Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1926, p. 44

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44 WILMETTE LIFE August 13, 1926 SPECIAL ASSESSliENT NOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lwhkh have en~red teams in ilie league are : Knights of Colun:bus, YILLAGE OF WILMETTE- SPECIAL Tentlinal Athletic club, CongregatiOnal ASSESSMEXT NO. 179. church; American Legion, English Lutheran church, Baptist church, PresXOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE.~ to all bvterian church St. Joseph church 1wrRons interested that the P,restdent and Bo~rd of Trustees of the Village of Wiln:tet~e BEACH DAY RESULTS the onl~ trouble was it g?t late t?o (two teams), and St. John's church. · 1 the CountY of Cook and State of Ilhnots The score and lTtteup of the games ~~aving . The weekly \~·ilmctte Beach day early. Now the n~xt eYent 1s a s~ect~l ordered that the central ei~hteen "·ere as follows: <18) feet of the first alley sout~ of Greenheld last Friday afternoon under the treat for a~l the 'nnners of the \\. B. s )la 'ed ~Iondav nio·ht 0 lt~ a f Asenue, extending from Stxth Street 1 ) · auspices of th~ \Vilmette Recreation and the Ftsh emblems. A mt>rlt·a n Lt'gion to Seventh Street in Bloc~ Eleven (~1), Knight of ('olUJU· hurrau was featured ln· the keenest J3 Lake · Shore Addition to Wt_Imett~, be ll~lbus 13 c. proved by grading· and panng wtt~l P<?t tcompetition of any up to the present Girls Play Hostess to Their Mothers , 'tt-int>r c. Colt" r.~·is"·ald P. hnd Cement conc:rete and. otherw~s e time. Great crowds were on hand to A dozen of the little g-irls who are St(>fft>ns :::..s. Orr lb. pro,·ing· the same,'. the ordm~nce or ~y~ · Schnt-id ... r lb. wit ne:-;s this interesting- Beach event "regulars" at the 1 Pder~ o n 2b. f'a me being on fil e 111 the office dof t~J ~}J)eac 1 1 p 1aygroun d m L. Sehal"ffc:r ~h. ~ldlanrel ::ih. lage Clerk of said Yillagel an. s~t C 1 .and to participate in the contests. the mornings entertained their mothers Sl'hinlL·r o.L .-\nder:--on ~us. la~·t· haYing· applied to the Count) ourt s.s. Prohahly the mo. t interesting and on last \Vednesday at \\'a shington D ~::· Hayt· Ynn T!l1tlP,'ell S.l-'. or ( ool;: County, Illinois, for an asl-;~::S::;1 11 o.f. ll'l'llt (\f the cost of said improYementl nc·novel l'Vrnt of the afternoon program park. They had real refreshments con- ~~~~~<~r1 ~ ;, ~: ( :oulll .lohn~cm o.f. , .,·,nling- to lwnt>fits and asHt' Ssment tlwn·was the toy yacht race, the first of Its sistiHg of ice cream and cake and nuts Wet·ks o.f. ('Pvhran o.t. rnr ha ·ing ht'PI1 mad~ an<!_ r eturned ~o in cunning littl e nut cups that they .\ . ~l'hat>ffc·r P . kind C\'er to he run off on the vVil1 :-<:li d Court <Docl<~t :-.;o. 1~9)1 the ~~,l:ll l: u~lbh J,nth(·rall ~ h··aring· tJwreon wtll be h,Pid on the. ..... , t <~ mette heach . Four entries of the tim· had made themseh·es. They played Tt·rmlnul A. c. H . . · 1 <la ,. of A ug·ust, · .-\... D. 1!)2b, at t e n o cloc~" craft were on the schedule. The vachts some of the games that they play a~ Hot> rher c. ~m1th ?:1 ~· ·~r. .. or a::; ::,;oon t~er eaft e t: as the lmsiraced from the raft in to thc.shor l? the playground and dancerl . orne folk nlail'dc' ll P. LitH ·ht· rg-..t· :.' ,.' l!t·:--:-< of th e eourt wtll pe rmtt. 1-'c ·tt'l'!"t'll · . . lll. bobbing- up an(l do\\'n over the \van·s dances and sang- some original song·s Pmn·r::; ~t :· ri, ~:~: .