,. I I 1 1 She Lost Her Teet ! h 'J

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