\li p l·r~on:-- d.-siring ma~· fil e ohJtoction~ St·itlkt·ck 2b. <" CJX v in ~aid <'.,ui·t bt'fnr·· said clay and ma_y 1 I l in as :-.lately a fashion as larger sea and acted out song~. I t \\"O tt 11 c >C 1an Engl'l ;:t,. ~lc ·lh\'t· ~~~ :tpJh':ll' un th · h ·a ring· and makt th eir craft. The ,-ac ht . of \Yarren l\foore to say \l·ho enjoyed the party the most, . \\"Pld1 s.s. (~a:,. I) 11 '· Ll··ft· n,.:e. ~.:--. \\·on first pian\ closely followed hy the mothers or the children. One fea- 11lai~-Hl t·ll (;uj :,.,(· .!. ~aid ll!'dinalll'. ]ll'()\' ides for the cnllt·t'. lk l Br·. ·mnwr o.f. that (ti Charks Stdes. Til(' resul t \\·as lure of the atternoon was a ta · )Y \\"inl11 · r~ ( ;uJ.-r C. ti11Jl c1f :-<aid a~~~, ~~nwnt in fin' annual o.f. ( it,:-;tallm··nt:-<, \Yitl_l :.lllllU.al in.tc·l'I' St th· · r· ·~ o.r. .:'\c~nll ~t· l'!.! so pleasing to the officials that it was ~fr. D. ~f. Da,·is , \\"ilmette"s rccrea- llolan · -- 1 1111 at th t· r atc· 11t ~tx (1,) Jki LTntum Jlt'l on the " ·nrk that is hcin.,· decided to hohl another race on the tion dirl'ctor HaJlfi ... t i :tntnitn, a~ Jll"<·\'i(ll ·l} J,:--· Ia\\·. . .. ' . :--.1 ( ' oll!!l"l'l.!'lltWnal 1:! annual \V ilmet t c \\.a tcr Ca rn i,.a 1 dav. done 111 \~ tl111ctte and thL' ylans tor .the . L. lta\·i:-; ]! <:utiJrill!.!t l '. 1 '.c tc ·ll. \\'i1nwtt1·, Jllin~.i~ . ·\u g-m=t ;,, August 20. · future ot the Dureau ot Recreatt ::>IL 1 1~ . r: .. th :!1 ·. \\.L! i. t!ll~ ~.:'. .\ . 1 ). J ~ ·~t;. 1!.t "':--> ( · < 'htth1· ::1·. ... f'li.\P.Ll·,:-: X. E\".\X!-' The handicap race fnr g-irk in ,,·h ich ).J rs. l);t\·is "a s abo onL' oi th~ gueo;;t;;.I.J. 1 ; .. rrl ·lt .\. nc l!"!:'lll:t ll ::-: .:,... ]' 1·1'!-'"ll ; pjl)illt· ·!l h:--· tht · Pr~ ·:-i cl· · !il · tht· girls swam from the raft to shore (·. r. ..\lt-J.i"\\' < '. < Hd· ·r ~ -"·· (1f th·· ~ ~11;\!'1} 11 t' J,llt '; ll Tll ljll'll\'t·nil ' lil,... ~11, 1: .. t ~ d LEAGUE GAMES START 1>. Fbh· ·r 11.1. \\'ith o11e hand til'd to thl'ir sides, th ·· Y ill;t~·- 11t' \\' ilm··ltt ·, < ·,~" i;: t' ;tllltd .. ·i1 . J J 1 .1. ( "]n\ t·l' n.t'. JH"OYed a unique and intcrc~litH~- errnt. · :\ crowd l':-tilllatccl at fi\' 1 ·"lllll~-. Jl liwd:- . 1 11 rn :t k· · :-<:tiel :t:-]i .. I :; tl ' l .i t C ll\11( n·r \ '. l!it-h:trcbPit 11.1. (. r. Thi., racl' wa-, \\'<lll ll\· lhrrid Dauber. pl·ople ~;l\\ the playg-r~tund hall league 1( . K "rr l ltll ' tll · 1. I· ·· J:1 !'111 t " ·ith Harriet Young- ~cro nd, Fl:-.ic Pat- ~t·t undn \\ay ~l t1nday night at th ~ I \\·. ~!o-t"<·rn w .-1;: 1'. tcr:-. on third. and \Yinuiircd 5toerck \ "i1la uc Crec11. -----------------fm1rth. Th~·· kagm· organizl'rl undl'r the I T ht· bst \\'innl'r:-- in tlw Y arhlUS a 11 ., p i ~- e :-. 1.· i t he \ \" i lm e t t L· Boa r d o i R L' .- ; rrcatton 1s contpo~cd of ten team::.. tn·nh \n·re as foliO\\ ':' : \\.hee1harrow ran·: ll('rhert -:\far - l·:: tc h tl'atn play" 11 inc game~. t lte con· qu:ud and Ed,,·ard SL·hul'tte. first; tests being- playc(l nn (J!Iday, \\" cd tH.'S Stcn Hopkins and Jttitior 1-.:aYanaugh. da y and Thursda ,. ni g-ht:;. sta rting at A la.q.,rl' truphy \\·ill lJL' ~eco nd: Tames Baker and Drake Old- 7 ·o.clnck. en, third·: Boh c:;hnntaJl and Bob Kel - a\\':u·ded the " ·inner oi th e league at the close of the se;tson, \\'hich ends kY. fourth. ·cra\\'1 ~troke r acl' . ho,·s under SL·ptember 15. The ,·arion; c1nc organization, t\\T1H': \ ranee 5oulc. flt:st: ] ac k Holmes, seron(t; Xed Shapkcr, third; 1 girls: Jane 1fcGinky. ftr:'t: Eilccn DR. ARTHUR H. TUTTLE I Hurh·, second: Anne ).farie \\'ilson, DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE third. (_ ra'"' stroke, boys t\\·cln' . thriteen Osteopathic Physicians and fourteen: Hill Holt)ws. hr!->t: Ja me :; Residence and Office Hakcr, sec::>nd: Francis Kennedy, "See this u·or.ld before the next" Phone 300 'on the thir(l; Paul Young-berg-. fourth; girls: Fl~ie Pattl'rson: first: l{uth Zctser, second: Kathnn Pearson and \\.innifred P.arrv. tie.d fnr tltircl. Cra\\'1 s-troke race, boys fifteen, six. teen and ~en~nteen: Boh ~f cLean. first; Bill Holmes. second: James Al dn. third; girls: Harriet Dauber. first; \\" inniired Stoerck, second. !, The "fish" emblem a\\'ardl'd to those S\vimming to the ropes and rdttrn \\'aS ,,·on by \Van·en 1foore, George \Vhite, \\'illiam Sorsen, Charles Sh·les. l\fary 2 Peter:-;on and Sally Zaren·n1;a. . "\V. B's." ginn .for swimming to the 132 glorious days ··· 55 ashore for sightsecond sandbar and h:tck were \\"On lw seeing ··· timed with climate at its best th" following hoy~ and g-irls: Pat~l in every country visited. Hu,hitH!, Harriett Young, Rose Gash. Plan now to take the Canadian Pacific Jack \Vield1in, Eugene Lougherin. \vorld cruise-from New York Dec. 2, Dick McGinley. 'Marguerite Gordon, on the palatial Empress of Scotland, ~farg-arct Harris. Janr Korman. Jack 25,000 gross tons, famed for cruising \\' oo<lhead, Arthur Heinrichs. Dick comfort. '!\f ann. Charles Pat tcr:'on, Phil O'ConSpend Christmas in the Holy Land; nell. ~farshall Peterson, \ Tic Dauber. New Year's Eve in Cairo; then on to ESSON number one for ~wn India; China, 411 days in Peking; Malay~anc~· nutter, George Quinlan, Laers· of new autos ts to sia; Japan- 20 countries in all. Rates, Yerne Popp, \\'a lter Linrlhlacl. Jack rake care of your car. We will including all necessary expenses, shore J(aufman, Kenneth 1\foller. Harold excursions, hotel accommodations, etc. give vou some advice if you drive 0:-.horn, \[arinn Po\\"crs and Katherine aurprisingly low. around £o this friendly garage. Pom:.>rs. Further information from Arlditional points for entering and "Emerson's is always good local steamship agents, 01' finishing- events were won hy l\ancy auto suggestion." Butler, Ruth Zctser. Tanc ~IcGinlev, Earl E. Ornt·!', (' . & X. " ·· Station, '\'illl1f'llc· Ill' I~. ~. E ! w r ·rth~-~ Stc·amship Ann \Vilso·~· Junior l~a ,-ana ug-h. Bob <;t·tH ·ral Ag-t ·nt. ';'1 E . . ladi:l-'<~11 Dlnl., Tt-lt· Jlhll!lt·: \\':tl·a~h l~lltl, Chicago; Ill. ~herman, George \\"hite. Jolm ~f cD::>we 11. Charle.;; St\·krs. ~fan· Florence, Strve Hopkins: Arthur l:fcinrichs and James R<1 ker. Beach Party A Beach party sponsored by the Bureau of Recreation \\"as held on Frirlav last at the beach for boys and gi;ls over 12 years of age. There was a hon fire and eats and games and en·ryone had a dandy g-ood time anrl Wilmette Playground Events I u;l- 1 I .\. f l 1 '. J 1 .f. : 1 I I · 1 _ o 1 (1t' I I ";;~ S.S.Empress of Seotland ) · CllUISE lrom New York·Dec. L

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